Live Link BelowThe time is now! It is later than you think!
many professing Christians today want a brotherly world in which they
can remain un-brotherly! Many Christians have a caricature of God. They
do not see God in all His wholeness. We glibly quote John 3:16 but we
forget to quote the following verse 18; ..."he who does not believe has
been judged already"... What would happen if our churches
today, rather than being mere social clubs, actually taught the
Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse; correctly
dividing the "Word of Truth". Revival would break out into the lives
of their professing Christian members. Believers would learn what it
means to minister to one another and build each other up through gifts
that the Holy Spirit has given. Christians would learn to speak out
against things like abortion and sodomy. No longer would the world say
that the church is powerless and silent. Like Amos the church will then
have the will to condemn those who "buy the helpless for money and the
needy for a pair of sandals" (Amos 8:6).
How can we contribute to this
ministry, and keep these truths on line if The American Wisdom Series does not accept direct donations. Live Link to- How can I help PLANT SEEDS of TRUTH in people's minds?
you realize that you were created a spiritual being long before you
conceived in the flesh and born of water you will find the Bible much
mysterious and easier to understand." ...John Rhine
Remember this: At
Christ's Return - * Every soul is
going to enter into the only dimension whereby souls can be judged.
change from the flesh body into your new spiritual or "incorruptible
body" has nothing to do with the
condition of your soul at Christ's return. If you are a lost sinner in your flesh
body, you will also be in a lost condition in this
spiritual body.The
change has nothing to do with the condition of your soul.
So at the last trumpet,
that seventh trumpet, all flesh will be finished and this earth age as
we know it simply will not exist. The elect and those that did
not follow Satan will receive their rewards from our Heavenly Father
and reign with Him through this 1000 year Millennium age.
this also brings us to another very important point; * Since we are
changed at the seventh and last trumpet into our
spiritual bodies, and the
flesh is done away with,
then any supernatural being that you see
still in your flesh body will not be Christ, but will be fake,
either the false-christ, Satan,
or one of his
angels. * If someone claims to be Jesus
Christ, and you are still appearing to be 65 years old, with all the
wrinkles and pains of this flesh body, then that person is a fake. That can't be hard to understand.
* If
your kids appear to be younger than you, and grandma is in the
hospital, then you and they are still in the flesh, and that supernatural person is a fake.
If your church thinks
Christ has returned and stops giving communion,You keep right on
taking communion,
even if it's at
home, alone!
Here is a Live Link
to- A
good home
communion service.
Remember, Paul warned us of
this in II
Thessalonians 2:2, 3; "That ye
be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by
word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand."
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall
not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin
be revealed, the son of perdition," [3]
I Corinthians 15:53
"For this
corruptible (all
persons) must put on incorruption, and this mortal (saved persons at his return)
must put on immortality." (the
remainder of our people may or may not put on immortality at the end of
those 1000 years judged by their works during those 1000
must put on immortality" applies only to your soul
and spirit for all flesh will be gone and done with at the sounding of
this seventh trumpet. However in the immortal
body, "the sting of death"
is still there if that soul has not received eternal life.
Immortality for the eternal soul
during Millennium age is only for those that are under the blood of Christ from this
earth age. If a person who called
himself Christian, yet took the name and number of Satan and the beast
in this earth age even though in ignorance. That soul will have to wait
until after the Millennium age to be judged by our Heavenly Father. The judgment then will be
related to that soul's works during the Millennium. The word "mortal" means still "liable to die", but the flesh body will be
over and finished once the seventh trump sounds. The subject of this verse is our bodies,
both the corruptible or flesh, and the incorruptible which is our soul.
Christian, Teach whatever the Bible says.
be God's concern. Christian parent, or Christian
, or Christian pastor
Just Tell it Like it is!".
Don't miss even one of our "In the Beginning"
or "End of Time, Revelation of Jesus Christ"
studies! All on our-
The Bible is the continual story of
God's plan to send a Messiah to earth, to pay the price for sin and the fall of
man. It is through this individual man "eth-ha adham", with the man Heb. 'eth-'Ha'adam (wiith Art. and Particle="this same man Adam" "eth-ha" , translated man and called Adam, along with his help meet Eve, formed by God, as described in Genesis chapter 2, and this man's and woman's
uncontaminated bloodline (of Pure Pedigree) that Jesus Christ was to be born, and those in that family
knew what it was all about, even though heathen, non-Adamic men did not. This individual man "eth-ha adham" is not the same person as the creation of mankind (the races) "adham" without the man Heb. 'adam (no Art) eth-ha" =mankind as described in Genesis chapter 1 who we also, erroneously, in our mind's eye, think of as being Adam. With
the particle ('eth) in addition to the article Hebrew is very emphatic,
and means self, very, this same, this very,. See Genesis 2:7 (first occurrence), 8,15.
It is a shame "adham" was not translated mankind in chapter 1.
Now wouldn't it be a "hoot", that's a slang expression used
instead of dichotomous, if God had sealed the sayings of this book and
then started it with verse one which reads: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly
come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant
John: (Rev. 1:1)."( Shortly, of course you know, (at least I hope you know!), means; Shortly after the time John was taken to, in the spirit, (the time near the end of this earth age) when these things were reveled to him.)
When you read the next newspaper or listen to the next network TV newscast!
purpose, after Satan's and his follower's death in "The Lake of Fire",
is a world which will include only Himself and His
faithful children
together in perfect harmony;
A world where no evil exists.
The whole Bible, from Genesis to
Revelation, is pretty much the story of how it all has happened
to date and what we can know
will happen in these last days before the end.
studies #9301 through #9322 in our TELL IT LIKE
IT IS SERIES OF STUDIES. or you can go straight to our Revelation studies by clicking unto the following Live Link to- Revelation studies
uses these extreme examples (scorpions, locusts, beasts,
etc.) throughout the Bible, but even more so in Revelation to
instill in our minds eye the severity of the spiritual
harm Satan will impose upon our
by our being able, then to compare it to the physical examples we know
these insects and animals are
capable of;
Even leading to our permanent
death. (The death of our soul)
See Live Link
"A Horse Riding on a Chicken" See Live Link
to- God Uses Very Strange and Extreme Examples when He wants to make a point He doesn't want us to forget.
The Christian nations of today
have a huge population base, and in that place where they are calling
themselves "Gentiles", ["not
My people"]
they deny themselves to be Israelites. My fellow Christian, the
"living God" is Jesus Christ, and those that are sons of the living God
are called "Christians". Hosea
1:10; "Yet the number of the
children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be
measured nor numbered; and
it shall come to pass, that in that place where it was said unto them,
`Ye are not My People,' there it shall be said unto them, `Ye are the
sons of the living God."
While it is true that God originally created us as angelic spiritual beings with celestial bodies,(approximately 13 1/2 billion of us, God's children) millions, even billions, of years ago, before the first earth age (see Live Links to->>> The Age of the Dinosaurs and The Pre-Adamic World); The
earth age God destroyed in His fierce anger because Lucifer/Satan
enticed 1/3 of us to follow him in his rebellion against God (4 1/2 billion of us) in that long gone age; Therefore, the reason God chose to now place us here, on earth again, for this short stay (120 years maximum), probably more like 70 or 80, for some only 20, or 30, maybe much less!, in these animal bodies (terrestrial bodies) is so that we can learn to appreciate the finality of death. As we experience seeing our loved ones die "the shadow of death", the death of their flesh, while
we are still living here on earth in our own flesh and blood body, and
can no longer communicate with that loved one who has died. Seeing as how 1/3 of us (over 4 1/2 billion of God's created children) followed Satan, turning our backs on God in the first earth age, God is counting on this teaching those of us, who
still see no need to accept His offer of grace in this earth age,
to be saved by accepting the blood of Christ for our salvation, a
lesson about the real death, (none of us ever died in that first earth age. The only death we ever witnessed was the death of animals.) the death of our soul and how permanent that will be, which
we will not forget during the Millennium, during which time we
will be given a chance to still save our souls by being judged by
our works.
( by faith in Him, but only during this FLESH AGE) Then
no longer by faith in Christ, but by our works, during the
Millennium, He is counting on us, after seeing this "Shadow of
real death", not wanting to experience the death of our soul,realizing it is forever, and so will live accordingly during the Millennium. (by His will and not Satan's) Live Link to->>> Animal Bodies
Always remember, Scripture
Never Contradicts Scripture!
Remember---and this is critical---we
have not found truth until we find the single common denominator that makes
the passages fit together. Psalm 119:160
teaches us that "the sum of Thy Word is truth." In other words, you don't
have truth until you have processed all the passages dealing with a particular
subject and found the single solution that accommodates them all without
contradiction! Psalms
119:160 The sum of your word is truth, and
every one of your righteous ordinances endures forever. NRV
you want truth, you can't ignore any of the passages that deal with the
same issue, no matter how contradictory they may seem. If you refuse to
be sidetracked by the contradiction and keep looking for the resolution,
you will eventually find that all the passages fit perfectly into one common
denominator. Now you have correlation without contradiction. Now you have
truth! Let Scripture define Scripture;
let the Bible be your dictionary. Once we have truth, that truth stands
in judgment of us; never do we dare stand in judement of it!
Isaiah 28:9
shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand
doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the
breasts. [10]
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line,
line upon line; here a little, and there a little:[11]
with stammering lips and
another tongue will
he speak to this people.
God instructs us to
Rightly Divide the Word of Truth.
2 Tim. 2:15
Study to
shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing
the word of truth.
implies that the truths presented in the Bible
dividing at times.
that make sense?
we don't do our homework
study and rightly divide,
we will most assuredly fall short
the complete understanding
our Father intended for us.
expects us to work to find TRUTH.
of you may ask,
is it,
the Bible is written in such a "divided" fashion
one must go digging for the truth?"
answer is,
that when you go digging for it,
find it!" And the Lord will know you cared enough to search.
week many good hearted Christians volunteer to teach their Sunday
school classes and they earnestly, though ignorantly, follow the lesson
plans of their own or even perhaps some other church system and they
blindly (being led by the blind themselves) teach things like "Eve ate an apple in the garden" and "Christ died on Good Friday" and "Sinners burn for eternity" and "Christ will return at any moment and Rapture His church" and "the law of God was nailed to the cross" and other such unscriptural nonsense set forth by ignorant unbridled tongues
don't love the Lord enough, and hunger enough for the truth
dig for it
themselves in
God's word,
find it!
sure you are not one of the Christians
is talking to in Matthew 7:21-23
7:21 Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven,
he that doeth the will of my Father, who is in heaven. [22]
Many will say to me at that day,
Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
in thy name cast out demons?
in thy name done many wonderful works? [23]
And then will I profess unto them,
never knew you;
from me, ye that work iniquity.
Jesus apparently didn't very often see that person's face looking back at him from the pages of His Bible.
Count the Number of the Beast! 666
But, before you can count them! 666
Live Link to- Count the Number of the Beast!, The NUMBER of a MAN 666What Jesus thought of the grandsons of Cain who had taken over the church, when He walked this earth? 666
It is even worse today!
In most so called 21st. century CHRISTIAN churches
the BIBLE has been replaced by the SUNDAY SCHOOL Quarterly! 666
YOU guessed it, WRITTEN BY MAN!!! 666
Live Link to- Count the Number of the Beast!
Are You
Attending the
Right Church?
Live Links
3 Church Teaching Files Below
Truths Your Church Might Not Teach
what your church teaches is true
Does Your Church Teach
Or Would You Be Better Off, Holed Up
in a Corner With
a Bible and a Concordance; Studying.
Just You with The Holy
Spirit Guiding You to
"The TRUTH".
read pamphlet #5072
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Ezekiel 28:19 All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.
John's Note. That
last phrase in verse 19 sure does rule out the eternal torment theory
taught in most Christian churches of our land, doesn't it!
get that from the verse in Revelation 20:10 And the devil
that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where
the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and
night for ever and ever. And on the surface that's what it sounds like, but read on! See Live Link to- Mark 9
"We Live in Biblical Times"
this the most exciting of "Bible Times" in the history of mankind?
Live Link
Did you know,
Satan was a preacher in the first earth age? And
even though God has already sentenced him to die after the
"Millennium" i.e."TO
He will still be very much alive, a handsome,
charismatic, and a real
charming super arch-angel, just as he was in the first earth age, when
God allows him to come back to earth for
five months during which time he will claim he is God,
before the real Christ returns to end this age we are now
experiencing in our flesh and blood bodies and
the start of His 1000
Reign", with us, here on earth, as King of kings and Lord of lords.
is how Christ will accomplish the final test of our faith in Him and
our love for Him. Did
we truly believe and love Him when we claimed His free gift of
salvation by faith? Did we than want to study His Word to
show ourselves approved. Were
we hungry to truly learn to know Him through His Word?
Did we learn how to tell the difference between Himself and
Satan? Or will
we worship Satan, thinking he is Christ during those five
months, he is allowed to come to
earth, when he claims he is God!
Do we know the difference between what is "holy" (Jesus), and what is
"profane" (Satan)?
This will determine which of us really truly wanted
offer of grace by faith in Him and which of us will take part in the
resurrection to eternal life, at that time. Then
after this, God will lock Satan up in the pit for 1000 years, while He
along with
those of us who have, then, already been granted eternal life, will use
stern discipline, to teach those who worshiped Satan how to
once and
for all know the difference between them. (1000 years of summer
school, you might call it). Then
after that 1000 years is completed God will release Satan from the pit
to tempt those "summer school students" once more. Those
who pass that final test will also,
based on their works during the "Millennium",
be granted eternal life. (this
is the second resurrection).
It will then be time for "The
Great White Throne of Judgment" when those who still,
again followed Satan will be condemned just like Satan was and will
also be cast into "The Lake of Fire" along
with Satan (TO BE
NO MORE), not even a memory to their family or loved ones.
Why did Jesus always speak in
when He taught? Jesus
Christ told His disciples that He spoke in
parables for two reasons (Mat.
13:11): (1) To simplify and make easy
to understand the
mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to His disciples,
those who discipline
themselves in His Word. (2) To
hide the mysteries
of the kingdom to those who do not seek
Him and therefore do not have
eyes to see nor ears to hear.
4:12 That
seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may
hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should
be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.
Jesus Christ told His disciples (which means you if you
one) that unless they understood the
Parable of the
Sower they would not be able to understand any of His
[13] And He said unto
them, Know
ye not this parable? and how
will ye know all parables? Therefore we better take some
lay some groundwork and make
sure we understand the Parable
of the Sower else per Christ's
we cannot understand the
parable of the fig tree, which
Christ told us in Mark 13:28 we must learn, right?
You see,
the Parable of the Sower has to do with "seeds" and "planting"
and "fruit", etc., all of which we shall be discussing in our
study of
the Parable
of the Fig Tree which actually begins in the "Fig
Grove", in the Garden of God called Eden, where the
first "sowing" took
place and the "cover-up"
by the fig leaves themselves have kept hidden
what really happened in that grove. Let
us therefore go to the parable of the sowing in the
beginning and
learn the truth from the words of Jesus Christ Himself.You see, not all
seeds were planted by God. God planted only good seeds, but
bad seeds were also planted! Live Links
The Parable of the Sowers
of Seed
& The Good Figs of Judah
& The
Parable of the Fig Tree Do
You Know? [Old McAdam
planted good seed in the
garden, when along came Satan
to sow some tares.] Matthew
13:25 [Now, 6000 years later! Locusts, locusts everywhere.
Tell ye your
children of it. Let your children tell their children.]
Joel 1:3
is not important what your church thinks you should do to please God.
What is important is what God says you should do to please Him!
"Some differences between Lucifer's
flood and Noah's flood."
See Live
to- #9008
shall you give to the poor,
order to gain treasure for yourself in heaven?
See Live Link to- #3023
Do you know why we are living here on
earth in "Animal
Bodies"? Live Link to- Animal Bodies
Locusts, Locusts,
Everywhere! Joel 1:3
ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and
their children another generation. Most
Christians, in their ignorance and blindness, believe that the "bad
figs", those "who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue
of Satan (Rev. 2:9)", i.e. those who "say they are Jews, and are not,
but do lie (Rev. 3:9)", are actually God's chosen people!
Wow, have our people's brain stems
been gnawed off by the locusts, or what?
The Day! The Day of the LORD! It IS
Are you prepared?
Are you one of those who has the "Seal
of God" in your
forehead, i.e. your mind? Or, are you a milk-toast
Christian about to have your spiritual clock cleaned?
the sake of your soul, through out eternity, it is of utmost importance
that you know and understand the lessons taught by our Lord through His
prophet Joel. Perhaps
the hardest part for most people to see and understand is that the
by Satan and his locust army is a spiritual destruction which
the "spiritual death" of the soul, not the
physical death of the flesh body. That's
right, the great
tribulation of the spurious
is actually a
time of peace and
which Daniel documents in Dan. 11:24.
Link to-
Fearsome Locust Army Live
Link to- Joel
did God completely destroy the first earth age? The
age of the dinosaurs!
Link to-
pamphlet #1003
the self proclaiming Christians, from 'The Christians Nations
of the
although most of them are now lost, Will Be Saved; In the End"
Live Link
link-) to-What do you
Here is what I believe.
by John Rhine
Some of us after the first earth
age, God chose, predestined, for a special
purpose in this flesh life. He chose
not to give those of us in this group free will because He knew we had
already made the choice to be faithful to Him in the first earth age.
brothers are referred to as
"the elect" in the Bible.
This group has in the past and will
continue to come to this earth age the same as the rest of us, born of
water, to daughters of eighth day man, except without free will. God
special duties for each to perform according to His plan.
Link to- Predestination
to- Are
you one of God's elect?
We Were First Angelic Beings"
let this confuse you. All spirit beings have bodies. We
were originally created with a
Celestial body, Now born into this earth age with a Terrestrial
body. After our life in the flesh ends we'll be born back again into
our Celestial
body. Even God, Himself a spirit being, has a Celestial body, but was
born into this earth age, and lived for a short while in a Terrestrial
body, i.e. Jesus Christ.
of years ago God was alone. He had Wisdom, but no family to love or to
love Him in return. So what
did He do?
Live Link to- He created us as Angelic Beings"
Why? For His pleasure!
Is the earth only 6,000 years old as
many Christians have been led to believe by 'willingly ignorant'
ministers and teachers of God's word? Let's have Peter tell it
like it is. Live Link to- pamphlet #2621
are we today in God's plan, time
first 4 trumpets of Revelation have sounded (Satan is spiritually in
control of The
Four Hidden Dynasties of the New World Order
6:1-8) Satan
is spiritually riding all four of those horses (as in spiritually controlling). The
fifth trumpet is
now sounding and the city "Mystery Babylon" is being built by those
Kenites and their four hidden dynasties.
will be seven trumpets sound, before the end of this earth age when
Christ returns.
from our stand point, as
if Satan's
spiritual influence
isn't bad enough, we will have to live, in the very near
with Satan in person performing miracles and influencing the actions
mankind, because when the sixth
trumpet sounds Micheal
will literally kick Satan out of heaven along with his fallen angels
we will have supernatural beings to deal with living with us right here
on earth. When the
sixth trumpet sounds and Satan and his gang get here in person,
will be flooded, not
with water this time,
but with
angels will not be physically
marrying our
daughters this time. They will be flooding the earth with
their lies
and all mankind (both
men and women will become spiritually
impregnated with their lies), except for God's Elect.
Satan will also be here, in person, performing
miracles and supporting his fallen
angel's lies. Satan is
supernatural, and his angels are supernatural just as he is. They
will come into our realm or dimension that human beings exist in, and
they will have their supernatural powers to do what they will do to get
you to believe that they are God, and his angels. (In
Revelation 13:13 we read And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh
fire come down from heaven in the sight of men)
Please Note: God only knows
what other miracles Satan will perform to convince us Christians that
he is God!
including most proclaiming
Christians, (those
who were to be Christ's bride at his return) will believe
that Satan really is God, like he'll claim to be, and will worship
Matthew 24:39
knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be. (The flood of lies!)
Just like it was in Noah's day,
with lies; not water!
this point the seventh trumpet will sound and Christ will return
finding mankind,
including those
proclaiming Christians, who do not
have the seal of God in their forehead, spiritually
pregnant with
Satan's child.
Not having endured til the end!
Mark 13:17 Jesus said, "But
woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck
in those days!"
And He said
in Matthew
7:23 And then will I profess
unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Will you remain spiritually true as a "chaste virgin"
wait for your bridegroom, Jesus Christ,
or will you spiritually hop
in bed with
Satan when he comes
to earth performing miracles and claims to be God? Live Link
to- "Mystery
"Events Leading up to the End of this Flesh Age" Live Link
to- pamphlet
& #1012
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
lead to the falling away of
the church
(the Great Apostasy).
Also see Live Link
to- Christ
has foretold us all things pamphlet
were Two TREES
in the garden, the Tree of Life (our Lord Jesus) and the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good
Evil (the little box cedar, Satan), there are Two ROCKS (a big "R",
which is
Christ, and a
"r", which will be Satan, posing as the Christ), so their will be Two
Christs coming to earth, (but Satan as the spurious messiah
will appear
here first, performing
miracles in the sight of man) and there are Two
Christianities, the
"religion" (man made worship practiced by most of our so called
Christian churches, many of which teach Christ as our savior, but then
continue to feed their new converts milk, and not the meat of
Lord's daily bread in order to grow beyond being baby
and the "reality" (practiced by those who study the
Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse, rightly
dividing the word of truth). Which
group do you think will recognize Satan, for who he is, NOT WORSHIPING
HIM, when he appears here on earth, performing miracles and claiming he
is God! But, WILL
INSTEAD ENDURE UNTIL THE END, waiting for the real
Christ to return,
five months after Satan's entrance here. Live Link to-
the End
of us who are to be among the first to recieve eternal life at Christ's
return and those
of us who recieve eternal life at the Great White Throne
of Judgment, which
is the second resurrection, become sons of God again
as we were in the first earth age,
and as
Adam was in this earth age before the fall. Live Link to- Children
of God and equal unto angels
If you do not know
what really happened in the first few chapters of
Genesis and especially in the garden of Eden, where one of those trees beguiled Eve,
you will never truly
understand the rest of the Bible.
(Live Link) to- "Two
Sowers of seed; both the good and the bad"
you are going to get any benefit from reading your Bible,
you had better
have Christ spit on your eyes like the blind man from Bethsaida!
Live link-) to- "See
Men as Trees Walking" Do you see them?
ate it, Ezekiel ate it, and John ate it. What
kind of a diet do you have?
You better eat it too!
Rev. chapter 10 we read about how the angel told John to, Take it, and
eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be
in thy mouth sweet as honey. Then the angel told John to tell us all
about it. Do you
know all about it? You
won't unless you eat it too!
When is the only
time the "unforgivable
sin" can be committed and what is it?
The Unforgivable Sin
This beautiful Psalm gives us proof
that God's Word is true. This 22nd.
Psalm is the proof for those that doubt the Word of God, for it was
written a thousand years before the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. This should
strengthen your faith so that you can not be shaken
by any wind of doctrine. Even the
words that were stated at the foot of
the cross are recorded, 1000 years before the crucifixion, in this
chapter. This Psalm is the Psalm of the
crucifixion. It happen exactly
as it is recorded here, right down to the Roman soldiers gambling for
Jesus' clothing. The High priest even spoke the words when he was
against what he was saying; for God brought all the
detail of the
crucifixion to pass exactly as He stated in this prophecy. Man simply cannot
bring such a thing to pass, and even trying to re-enact it in a play,
he messes up. So
this ought to support your faith in what is recorded in your Bible, His
Word, as we read these things that came
to pass 1000 years
later. While Jesus hung there on the cross
before His death, He
stated this entire 22nd. chapter of Psalms While on the cross He began
quoting with Psalm 22, verse one and, we believe, continued to
the very end,
where He said, "He hath done this". Live Link to- Psalms 22.
world's sin is unbelief in me;"John
16:9 Living Bible
to- The
World's Sin
you suppose these were itty bitty little aprons that Adam and
Eve sewed
to cover their mouths because they just ate a bad apple?
Live Link
to- Bad Apples
Eve only ate an apple what did the serpent do to her? Genesis
3:14 And the LORD God said unto
the serpent, Because
thou hast done this,
thou art cursed above
all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt
go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Live Link
Done What?
Noah's Flood universal or just a middle east flood?
to- pamphlet #6240
This verse
speaks directly to those who teach that the Old Testament is passé and
not applicable anymore!
5:17 Think
not that I am come to
destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Christian preachers and pastors even teach that the laws of God
themselves are no longer in effect. That
is primarily due to the fact that they do not know the difference
between a law, a statute, and an ordinance. You
see, the natural laws of God which govern the physical universe, e.g.
gravity and inertia, and the natural laws which govern human behavior,
e.g. thou shalt do no murder, are still in effect. The
statutes and ordinances governing sacrifices and rituals, etc., are of
an entirely different nature. The main point is, it is still NOT OK to
jump off a high cliff (because
you will pay the price according to God's law of gravity)
and it is still NOT OK to murder someone
(because you will pay the price according to the law of murder, whether
man righteously executes the commanded judgment or not) and it is
still just as abominable to eat
pork or any other thing God told us not to eat in Leviticus chapter 11
& Deuteronomy 14:3-21. Live Link
to- #2508
This is what
if not most, of our Christian churches have become:
44:7 "In that ye have brought
into My sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised
in flesh, to be in My sanctuary, to pollute it, even My house, when ye
offer My bread, the fat of the blood, and they have broken My covenant
because of all your abominations."
This is happening on a massive scale
today. Even the Sodomites
want their part in God's Sanctuary, and
Christians are allowing that spiritual filth to happen in God's
house. The Kenites want to
teach and lead Christians down their
path to false righteousness, and Christians are buying into their lies
unquestioned. Most
Christians have no idea what the difference between Christian and
Judaism, and other
false religions is; and they mix God's love and
Salvation with their false set of traditional standards.
Schools are
teaching our children today that you can live
loose in your life, and if a baby is conceived you can murder that
unborn child. and
our Christian churches remain silent, sitting back and
allowing it to
continue without even a protest. Oh!
occasionally a Christian will say abortion is wrong, except
in cases of
rape or incest! Like
it makes a difference to that little human being
who their father was! But their protest never
mentions what
God thinks; only
what they think!
God's laws have been so diluted that even most of the
women in our
congregations now accept the murder of the tiny unborn child in their
womb as something morally right, as if what they do with their own body
is more precious then the life of that tiny child.
Their right to choose!
They call it! As if they now have a
right to play God!
Satan arrives here on earth, in person (and that will be soon),
most Christians will even
stop taking Communion for they will
believe that Satan is Jesus,
already here on earth with them. This
is what Jesus was telling us
when He referred to the 70th week of Daniel,
Daniel 9:27. The
"abomination of
is when people believe Satan is Christ,
and the communion table is stopped.
Link to- The
Parable of the Fig Tree!
is not something that interests you!
is a very long time, so
much so that our minds simply cannot comprehend it.
If you fail both resurrections,
(The first being at the end of this
earth age, based on your faith in Christ)
& (The second being at the end of the
Millennium, based on your obedience during those 1000 years, to Christ)
the end result will be
that your soul will become complete destroyed.
Revelation 20:14 , 15 "And death and hell were
cast into the lake of fire. This
is the second death."
[14] "And whosoever was not
found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." [15]
(To be no more, not even a
memory to
your loved ones!)
popular 21st.century
church pretends to adhere to
the truth,yet quietly undermines
it. Experience and emotion
the Word of God
its basis of faith Any time we make
experiences" or various signs and
wonders the criterion of our faith,
thereby open the floodgates to every sort of delusion Truth
at nearly all levels has been lost.Children
know they have been lied to by their parents,
teachers, their school counselors,
pastors, the police, and their government leaders.
kids no longer know what to believe or who to believe.
can tell them that something is bad for them,
they've been lied to so often
likely see this warning to be a lie.
See Live
to- The
Cultural Church
Yes, Satan will return
earth again; this
time claiming he is God. So the
apostle Paul,
authorized by the Lord Jesus Christ, made it real clear in his second
letter to the Thessalonians with a simple solid statement of fact as to
what MUST happen first, BEFORE Jesus Christ returns at the Last Trump!
In 2 Thes. 2:3-4
he says, "Let no
man deceive you by any means."
means no preacher, teacher, visionary, commentator, friend or foe,
whether male or female, or whether dead or alive! Paul continues...
"For that day",
the day the Lord returns, "shall
NOT come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the
son of perdition; [4]
opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he
as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Before Jesus Christ returns,
Satan will be cast to this earth along with his angels according to Rev. 12:7-9 and
he will appear as the Messiah with "all power and signs and
lying wonders (2
Thes. 2:9)", performing miracles "in the sight of men (Rev. 13:13)"
and deceive the whole world into believing he is God, i.e. Jesus Christ.
You SEE, if you do not KNOW that the
false messiah comes FIRST, which is part of having the "seal of God" in
your forehead (Rev.
9:4), no one will convince you, after the fact, that Jesus
Christ has not returned. You will surely worship the abomination of
desolation, the abominable one, the wicked one, the beast, the dragon,
that old serpent, Satan himself.
But, now
you do know, don't you? What you may not know, is how to tell the
Make sure you know how to tell the
difference between them.The difference between "what is holy"
and "what is
profane" The difference between "Jesus" and "Satan"; for
when Satan comes to earth claiming to be God. You won't "Endure unto
the End" if Christ returns and finds you "spiritually pregnant",
carrying Satan spiritual baby. If He finds you have been worshipping
Satan, it won't matter that you thought he was Jesus!
tells us how!; And we must know how if we are to "Endure unto the End"! In 1
Cor.15:51-52 Paul says,"Here is a secret truth
for you: ..."
link-) to-#1453
happens to our bodies at the last trump?"
So make sure you "Endure
unto the End"
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Matthew 24:13)
(live link-) to- #6169 "Till
ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain" You "see",
unless a person turns to God, to His Word, and becomes filled with His
spirit, he or she will become nothing but a piece of dead wood (spiritually speaking).
Matthew 10:26 , 27 "Fear them not therefore:
for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that
shall not be known." [26] "What I tell you in
darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that
preach ye upon the housetops."
God has already revealed everything to
you and to me through His Word, and there will be nothing that you will
go through that should be a surprise to you. You can expect what is
prophesied in His Word to come your way, also the protection that will
be given you by God.
When you are obedient to God's Word, and His Son, and keep committed to
Him, His promises are there for you in your time of need.
I Corinthians 15:54,
55 "So when this
corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal
shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying
that is written, "Death is swallowed up in Victory." [54] "O Death, where is thy
sting? O grave, where is thy victory." [55]
So after your flesh and blood body
shall have changed into its spiritual body, for the Millennium age, the
problems of this flesh age will not be any more.
"Death is swallowed
up in Victory" when your sins are blotted
out and made as if they had never been committed. When you have remained true
through the time of the great deception and not bowed to Satan, your
rewards and eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ is received, and
there is no sting of death. When the seventh angel sounds
his trumpet, your soul has eternal life, you will have taken part in the
"First Resurrection"
but there will be
many duties that will be expected of you in the Millennium age.
I Corinthians 15:56 , 57 "The sting of death is sin;
and the strength of sin is the law." [56] "But thanks be to God which
giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." [57]
You won't learn them is your church! At least not in any church I have
ever attended, and I've been to pretty many! They don't teach the
Bible; book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, rightly
dividing "The Word of Truth".
Most of what you get, will come from a Sunday school quarterly, written
by man, maybe even a Kenite!
Those of the second
resurrection will be judged by their works from "the books", and if they were
found worthy their name will automatically be placed in the "book of life".
Those mortal souls that are
found unworthy after the Millennium age will be blotted out from the
minds of their saved loved ones, remembrance of that event and their
memory of you will no longer exist.
There will be no
tears or sorrow for them by loved ones, because it will be as if that
soul had never existed or was created in the first place.
This is why it is
important that we understand the chronological order of the events that
will occur.
We must understand
the order of events in both our physical mind and spiritual mind so
that we will know what to expect during each of these ages and
The condition and
life of your soul relies on our understanding of these events,
especially during the generation we are living in today.
By not understanding them and chasing
after man's tradition assures you that you will follow the
false-christ, Satan, and think that he is the true Christ.
It is imperative that you
understand the Millennium age.
Because; Next we
enter into
the eternal time frame of an eternal existence with our Heavenly
Father; His Son
Jesus the Christ, and the
Holy Spirit.
Jesus paid the price for sin, the grave has no victory. Though it may
be for our loved ones, but it is comforting to know that our loved
one's soul is there with him. At the end of the Millennium age, that
sting of death will be removed for ever. Jesus Christ is the only way;
He is the only door to salvation. When Jesus arose from the dead to
defeat the sting of death brought on us by our sins, but now it is
through His blood that we are saved and have eternal life.
the day comes that your
church stops taking communion because they believe Christ has
returned, if you
are still in
your flesh and
blood body, beware! If someone claims to be Jesus
Christ, and you are still appearing to be 65 years old, with all the
wrinkles and pains of this flesh body, then that supernatural
person is a fake. That can't be hard to understand. If
your kids appear to be younger than you, and grandma is in the
hospital, then you and they are still in the flesh, then that supernatural person is a fake.
He's Satan claiming
he is God!
But,it does mean,
Christ will returns in less then 150
days. You keep right on
taking communion,
even if it's at
home, alone! Live Link
to- Here is a
good home
communion service.
Let's jump into the future, after
our Lord's Return,
and see what it's
going to be like!
Let's imagine for a minute or so that the 6th
trump has already sounded. Satan
has been here; claimed he was God. Many
proclaiming Christians believed he was and worshiped him. Then at the
7th trump the
real Christ returned and found them out. But,
there were a number of us
who were not fooled by Satan and waited for the real Christ's return.
We are now "Kings
& Priests"
The Millennium has
started; But, What
will it be like? Many have heard and
read that it will
be a time of teaching,
especially that of discipline. But some say, "I just don't quite get it. I
know what discipline in the Word is. It is to faithfully study the Bible
and absorb
it into my being, but
if people will be in their spiritual bodies during the
Millennium and will have perfect recall, meaning they will be able to
quote the
Bible from beginning to end and therefore they will know the Word of
God, then
what will God's elect be teaching? (The
elect, now being us "The Kings and Priests" who are to help
our Lord
teach and discipline those who did not endure until the end; therefore,
worshipped the beast, Satan, the spurious messiah.)
This somehow presumes that
intellect and knowledge are equivalent to good behavior and wisdom!
So, we must ask ourselves, do
kids have less knowledge than adults? Of course they do! Well
than, do children fight and bicker? Of course they do!
Do adults, even those with
degrees, fight and bicker?
Yes they
do. They call it marriage! (Just kidding.) I
guess superior knowledge doesn't necessarily overcome the spirit of
bickering and fighting then, does it?
does it automatically give one wisdom. One
need look no further than our Congress to find very knowledgeable,
intelligent people who possess no wisdom. Nevertheless,
we will learn a
great deal about the answer to the question of teaching and discipline
the Millennium in this "Kings
and Priests" study, for it has little to do with the
knowledge of
God's Word and a lot to do with discerning it and doing it, i.e. following it...
all of it.
See Live
to-Kings and Priests
is only speculation,
but think about it, since your experience of death in this flesh age is
part of God's plan to save your soul you may be required to
watch films
of your physical death at some time during summer school
(The Millennium)"...John Rhine
note: There are two
qualifiers as
to what animals we should eat: Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I
given you all things. 4 But flesh with the life
thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. #1. It must
be properly butchered! (verse
4) (But
flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not
eat.) and #2. Same
as applies to the green herb; it must not be harmful to you. even as the
green herb have I given you all things) (verse 3) "Even
as the green herb" means
their are meats we should not eat, just as we would not eat poison
ivy. I believe He explained that to us
in Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy 14:3-21 and
it is still true today. See
Live Link to- pamphlet
Are you a "watchman"? Do
eat your "daily bread" from the table of the Lord? If
so, you know that we have been instructed to "WATCH" in this final
We were told to
watch by Jesus Christ: Mark 13:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
We were told to watch by the apostle Paul: 1 Thes. 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others;
but let us watch and
be sober.
We were told to watch by apostle Peter: 1 Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye
therefore sober, and watch unto
Does "watching" mean to just be on the
lookout for the return of Christ, so WE know when He is coming? No it DOES NOT! It
means to DO the JOB of the WATCHMAN! It means get to WORK even as we are just
about finished studying the Book of the Watchman, the
book which explains how to be a "Watchman" in these last days! It is not the hearers who are justified, but
the DOERS!
Ezekiel tell us more about Christ's Millennial Kingdom, right here on
earth, which is a spiritual kingdom for the flesh age will have ended
at His return.
Concerning the Millennial Kingdom
YOU MISS these
verses, (Ezekiel
40:4-5), the
rest of the Book of Ezekiel
will be little more than a description of a temple building and a city.
2:14 " But
the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they
are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are
Millennial Temple "Within the Temple":
40:4-5 (If
necessary, READ verses 4
& 5 OVER AND OVER, until you see) Pray that "The Holy
Spirit" gives you eyes to see!
Chapters 40-44
YOU MISS these
verses (Ezekiel
40:4-5), the rest of
the Book of Ezekiel will
be little more than a description of a temple building and a city
The Millennium Temple we are reading about in these last nine chapters
of Ezekiel is to "show the way", the plan, to the true Temple, which is
the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb.
What is the Plan of God for the final 1000 years commonly called the
which precedes the Great White Throne Judgment and the entering into
Third Earth Age, the age of eternal happiness?
Our Father has given us a PICTURE of this Millennial temple and its
and ordinances that we may see the plan of God in the Millennium
Is everyone who claims to be a Christian going to be able to enter the
kingdom and sit at the feet of Jesus during the Millennium?
Millennial Temple "Without
the Temple":
Chapters 45-48
If you read older Bible commentaries written before the twentieth
you will see how little Ezekiel chapter one was understood until now.
No, the sacrifices in the Millennium will not be of blood and
animals any more than it is today, but they must be of the same spirit
of love and service that causes those who truly believe in Jesus Christ
to hunger and thirst after righteousness... every day.
There IS a condition
here, though as we noted
it is not of race or nationality.
The condition
is simply "IF"
you thirst.
What a time the Millennium will be!
Because of it's importance to us in
these "END TIMES"
challenge you to prepare and preach a sermon
on two verses of the Bible. "Acts
26: 6-7."
hope you'll
pray about it.
voice in your mind says,
not fear.
on my armor.
my sheep.
my people the truth. '
then slowly, reluctantly,
with courageous resolve, you
prepare a sermon on verses six
and seven of the
chapter of the Book of Acts. Live Link
#1062 Acts 26:6-7
Pastor, Have you preached a sermon on Acts
26:6-7 yet?
Khazars The question is "Just who are those
today who claim to be Jews (of Judah) but are NOT?"
Link to-
Israelites are not God's chosen people because they are Israelites;
God's chosen people are Israelites because God chose each of them from
the first earth age to be born in this earth age to daughters of
...John Rhine
note, I did not
say Israelis as per citizens of the small country in the middle east
Israel, although some Israelis are Israelites as in descendants of
are the descendants of
the ten tribe ancient
of Israel"
and the two tribe ancient "House
of Judah" living in this 21st. century A.D.?
to- Pamphlet #7085
Link) to- Find and
Fill the Gaps
Got your radio on? The locusts are
coming soon!
the dragon with them! Right after the NWO takes a hit!
the next benchmark in Bible prophecy! You are there!
Live Link
to- Pamphlet
of what many people think, we are not human
born in
the flesh, sent
here to have a spiritual experience.
are spirit
been sent here to have a human
a better appreciation of life and death; thereby, acting accordingly to
ensure a victorious spiritual future for ourselves throughout
eternity." ...John Rhine
instructs us
Rightly Divide the Word of Truth.
you ever noticed
that precious metals such as gold and silver and precious gems like
and rubies do not lie in abundance out in the open fields for passersby
to just reach down and pick up? No, those "riches" are hidden deep in
heart of the earth and IF you desire to have them you must labor and
for them and dig them out! And so it is with the precious riches found
in the Word of God that lie at a deeper level beneath the surface.
riches are reserved for the workman who studies and shows himself
and who rightly divides the Word of God (2 Tim. 2:15).
did God completely destroy the first earth age? The
age of the dinosaurs!
Link to-
pamphlet #1003
the seventh day God rested, now the seventh day, having passed away, we come to the eighth
Link to-
pamphlet #6215
miss it!
Life End at Birth?"

to 1776AD = 2520 years - Check it out!
Not a chance!
plan and His timetable are perfect.
Link) to- pamphlet
so the latter day rain is now falling,
only you will allow it to water the buds of your mind
you grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord
your love for Him increases each day. Question, are
you attending a church where the latter day rain is falling? If not,
why do you still attend that church?
Live Link to- The
latter day rain is now falling
Physical Events
as Recorded
in the BIBLE
Future Spiritual Happenings" Do
you have eyes and ears to see and understand the Word of God
the simplicity in the way our Father, God, communicates
to us, His children. One
of those simple ways is,
had His prophets
and place in writing
the things that will happen to us in the final generation. Then,
had all those things "acted out" in type,
the old testament,
a play upon the stage
they really happened)
that we could get a visual picture
the way things would be spiritually
these last days. Live Link to-
all professing Christians
Link) to- Warning!
to the final
outcome, all
taxes, whether collected from individuals or businesses,
paid either directly or indirectly by people who work to
earn a
living, buy
things they need, but
don't sell
things other people
are not in a position to pass the cost of their tax
burden unto
else for reimbursement." ...John Rhine
bad part of this story we are going to read is so sad!
First here is the good part!
Satan wasn't successful in
all of his attempts to contaminate the blood line of God's eighth day
man (Adam and Eve). Jesus was born to offspring
from that line who remained of pure pedigree. Even if it did take a flood
in Noah's day to preserve the line.
Now the sad part of the
has sure been successful in convincing most Christians that they
are gentiles; rather than true descendants of the ancient
Israelites. So when they read their Bibles,
if they indeed read them at all, in or out of their church;
They believe that in Ezekiel 23 God is talking to the "Jews" and
not to them!
them that the "Jews", when referred to, are those
people who live in that little country in the middle east called
Israel, today.
Those "Jews" do include a
small percentage of ancient
Israelites, from
the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (the ancient House of
Judah), but mostly they are descendants of Cain (the
While the vast
majority of the
descendants of the people who made up the ancient "House of Israel" and
the ancient "House of
Judah" are the same people whose descendants today make up the
Christian nations of Europe and
the Americas.
The people this story is addressing!
It's a
study about Two Whores and that is what they've become!
Hey! I didn't call us
that, God did!
Live Link
to- #8023
students of
God's Word should know from Paul's teachings that the events of HIStory
recorded in scripture, the "things that happened" unto our forefathers,
"the ancient
Israelites", happened unto them for ensamples, as types
and forerunners, and are written for us in this final generation in order that we might obtain a
"visual" image in our mind's eye to literally "see" how things shall be
in this final generation. The apostle Paul said it this way:
1 Cor. 10:11 Now all
these things
happened unto them for ensamples:
and they are written for our admonition,
upon whom the ends of the world are come
Bible Study may be offensive to tender ears, to those Christians who
can't imagine that anyone who calls himself or herself a minister or
of Jesus Christ, would knowingly mislead anyone for money, power or
i.e. for personal gain.
are sly and cunning. These guys and dolls are very crafty in obtaining
gain in this spiritual desert where meat from our Father's table is
served (Amos 8:11). Great music, fancy cathedrals, membership in the
and they all say that Jesus is Lord, yep, He is the Savior. But
what about teaching the Word of God? What
about preparing our people in this final generation for the siege and
onslaught of the soon coming king of Babylon, the desolater, the
who is Satan appearing as the Messiah, BEFORE Jesus Christ returns (2
2)? We read in the
previous studies that it
doesn't matter what anyone thinks, IT SHALL HAPPEN AS IT IS WRITTEN
they pollute God's Word and teach out of their own hearts for MONEY? You
bet your sweet collection plate many of them would, and they do! Do
you think there are no "hirelings" in Churchianity?
Then read John 10:12-13.
Christian ministers do "slay the souls", cause the spiritual death, of
those who should be fed the truth of His Word,
by "setting them up" to fall before the spurious messiah.
in Churchianity?
If Conventional
Biblical Teaching
Fit or Make Sense to You,
will be amazed.
Live Link to- Pamphlet
battle over the placement of the 'Ten Commandments'
in public places is
not about separating
'Church and State'; It is about the atheists
to separate 'God
and State'. Church is
not God!
The 'Ten
Commandments' are God's Commandments, not the church's
commandments." ..John Rhine
When will Christ
Return? It is true that no man knows the
exact hour or day when Jesus Christ WILL return. But
you know what? His
watchmen know when He ISN'T returning. He
isn't returning tonight and He isn't returning tomorrow!
as it is
isn't returning until
the son of perdition, Satan, comes and sits in the temple
to be the Messiah.
That happens FIRST and it hasn't happen yet.
Here is incontrovertible
Thes. 2:1 Now we beseech
you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our
together unto him,
is our gathering back to Christ at His coming.
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit,
nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at
Don't be
or wondering about whether Christ will return today or
tomorrow. There is a major
that must take place FIRST!
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be
the son of perdition;
be deceived by how big their ministry is and how religious and
they look or how many times they call themselves good Christians or
ability to babble unintelligible syllables while walking around the
or their apparent receiving of special words of knowledge, etc., etc.,
etc. When the son of
perdition, Satan as the
spurious messiah, is revealed in his glory [he
is a beautiful supernatural archangel
28)], there will be the greatest apostasy, falling away,
in the history
of mankind, as the world and most Christians flock to worship him as
you Rapture Theory!
opposeth and exalteth himself above all
that is called God, or that
is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God.
is not returning until the abomination of desolation spoken of by
the prophet stands in Jerusalem claiming to be Christ. Now
you can either believe someone who tells you he or she might "vanish"
any moment or you can believe the Word of God as simply put forth by
apostle Paul. The choice is yours.
read what our Father has to
say about this "fly away" doctrine called the any-moment Rapture Theory.
Link) to-
don't understand the Old Testament, how are you to understand the New
reason God chose to place us back here, on
earth, for this short stay (120
years maximum), probably more like 70 or 80, for some only 20,
or 30, maybe much less!,
in this animal body is
that we can learn to appreciate the finality of
death. As we experience seeing our loved ones die "the shadow of
death", the death of their flesh, while we are
still living here on earth in our own flesh and blood body and can no
longer communicate with that loved one who has died.
Seeing as how 1/3 of us (over
4 1/2 billion of God's created children) followed Satan, turning our backs on God in the first
earth age, God
is counting on this teaching those of us who still see no need
accept His offer of grace, in this earth age, to be saved by accepting
the blood of Christ
for our salvation a
lesson about the real death,
faith in Him, but only during this FLESH AGE) The death of our soul and how
permanent that will be,
which we will not forget
during the Millennium, during
which time we will be given a chance to still save our souls
by being judged by our
works. No longer by faith in Christ, but by our works during the
Millennium, He is counting on us, after seeing this,
not wanting to
experience the death of our soul,
realizing it is forever, and so will
live accordingly during the Millennium. (by His will and not
Satan's) Live
Link to-
Animal Bodies
citizens of the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain,
Germany, Australia, Denmark, France, and ALL THE WORLD. Guess who is coming to clean your Biblically
illiterate spiritual clock?
Live Link to-Ezekiel 21
Link) to-This
And then get right down on your knees and pray!
live link to-
You Truly Believe"
19:16 And, behold,
one came and said unto him, Good Master,
what good
thing shall I do,
that I
may have eternal life?
What kind of question is that?
Can you earn salvation by doing "good
things"! If
that were the case then why would Christ have needed to come to this
and suffer and die on the cross? Who needs
Him or even needs to know Him if one can do good things using His name
and be granted eternal life? This is a
serious matter, so take heed and consider carefully what Messiah has to
say. This concerns the rich man
who Jesus told in verse
21, "to sell what he had and give it to the poor." You will need to have your
spiritual eyes open to understand this lesson Jesus was teaching, both
to the rich man and us! see Live Link
to- Pamphlet #2546
the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son;
and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them
to be put to death.
Link) to- Pamphlet #7021
open your eyes to see
truths which are not taught is many churches.
Because a Christ-ian is a "Christ-man", a person who follows Jesus
Christ, the Word of God, and not a follower of some church system laden
with rituals and ceremonies and praise and worship services, etc.,
while its members remain Biblically empty-headed, i.e. void of the
knowledge of His Word.
There are
different stages, or seasons, and a time
and place for every matter pertaining to a person's life in the flesh,
i.e. under heaven. In
fact, there are 28 seasons that all flesh men will go through while
living under the sun.
Live Link to- pamphlet
once asked his father why it is that he could read and understand the
Bible when it seemed mysterious and difficult to most others.
His father told him it was because it was his turn
to "see" the truth much in the same way that it was his turn to be 70
years old and his son's turn to be forty.
it will be your turn to be
70", my son.
present day
Jews are Israelites from the tribe of
Judah. The Israelites
(all 12 tribes) are God's chosen people. Many
Israelis (Jews
from Israel of today) are not Israelites or even of
Judah or Benjamin
which made up the original nation of Judah. The other 10
tribes of
Israelites who made up the original nation of Israel; where do you
they are today? You won't need to spend much time on this web
to find out!
pamphlets #1064 and
them both in the Table of Contents to your left, under "Wisdom"
is the proclaiming of the gospel among ALL NATIONS going to be
Is man going to do it,
or is God going to do it?
God is going to do it
through his watchmen like Ezekiel. Ezekiel, who is
a type of God's elect in the final generation, was
sent by God to dwell among his people, the spiritually dead house of
in the last days just before the restoration of the Millennium.
actually going
to SEE how that restoration begins and how God uses the ministry of the
watchman to help bring it about.
let there be no doubt, lest any
man should boast, it is the Lord GOD who does the restoring, not man. Ezekiel's
there in the heat of the dry bone field teaching his little heart out.
And he's rattled a lot
of bones and they are
beginning to come together. Let's
do a current day reality check ourselves.
For those with eyes to see and ears to
hear, consider now the whole
of Israel, i.e.
"The Christian Nations
of the World". As
one of His watchman, look now out
over the valley of the dry
and consider how many, out of the many, many dry bones, have
"breath" in them! How
are we doing? Seems like things
are going pretty good! Better
stop and check the harvest!.
Link to-
"Dead Dry
you ever noticed that precious metals such as gold and silver and
gems like diamonds and rubies do not lie in abundance out in the open
for passersby to just reach down and pick up?No, those "riches" are
deep in the heart of the earth and IF you desire to have them you must
labor and search for them and dig them out! And so it is with the
riches found in the Word of God that lie at a deeper level beneath the
surface. Those riches are reserved for the workman who studies and
himself approved and who rightly divides the Word of God (2 Tim. 2:15).
Christian is a "Christ-man", a person who
follows Jesus
Christ, the
of God, and not a follower of some church system laden with rituals and
ceremonies and praise and worship services, etc., while its members
Biblically empty-headed, i.e. void of the knowledge of His Word.
When the church world of today
turned their backs to the Minor Prophets, and the book of Revelation,
and created fairy tales and worked them into their denominational traditions they completely disarmed their
proclaiming Christian membership, and opened them up to believe the
spiritual warfare that Satan will bring upon the earth.
Link to-
Deadly Wound
Bible is
truly the Word of
God and in it our Father reveals the “Whys” and “Wherefores”
the existence of His creation
and life itself.
also reveals
that there
is a great Plan being worked out here on earth
is unfolding according
to the precise time line He set forth from before the beginning of this
earth age.
as a reminder, and for those who have recently joined
our studies, in Revelation chapter 1, where Jesus Christ,
in His glorified body, was standing in the midst of seven candlesticks
(churches), with seven stars (representing angels) in His right hand,
a sharp twoedged sword (the Word of God) proceeded out of His mouth. He
turned to each church and began addressing
them, noting their doctrines and giving to them His instructions. He
His servant John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, who was taken to the
of the Lord, i.e. the first day of the Millennium, to record His words
to the churches which are present THEN, even now, not in 96 A.D. I
remind you that there are only two
churches, Philadelphia,
along with Smyrna, that Christ finds no fault
with. There are two things they have in common that no other 21st.
century church has. They
both know who the people are who claim to be Jews, but are not; because
they lie.
However, before we go any further with this
thought, here is a quote with an interesting
historical note regarding the two cities of Smyrna and Philadelphia,
ought to tell us something. It is from the Smith's Bible Dictionary
the title "The Seven Churches":
was included in the message with Smyrna as deserving approbation and
and these two only out of the seven cities have continued to our day,
now possess a material prosperity somewhat equal to their importance."
Bible Dictionary", A. J. Holman Company, Philadelphia, pg.
277. If
you have wisdom and understanding, which those of the churches of
Philadelphia and Smyrna have because they love and study His Word, then
you also can count (trace) those smooth stones (Rev. 13:18) from the
fig grove, all the way to the planting of the fig tree in 1948, to
right now. Yes,
you can "Count the Number of the Beast". His number is "666".
Live Link to- #666
When we are
ask, to count the number of the beast, aren't we are really being ask
count the number of Cain's/Satan's descendants living among us?
Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom.
Let him
that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six. Live
to- Lets
take a look at Cain and his children throughout the scriptures.
to- The
Parable of the Fig Tree
to- FigTree
Table of Contents
an exciting
time in which to live? Did you know that the majority of the prophecies
contained in the Word of God were written for these last days, the days
of the generation of the fig tree which began on May 15, 1948. That
that the Baby Boomer generation is the generation Jesus Christ said
not pass away until all the things He foretold us of in Matthew 24,
13, and Luke 21 came to pass (Mat. 24:34).
"Dung Toasties", and
"Sugar Dung Pops"
remember, in the Bible
always symbolic of "doctrine". Jesus
Word of God,
that true bread that came down from heaven
born in the town called "House of Bread", Beth-lehem in Hebrew)
is the daily bread that we are supposed to eat. But
there are other "breads", other than the Word of God,
are made by man and fed to God's children. They
are the "traditions of man". Here
are Christ's words to His disciples concerning bread: Matthew
How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you
bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the
Then understood
they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of
bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of
the Sadducees. *
Now let's
look at this scene from Ezekiel concerning bread: Ezekiel
4:9 Take
thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles,
and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee
thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon
side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof. I
count 6 grains,
mixed bag of ingredients from which to make bread,
the fine meal used for delicate cakes (Gen
18:6). The
number "6" is the number of "man". 666
is you-know-who! Ezekiel
4:10 And
thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels
a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it. Twenty
shekels of bread is about 10 ounces per day
that is barely enough to sustain a person. Ezekiel
Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of an hin:
from time to time shalt thou drink. About
a pint and a half of water per day is all he gets to drink too!
4:12 And thou
shalt eat it as barley cakes, and
thou shalt bake it
in their sight with
dung that cometh out of man.
in some "humanous poopous"?
4:13 And
the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their
defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them.
That would be Christians in
Christian churches in
our Christian nations of this 21st. century, folks!
in Europe and the Americas!
Book of Ezekiel
was written for the "right moment" in the Divine order of God's
It was written to the "watchmen" of this final generation, to those who
possess a "higher degree" of knowledge and understanding of His Word,
those servants of His who have "eaten the scroll
and digested
it in
their bowels
Caution! Caution!
Prepare yourself now before the famine Amos talked about has closed off
hearing of the true
Word of God, for the time is coming when no matter where you
go on earth seeking the
Word, it can not be found.
Amos 8:11 "Behold, the days come,
saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine
of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of
the Lord:"
8:12 "And they shall wander
from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to
and fro to
seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it."
No matter where you go, once this great whore, the
religious Babylon
order has taken complete control,
hearing of God's Word will
not be allowed anywhere. You
better learn it now, for it simply won't
available or accurate in
printed form, especially in your newer versions of the Bible
it any wonder Satan
will have no problem convincing MOST PROCLAIMING
CHRISTIANS that he is GOD and the one to be worshiped as such!
Please read live link to-
the End Time
My fellow Christian,
are you planting seeds of truth in peoples minds?
Or as Haggai ask, in Haggai 2:19 Is
the seed yet in the barn? ... You want to participate in
His blessings? The
choice is yours... Feast
or Famine!
The work which lies ahead of
us is to
make sure the seed, His Word, is no longer left in the barn!
must take it out and make sure it gets sown and planted among our
brothers and sisters!
First however, we must make sure we study His Word and know the
difference between that which is holy and that which is profane in
order that we can discern between the clean and the unclean. Else how can we teach others?
Live Link
to- Is the seed yet in the
your church teach you:
The First Earth Age? Why not? There was one before this
one. You and
the dinosaurs both lived there!
The Third Heaven? Why not? Peter
taught us, in 2 Peter, about three heavens, Paul
taught us, in II Corinthians, about a third heaven and John
taught us, in Revelations, about a heaven yet future and a earlier
which the KJV translators mistakenly called the first rather than
Different Destructive Floods? Both
Noah's and Lucifer's Floods. Why not? There were 2 floods! Lucifer's was universal and Noah's was
local/middle east
Eighth Day Creation Why not?
When do you think Adam and Eve were created? I'll bet they told you it
was on the sixth day along with the rest of mankind!
Cain was not driven from Earth to Earth
as stated in Genesis 4:13 and
14 of the King James version of your Bible? Why do they not tell you eretz as used here, means {land
not earth}? Why didn't they point out what
the translators incorrectly said, instead of his being driven one land to another land
on this same earth! The same mistaken translation they
made describing Noah's flood. It was in the whole land, not
the whole earth! The whole eretz as used here, means {The whole land
not earth}
once was a Priest? Why not? It's true! He was.
We Flesh
and Blood Humans and the Angels are one in the same. Why not? It's true! Yes,
we're Brothers?
Lord traveling by space ship? Why not? It's true! He visited Ezekiel in one.
the creations
of man described in Genesis 1 and 2 were two different
happenings? Why not? They were!
some angels
came to earth and impregnated human women? Why not? They did! That was the reason for Noah's flood!
Cain was
Lucifer's son? Why not? It's true!
Eve had sex
with Satan in the garden of Eden? Why not? It's true!
strong drink
is not forbidden? Why not? It's not!
new wine
is not unfermented grape juice? Why not? It's not!
Jesus preached
unto many nations. Much less When and Where? Why not? It's true! He did!
the "Rapture
Theory" is false? Why not? It is false!
Christ will
not return until Satan comes first as the spurious messiah claiming he
is Christ? Why not? It's true!
many Living Flesh
and Blood people and Spiritually Dead
people are one in the same person? Why not? It's true!
the "Eternal
Torture Theory" is not correct? Why not? It's not!
truths are not given for all to see? Why not? They're not!
there are
2 groups of humans? The predestination group!
The free
choice group! Why not? It's true!
the Groves,
as described in the Bible, are carved images of the erect male
penis? Why not? It's true!
Jesus teaches
us, by example, to Find and Fill in the Gaps in scripture
references? Why not? It's true!
after our
death in this flesh life we become spirit beings for the second
time? Why not? It's true!
we are ask
several times, in the Bible, to measure the temple of God, i.e. the
church? Why not? It's true!
the Book
of Revelation is sealed and we cannot understand it? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
the famine,
tribulation, of the last days will devastate our food and water
supply? Why would they teach that?
It is not Biblical!
unsaved man
will be tormented for ever and ever? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Christ was
crucified on a Friday and arose from the dead on Sunday? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
angels are
spiritual beings that have no purpose but to deliver messages for
God? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
man's original
first sin was eating an apple from a fruit tree in the center of the
of Eden? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
the second
beast of Revelation will do horrible things to our physical well being
when he comes? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
all of us
have free will in all things from the time of our birth until we
die? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
the flood
Noah and his family survived flooded the whole earth? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Jesus will
come and Rapture you away before the great tribulation? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
all of God's
earthly creation happened during a 6 day period of time just 6000 years
ago? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
the people
from the country 'Israel' in the middle east are God's chosen
people? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
the Genesis
chapter 2 creation is a repeat the chapter 1 creation of man told a
time? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Sunday is
the Lord's Day, a day you should set aside for worship? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Christ might
return at any time, even tomorrow? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
all those
who do not accept Jesus as their savior during this present period of
grace will perish? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
"Easter Sunrise
Worship Services? are based on a Biblical truth"? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Jesus was
born on December 25th? Why would they teach
that? It is not Biblical!
Cain's decedents
are the Kenites? Why not? It's true, they are!
the Kenites/Cain's
survived Noah's flood? Why not? It's true, they did!
we were angels
before being born in the flesh? Why not? It's true!
once we are
in the Millennium there will be no more flesh and blood
people? Why not? It's true!
the lake
of fire is the second death, the complete DESTRUCTION of the wicked
souls? Why not? It's true!
from whence we get Easter, is rated "X? Why not? It's true!
to perish
as stated in John 3:16 means to be fully destroyed , as in never shalt
thou be any more? Why not? It's true!
in the Bible
good is measured using solar terminology & bad using
lunar terminology? Why not? It's true!
we are approaching
the eve of another seventh day, the Lord's Day, which is the
millennium? Why not? It's true!
there were
giants in the earth in those days, both before and after Noah's
flood? Why not? It's true!
Noah was
PERFECT in his family history, his generations, his family tree, his
And why it mattered! Why not? It's true!
Noah's Flood
was not universal? Why not? It's true!
Noah was
preaching against getting sexually involved with the sons of God, the
fallen angels
before the flood? Why not? It's true!
Maybe your church didn't
teach you these things, but we will, because we at "The American Wisdom Series" are not depending on
the proceeds from a felt lined collection plate!
[Old McAdam planted good seed in the
garden, when along came Satan
to sow some tares.] Matthew 13:25
[Now, 6000 years later! Locusts, locusts everywhere.
Tell ye your
children of it. Let your children tell their children.]
Joel 1:3
Here is a message to the
preachers, one that they ignore (because they
know not it is written to them) and instead turn upside down for their
own self gain and use it to lay "guilt trips" upon our brothers and
sisters to cause them to give more money. Live Link
to- pamphlet #7013
is not
God's Word is Christianity.
study is not just intended for
those who seek after other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism,
Liberalism and other
mystic religions.
intended for Christians
who just don't
seem to quite understand how our Father looks upon the "traditions of
many of which have come from pagan religions and have crept into and
adopted by Christianity, and worse yet, declared Holy.
don't think so! It's
about time Christians begin to "get real" and wake up to what's
around them
playing church and begin
to know the Lord their God through His Word. He's
you think He doesn't see everyone trying to be
nicey-nice and oh-so-religious
in their praise and worship antics
makes them feel real good)
they totally ignore Him, because
they totally ignore His
Written Word
makes Him feel really bad and even makes Him angry). Well,
you'll learn He's a realist
when you read this study because our
Father tells it like it is and uses graphic allegories to get His point
across to a thick-headed, rebellious people.
does it take to get the children to SEE their whoredom, which is
does it take to drive them to Him,
to His
Word, instead of to
Again, repeat after me:
is not
God's Word is Christianity!. Live Link
to- Pamphlet #8023
do you walk
in the light? The Word of God is the light! You can walk in magnificent
churches with stain glassed windows, you can walk on holy ground, you
walk among holy men, you can walk around all over town and say "Praise
the Lord" to everyone, but
if you do not walk in the Word of God, you walk
in darkness everywhere you walk!
is it that a person can get so excited about the Word
of God while another person could not care less? It is
sad, but many people think of the Bible as just a book
containing "stories"
and lists of
restrictive religious do's and don'ts
and the biggie "Thou shalt nots".
But it is not so! The
Bible contains knowledge and revelation from the Creator
of the Universe. And guess what!
He's smarter and wiser than any scientist,
physicist, philosopher, or theologian. Within
the pages of 66 books can
be found many answers that continue to baffle those who look through
and/or small scopes but ignore the vast scope of God's Word. We
will discover
some of these "mysteries" and "secrets" by peeking into
the Book of Ephesians.
It was written by Paul, the apostle,
from prison in Rome, around 62 A.D. It begins:
1:1 Paul, an
of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to
the saints which are at Ephesus,
and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: An "apostle" (Gr. apostolos)
is one who is "sent forth",
i.e. an ambassador. Paul was made an apostle by the "will of God",
by the "will of
Paul". Paul's
"will" was to persecute and even kill Christians and he
was very zealous in his efforts. With an attitude like that you would
it might be tough
to convert him to Christianity. Maybe it
would be for
man, but not for God. God did not inspire Paul to attend a
tent revival
to convert
him, nor did Paul come forward to an altar call.
Jesus Christ simply knocked
him off his horse with a lightning bolt and said "you're mine, dude"!
This method of recruiting is quite effective as it tends to instantly
and make ready the "clay". Here's
Paul's reaction:
9:6 And he
and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord
unto him, Arise, and
go into the city, and
it shall be told thee what thou must do. See what I mean? Paul finishes verse one by telling us
who he is
addressing in this story. Ephes.
... to the saints
which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: The Saints are those of us who are
saved and going to heaven so it would be in your best interest to hear
what Paul has to say about these "mysteries" and "secrets"!
Link to)- Ephesians
the rest of the story about "mysteries" and "secrets".
from God we
are no different than animals. Read Pamphlet #1399
in the table of contents on the left of this screen.
long ago, reading
the Minor Prophets was like reading tomorrow's newspaper. That still
somewhat true to this day! However, as the Baby Boomer generation of
fig tree has "ripened with age", some sections of those Minor Prophets
now contain current events, "TODAY'S NEWS", and some sections even
history, i.e. prophecies fulfilled! So we all need to stay awake and be
alert and not fall asleep on the watch.
Angel Is One of Us!!!!" Don't miss what this
angel is saying! Rev.
Then saith he unto
thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant,
and of thy brethren the prophets, and
of them which keep
the sayings of this book: worship God. This
is a very revealing
verse. The
angel makes it perfectly clear that he is "one of us"
has lived in the flesh,
among our brethren the prophets. Some time ago, I do not remember
when, I wrote a
about us having been in spirit bodies, i.e. angels during the first
age and a gal named Suzie wrote back to me challenging my assertion.
following is Suzie's note to me and my reply back to Suzie. Suzie
writes - Where did you get the idea that we
become angels
(quoting you.... "our
spiritual bodies, i.e. angels")? You certainly did not read it in
in the Bible, because it is not there! You need to research a little
What you have stated is false and very misleading. My Reply - Dear
Suzie, Please don't reject something which is documented in the Bible
because you never heard it before!
Link to- My
Reply to Suzie
Also see Live
Link to- pamphlet
believe God created us as spiritual beings long before he created these
flesh bodies we now live in... John Rhine
Do you realize what this verse tells
us? Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth
His secret unto His servants the prophets. It
says that EVERYTHING that is
"going down" in this final generation is WRITTEN IN THE PROPHETS,
revealed through them unto to those who love the Lord! That's right!
There is Nothing that the Lord GOD is going to do that is LEFT OUT of
the prophets! There should be many skillful teachers in
this land of the free and home of brave teaching the words of Amos the
herdman and his fellow prophets! WHERE
declares that in these last days there would be (and there is) a great
"famine, not for bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words
of the Lord (Amos 8:11-13)".
Below you'll find WISDOM every Christian should possess.
the Baptist's mother, Elizabeth, was Mary's cousin.
Link to- So
what does all this mean?
How is that you came to follow Jesus
Christ? A common story often told by God's elect.
Plus, Why
we Christians need to study the Old Testament!
you familiar with the 3 Earth ages?"
All in this file 1500b
links Below
Special Bible Studies
facts you need to know to understand Scripture
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Birthright and the Sceptre
Stone Kingdom
it or Not
the Temple
Does Your Church Teach?
Truths Your Church Might Not Teach
what your church teaches is true:
advanced Table of Contents for the Serious student of God's Word
pamphlet studies
About Judas taking communion at the last supper.
Mark 14:21 "The
Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of Him: but woe to that man by whom
the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been
I don't know what Judas did in that first
earth age, or why God allowed him to be selected for this duty of betrayal. It
is hard to understand why Judas would be so greedy that he would betray Jesus,
his close friend; but he did. We must remember also that after this evil act,
Judas repented to the Father for his part in this act of betrayal.
Mark 14:22 "And
as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them,
and said, "Take, eat: this is My body."
As we take our daily bread also, it is
important that we ask God's blessings on the food we eat. Jesus is setting up
the "holy sacrament" here. There can't be any confusion here, for Jesus
is telling us that the [unleavened] bread that they are eating is the symbol
of His Body that will soon be sacrificed on the cross.
Mark 14:23 "And
He took the cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them: and
they all drank of it."
All of the disciples drank of the cup that
evening. Did Jesus tell you to stop and examine yourselves before you take of
the cup, to see if you are worthy to take of the cup and eat of the unleavened
bread? Of course not. Did Jesus tell Judas that you cannot partake
of the cup, because you are going to betray me? Of course not. "...And they
all drank of it."
John's Note:
Yet every Christian church house, where I've ever taken communion has
given me the impression that if I took the cup unworthily, as they define it saying I must be worthy, I would be
in big trouble with the Lord.
Jesus gave His cup to all of the disciples,
even Judas, and He expects all that believe on His name to take of the cup, and
it has nothing to do with whether you are worthy or not, for you are not
worthy. You take the cup because Jesus Christ is Worthy, Jesus
Christ is the one that paid the price on the cross and He is the One that is
worthy of honor and praise for you to take the cup. The Lord created you, and
when you fell in the first earth age, He made a way in the second earth age to
draw you back to Him. In that plan he had to come in the flesh just like you and
I, and all humans, then after living the perfect life, and going through what we
go through, He became the perfect sacrifice for your and my soul. He did what we
could not do for ourselves, and that is why Jesus Christ is
Revelation 4:11 "Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and
power: for Thou hast created all thing, and for Thy pleasure they are and were
You and I will never be worthy to take the cup
of the wrath that Jesus took, for He is the only perfect sacrifice that could
shed His blood of the sins of others. If you think that Christ is worthy, than
you reach out and take the cup of the fruit of the vine that represents the
blood of Christ. If you think that Jesus Christ lived that perfect life in the
flesh, and that He was the Son of God, and gave His body on the cross for you,
than you reach out and take that broken piece of unleavened bread that
represents His body. Yes my friend, the only thing that matters whether you
take the holy sacrament is whether you believe that Christ was
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After the way that Christ was treated when He
walked this earth, and He loved you so much that He gladly went to the cross,
can there be any question at all that Christ is worthy? I don't think so! If you are waiting until you are perfect before you take communion, you
will never take it, for you will never be perfect. If someone casts you aside
and prevents you from taking the communion, they are far worse off than you for
not taking it, for the sin that they commit is refusing you the body of
Christ. He is refusing you the living Word of God, and no man has the right
to refuse another man to take the cup of communion. We all fall short, and it is
a disgrace that the religious community will set their traditional standards,
all in the name of God, to control who will take communion. God will judge them
harshly for their actions.
Mark 14:24 "And
He said unto them, This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed
for many."
Jesus was standing before his disciples and
holding the cup before him, then He said of the cup, "This is My blood of
the New Testament, which is shed for many." Christ's blood is shed for
every person that believes on Him and will partake of the cup. It is shed for
all that will have faith to repent in Jesus name, and believe on Jesus Christ.
His blood had not been shed yet, so what had taken place here was symbolic,
representing something that we as Christians are to do and keep on doing until
His return. Every time we take it we drink the cup, and eat the bread it is in
remembrance of Him. The blood was only shed once and for all time, but
the symbolic act is to be done every time the occasion presents itself. In many
churches it is monthly, however others do it every time they meet. Others take
the cup twice a year, but what is important, is that this symbolic act of Christ
death on the cross is taken.
Mark 14:25 "Verily I say unto you, `I will drink no more of the fruit of
the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.'
There is a time coming very shortly when
people will stop taking this cup of communion, because in their ignorance they
will believe Satan, when he stands in the temple claiming he is Christ, to be the true Christ. We discussed this in the last
chapter, in Mark 13:14 where Jesus said "But when ye shall see the abomination of
desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let
him that readeth understand,) then them that be in Judaea flee to the
mountains:" Jesus was quoting from Daniel 9:27 and making it part of
the New Testament.
Daniel 9:27 "And He [Satan] shall confirm the covenant with many of one
week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the
oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall
make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be
poured upon the desolate."
Jesus was not speaking of a condition
[desolation] here, but a person [the desolator]. That person, the desolator who
is Satan in his role as the Antichrist [instead of Christ] will make the entire
earth desolate from hearing the Word of God. The "sacrifices and oblation" in
the New Testament is what we call the "communion", it is taken by us in
remembrance of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. The reason that this
"sacrifice and oblation" stops being taken is that many Christians will
believe that Satan is Christ and that He will be with them then.
The reason that the cup will be cut off in the
middle of the week, which is the midst of that tribulation period, is that
Christians will be taking their communion to the false messiah, and not to Jesus
Christ. Only God's elect and those sealed in their minds with the truth will be
taking communion to the true Christ, for we know that we will not see Christ while still in
our flesh bodies. We will not see Christ until after the seventh trump, and the
time when every flesh and blood man is changed into his incorruptible spiritual bodies. We will
take communion again with Him when we are with Him in His Millennium
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