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This Bible Study was originally written by Roger Christopherson & published at
There was a time in the first earth age, prior to the ruin or destruction of the earth after Genesis 1:1 when one third of all of us created souls, i.e. angels turned to follow the dragon Satan. God could either have destroyed each of our souls then or as He chose to do, provide a way that each of us could come back to Him.
That way was provided through this earth age
of flesh man and woman, and God determined that each of us must come into this earth age by the
birthing process. Under the sixth day
of this new creation as described in Genesis
On the seventh day, God rested, and then on another day, (I call it the eighth day only because it is described in Genesis chapter 2 after God's day of rest which was the seventh day),
The Hebrew word translated man in Genesis 2:7 is Heb. 'eth-'Ha'adam (with Art. and Particle) = "this same individual man, Adam". Adam (singular) and his help meet Eve.
God formed the individual man He named Adam, 'eth-'Ha'adam, as described in Genesis chapter two. In Genesis chapter one God created mankind 'adam, male and female created he them (plural, including the races).
The purpose for the Adamic line that flows from Adam's and Eve's seed was that the coming Messiah would enter our earth age born to a virgin descendant of pure pedigree of this Adamic line, as a flesh man Himself, and live the perfect life.
Jesus, the Son of God would be born to a virgin descendant of his Adamic line of men.
The Adamic line.
Then according to Scripture, pay the price with His Own Life's blood as the Sacrifice once and for all time.
Then each of God's created souls
could come back to Him by faith in repentance and have eternal life. That way is the only acceptable way and it
requires each of us to come back to Him in the name of Jesus Christ, the name of the Son of
God. At the moment of our Lord's death
on the cross, Satan's doom was sealed, the judgment that had been placed on him
for his sins committed back in that first earth. Satan is the "son of perdition", and currently
he is the only soul that has the death judgment placed on him.
By the time of Noah, about 2000 years after God created flesh and blood man, the entire blood line of the individual man "eth ha adham" and his help meet Eve except for Noah and his family (8 individuals) had been polluted by the fallen angels, as was Satan's plan. Those angels, called the Nephilim, entered into this earth age of flesh man, without waiting their turn to be born into it thru the womb of earth women, as God had declared they should. They did it for Satan; In Satan's effort to destroy the blood line that Messiah would come through.
God preserved that blood line, by bringing a second, but less devastating flood upon the earth,(Noah's Flood) and sparing the souls of Noah and his family, and two of each of the races, "of each kind." [by bringing them aboard the ark also.]
Editor John Rhine's note: The above statement is a controversial opinion, and that is allright, it is ok for us to disagree; But,
I believe that Noah's flood was not universal, and only covered the
land [middle east] where Noah lived, and where fallen angel's were
marrying and impregnating eighth day creation in order to destroy the
perfect seed line of the individual man Adam and his wife Eve, leading to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ's birth.
Several thoughts that lead me to this conclusion are #1 It was only there in the middle east where Satan was sending his fallen angels to contaminate the eighth day blood line. Satan had no reason to send them to contaminate the blood line of the races, who lived elsewhere in the world. Therefore, in my mind, why would God need to destroy 6000 years of sixth day man's re-population of the earth. [the races] He did say that the creation of the races was very good, did He not? #2 Cain's descendants, from the land of Nod, (in the far east) survived as we are told in 1 Chronicles 2:55
I Chronicles 2:55
"And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez [Jerusalem], ;
the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites [Descendants of Cain] that
came of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab."
Yes, The Kenites survived Noah's Flood!
But as you can tell from the above note, I don't believe they were on the ark.
It occured between Genesis 1:1 and
Genesis 1:3!
I believe only one was world wide and it wasn't Noah's flood!
log unto and read #4033, #1003
for further information on the floods. [plural]
These fallen angels, who are loyal to Satan, entered into this earth age once to destroy the linage of the birth of Jesus, and they will return again shortly.
At the sixth trump, the two final woes will come upon the face of the earth, and God will not
withhold the four winds or angels that He held back for the fifth trump, and these two woes are what we will study next.
These two final woes will take us right up to the seventh
and final trump, bring an end to this earth age of flesh
All of the events occurring around Satan's coming to earth are executed by God, at his appointed times.
The purpose for Satan's coming is to test God's children who fell in that first earth age.
Though many of the elect will be here at that time, God will protect his own, by sealing the truth in their mind so they will understand what is going on
before their eyes.
The "horns on the altar" stands for powers of authority. That power comes from the knowledge from the Word of
God. When you understand ahead of time what is coming, and you expect it to happen, you will not be
deceived by what you are witnessing.
It is through the Word of God that you and I get our ammunition that we will use on that spiritual battle field that is going to take place,
once these events of the woes are finished.
The coming fight in this warfare is not against men or nations of flesh and blood; but against principalities that you can not see at this time. It is against supernatural powers and forces that Satan controls, and against the rulers or hosts of wickedness that God has not allowed to literally enter into our realm until He allows them to come here.
Satan will use all the lies and tricks of his supernatural powers to trip you up and cause you to worship him.
Satan and his fallen angels have only one thing in mind and that is to take you to hell's destruction along with them, as he and his angels enter into the lake of fire.
This is why Paul urged us to put on our spiritual armor, which is to have the
truth placed in our minds by the Holy Spirit, as we study the Word of God.
Your power comes from how you use that wisdom that God's Holy Spirit places in your mind.
We are warned by God's prophets that Satan is
coming and presenting himself as "a minister of God". Daniel 9:24-27 alerts us that Satan's
time as false-christ or the instead of Christ is to be three and an half
years. But Jesus told us in Mark
Now, when the sixth angel sound's it's
trumpet, the four angels bound at the
These fallen angels or Nephilim were bound until that
time when they are released back here on earth for the
final testing of man in the flesh.
God will use them for testing all the people on the earth, and they will bring with them all the evil and filth that they came with in the other two times of their crossing the boundary to enter this age for flesh man. The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah will be mild compared to what they will bring with them today. We can already see, that the sins that men are doing on their own, is setting the stage for our acceptance of the massive filth to come.
It is coming so expect to see all the evil and filth that they came with it the other two times,
in the near future. we can already see that the sins that men are doing on their own, (with the influence of the Kenites) is setting the stage.
Only God knows the actual instant of the release of these spiritual beings that will come to earth, but when they arrive they will spiritually slay a third part of all men on the earth who will be following them.
That is, it will cause their spiritual death, i.e, the death of their soul, not their physical death,
This number (two hundred thousand thousand) represents all of those souls of the men/sons of God/angels that refused to enter this earth age through the womb of woman.
This number is in the hundreds of millions, and it is Satan's complete army of Nephilim, fallen angels and their demonic forces.
The "fire" represents Satan’s false truth or religion; and the "smoke" is used to cover over and hide the truth of God's Word.
"Brimstone" is the final result to all those that listen and are drawn into the lies, for they will be cast with Satan into the lake of fire after the judgment.
However the next verse talks about the three plagues, "fire, smoke and Brimstone", that are the verbal deceptions. To put the three in vehicles; they would be religion, political power, and the economy.
Satan will use these three to buy souls cheep.
And he'll use the other one of the 4 hidden dynasties to
help him accomplish this!
The schools and the media, Satan's horsemen riding on
PALE horses
This is not a physical death, Satan and his fallen angels will cause to happen during this warfare, but spiritual death. For example, as we now see the results of sodomy with the large numbers of human physical deaths it causes. [deaths that come through AIDS]. It is obvious that large numbers of human lives that have already been lost and as we equate that example to the large number of spiritual lives that will be lost by people who, not having the seal of God planted in their forehead, will believe Satan's and his angel's lies.
People even believing he is, who he claims to be, God!
Those people who will not, then, be part of the
"first resurrection to eternal life"
when the real Jesus Christ's returns.
This is all part of the spiritual warfare that will be far more massive then any physical warfare that we can even imagine.
Lies and deception come out of their mouths, and that is their only power. Their activity again, is like that of a scorpion that strikes a man. Once a scorpion strikes a man with the venom in its tail, it leaves that person's system helpless and unable to defend him or herself.
Just as Satan will present himself as being transformed or fashioned into an angel of light, so also will his angels present themselves as ministers of light.
II Corinthians
The most dangerous part of the actions of this evil angelic force is in their appearance, and the way they will speak to draw you to their line of thinking. When a minister approaches a person, you can see the change in the way people conduct themselves. The sole reason for their being here at this time is to sell you their way of life into accepting Satan as God. Even though two thirds of mankind will not follow these fallen angels, "...they will still not give up their idols or angel worship, or their idols of stone, brass or wood, which can neither see nor hear, nor walk." [Revelation 9:20]
When we
look at the Muslim world, the center piece of their religion is the "black
stone" in
To the Jews
the stone wall in
Christians bow to their wooden crosses,
and the Orientals to their temple gods, and the image of Buddha.
Where ever we go in the world, people have their traditions, and those traditions are held dear in their minds, and hard to give up.
Two thirds of the world will not give up their idolatry,
God’s word condemns them for not
accepting the only true Way, to be part of the
"First Resurrection to Eternal Life"
through Jesus Christ, at His return.
Professing Christians, who don't have the seal of God, i.e. His Truth planted in their forehead, will become spiritual murderers when Satan arrives here on earth prior to Christ's return, because they, believing Satan is God, convince their
own kin to kneel down and also worship him; thereby, also loosing their soul.
They deliver their own kin up to Satan, even though, in ignorance!
Brother will deliver up his brother, and parents will deliver their children to Satan.
Satan will present himself
disguised as a minister of light, and many will accept him.
They follow the sorcerers by their own dealing with and in accepting the lies of Satan.
And there was no repentance.
So why do people not want to repent?
Because they do not know that they did anything wrong.
Even in ignorance, they still thought
they were walking with Jesus.
We see in
Lamb slain, because he will look like Jesus, talk
like they expect Jesus to talk, but Satan will be the fake.
Remember that the key to understanding
the events of the end times is found in the two churches
for they know who the Kenites are and can identify them.
The people of
not led to the false doctrine because both of those
churches know that although the Kenites say they are
Jews and present themselves as being of
lie and are from the Synagogue of Satan.
These Kenites are in those other denominations that allow false doctrine to enter in, and these Kenites will cause Christians within those churches to compromise the Word of God
See Live Link to- Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Live Link to- John Rhine's summary of our "Mystery Babylon" study:
*#1 Live Link to- #8076 "Let's talk about "The Building of Mystery Babylon"*#2 Live Link to- #8077 "Let's talk about Creation'"
*#3 Live Link to- #8078 "Let's talk about the 'Kenites' who are building this city"
*#4 Live Link to- #8079 "Let's talk about this city", i.e. Mystery Babyon
*#5 Live Link to- #8080 "Let's events leading up to "The Cup of Wrath"
*#6 Live Link to- #8081 "Let's talk about the Nephilim,the fallen angels"*#9 Live Link to- #8084 "Let's talk about The Two Witnesses and the Abomination of Desolation"
*#10 Live Link to- #8085 "Let's talk about "The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Seventh and Last Trump*#11 Live Link to- #8086 "Let's talk about Jesus Christ's kingdom of the Millennium" Mystery Babylon is destroyed
*#12 Live
to- #8087 "Let's
talk about
Judgment Day"
Mystery Babylon is ancient history
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