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As you read the Book of Numbers please remember what Paul told us in Corinthians about the experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness after Moses led them out of Egypt.  Remember the Books of Exodus and Leviticus also describe Israelite history in the wilderness.

Numbers Introduction

Numbers may be divided into four major sections:

1. Preparations for Departure from Sinai, 1:1-10:10.
#2351   Chapters 1

#2352   Chapter 2

#2353   Chapter 3

#2354Chapter 4

#2355   Chapter 5

#2356Chapter 6

#2357   Chapter 7

#2358Chapter 8

#2359Chapter 9

2. From Sinai to the Plains of Moab, 10:11-21:35
#2360   Chapter 10

#2361   Chapters 11

#2362   Chapter 12

#2363   Chapter 13

#2364Chapter 14

#2365   Chapter 15

#2366Chapter 16

#2367   Chapter 17

#2368 Chapter 18

#2369 Chapter 19

#2370    Chapter 20

#2371    Chapters 21

3. The Prophecies of Balaam, 22:1-25:18.
#2372    Chapter 22

#2373    Chapter 23

#2374Chapter 24

#2375   Chapter 25

4. The Preparations for Entering the Promised Land, 26:1-36:13.
#2376Chapter 26

#2327   Chapter 27

#2378Chapter 28

#2379Chapter 29

#2380   Chapter 30

#2381   Chapters 31

#2382   Chapter 32

#2383   Chapter 33

#2384Chapter 34

#2385   Chapter 35

#2386Chapter 36