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Caution to students of God's Word - Please remember two things when using our studies: #1. Our commentary is not God's Word. It is only our interpretation or understanding of "His Word" and even though we try our best to be accurate we may or may not be correct. #2. The King James translation, or any other translation, of the original Hebrew text has some words which were given different translations at different places probably because of the interpreters preconceived ideas of what they think God meant to say. For example: According to the notes in the "Dake's Annotated Reference Bible" the Hebrew word hayah in the KJV is Trans. (became) 67 times, (becamest or came to pass) 505 times, (become) 66 times, and (come to pass) 131 times, but for some reason in Genesis 1:2 it is translated was! That sure changes the way a person perceives the original creation of the earth, doesn't it?  Gen. 1:2 And the earth was (became) without form, ... Having said that, let us continue with our "Key Knowledge" lessons.  These are pamphlets containing knowledge, we believe, you must have to fully and accurately unlock and understand the Word of God.

Fig Tree
(click pamphlet number to read)

#1031The Good Figs of Judah

#1752The age old question asked by the servants of God both "then" and "now" is, "When shall the end of this earth age be?

#1753   How many Christians do you know who go to Him privately, to His Word, and seek the answers to their questions?

#1754Keep in mind that what you are about to read and hear may be so completely different than this illustrated "tradition" handed down by the churches for many generations that it might "set you on your heels".

#1755First of all, would it surprise you to know that the word "apple" is not even mentioned anywhere in the Book of Genesis?

#1756   Let's go to Genesis and see what happened in the garden.

#1757   Here we have it! The two seeds of the Parable of the Tares!

#1758"How long until the end when He returns?"

#1759And we now KNOW from history the exact "day" when the fig tree was planted, for it has already come to pass.

#1760   What ever happened to Cain after he "went out from the presence of the LORD"?

#1761   Lets take a look at Cain his children throughout the scriptures.

#1762   The Nethinim brought back some Levites, but they did not come back with very many.

#1763   The Israelites are TWO STICKS, not one!

#1764   The question is "Just who are those today who claim to be Jews (of Judah) but are NOT?"

#1765  Understand, there are both good figs and bad figs, as in edible figs and non-edible figs!

#1766Who are the kenites of the house of Hemath?

#1767   Let us now go to the New Testament a learn from the Teacher of teachers.

#1768   Let us return to Mark 11 and to the teaching concerning the fig tree.

#1769Jesus said Learn it! Mark 13:28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree;...

#7000"The Parable of the Sower"

#7006Some things you should know about "The Lord's Day"

#7007 "The Parable of the Tares"

Some of you may ask, "Why is it, that the Bible is written in such a "divided" fashion that one must go digging for the truth?"
The answer is, "So that when you go digging for it, you'll find it!"
But, Proclaiming Christians that don't hunger enough for the truth to dig for it in God's word, won't find it!
Caution - If you don't have "Eyes to See" and "Ears to Hear"  you won't recognize truth or believe it when you do come across it!