#1800 That's right! All it took was 30 short years and things had fallen back in the "pits"!
#1801   It is time for Christians to wake up!
#1802   They have "gotten the victory" over the beast and now notice the song they sing!
#1803   His doctrine and His truth, do not come from men. They come from heaven... directly from Him.
#1804 There has never been a greater, more blessed nation on earth than the United States of America.
#1805   Is God fair? Is He a God of fairness?" The answer is "Of course there is no unrighteousness with God"! He is completely fair. It is written that God is NOT a respecter of persons. You get what is coming to you, both good and bad!
#1806   They have no idea that the "starving people" of the great famine in our land are the people sitting in their dung "phews"!
#1807   Ezekiel 28:12 is a description of Satan! So do not be trapped into believing that he walks around in long-handled red underwear sporting horns and carrying a pitchfork.
#1808   "O ye priests (ministers), this commandment is for you!" HELLO!
#1809    It is evident that most priests (preachers, etc.) of Christianity today, just as it was in the type set forth by their counterparts in the days of Ezra, prefer to remain in the comfort of Babylon's prosperity.
#1810   Unless a person who is converted becomes as a little child on a spiritual level, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.
#1811   (Mal. 2:8) is written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come (1 Cor. 10:11), which means this final generation.
#1812   The two houses of Israel, Judah with Benjamin (House of Judah) and the 10 northern tribes (House of Israel), are separate "sticks" (Ezek. 37) at this time, i.e. they are two separate branches! And Ezek. 37 declares that they SHALL NOT be joined back together UNTIL Christ returns! So how is it that when Christian ministers speak of Israel they speak only of Jews? Go figure.
#1813   Those who worship the abomination and wed the first messiah shall be "cut off" from the covenant, from the marriage, from the first resurrection.
#1814Not every one that claims they are a Christian shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
#1815He is wearied and He is disgusted and He soon will put an end to it!
#1816   How many times have you heard doubters and scoffers ask the question, "If there is a loving God, a just God, why does He allow bad and evil things to happen to people?"
#1817"Do you know where the God of Judgment will begin His judgment when He comes?"
#1818So "Where is the God of Judgment?"
#1819   There is no need to guess or wonder why curses and pestilences have come upon our land?
#1820The priests and preachers think that what they do is good in the sight of the LORD!
#1821   "Get your house in order!"
#1822"The day [which] cometh" spoken of in verse 1 is that "great and dreadful Day of the Lord" spoken of a few verses hence in Mal. 4:5
#1823   If you have eyes to see and ears hear and you are one of those spoken of in verse two who love and serve Him, then pay close attention to the next verse because it is written to YOU!
#1824Elijah the prophet, not Elijah the the Tishbite, shall be sent unto His messenger's in the last days just BEFORE the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD!
#1825 745BC to 1776AD = 2520 years - Check it out! Coincidence? Not a chance! God's plan and His timetable are perfect.

(click pamphlet number to read)

What a masterpiece the great Book of Revelation, the Book of the Uncovering, the Book of the Unveiling.

Revelation "The Complete Book"

"The Seven End Time Churches"
Chapters 1 through 3

"The Seven Seals"
Chapters 4 through 7

"The Seven Trumpets"
Chapters 8 through 11

In chapter 12 we'll see "Two Great Signs in Heaven"
In chapter 13 we'll see "The Beasts of Revelation"
In chapter 14 we'll see"The Harvest;The Vision of Armageddon"
Chapters 12 through 14

A Supernatural Wonder in Heaven
"Seven Angels Pour Out the Seven Golden Vials Full of the Wrath of God"
But First Those Who Who are Saved and Overcome the Beast Will Sing the Song of Moses which is the 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy, it sums up the plan of salvation, which draws from the entire Word of God, which is the Word of the Lamb, which is His Song. You can learn it here in Chapter 15 or you can go to Deuteronomy and learn it there. One thing is for sure you want to know what it says; especially if you are saved and going to be singing it in heaven! Don't you think!
Chapters 15 through 16

"The judgment of the "Great Whore"
Do you remember, while talking about the temple in Luke 21:6, Jesus said, "the day will come, in which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.''  Well this is it!  Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation reveal how it will happen.
Chapters 17 through 19

Chapter 20 "The Millennium Chapter" SATAN IMPRISONED for 1000 years
Chapter 21 "The 3rd Heaven and the 3rd earth"
Chapter 22 "The Tree of Life is Restored"
Chapters 20 through 22

Introduction to the Revelation of Jesus Christ
#1826   The Book of vision has been UNSEALED, free and open for the partaking and understanding by God's "servants".
#1827 There is nothing prophetically nor symbolically new in Revelation.
The Patmos Vision
#1828 If you are not one His servants, forget it, you won't get the pictures. You'll think that "locusts", when we come to them, are big bugs out to bite you.
#1829 Jesus Christ has something to say to all the churches of TODAY
#1830 He has made us priests and kings to reign at a yet future time, i.e. during the Millennium.
#1831   Would you believe me if I told you that the Book of Revelation is one of the easiest, if not "the" easiest books of the Bible to understand?
#1832 Today you will read what happens on "the day of the Lord", so don't listen to this "it happened on Sunday" stuff anymore!
#1833 So John will write for us from the perspective of the Lord's Day (NO, NOT SUNDAY!), the first day of the millennium, all the things which he saw, both past, present and yet future.
Revelation of the Existing Churches of Today
#1834 There are only two churches Christ finds no fault with.
#1835 Let's pay close attention to what Jesus says to the church in Smyrna, for there are only two churches that Christ will find no fault with, this one and the church in Philadelphia. Hey, go with a winner!
#1836   If someone left you a fortune, and recorded it in his last will and testament, but the will laid on the coffee table and no one read it, then you wouldn't know about the fortune and consequently you couldn't claim it.
#1837 Learn the simplicity of the use of symbology.
#1838 Do you have any idea what a grove is? If you're like many people you're probably thinking Ahab planted a bunch of trees.
#1839 If you don't know when the day of the Lord comes, you'll worship the false messiah, guaranteed!
#1840    I will write upon him my new name!
#1841   As a Christian, how important do you believe it is to study the Bible?
#1842 And so we now find ourselves in the midst of the great famine of the end time that Christ warned us about in Matthew 24 and Mark 13.
#1843   An Open Door in Heaven!
Revelation of events after the Church Age ends
#1844 Please join us for this fantastic trip into the heavens.
#1845Four beasts - the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
#1846 Have you ever wondered what heaven looks like? Wonder no more!
#1847 The Seven Spirits of God which are sent forth into all the earth.
#1848 Christ has foretold us all things. He has revealed it all, taken off all the seals!  "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" The Four Hidden Dynasties of the New World Order Revelation 6:1-8
#1849 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
#1850 6 verses of the 6th seal in the 6th chapter of the Book of Revelation
#1851 Untimely figs are figs out of season, i.e. not ripe.
#1852 There are books and tapes and lectures and discussions and guesses as to what is the "mark of the beast" prevalent everywhere today. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
#1853 John then saw the four angels whose job it is to bring about the final events of this flesh age.
#1854 One the biggest reasons preachers and ministers of today are clueless about end-time Bible prophecies is because they don't understand that all twelve sons of Jacob/Israel were Israelites (born of Jacob, who was Israel), but they are not Jews. Only those of his son Judah were of Judah, i.e. "Jews". They don't have a clue where the 12 Tribes of Israel are today!
#1855 If you have the mentality of "back in Biblical times" you may not want to read this!
#1856All sealed? Good, we're ready for the 7 Trumpets.
#1857 We're going to War! But NOT against flesh and blood!
#1858 Let the action begin!
#1859 For those whose eyes are just starting to open, these things were examples of the spiritual application for the end times!
#1860 The death that is brought upon men in the end times is "spiritual death", not the death of the flesh body. In other words, if you're looking for a physical sword that might kill your flesh you'll never notice the one that just sliced your soul in half!
#1861 Wormwood means bitter (Chernobyl in Russian).
#1862 The majority of Christianity falls into this category
#1863 Notice that the judgment begins at the house of the Lord, His sanctuary (1 Peter 4:17). Preachers beware!!!
#1864 Since we can't see with flesh eyes a "soul" or "spirit" being cut in half with a "tradition of men" or blown up with a deadly "lie bomb" or slowly suffocated with "dragon gas", in the book of Revelation God has chosen to illustrate what is actually occurring by using common analogies familiar to man.
#1865 This final generation will confront the "supernatural" face to face.
#1866   These are the angels of Genesis chapter 6 who left their first estateand came to earth to take to wife the daughters of Adam.
#1867 Woe, Woe! We're in the second woe! The 6th Trumpet has sounded and all hell is breaking loose!
#1868There be will lots of excitement during this 6th Trump.   Are you ready?
#1869John is being told to measure three things for destruction:the temple (which is supposed to be God's house), the altar (where the sacrifice is given), and those that worship therein (those in the temple).
#1870Jesus Christ is going to CRASH this bash.
#1871    And the abomination who sits in the temple with his cronies, claiming to be Jesus, performs yet another of his long line of "religious deeds", dating back to garden of Eden, beginning with Abel. He murders them, too!
#1872What a masterpiece the great Book of Revelation,
John is going to SEE in PICTURE format the very plan of God, from the first earth age even to the third (last) earth age, all in one chapter.
#1873   Can you SEE the PICTURE. She is a very beautiful woman.
#1874And there was war in heaven!
#1875What is the most dangerous doctrine/belief in Christianity today?
#1876   Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation is to many folks one of the scariest and most misunderstood chapters in all the Bible.
#1877 This number we skipped accidentally when we produced this series on Revelation
#1878Got your radio on?  The locusts are coming soon! And the dragon with them! Right after the NWO takes a hit! It's the next benchmark in Bible prophecy! You are there!
#1879Isn't studying God's Word in these last days exciting?
#1880When they read "kill with the sword" they think about their flesh
#1881Will you know one pebble from another?
#1882In chapter 14 we get to see what is happening on earth when Jesus Christ returns.
#1883Yes, there will be preaching and teaching during the Millennium.
#1884It's the Day of the Lord, the first day of Millennium here on earth.
#1885You don't harvest "grapes" with a sickle!
#1886Will your church be elsewhere getting squeezed in the winepress.
#1887And when they became "fat and happy", with plenty to eat, with money in the bank and plush 401k's, and plenty of entertainment, then they didn't have much time for God.
#1888Their churches are full of emptiness.
#1889Do you know why in Luke 4:19-20 did Jesus stand up in the synagogue and read only the first half of Isa. 61:2?
#1890The Lord God Almighty is in charge. He alone "calls the shots" and that's the way it is.
#1891"and the blood will run as high as a horse's bridle for two hundred miles."
#1892   You see, no one would worship "the Beast" if they believed he was "the Beast"! They WON'T KNOW he's "the Beast"! They will IMAGINE that he is Jesus Christ
#1893They think Satan is some bad dude who will be going around killing people after they're gone!
#1894   Those who don't "make it" in the first resurrection will be called "the dead" during the Millennium.
#1895Even His wrath upon the kenites is an act of love. For in their severe chastisement lies their hope.
#1896   Satan himself, is present in the 6th Seal, the 6th Trump, and 6th Vial. "666" Amazing isn't it!
#1897Now think about it. The whole world will be worshipping the false messiah and will think that Jesus is ALREADY HERE!
#1898   They will think Jesus has already returned and it's heaven on earth, peace and safety, all is well.
#1899   While most whores know they are "whoring around" most idolaters of religion think they serve God.
#1900   It is time to wake up to the reality of churchianity!
#1901She was gorgeous, but she was a whore!
#1902It will not be "Jesus in Jerusalem" when the false christ arrives. It will be "Satan in Babylon"!
#1903   Is she married to the real "Jesus in Jerusalem"? No, she's married to "Satan in Babylon".
#1904Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen. The end of all religious confusion has come, for Jesus Christ has returned.
#1905   Confusion, confusion! And it all comes from not studying the Word of God!
#1906John meets with one of our own brethren while in heaven,  only he was in his spiritual body, not his flesh body.
#1907Heaven opened! Hey, the veil, that spiritual dimension that we can only see through darkly, has been parted.
#1908To describe  the white horses that Christ returns on as high-tech, even using the terminology from the knowledge we possess in this space age, would be a gross understatement.
#1909Here then is the PICTURE of the end of all flesh at the sound of the 7th Trump:
#1911   Understand that we are now in the Millennium! There are no more flesh people!
#1912(After all, we were created after the image of God and the angels, the host of heaven, the sons of God, i.e. ourselves. So we will all look like "ourselves" after which we were created in the image of.)
#1913Do we read in Revelation 20:10 that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever? No we do not.
#1914This is the last day of this earth age and the full God head comes to earth.
#1915   What will it be like living here with our God our Father?
#1916The lake of fire is the second death, the DESTRUCTION of the wicked souls! (This happens after the Millennium not after this flesh age)
#1917They are all gone, so let's get on with eternity!
#1918Yes, there are the different "races" present in the eternity
#1919   What an incredible source of information this picture Book of Revelation has been to those of us who have willingly taken the time to SEE the PICTURES and then read the simple explanations of the symbols and imagery used by the Holy Spirit to teach us.
The Last Message of The Bible
#1920The angel makes it perfectly clear that he is "one of us" who has lived in the flesh,
#1921But as it is written, the "learned", the PhD's, the seminary graduates, the professors of theologies and philosophies, who should teach our people the visions and the words of the prophecies of this book do not understand it, and we shall learn why from great prophet Isaiah!
#1922The battle of the end times is not to cut flesh but to cut souls.


#1906John meets with one of our own brethren while in heaven,  only he was in his spiritual body, not his flesh body.

#1911   Understand that we are now in the Millennium! There are no more flesh people!
#1912(After all, we were created after the image of God and the angels, the host of heaven, the sons of God, i.e. ourselves. So we will all look like "ourselves" after which we were created in the image of.)
#1913Do we read in Revelation 20:10 that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever?No we do not.
#1914Now we'll discuss the last day of this earth age when the full God head comes to earth.
#1915What will it be like living here with our God our Father?
#1916The lake of fire is the second death, the DESTRUCTION of the wicked souls!
#1917They are all gone, so let's get on with eternity!
#1918Yes, there are the different "races" present in the eternity
#1919What an incredible source of information this picture Book of Revelation has been to those of us who have willingly taken the time to SEE the PICTURES and then read the simple explanations of the symbols and imagery used by the Holy Spirit to teach us.
#1920     The angel makes it perfectly clear that he is "one of us" who has lived in the flesh.
#1921But as it is written, the "learned", the PhD's, the seminary graduates, the professors of theologies and philosophies, who should teach our people the visions and the words of the prophecies of this book do not understand it, and we shall learn why from great prophet Isaiah!
#1922The battle of the end times is not to cut flesh but to cut souls.
Introduction To Hebrews
#1923Book of Hebrews is a truly remarkable "transition" book "crossing over" from the Old Testament to the New Testament
#1924  We hope and pray that you can "relate to" and partake of the incredible dinner Paul has prepared for us.
#1925"If we cannot see the things which are unseen, i.e. which are invisible to the naked eye, how can we learn and know about the things of the spirit?
#1926   Flesh man cannot see God who is in the spiritual, and therefore invisible, dimension. So Jesus Christ came to this earth and by Him and through Him hath declared the Father.
#1927   That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
#1928   The majority of our people have not ears to hear (understand) nor eyes to see (spiritually perceive).
#1929 So never let the "ignorant" milk bottle suckers give you this "All you need is salvation and baptism" stuff!
#1930   The corruptible (flesh, earthly body) putting on the incorruptible (spiritual, heavenly body) is NOT THE SAME thing as the "mortal" putting on "immortality".
#1931   Many of our beloved Christian brothers and sisters have never seen the wonderfully beautiful picture of Hebrews chapter two in its entirety.
#1932   Do you know why He endured the direct face to face temptation by Satan and then suffered humiliating ridicule and a bloody scourging and the severe cruelty of death by crucifixion on a Roman cross? There is more to it than most of us have been taught.
#1933   Jesus Christ quoted and taught this entire 22nd Psalm while He hung on the cross.
#1934   All of us must be born "from above", into the sack of water and then be re-born of the spirit in order to enter into the kingdom of God.
#1935   It is the "will of God" to bring many sons to glory though the training (I'll call it) in the flesh!
#1936   We all know too well that we are all subject to the pains and sufferings and death of this corruptible flesh.
#1937   You either believe the Word of God or you just think you do.
#1938   "Are you one of those to whom Paul is addressing in this first verse?"
#1939You see, just to believe that Christ is God or that there is only one God, is not what true belief is
#1940   Consider that this generation has witnessed greater miracles than any generation in the history of mankind!
#1941You see, just saying you believe doesn't make it so.
#1942The question is, "Do you believe in the real Jesus Christ, the Son of God, or do you believe in the other Christ, the fake Christ, Satan as the spurious mesiah?
#1943The apostle Paul, chosen by God before the foundation of this world (Eph. 1:4) to carry forth His truth as an OBEDIENT servant of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, disagrees with many of our preachers and ministers!
#1944We have thus seen by example and clear explanation from Paul that it is only those who believe, only those who have faith and trust in Him, who shall enter into His rest.
#1945 Why was the preaching of the gospel of no benefit to the Isrealites in the wilderness?
#1946  If you are just hanging around going to church and awaiting the Rapturemobile to come give you a ride to never-never land, you better take heed to the example of unbelief Paul has so patiently brought to our attention.
#1947   Paul refers to that example of "unbelief" which is disobedience to God's Word.
#1948   There is much more to God's Word than most Christians have been taught.
#1949Christ is the author of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him, not those who only say they believe and worship Him with their lips
(Isa. 29:13).
#1950  The truth of the matter is that our people just do not care to take the time to study the letter their Father wrote to them giving them all the wisdom and knowledge they will ever need to be blessed and happy in the flesh and enter into His eternal rest!
#1951 It is no wonder that the spurious messiah will be so popular and deceive the whole world including the majority of Christianity when he comes claiming to be the real Messiah.
#1952 Simply open your mouth and take the little book and begin to eat it as per His instructions!
#1953 (Unfortunately because of the famine, few Christians are even familiar with the wondrous "world that then was (Gen. 1:2, 2 Pet. 3:6)" that God destroyed following Satan's rebellion.)
#1954 What is it that is to accompany salvation?
#1955Do not harden your heart and stubbornly hold on to the traditions of men
#1956   I guess that shoots a hole in the old "Left Behind" theory Satan has milk bottle Christians believing, doesn't it?
#1957Isn't it interesting that so many Christian churches often teach exactly the opposite of what the Word of God says?
#1958 You will even find in Bible commentaries that many supposed learned men refer to Melchisedec as a "mysterious" one.
#159 Are you one who believes that Christ was a "Jew", meaning He was only of the tribe of Judah, when infact He was also half of the tribe of Levi. This is only "evident" to those who have been enriched by the meat of His Word.
#1960 Christianity is not contained in religion nor in the following after traditions... it is the reality of knowing Him.
#1961 Jesus Christ in the flesh both descended of the kingship line (through Judah) and the priesthood line (through Levi)
#1962 The simplicity of all this is that "Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God,
 #1963 We are complete in Him. We do not need buildings and ordinances and circumcisions, nor do we need to keep certain days or abstain from this or that or have priests offer gifts and sacrifices.
#1964Is the Word of God sealed in your mind and written in your heart whereby you have "life"?
#1965  Do you realize that if it were not for the Old Testament, the New Testament would be impossible to understand because so many of the words of Christ and Paul and Peter, etc., which were directs quotes from the Old Testament, would be gone!
#1966  Do want to know HOW to "see" (as in come to KNOW) and "believe" in Jesus Christ?
#1967    It is written that the whole world including most Christians shall believe Satan when he comes to earth claiming he is Christ!
#1968 Is it not amazing therefore that many Christian claim a "physical temple" must be built in Jerusalem before Messiah returns?
#1969    And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
#1970   The love of of God and His truth and His ways, must come from within, as a sincere desire to know Him, which is to hunger and thirst after righteousness (His Word).
#1971Did you notice that Paul left out "mine ears hast thou opened" in his quote of Ps. 40:6 in Hebrews 10:5-6?
#1972   I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts
#1973    You go to church once a week and sing praises to me but do you ever crack the Book during the week and study my letter which I have written unto you?"
#1974   As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the last days.
#1975When the King of kings and Lord of lords returns to this earth... it shall be so!
#1976   When you step out of the shower in the morning, do you still feel dirty? Of course not! Neither should you feel dirty when you wash away your sins, your filthy garments, with the blood of the Lamb...
#1977It is those who are not taken first in the field and seduced by the first messiah, who endure by the exercising of their faith, who shall "live", i.e. be saved!
#1978 Explain to those who can "hear" what the "unpardonable sin" is.
#1979 Today you'll learn what it means to "blaspheme" the Holy Spirit;"The Unpardonable Sin".
#1980 "What is faith?" Believe it or not, most Christians do not know for most have not read the Word of God.
#1981 Is not the thing made evidence of a maker?
#1982To do God's will, that's what "good works" is!
#1983 The test of one's belief and true love for God lies in his or her actions, not just words.
#1984 God speaks to us through His Word in these last days
#1985 It should also be pointed out that in order to confess (fully acknowledge) that one is a "stranger and pilgrim" (resident foreigner) requires the foundational knowledge of the three world ages which by faith we know are "fitly joined together" (Heb. 11:3) in the plan of God.
#1986 Oh, you didn't know that your faith shall be put to the test?
#1987To "know whose child you are" is quite a revelation to many of God's children!
#1988We in this final generationof the fig tree, must also make a "choosing" as to whether they will patiently "endure to the end" or take the easier softer way and "enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season"!
#1989   Do you have faith to know that when you "sprinkle that blood of the Lamb" on the doors posts of your mind, the death angel (Satan) must pass over you and cannot harm you?
#1990   What makes you think your shortcomings are worse than others of your brethren? Have you never read what David did?
#1991Do you desire to be part of that valiant family of God's servants Paul spoke of in Hebrews chapter 11?
#1992 The sands of time run out of the final "hour" glass for this flesh age during the generation of the fig tree which began on May 15, 1948.
#1993    Learn to recognize when you are being chastised and then "Kiss the paddle" and say "Thank you Father" because you know in your heart He did it for your own good.
#1994 Do you have a purpose and a destiny?
#1995The valley of those dry bones are symbolic of the spiritually dead.
#1996 The reason that Paul brings up Esau's prostitution of his birthright is that many of our brothers and sisters who claim to be Christians will also "sell out" their inheritance, their birthright promises in Jesus Christ, to the false messiah when he comes to earth (Rev. 12:7-9).
#1997Do not forsake hearing His voice, the Word of God,the Bible,which is how He speaks to us today.
#1998   Our brothers and sisters, though they claim to be Christians and they cry "Lord, Lord, Praise the Lord", are spiritually blind and spiritually deaf.
#1999Oh yes, many preachers hold praise and worship services but they just never quite get around to teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby our people can be nourished and strengthened by the true bread of life.
#2000   Hold fast to the truth of God's Word and stay the course and do not wander off after the traditions of men and their seducing spirits (doctrines).
#2001Do you believe God's promises? Do you trust and have faith in Him to be true to His Word?
#2002  Do you understand why Jesus Christ was slain on the cross outside the city gate, away from the temple?
#2003May God have mercy on those who lead His children astray.

#2011  There is nothing more important and more serious than teaching the Word of God!

Complete prophetic chapters of Daniel
"Daniel's Visions" all In 1 complete file

The book of Exodus
Exodus Introduction
Israel in Egypt: Oppression and conflict with Pharaon, 1:1-12:36
#2301   Chapters 1
#2302   Chapter 2
#2303   Chapter 3
#2304Chapter 4
#2305   Chapter 5
#2306Chapter 6
#2307   Chapter 7
#2308 Chapter 8
#2309 Chapter 9
#2310   Chapter 10
#2311   Chapters 11
The Exodus from Egypt and Journey to Sinai, 12:37-18:27
#2312   Chapter 12
#2313   Chapter 13
#2314 Chapter 14
#2315   Chapter 15
#2316 Chapter 16
#2317   Chapter 17
#2318 Chapter 18
At Sinai:the Giving of the Law and the Construction of the Tabernacle, 19:1-40:38.
#2319 Chapter 19
#2320    Chapter 20
#2321    Chapters 21
#2322    Chapter 22
#2323    Chapter 23
#2324 Chapter 24
#2325   Chapter 25
#2326 Chapter 26
#2327   Chapter 27
#2328 Chapter 28
#2329 Chapter 29
#2330   Chapter 30
#2331   Chapters 31
#2332   Chapter 32
#2333   Chapter 33
#2334 Chapter 34
#2335   Chapter 35
#2336 Chapter 36
#2337   Chapter 37
#2338 Chapter 38
#2339 Chapter 39
#2340   Chapter 40

Numbers Introduction
Numbers may be divided into four major sections:
1. Preparations for Departure from Sinai, 1:1-10:10.
#2351   Chapters 1
#2352   Chapter 2
#2353   Chapter 3
#2354Chapter 4
#2355   Chapter 5
#2356Chapter 6
#2357   Chapter 7
#2358Chapter 8
#2359Chapter 9
2. From Sinai to the Plains of Moab, 10:11-21:35
#2360   Chapter 10
#2361   Chapters 11
#2362   Chapter 12
#2363   Chapter 13
#2364Chapter 14
#2365   Chapter 15
#2366Chapter 16
#2367   Chapter 17
#2368Chapter 18
#2369Chapter 19
#2370    Chapter 20
#2371    Chapters 21
3. The Prophecies of Balaam, 22:1-25:18.
#2372    Chapter 22
#2373    Chapter 23
#2374Chapter 24
#2375   Chapter 25
4. The Preparations for Entering the Promised Land, 26:1-36:13.
#2376Chapter 26
#2327   Chapter 27
#2378Chapter 28
#2379Chapter 29
#2380   Chapter 30
#2381   Chapters 31
#2382   Chapter 32
#2383   Chapter 33
#2384Chapter 34
#2385   Chapter 35
#2386Chapter 36

(click pamphlet number to read)
As you read the Book of Deuteronomy please remember what Paul told us in Corinthians about the experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness after Moses led them out of Egypt.  Remember the Books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers describe Israelite history in the wilderness. Deuteronomy and Joshua also describe the Israelites experiences.
Deuteronomy Introduction
Deuteronomy may be divided into five major sections:
Note: All links and pamphlet numbers are currently wrong!
1. First Discourse: Review of Israel's History after the Exodus, and Its Lessons, 1-4.
#2401   Chapters 1
#2402   Chapter 2
#2403   Chapter 3
#2404Chapter 4
2. Second Discourse: Rehearsal of the Sinaitic laws, with warnings and Exhortations, 5-26.
#2405   Chapter 5
#2406Chapter 6
#2407   Chapter 7
#2408Chapter 8
#2409Chapter 9
#2410   Chapter 10
#2411   Chapters 11
#2412   Chapter 12
#2413   Chapter 13
#2414Chapter 14
#2415   Chapter 15
#2416Chapter 16
#2417   Chapter 17
#2418Chapter 18
#2419Chapter 19
#2420    Chapter 20
#2421    Chapters 21
#2422    Chapter 22
#2423    Chapter 23
#2424Chapter 24
#2425   Chapter 25
#2426Chapter 26
3. Third Discourse: Blessings and Curses for Obedience and Disobedience, 27-28.
#2427   Chapter 27
#2428Chapter 28
4. Fourth Discourse: The Palestinian Covenant; Its Warnings and Promised Blessings, 29-30.
#2429Chapter 29
#2430   Chapter 30
5. Conclusion: Final Words and Acts of Moses, and His Death, 31-34
#2431   Chapters 31
#2432  Chapter 32
#2433   Chapter 33
#2434Chapter 34

(click pamphlet number to read)
As you read the Book of Numbers please remember what Paul told us in Corinthians about the experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness after Moses led them out of Egypt.  Remember the Books of Exodus and Leviticus also describe Israelite history in the wilderness.
Joshua Introduction
Joshua may be divided into four major sections:
1. Preparation for Entering Palestine, 1-5.
#2451   Chapters 1
#2452   Chapter 2
#2453   Chapter 3
#2454Chapter 4
#2455   Chapter 5
2. The Conquest of the Land, 6-12.
#2456Chapter 6
#2457   Chapter 7
#2458Chapter 8
#2459Chapter 9
#2460   Chapter 10
#2461   Chapters 11
#2462   Chapter 12
3. The Allocation of Territories to the Tribes, 13-22.
#2463   Chapter 13
#2464Chapter 14
#2465   Chapter 15
#2466Chapter 16
#2467   Chapter 17
#2468Chapter 18
#2469Chapter 19
#2470    Chapter 20
#2471    Chapters 21
#2472    Chapter 22
4. Joshua's Final Message  and Death, 23-24
#2473    Chapter 23
#2474Chapter 24

(click pamphlet number to read)
#2501Introduction to the book of Matthew
#2501aThe New Testament begins by establishing the "engendering" of the "Royal Genealogy", the Throne of David, the kingship line, the lineage of the King of kings,
#2501b   Matthew now tells us a little of the "Christmas Story".
#2502 The next time someone tells you that Christ was a Jew (of Judah) let them know that, yes... He was of that regal kingship line of the House of David through which He is the King of kings, but He was also of priesthood line through the tribe of Levi through which He is the Lord of lords.
2502a   When you sing along with "We Three Kings of Orient are...", don't confuse song lyrics based on tradition with scripture. We don't know how many wise men visited "The God Child" - We do know they didn't visit Him at the manger!
#2503The simplicity of the matter is that babies are not naturally born before the travail, but after the labor pangs!
#2503a   This flesh age is only temporary and all that is "under the sun" shall pass away!
#2504Spiritually speaking we are in the wilderness today.
#2505   Satan is very knowledgeable of the scriptures and can twist and TURN around the Word of God ever so ingeniously and cunningly.
#2505aIn order to "live" (as in eternally) man must partake of the heavenly manna, that spiritual bread from above which is the rich nutrition of the Word of God, which alone gives and sustains life.
#2506   The time has now come for Jesus Christ to openly begin His ministry.
#2506aTo give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

The Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes on one file.
The Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes: #2507 through #2514
#2507 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Matthew 5:13
#2508Christ's current disciples are the sons and daughters in this final generation of the fig tree of whom it was prophesied would see (as in understand) the visions of the prophets (Act. 2) and teach God's Word to their brothers and sisters of the true House of Israel!
#2509    Did you know that Christ was divorced?
#2510 Speaking of gun control, Christ did not tell Peter not to carry his sword, but rather to put it back in its sheath.
#2511   "Do you seek to please God or men?"
#2512    "Just how does one make a "spiritual deposit" in heaven?"
#2513  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
#2514   In other words, if what you have plucked are nothing but the traditions of men, like stories about snakes and apples, and rapture theories, and Easter bunnies, etc., then you are barking up the wrong tree!

#2515a   JESUS HEALS THE CENTURION Christ rebukes the "wind" and the "sea", and there was a great calm.
#2516    The beginnings of "sorrows" (labor pangs) which precede the birth of a new age.
#2516a Christ rebukes the "wind" and the "sea", and there was a great calm.
#2516b   Christ casts devils out of the herd of swine.
#2517   Jesus and His disciples got along well with real "down to earth" people who were not "phony baloney" religionists.
#2518You "see", the sin of America in these last days is IDOLATRY
#2519   True disciples of Jesus Christ, students of the Word of God, know who the lost sheep of the house of Israel are.
#2520   It is written that most of our loved ones, though they call themselves Christians, will be deceived by Satan, the as the spurious messiah, and will believe in their hearts that he is really Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, when in fact he is none other that the "son of perdition", the son who has already been sentenced to die (Ezk. 28:18-19) and perish in the lake of fire
#2521   You must go to Jesus Christ, to the Word of God, privately (Mark 13:3) when you do not know something and seek revelation (understanding) by listening to His Voice, hearing His words in your ear  ! Yes, His Word, it's written in your Bible!
#2522"What would it take for you to 'sell out' and compromise the Word of God? Could you be swayed from the truth of His Word because your family turned on you?
#2523The "curse" that comes before the second advent is the accursed one, the abomination of desolation, i.e. Satan as the false Messiah.
#2524"For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him."
#2525   If you think you know Jesus Christ and yet you are ignorant of His Word, you are deceiving yourself and headed for a great fall when antichrist shows up.
#2526When you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you have got big, big problems!
#2527   Do you know what the unpardonable sin is?
#2528What part of three days and three nights don't our church leaders understand?

Three Parables and Explanations of which reveal secrets which are still hidden from most of us to this very day on one file.
Three Parables and Explanations of which reveal secrets which are still hidden from most of us to this very day: #2529 through #2532
#2529   And yet as simple as His explanation is, would you believe that the knowledge He reveals to us is still hidden  to this very day "like a fig" from the multitudes of Christianity!
#2530Jesus Christ told His disciples that He spoke in parables for two reasons.
#2531   So if it "feels good", DO IT! And Eve took hold of the tree (asherah) and "Did it"!
#2532Have you ever wondered why it is that Cain is not listed in Adam's genealogy in chapter five of Genesis?

#2533   Promised with an oath? Well now, here's an opportunity for old Satan to go work.
#2534Christ performs two miracles for the purpose of teaching His disciples (students), those of the brethren with eyes to see and ears to hear.
#2535   A wise person would therefore pay close attention to Christ's instructions.
#2536   One who takes His name and leads His children astray is going to pay an awesome price!
#2537   Christ is now going to take a side trip to the coasts of Tyre and Sidon and return in order to teach His disciples, which means you and me in these last days, a great lesson concerning the grace and mercy of our God.
#2538"Are you able to discern the times* (season) in which we now live?"
#2539   It is written and we have already learned in this great Book of Matthew that not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
#2540   You might ask yourself ,"What will you take for your soul?" So be careful what you do and who you follow!
#2541It was actually Peter's deep affection and abiding love for Christ that Satan was able to take advantage of in an attempt to hinder the very plan of salvation
#2542   Think about it as we spiritually discern His power and glory in today's study.
#2543Please know that If you ARE part of the kingdom of heaven, that His kingdom is NOT of this world (John 18:36).
#2544   (Matthew 6:11-12)." [11] "Give us this day our daily bread. [12] And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
#2545Yes, Christ also heals our physical infirmities but as in all cases of His healing, it is the spiritual healing that is the most important and lasting for though your flesh is healed, it shall still die, but if your soul is healed it shall live forever.
#2546Christ wanted his disciples to see a picture with their flesh eyes so that they might be able to "see" with their spiritual eyes the real picture of what He was teaching them!
#2547But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
#2548   This is another "is like", an analogy acted out in the physical dimension so that we can see and understand on the spiritual level.
#2549As Jesus just said in Matthew 21:21, "It shall be done"! And so it SHALL... for it is written.
#2550   Many churches today concentrate more on fund raisers, pledges of money, pass the plate, building funds, etc., etc., than on teaching God's Word.
#2551   It is hard for many Christians to understand that Jesus Christ becomes a stumbling block, to those who stumble at His Word, i.e. do not hear His voice but rather follow the traditions of men.
#2552If you accept a spirit, which means "wind of doctrine", i.e. teaching, and you have not "received it", which means you have not "assayed" it by checking it out thoroughly in the Word of God, then you are in grave danger of being seduced my friend!
#2553Jesus let them know that He knew their game plan and what they were up to!
#2554   That is not opinion but exactly what God has said is the most important thing.
#2555    This 23rd chapter is an exposé on the hidden dynasty of churchianity.

The Woes - #2556
#2556   Jesus outlines and exposes the works of the scribes and Pharisees, the teachers and religious leaders of the people, even like the preachers and teachers among the multitudes in Christianity today.

Olivet Prophecy on one file.
Olivet Prophecy: #2557 through #2564
#2557It never occurred to most of our generation that it would be during our lifetime that we are no longer reading the Olivet Prophecy but rather the Olivet History and Current Events.
#2558   The message to the kings and rulers of the nations will be that their little LOVE AFFAIR with the harlot, the New World Order is about to end.
#2559   Christ foretold us what would take place in this final generation.
 #2560   And contrary to popular tradition, the tribulation of Satan as the false Christ, is a time of peace and prosperity when the world will believe that the messiah has come.
#2561The question is, how do we determine when the final generation begins.
#2562   It all depends on how wise you are!
2563    Don't misunderstand what we teach; We are not teaching salvation by works! But, by golly, your works will reflect the sincerity of your belief in the Lord!
#2564   Teach a man how to eat the Bread of Life and you feed his soul for all eternity.

Last Supper, Betrayal, and Arrest of Jesus on one file.
Last Supper, Betrayal, and Arrest of Jesus: #2565 through #2569
#2565   Do you have the blood of the Lamb placed upon the lintels and doorposts of your mind?
#2566You "see", you either believe in Jesus all the way or quite frankly you don't believe at all.
#2567   "never say never", especially when it comes to God's Word applying to you!
#2568    Contrary to what most of us have been taught, Jesus Christ was not the least bit apprehensive about facing death.
#2569   This priceless lesson that cut to his heart woke Peter up to the reality of Christ.

Our Lord Tried, Crucified and He is Risen on one file.
Our Lord Tried, Crucified and He is Risen: #2570 through #2573
#2570"Have you heard the "cock crow" in your life"
#2571  Isn't it amazing how even the very words the chief priest would say, mocking Jesus,  while He was hanging on the cross were written and foretold of in Psalm 22, and our Father brought it to pass exactly as it is written.
#2572Our flesh eyes cannot see things that are spiritual because those things are invisible to our physical sight. To compensate God shows us physical examples that we can relate to and help us understand spiritual realities.
#2573   Teach them to hear the Word of God, to hear His Voice, and if they will so do, then His Spirit (Breath) will enter into them and they will come alive spiritually and enter into eternal life.

The book of Leviticus
As you read the Book of Leviticus please remember what Paul told us in Corinthians about the experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness after Moses led them out of Egypt.  Remember the Books of Exodus and Numbers also describe Israelite history in the wilderness.
Leviticus Introduction
Leviticus may be divided as follows:
The Offerings, 1-7.
#2574   Chapters 1
#2575   Chapter 2
#2576   Chapter 3
#2577Chapter 4
#2578   Chapter 5
#2579Chapter 6
#2580   Chapter 7
Consecration of Aaron and His Sons, 8-10.
#2581Chapter 8
#2582Chapter 9
#2583   Chapter 10
#2584   Chapters 11
#2585   Chapter 12
#2586   Chapter 13
#2587Chapter 14
#2588   Chapter 15
#2589Chapter 16
#2590   Chapter 17
LawsRegulating the Personal Relationships of the Redeemed People, 18-20
#2591Chapter 18
#2592Chapter 19
#2593    Chapter 20
Laws Regulating the Priesthood and the Seven Great Feasts of the Hebrew Calander, 21-23
#2594    Chapters 21
#2595    Chapter 22
#2596    Chapter 23
Additional Laws, Promises, and Warnings, 24-27
#2597Chapter 24
#2598   Chapter 25
#2599Chapter 26
#2600   Chapter 27

#3010If it were not for Ezekiel's description of God's space ship in chapters 1 and 10 we would not know a spaceship is being referred to in 2 Kings chapter 2

#3022"Capital punishment"
#3023What shall you give to the poor, in order to gain treasure for yourself in heaven?
#3024   In Daniel 11 verses 36 & 37 we read where the vile person was "exalting himself, and magnifying himself above every god".

#3027"We Live in Biblical Times" Isn't this the most exciting "Bible Times" in the history of mankind?

#4001 "A Letter to Suzie...About Angels"

#4010  Gathering the tares first disproves the rapture theory.

#4055     We  were all created as spirit beings long before the foundation of the world!

"85 old and new covenant contrasts"
Christ is coming soon.
Covenants - Dake's commentary concerning covenants
Covenants - Scofield's commentary concerning covenants
Israelites in the wilderness - Exodus, Leviticus  and  Numbers.
Dietary & Tithing Laws
Exterminate - (utterly) destroy = exterminate
Feasts of the Lord, Passover, etc.
Holy virsus Profane
If you are going to get any benefit from reading your Bible
Importance of heeding God's Word
Israelites World-wide Dispersion
Wilderness Journey Books
Idolatry Warning
The Latter Days
Two Years before the Earthquake (The Return of Christ)
Law of Blessings and Curses
Laws of conquest
Law of Love
Law of Wilful Murder
Locusts, Locusts, Everywhere
The Lord is a Consuming Fire
Man's Free Will
My doctrine shall drop as the Rain
The Passover lamb
The Prophets were Spokesman for God
The Red Sea
Redemption is wholly of God
Restoration of Israel
Spiritually Naked Christians
The Simple Salvation Message
Song of Moses
8/25/06 Prophecy - The Next EventTo read this pamphlet first click The End Times in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1076 on the new table of contents which appears.
And 9/5/06 #1 When will the end of this earth age happen? click #1149 on the new table of contents which appears.

8/22/06 "Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?"To read this pamphlet first click Churchianity in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1161 on the new table of contents which appears.

8/20/06He who speaks his own words is on an ego trip and you'll need a pooper scooper if you listen to them.  To read this pamphlet first click Churchianity in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1517 on the new table of contents which appears.

8/15/06 The Good Figs of Judah The end of this earth age may be as near as 2020.  To read this pamphlet first click The End Times in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1031 on the new table of contents which appears.

8/12/06  The Majority of Christianity Won't Recognize the False-christTo read this pamphlet first click The End Times in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1016 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/29/06 No "Altar Call" for PaulTo read this pamphlet first click In The Beginning in the table of contents to the left of the screen. Then click #1029 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/25/06 "God's Elect"To read this pamphlet first click In The Beginning in the table of contents to the left of the screen. Then click #1026 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/21/06 OK, it is now time to "grow-up" and mature in the Word of God.To read this pamphlet first click Special Study for all Christians in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #7017 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/17/06 Behold, the Gospel of John: To read this pamphlet first click John in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1500B on the new table of contents which appears.

7/13/06 What will it be like living here with our God our Father?To read this pamphlet first click Revelation  in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1915 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/09/06"HOW TO HEAR GOD"To read this pamphlet first click Biblical in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1060 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/05/06 Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is going to make it in the first resurrection.To read this pamphlet first click 1st, 2nd & 3rd John in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1546 on the new table of contents which appears.

7/01/06 The Cultural Church  To read this pamphlet first click Churchianity in the table of contents to the left of the screen. Then click #1014 on the new table of contents which appears.

6/29/06 "When This Flesh Age Ends"  To read this pamphlet first click The End Times in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1011 on the new table of contents which appears.

6/26/06 Is There a Conflict Between Science and the Bible?To read this pamphlet first clickIn The Beginning in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1003 on the new table of contents which appears.

6/23/06Something happens at Christ's return which is a "mystery" to most.To read this pamphlet first click The Millennium in the table of contents to the left of the screen.  Then click #1033 on the new table of contents which appears.

I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.  #`1524

There is no need to guess or wonder why curses and pestilences have come upon our land?  #1819

"Therefore, seeing that we are in the last days..."#1582

The brook of living water (His Word) can topple a mighty man!   See Pamphlet #1709

Many shall NOT yet have put on "immortality" when Christ returns and so throughout the Millennium they are referred to as "the dead". Why? See Pamphlet #1706

Have you ever heard a sermon preached about Acts 26:6-7?   I doubt if you ever will!  See Pamphlet #1062

There are basically two approaches to reading and studying the Bible.  See Pamphlet #1504

Why we Christians need to study the Old Testament!  Read pamphlet  #1505

   Keep your radio on? The locusts are coming soon!  And the dragon with them! Right after the New World Order takes a hit! It's the next benchmark in Bible prophecy!  And we are almost there! Read about it in pamphlet #1878

"O ye priests (ministers), this commandment is for you!" HELLO! Pamphlet 1808

There are many who claim to be saved or even "born again" Christians and yetthey are often not only shaken by the "earthquakes" that are happening in all areas of society these days, but they are also anxious and worrisome over the uncertainties that tomorrow might bring their way.  Pamphlet #6056

"We're Living in Unprecedented Times" #1017

"We have thus seen by example and clear explanation from Paul that it is only those who believe, only those who have faith and trust in Him, who shall enter into His rest." #1944

A spiritually dead priest or preacher can surely pollute the Word of God and cause the sacrifice of others to be unclean.  #1395
The Good Figs of JudahThe end of this earth age may be as near as 2020. #1031

Prophecies Concerning the Millennial Kingdom