Pamphlet 1978 Hebrews kc 18-2
Explain to those who can "hear" what the "unpardonable sin" is. Let's recap a little of what we have learned so far
in order to set the stage for what he is about to teach us!
Not only that, Paul explained how that Christ was tempted
and tried and suffered many things,
even taking those "stripes" for us (Isa. 53),
that as our High Priest who has entered once into the
Holy of Holies,
He is able as a result of those sufferings to have compassion
on us,
for he knows exactly what we are going through.
And so it is, as we learned in Heb. 10:21,
that He now sits on the right hand of the throne of His
majesty as our High Priest,
the only High Priest over the house of God, and furthermore,
He shall remain at the right hand of the Father UNTIL
He has made His enemies His footstool.
Yes, it is He who shall accomplish that, but it shall be through His elect that He brings it to pass.
What a privilege it is indeed to serve the Most High God in this final generation of the fig tree.
That brings us to where we left
off in our last study,
which was Heb. 10:22 where Paul
explained that because we know God is faithful to His Word and His promises,
we can draw near (and dear)
to Him with boldness,
i.e. with "full assurance" of faith,
knowing with certitude that the blood of Christ
"sprinkled on our hearts" has
us clean and white.
So GET OFF worrying about your little old fleshly sins, WON'T YOU?
Do you believe God and have that full assurance, or not?
Christ paid the price... claim the sacrifice and quit wasting time, both His and yours.
In other words, repent and have a clear conscience and get to WORK in the field!
So Paul having now prepared our
minds, let's get ready for some deep plowing,
because he is now going to look
ahead to the future, to the "day approaching",
the period of the great tribulation
just before Christ returns,
and explain to those who can "hear"
what the "unpardonable sin" is.
To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits;
to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, you accomplish both.
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