Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Therefore; We will take a few days, And Live Link to- "Learn the Parable of the Fig Tree"! as Jesus said we must if we are to know when the END WILL COME!

 Posted 4.19.15 Live Link to->  "Will You worship the Dragon?"

   Posted 4.15.15 Live Link to->  "The Fallen Angels are Coming Again" 
 The fallen angels are coming again and we are going to have a FLOOD of LIES (Rev. 12:15) that will deceive the whole world and sweep away the ungodly,
to their spiritual death!
Jesus said in Matthew 24 that just as it was in the days of Noah,so shall it be before He returns. Live Link to-> The Days of Noah
   Posted 4.12.15 Live Link to-> "Get Some Clothes and Keep Them On"
You don't want to enter heaven "STARK NAKED" do you?

  Posted 4.10.15 Live Link to-> They will jump in bed with the first Bridegroom. Yes, Most Self proclaiming Christians will, in this 21st. century.        Ahh! it seems so religious, and he does so much good!
Let's all do it!  Let's all join his church.

  Posted 4.7.15  Live Link to"How can Satan Deceive the Whole World?"  

   Posted 4.2.15  Studying God's Word in these last days sure is exciting?

  Each week many good hearted Christians volunteer to teach their Sunday school classes and they earnestly, though ignorantly, follow the lesson plans of their own or even perhaps some other church system and they blindly (being led by the blind themselves) teach things like "Eve ate an apple in the garden" and "Christ died on Good Friday" and "Sinners burn for eternity" and "Christ will return at any moment and Rapture His church" and "the law of God was nailed to the cross" and other such unscriptural nonsense set forth by ignorant unbridled tongues

    Live Link to-   "The tribulation of the false christ is a battle for your soul, not your flesh."

  Live Link to-"Live Link to-  Why do most Christians think the people, called Jews, from that little country in the middle east which we call Israel is made up of the joint houses of ancient Israel and Judah? When it clearly is not!

  Live Link to-  

 Live Link to

Did you know, Satan was a preacher in the first earth age? And even though God has already sentenced him to die after the "Millennium"  i.e."TO BE NO MORE" He will still be very much alive, a handsome, charismatic, and a real charming super arch-angel, just as he was in the first earth age, when God allows him to come back to earth for five months during which time he will claim he is God, before the real Christ returns to end this age we are now experiencing in our flesh and blood bodies and the start of His 1000 year  "Millennial Reign", with us, here on earth, as King of kings and Lord of lords. This is how Christ will accomplish the final test of our faith in Him and our love for Him.  Did we truly believe and love Him when we claimed His free gift of salvation by faith? Did we than want to study His Word to show ourselves approved. Were we hungry to truly learn to know Him through His Word? Did we learn how to tell the difference between Himself and Satan? Or will we worship Satan, thinking he is Christ during those five months, he is allowed to come to earth, when he claims he is God! Do we know the difference between what is "holy" (Jesus), and what is "profane" (Satan)?  This will determine which of us really truly wanted Christ's offer of grace by faith in Him and which of us will take part in the first resurrection to eternal life, at that time. Then after this, God will lock Satan up in the pit for 1000 years, while He along with those of us who have, then, already been granted eternal life, will use very stern discipline, to teach those who worshiped Satan how to once and for all know the difference between them. (1000 years of summer school, you might call it). Then after that 1000 years is completed God will release Satan from the pit to tempt those "summer school students" once more. Those who pass that final test will also, based on their works during the "Millennium", be granted eternal life. (this is the second resurrection). It will then be time for "The Great White Throne of Judgment" when those who still, again followed Satan will be condemned just like Satan was and will also be cast into "The Lake of Fire" along with Satan (TO BE NO MORE), not even a memory to their family or loved ones.

  - Live Link to-

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  Live Link to-  When you read the next newspaper or listen to the next network TV newscast! Luke 17:32 "Remember Lot's wife."   Live Link to- Remember Lot's wife.
Live Link to- 

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There is a unique and beautiful two-fold aspect concerning the use of symbolism in scripture and that is this:
If you understand what the symbols represent in an analogy then that which is being taught will be made very simple and easy to understand by the imagery etched in your mind. The proverb "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true, and it is a well documented and established fact that people remember far more of what they SEE than what they hear or read, even if what they SEE is only in their mind's eye, i.e. a picture which they have mentally created! God knows that, of course, which is exactly why the Holy Spirit gives us so many simple pictures, models, and plays to see and watch in His Word.

However, if you do not understand what the symbols represent, you will then scratch your head in wonderment and declare that which has been made so simple to be confusing, complex and mysterious, which is the way many folks describe the plain and
Word of God.

Keep this in mind when you see descriptions such as this in scripture:

This is a symbolic representation of the 21st. century "New World Order"

Once Satan arrives here in person, claiming he is God, you will no longer be able to find gold "spiritual gold" (The Word of God, i.e. a accurate version of the Bible), that has been purified in the fiery furnace, much less buy it. Do you remember how Satan altered scripture to seduce Eve in the "Garden of Eden"? Well it is already being altered and he isn't even here, in person yet!  Right now his kenite descendants are working on his revised version of scripture with only his spiritual influence to guide them!  Oh, you'll be able to buy and sell bibles, but the accurate "Word of God"; That will be a thing of the past!  Tell ye your children of it! Let your children tell their children! And their children another generation!

Live Link to- The famine is coming

Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation is to many folks one of the scariest and most misunderstood chapters in all the Bible.


Well, the main reason is that people (including preachers and ministers) who are unfamiliar with the Word of God and the plan of God try to interpret what it says. Since they are completely unfamiliar with the symbology used to create a PICTURE to make things clearer and illustrate what's happening, they must make up stories out of their own imaginations to try and explain that which completely baffles them. And that's really scary, for that which one who claims to be a teacher or preacher says to God's children, affects their very lives and even their souls. It is a serious matter.

But for those who do have eyes to see and ears to hear, who are familiar with God's Word, and even for those who have followed along with us in this Book of the Revealing from the beginning, chapter 13 is easy, as you will see, because we have seen and read of it all before.

Here's the first beast:

Rev. 13:1
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Rev. 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Rev. 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast

Before we even begin to try understand the symbolism used and what these verses mean, let's make sure we SEE the PICTURE. (Note: You can often acquire artist's conceptions of this beast at various phone booths around the country.)

See the pictures!

So what do we see? There's a great beast, a ghastly monster if you will, who rises up out of the sea. And he has seven heads! Wow, seven heads! I don't know of any real animal or beast who has seven heads, do you? And he has ten horns with crowns on them! What a weird looking creature, but very intimidating! And look! He also looks like a leopard with bear's feet and lion's mouth.  He's an awesome, terrible looking thing. In fact he makes Godzilla look like a beauty contestant.

Got the PICTURE? 

Then you have just seen the awesomeness of what the structure of the New World Order will look like after Satan, the dragon, is cast out of heaven and takes over

As an overview, we will encounter two "beasts" in chapter 13, the descriptions of which will give us a PICTURE of the Political and Religious systems, of this 21st. century, two of the Four Hidden Dynasties, in their full flourishing, that Satan uses to deceive the whole world.
 It's really just that simple!
Enjoy it.
Now for a clear understanding of the symbolism used and what these verses mean, let's log unto Revelation chapter 13.
Live Link to- Revelation 13

The first thing out of the pit during the time of the blowing of the FIFTH TRUMPET is so great a cloud of smoke (read deception) that you can't see any truth anywhere.---WHEN THE FAMINE IS UPON US!---Everything is dark.--- And what is causing this humongous smoke screen of deception?---We'll let you read that yourself, from the links below!!!---Will you remain spiritually true as a "chaste virgin" and wait for your bridegroom, Jesus Christ, or will you spiritually hop in bed with Satan when he comes to earth performing miracles and claims to be God?----Most people, especially church goers, who are so rapped up in church tradition rather then the "Word of God", don't even realize the tribulation has started and they are already being deceived! 

The false messiah, Satan, will appear first, before our Lord's return. He'll look and act like most pro-claiming Christians believe Jesus will look and act. This spurious messiah shows up at the 6th Trump and the 6th vial, and we will find him here in the 6th seal as well. 666

This is absolutely precious knowledge! If you have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear" you will discover that this sixth seal will reveal something that the majority of Christian ministers and pastors and teachers are completely unaware (ignorant) of, and consequently they cannot understand the events of prophecy foretelling of our present day and the days that lie just ahead. (They have been following the rider of the white horse, of the first seal, who has led them down a desolate road.) They must therefore rely on "traditional" teachings which defy common sense and can easily be proven to be contradictory to God's Word even by a child. It is no wonder they shy away from the Book of Revelation, even telling their congregations that they won't be here anyway when these events take place, so why bother trying to understand it.  Woe unto them!

We have also learned that all Seven of the Seals were given to the disciples by Jesus in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 as Signs of what it would be like just prior to His second advent. To understand this 6th seal then, let's pick it up in Mark 13:14, just after He gave the 5th sign (we'll repeat verse 13).
Mark 13:13
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

[14] But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

What is the abomination of desolation? Actually the question should be "who" is the abomination of desolation? Just a little application of rightly dividing the Word will make this very, very simple.

You will find that "he" is the "abominator" who comes in on the wings of desolation, i.e. lays waste, makes desolate, spoken of by Daniel the prophet in chapter 9 of the book bearing his name. That is why Dr. Moffat translates "standing where 'it' ought not" as "standing where 'he' ought not".

Do you know where he ought not to be standing? The apostle Paul speaks of this exact same event in his second letter to the Thessalonians concerning the son of perdition, i.e. the son who will perish, the abominator who makes desolate, Satan himself:
2 Thes. 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
He stands in the temple of God, where he ought not to be sitting either, claiming he's Jesus Christ. When you see this, Christ continues in Mark 13:15...
Mark 13:15 And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house:

[16] And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment.

These two verses simply say that when you see this "benchmark" of prophecy come to pass, i.e. Satan posing as Christ, that time is short and Jesus will return very soon and as watchmen on the tower or workers plowing in the field, there is no need to come down or go back to the house and pack your bags.
 These verses are figures of speech saying time is extremely short.

And where is the "Temple of God"?  Well it's not in Jerusalem as many/most Bible commentators say.

1 Corinthians 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

So Don't Be Looking In Jerusalem
for this
"benchmark" of prophecy to come to pass, Satan posing as Christ;  Look in your own heart, because that is where "The Temple of God" is to be!!!!!!!
Mark 1317 But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

John Rhine cautions you to see my notes within this green background below concerning the TEMPLE:   
When Christ returns, Woe to any one, He finds spiritually nursing Satan's Baby.
You see, the temple Christ will destroy at His return, is that false temple that exists in  the heart of many/most pro-claiming Christians (Religion), that they've  allowed Satan, "The Rider of the First White Horse" to built there; Along with the strangers, i.e. kenites, who helped him build it (666), crushing all those little stones,
not leaving one atop another!
Only those pro-claiming Christians with "The Seal of God" firmly planted in there mind will know it is the false-christ, i.e. the spurious messiah, not the true Christ sitting there in their heart!

But, also read Revelation11:8, It says when talking about the two witnesses that Satan kills:
Revelation 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
The great city is "Spiritually" called Egypt and Sodom. But it says their bodies will lie in the city where Christ was crucified, and that would be in Jerusalem. Now, what comes to your mind when you think of Sodom and Egypt? "Vice" in Sodom and Gomorrah and "Tyranny" in Egypt! Yes, that about describes the crowd who has taken over the Temple in the Holy City and what's going on there.

"Dead bodies" in the Greek means "corpses". The corpses of the two witnesses will lie in the "open square" in Jerusalem (look up
street in Strong's) . This documents that the two witnesses are not two churches but two human beings.
[9] And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

Question:What does all this tell me?
Answer: It tells me I have some more studying, along with correctly dividing, of "His Word" to do!
 Because, in my m
ind it poses another question: Are we talking "The City of Jerusalem" or "Our Hearts" as I just Asserted above or BOTH or is it
Live Link to- Mystery Babylon

In Revelation chapters 1 through 3 Christ took the apostle John, in the spirit2000 years into the future to this 21st. century, and showed him what is/will be happening on EARTH and in the seven "END of TIME" churches on the day of Lord, the first day of the Millennium, a time even yet future, but very, very near since we are already 66 years into the "Fig Tree"  generation.
Live Link To-Revelation chapter 1 through 3

Please keep in mind as you read these accounts in Revelation that our Lord took John spiritually into the future (this is prophecy) and many of these events that he describes haven't happened, as yet, in real time even though John has seen them. 

Now we are going to read The seven SEALS of Christ's Revelation and "see" what He showed John is/will be happening in HEAVEN at this same time.
We are going to actually see the throne of Almighty God and what is transpiring beyond the veil that separates the two dimensions, flesh and spirit, "behind the scenes" so to speak.
Live Links to the End TimeTrumpets of Revelation chapter 9 below.
 And It is only the first of the three woe trumpets!
The first Four trumpets, we have all in one file.
The "WOE" Trumpets, Five, Six, and Seven, we have each in their own file.
Live Link to- The 7 Trumpets of Revelation Introduction
Live Link to- The first four trumpets of Revelation in one file
Live Link to- The 5th Trumpet (The first WOE)
Live Link to- The 6th Trumpet (The Second WOE)
Live Link to- The 7th Trumpet (The Third WOE)
In chapter 12 this Book of the Unveiling John was privilaged to SEE in PICTURE format the very plan of God, from the first earth age even to the third and last earth age, all in one chapter.
Live Link to- Revelation chapter 12
God has allowed and is allowing Satan, through his children, the Kenites, to make alterations in our Bibles. When I compare some of our most popular new versions of the Bible to the original 1611 King James Bible it is shocking what I've found. Many of them published since the 1970s
Joel1:3 Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.
Live Link to- The Famine is Coming
And because of this, Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation is to many folks one of the scariest and most misunderstood chapters in all the Bible
By the way, if your father or one of your forefathers has broken this commandment of God in Joel 1:3 to tell your children His words contained herein, then YOU get busy studying His Word and learn the truth and restart the process with your children. John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
Live Link to- Revelation chapter 13
In Revelation chapter 14 we get to see what will be happening on earth when Jesus Christ returns. Good old John is still in heaven and once again he looks on and has already seen it..
Live Link to- Revelation chapter 14
In chapter 14 we saw what will be happening on earth at Christ's return. Now in chapter 15 we are going to see what will be happening from the vantage point of heaven at that same time. In chapter 16 we see the 7 Vials containing the wrath of God pours out upon those who had/will have the mark of the beast in their foreheads (minds) and who worshipped Satan, the false messiah, as Jesus Christ. 
Live Link to- Revelation chapters 15 & 16
In chapter 16 we saw the 7 Vials containing the wrath of God to be poured out upon those who had the mark of the beast in their foreheads (minds) and who worshipped Satan, the false messiah, as Jesus Christ.
We will now see one of those 7 angels who poured out the vials come and give us a "close up" view of the judgment of the "Great Whore". Maybe we should update the terminology a little and call her the "Great Slut" because the Holy Spirit wants us to get a real good PICTURE of exactly how He looks upon the false religious system  that spews forth from of our churches, that great city where the "son of perdition" will sit claiming that he is God (2 Thes. 2).  Also, be it known that our Father deals in reality, so if the terminology used here is offensive then one can always go to a church where they only teach nice things like cute little bunny rabbits and Ishtar eggs, real Biblical gems.
Live Link to- Revelation chapters 17, 18 and 19
We come now to the 20th chapter of Revelation at which point the 7th Trump has sounded and the true Jesus Christ has returned with great power and glory, bringing with Him His army of saints. Babylon the Great, i.e. the one world political system and the great whore along with Satan's role as the false-christ, the spurious messiah, has been destroyed forever and ever. And as we learned in our chapter 19, ALL flesh has been "changed" and everyone, both the good and the bad are in their spiritual bodies.
So it is the first day of the Millennium and John, who remember in Rev. 1:16 was taken there for an eye witness account, gives us another advanced news report, this time concerning the fate of Satan during the Millennium. Can't you just visualize the headlines?


First Edition


John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was present today as Michael came down from heaven and appeared on Satan's doorstep with a warrant from the King of kings for his arrest. Satan has been residing in the temple for the last 5 months (ever since Michael cast him from heaven) where he has been impersonating Jesus Christ and claiming he is the Messiah come. He also is being held responsible for orchestrating the murder of God's two witnesses, a despicable crime, which he has been actually celebrating with his cronies for the last 3 1/2 days

God says, "I AM THAT I AM" (Ex. 3:14). 
     Live Link to- God's existence can be proved in five ways
Previous and Other Versions of this Center Column

Live Link to- The Plan of God
Live Link to-  Scripture Never Contradicts Scripture!
Live Link to-   Understand the 3 world ages and the God's plan for the salvation of mankind.
Live Link to-  Absolute Must Read  To better understand Scripture
Live Link to- Jesus said,"Behold, I have foretold you all things"
Live Link to- Only the Holy Spirit allows (enables) believers to perceive and take hold of spiritual truths.
Live Link to- Bible truths not given for all to see.
Live Link to-Find and Fill the Gaps
Live Link to-The Cultural Church
Live Link to-  In the Beginning
Live Link to-  When did the dinosaurs live on earth?
Live Link to-  Two Trees in the Garden  
Live Link to-  Eve was not just any woman, was she?
Live Link to-  From the Garden of Eden through Noah's Flood
Live Link to- Who are the Hebrews Paul addresses his book titled "Hebrews" to?

Caucasian Christians, from the British Nations, the Northwestern European nations and the Americas need to read the following in order to know who their true ancestors were.
(Be especially sure to read all the links within this above study!)
Live Link to   Birthright & The Sceptre      
Live Link to- "The Lost Tribes of Israel"
Live Link to  "Do YOU Know Who YOU Really Are"? Are you a Israelite?
(Maybe you only think you are a gentile!)
This is a message to "The people of Lord's true vineyard."  (Isaiah 5:7)
God is going to use the very Assyrians, and their kenite friends, that our ancestors became confederate with, in these later days to shave us clean of all that we possess... both physically, i.e. economically through usury and taxation, and spiritually by consuming the heritage of vineyard and causing our people to be drawn away from God's Word. Again, understand in the prophetic sense that this refers to the last days, to the locust army who shall swarm through the land and consume every green (living) thing, i.e. folks who still follow God; (folks who do not follow the ways Satan has placed in their path,) to the point that the vineyard of the LORD shall become a desolate place.
Live Link to-  Mystery Babylon
Live Link to-  Locusts, Locusts Everywhere  
We have been warned in our Father's Word time and again not to enter into alliances with heathen nations and we were told what would happen when the kenites, the sons of Cain, aka the locusts and the strangers, enter in (Deut. 28:42-44, Amos 6:14). You "see", both history and currents events document that the kenites, who are the children of disobedience, will always instigate and cause our people to war among themselves, both with swords made of steel and in these lasts days with swords made of words and concepts and ideologies. Divide and conquer has always been one of the kenite's most prolific and effective MO's (Methods of Operation) against the children of the vineyard. The wisdom in understanding this will reveal the very causes of civil war among Christian nations and within Christian nations. Live Link to- #6407 & #6408
Why have we been warned? (Because The Famine is Coming/already started.)
Live Link to-  The Famine

This is a lesson for all of us, who are currently living here on earth in these animal bodies, to evaluate this flesh and blood life within the proper perspective. Judgment of facts, circumstances, etc. with regard to their importance! See pamphlet #1733 "Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?" "Turn! Turn! Turn!" Our Father will soon give this "world age" a final spin. It is what happens to you next which is important!
Help! Lord! Help! Get me out of this animal (terrestrial) body and back into my spiritual (celestial) body! --- In Revelation 22:12 You promised to hurry! --- In the book of Revelation Jesus took the apostle John, in the spirit, nearly 2000 years into the future (that is to our 21st century "Generation of the Fig Tree") and showed him what was going on in the Christian churches of today, both the good and the bad things they are doing. Then he took John spiritually into heaven and from there showed him what is and will happen, both there and here on earth, telling him to write it down so that you and I could read it and understand, knowing what to expect and recognize when we see it come to pass. In Rev. 22:12 Jesus said, and, had John write, "behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,...." When Jesus told John to write down that He would come quickly, He did not mean from when He said it, but, quickly from this 21st century He had taken John to "in the spirit". --- A new spiritual body; That's one reward I can't wait to receive! A new celestial body for all eternity. --- Jesus, I've claimed your precious blood, your shed blood on the cross to cover my sins! Thank you, Lord! But I'm impatient, --- PLEASE COME QUICKLY! I know, I know, When you return at the seventh trump, Satan will have been here already for five months, claiming that he is God. And, I'll still be in this flesh and blood (animal) body Your return will all happen fast, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye I'll be changed into my spiritual body. 1 Cor. 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:...--- I can't stand this waiting around, here in the flesh! Rev. 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. --- Can you even begin to imagine such a society? No more pain and suffering, no more disease and war and death and dying. All the former things, all the evil spirits, all the wicked people, all corruptible flesh are passed away, GONE! --- [5] And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. --- So if it sounds too utopia for the skeptic, or it sounds too good to be true, it isn't. In fact the words of man cannot even begin to describe the beauty and wonder, and yes, even the excitement of all that our Father has planned for His children. Man's words cannot describe it because man's mind cannot imagine it. This we know for it also is written and is true and faithful: --- 1 Cor. 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him --- Rev. 21:6 And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. [7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  
Live Link to- Animal Bodies 

Because God loves us, and after all those millions of years living together in the first earth age, it is not too hard to figure out the reason He chose to place us here, on earth, for this short stay (120 years maximum), probably more like 70 or 80, for some only 20, or 30, maybe much less!, in this animal body is so that we can learn to appreciate the finality of death.  As we experience seeing our loved ones die "the shadow of death", the death of their flesh, while we are still living here on earth in our own flesh and blood body, and can no longer communicate with that loved one who has died. Seeing as how 1/3 of us (over 4 1/2 billion of God's created children) followed Satan, turning our backs on God in the first earth age, God is counting on this teaching those of us, who still see no need to accept His offer of grace, in this earth age, to be saved by accepting the blood of Christ for our salvation, a lesson about the real death, the death of our soul and how permanent that will be, which we will not forget during the Millennium, during which time we will be given a chance to still save our souls by being judged by our works.  No longer by faith in Christ, but by our works during the Millennium, ( by faith in Him, but only during this FLESH AGE) He is counting on us, after seeing this "Shadow of real death", not wanting to experience the death of our soul, realizing it is forever, and so will live accordingly during the Millennium. (by His will and not Satan's) 
Live Link to- Animal Bodies
 Live Link to-  Salvation - Saved by grace
Live Link to   Didn't they know "The angels are us"! They were worshiping themselves!
Live Link to-  Predestination
Live Link to-  A perfect example of Satan whispering in your ear but making you believe it is God giving you instructions.
Live Link to- The beasts of Revelation
Live Link to-  How it all Ends
Live Link to- 11.1,14 version of this center column
Live Link to-  Revelation
Live Link to  02.22.14 version of this center column
Live Link to  01.01.15 version of this center column
Live Link to- 04.24,2015 version of this center column   
Live Link to-       of this center column
Live Link to- Endure unto the End 
Live Link to- At the Seventh Trump this flesh age ends
Live Link to- The Millennium
Live Link to-The Great White Throne
Live Link to-A New Heaven and a New Earth

  Live Link to-

Count the Number of the Beast! 666
But, before you can count them! 666
Live Link to- Count the Number of the Beast!
, The NUMBER of a MAN 666
What Jesus thought of the grandsons of Cain who had taken over the church, when He walked this earth? 666
It is even worse today!
In most so called 21st. century CHRISTIAN churches
the BIBLE has been replaced by the SUNDAY SCHOOL Quarterly! 666
YOU guessed it, WRITTEN BY MAN!!! 666
Live Link to- Count the Number of the Beast!

  Live Link toAre You Attending the Right Church?
Live Links to-The 3 Church Teaching Files Below

Biblical Truths Your Church Might Not Teach

 If what your church teaches is true

  What Does Your Church Teach
Or Would You Be Better Off, Holed Up in a Corner With a Bible and a Concordance; Studying.
Just You with The Holy Spirit Guiding You to "The TRUTH".
Better read pamphlet #5072
Religion, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Ezekiel 28:19
 All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.

  John's Note. That last phrase in verse 19 sure does rule out the eternal torment theory taught in most Christian churches of our land, doesn't it!
They get that from the verse in Revelation 20:10  And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.  And on the surface that's what it sounds like, but read on!
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