The American Wisdom Series
Pamphlet #8085
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Bible Study was originally written by Roger Christopherson
& published
Jesus told us in Matthew 24:36 -
39; "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of
heaven, but My Father only." [36]
"But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of
the Son of man be." [37]
This is what this book is all about, for
God elect must know and understand how it was in the days of Noah, those days
prior to the flood, to understand what the events of this earth age will be just
prior to the blowing of the seventh and last trumpet. There has been a lot of misinformation
concerning this time of Noah, but as we have read before, Satan
will be here on earth with the rest of his fallen angels, his demonic
forces. The time of their spiritual
destruction and deception will be over and done with when this seventh and last
trump sounds. The center focus in Noah's day by these fallen angels was to
destroy the lineage that the Christ child would be born through.
Matthew 24:38, 39 "For as
in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,"
[38] "And knew not until the flood
came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man
be." [39]
The people of Noah's day, including all of
the children of the Adamic line were too busy and involved with these fallen
angels to be aware of the time they were living in. They had their parties, and all the other
things that went with everyday life, and just did not pay attention to what God
had instructed them. Sodomy was wild on
the earth, and all the other things that are becoming common to us living in
this generation. Since the mid 1900s the idea of UFOs has been the brunt end of jokes to the point of destroying
anyone that would speak seriously of these sightings, or report what they
saw. However, the time is coming very
shortly when the entire earth will be entertaining them, and it will be as it
was in the days of Noah.
The fallen angels were these "giants", called "the men of renoun" in Noah's day, and they put on quite a show for the people.
They carried with them in their minds all the knowledge of that first earth age and used it to contaminate the lineage that the Messiah was to come through.
The Adamic and human race was completely taken up with these men from another realm, just as the people of our generation will be when Satan and his army of angels are booted out onto the earth.
This time of their coming is at the sixth trumpet, as we read in the two prior chapters, and those times will be over and done with when the seventh and last trump sounds.
Let’s take a close look at what the Apostle
Paul says about this moment in time when the final trumpet sounds, and our Lord
returns to this earth.
I Corinthians
15:50 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and
blood cannot inherit the
Paul spends forty nine verses of this chapter discussing the difference between the natural body, which is our flesh body, terrestrial body, and the spiritual body, which is our celestial body.
The two bodies are very different, and when the physical body dies, the soul departs from that natural flesh and blood body and returns to the Father who placed our soul into the embryo at the time of conception.
When the flesh body dies, the spiritual body or soul is awakened or released back into it’s original created spirit or celestial body form.
That celestial body houses your spirit which is
the intellect of your soul, which is just as the angels are.
Satan can deceive your mind to cause you to do things, but he does not have any power over your spiritual body. Satan can do all sorts of things to mess over your mind and cause harm to your physical body.
But no one except God can damage your soul, not man, or the angels, or Satan.
You make your own choice as to who you will follow, either the Lord or Satan.
So as we read deeper into this passage keep in mind that you have two bodies, your flesh body and your soul or spiritual body.
Your soul is
confined to the limits of your flesh body in this earth age of the flesh. One of these two has the will to
control you, and only you can determine which that will be.
In our flesh body, we are doomed to destruction from the day we are born, and the process of aging starts immediately.
From the moment you are born into this world age, the mind of your flesh body fights to take complete control over your soul and spirit.
No matter how we try, God has placed limits on these flesh bodies. This aging process is called "corruption".
So when Paul is talking "corruptible" he is referring to the flesh body, and when he talks "incorruptible", he is referring to the soul or spiritual body.
At the very moment that we die, in our flesh and blood body, our soul and spirit go back to be with the Father who made each of us.
Paul is making a clear statement about
these two bodies that each of us have.
"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the
The "
Your flesh and blood body drives you to sin in this earth age, for that is the nature of your mind that drives these flesh bodies.
When you allow your flesh nature to take control of your flesh body, it will not allow your inner man or soul to control you at the same time.
There is no way
that your flesh body can become part of the
When we do sin, there is forgiveness through
repentance, by faith in the blood of our Lord Jesus
This is why we have repentance through God's grace in this earth age, when our Lord Jesus Christ is not here on earth with us.
We accept this sacrificial gift from God sight unseen and take what God has promised us in and through His Word by faith.
This is why we pray "in Jesus Name", for there is no other name in Heaven or on this earth whereby we can be saved.
We come to the Father through His Son Jesus the Christ to have our sins forgiven, and receive eternal life.
I Corinthians
Paul is now going to show us a mystery that will take place in our generation. A mystery is something that cannot be understood until the clues of the mystery are revealed, and all the truth comes to light. This mystery Paul is revealing is about death, for he states that; a time is coming when all the people on the face of the earth who are alive in their flesh and blood bodies will not die.
Each of us will be changed from our flesh and blood bodies, into our soul or spiritual bodies.
Because Jesus Christ is coming, to establish his Kingdom right here on earth for a thousand years.
No flesh body can exist in that kingdom when
Jesus is here.
"Sleep" as given here is the same word that is used in I Thessalonians 4:13, where Paul talks about those loved ones that have died and their rotting flesh bodies are out there in their graves.
The subject of discussion then was, "Where are the dead?" However, the subject here in
I Corinthians 15:50-54 is a time when no one will die, because at that moment in time, when Christ returns, all souls will be changed into their spiritual bodies on this earth, they will be changed instantly from their corruptible bodies that decay, into their incorruptible bodies that will not age, but live through the next thousand years in the Kingdom of Jesus right here on earth.
I Corinthians
The time that it takes to change all of the people of this
earth age who are still living in their flesh (terrestrial) bodies,
into their soul (celestial) bodies will be faster than you can
wink your eye.
Paul revealed to us that this moment in time is "at the last
trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be
raised incorruptible".(not immortal, if not saved, but in incorruptible bodies)
He just told us that at the seventh trumpet, the last trumpet
in this earth age of flesh man, this age as we know it now
will be over and done with.
It will be changed faster than you can wink an eye.
"Raised" as stated here means "become awakened", or to
become active into another existence.
The soul will shed its flesh and blood body to take on the
new spiritual body, which is the "incorruptible
You may be spiritually dead now [meaning you have a
mortal or still liable to die soul], but you will also take on
your new incorruptible body, which you will live in for the
next thousand years of our Lord’s
on this earth with that still mortal, liable to die soul.
Whether you are good or bad, saved or lost, no matter what
shape your physical body is in, the body you will receive at
Christ's return for the Millennium age will bring you through
all the way to the time of Judgment at the end of our Lord's
For His Kingdom, He will place all the wisdom of His Word
in everyones mind and not one soul will have to ask his
neighbor for instruction from God's Word.
So the Millennium will be a time of discipline,
rather than seeking information
A boot camp for carrying out the instructions that is already
in your mind.
Any soul/angel who left their first estate and did not enter
this earth age, in their assigned turn, born of woman
through the birthing process will not have the right to enter
this time of testing of the Millennium age.
Following this 1000 year kingdom, all souls who followed
Satan in this earth age, will be judged by their works during
the Millennium and tested when Satan is again released
from the pit for a short while. The salvation of those souls
will be according to their works during the Millennium and
that testing.
(The time of salvation by God's grace through
faith in Christ ends at His return)
Every soul is going to enter into the only dimension whereby souls can be judged.
This change from the flesh body into your new spiritual or "incorruptible body"
has nothing to do with the condition of your soul at Christ's return.
If you are a lost sinner in your flesh body, you will also
be in a lost condition in this spiritual body.The change
has nothing to do with the condition of your soul.
So at the last trumpet, that seventh trumpet all flesh will be finished and this
earth age; As we know it, simply will not exist anymore.
The elect and those that did not follow Satan will receive
their rewards at Christs return,(Eternal Life, being the biggest reward of all)
from our Heavenly Father,
and reign with Him through this Millennium age.
This we will discuss later.
So this also brings us to another very important point; if we
are all changed at the seventh and last trumpet into our soul
bodies, and the flesh is done away with, then any
supernatural being that you see while in your flesh body is a
fake, a false-christ, Satan, or one of his angels,
because Christ has not yet returned.
If someone claims to be Jesus Christ, and you are still
appearing to be 65 years old, with all the wrinkles and pains
of this flesh body, then that person is a fake.
That can't be hard to understand.
If your kids appear to be younger than
you, and grandma is in the hospital,
then you and they are still in the flesh,
Than that supernatural person, claiming to be God, is a fake!
Remember, Paul warned us of this in II
Thessalonians 2:2, 3; "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be
troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the
day of Christ is at hand." [2] "Let no
man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,"
I Corinthians
Jesus is coming at the seventh and last
trump, and at that instant in time this earth age of flesh man will be over. Satan will go into the pit, and all of his
fallen angels will be held for destruction. You will see Satan again at the end of the
Millennium age for a short season, but not his army of fallen angels.
So with this having been said, do you see
why a false doctrine like the rapture doctrine is so damaging? It causes Christians to rely on a fairy tale
that is untrue. It tares down the
incentive for Christians to study the Scriptures and seek the truth, and instead
they in turn seek others like the Kenites to do their interpreting of Scriptures
for them. The Kenites father is Satan
from the Garden of Eden. "Kenite"
means "sons of Cain", this understanding of who they are and what they do
is what having "the Key of David " means. is isis is. They are preparing the way for their
father's return to this earth.
"Mortal must put on immortality" applies only to your soul and spirit; All flesh will be gone and done away with at the sounding of this seventh trumpet. Immortality applies only to the soul and spirit. However in the still mortal body, "the sting of death" is still there if that soul has not received eternal life.
Immortality for the eternal soul during
Millennium age is only for those that are under the blood of Christ from this earth
age. We will discuss what happens in the Millennium in the next
If a person who called himself Christian, yet wasn't really one, took the name and number of Satan and the beast in this earth age in ignorance. That soul will have to wait until after the Millennium age to be judged by our Heavenly Father. The judgment then will be related to that soul's works during the Millennium. The word "mortal" means "still liable to die",(the soul is still liable to die, only God can cause the death of your soul)., Your flesh body, you'll have no use for and you'll be finished with it once the seventh trump sounds. The subject of this verse is our bodies, both the corruptible or flesh(terrestrial), or incorruptoible(celestial) which is our spiritual body.
Our Lord taught us in Matthew
It is sufficient that the pupil become like his teacher. Our
purpose is to keep on studying to where we can have
people rely on what we say. When Christ walked the earth,
if they called Him Bellzebub, or "Lord of the flies", know also
that they will call you a person of Satan, just like they called
Jesus. Jesus is telling you, just don't worry about it for we
will have the victory.
God has already revealed everything to you and to me through His Word, and there will be nothing that you will go through that should be a surprise to you. You can expect what is prophesied in His Word to come your way, also the protection that will be given you by God. When you are obedient to God's Word, and His Son, and keep committed to Him, His promises are there for you in your time of need.
I Corinthians
15:54, 55 "So when this corruptible shall have
put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then
shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in
Victory." [54] "O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy
victory." [55]
So after your flesh and blood body shall have changed into its spiritual body, for the Millennium age, the problems of this flesh age will not be any more. "Death is swallowed up in Victory" when your sins are blotted out and made as if they had never been committed. When you have remained true through the time of the great deception and not bowed to Satan, your rewards and eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ is received, and there is no sting of death. When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, your soul has eternal life, you will have taken part in the "First Resurrection" but there will be many duties that will be expected of you in the Millennium age.
I Corinthians
Because Jesus paid the price for sin, the grave has no victory. Though it may be for our loved ones, but it is comforting to know that our loved one's soul is there with him. At the end of the Millennium age, that sting of death will be removed for ever. Jesus Christ is the only way; He is the only door to salvation. When Jesus arose from the dead to defeat the sting of death brought on us by our sins, but now it is through His blood that we are saved and have eternal life. So with this understanding in our minds, let’s go back to that moment in time when the two witnesses stand to their feet and rise into heaven with the people of the world watching.
This is the end of that second woe, as these two witnesses
stand to their feet and ascend into heaven. The world has
been in a huge celebration for the past three and a half
days, giving gifts, and having their good times thinking the
words of these two witnesses are ended with their death.
Now when these two witnesses came back to life, a terror, a
paralyzing fear ["epipipto" in the Greek"] comes over all of
the people; and the second woe comes to an end. This is
the true day of awaking.
To put this into a time frame, it was three and a half days
prior to this moment that Satan had the two witnesses killed
Jesus called this the abomination of desolation, as it was
given to us in Daniel 9:27. Satan is the desolator, and the
abomination was when he declared himself God and the
world believed him. Jesus then told us that if you were in
mountains. Judgment is coming on the earth, and
24:17-19 "Let him which is on the housetop not come
down to take any thing out of his house:" [17] "Neither let him which is in the field
return back to take his clothes." [18] "And woe unto them that are
with child, and to them that give suck in those days!" [19]
Stop and think for a moment about this time and what is
taking place here, the two witnesses had just risen from the
dead and had been taken to heaven, and all this happens
within one hour. If you're on the housetop there isn't time
to go inside to get anything and make it outside the city.
The person in the field will not have time to gather anything
back home, and even if he did, the need for those items is
about to end. Remember at the sounding of the seventh
trump, all this flesh age will be over and done with. You are
about to enter into another realm where the things of this
earth age will be of no use to you. The spiritual body simple
can not use any of the things made to please the flesh of
this earth age.
Then the warning comes to those that are with child, and to
them that gave suck in those days. Does this mean that
women that are pregnant are under some sort of judgment?
No. Jesus is addressing His bride here, the bride of Christ
and spiritually speaking, to be with child means that you
have not been faithful to the one you are committed to in
marriage. If you are of the bride of Christ, He is our
husband, and “are with child” which means that you were
not faithful to Jesus while He was away from this earth and
in heaven. You have listened to all Satan's lies and
deceptions, and committed yourself to him in ignorance.
Those "giving suck" means, doing the work of Satan. You
have been turning your family over to him, and giving
service to Satan's work. How do you think our Lord is going
to like that at his return? Remember that this earth age
ends within the hour from this point in time.
Earlier in this chapter we read about the mystery Paul
revealed to us of the events of the sounding of the seventh
and last trump. When you hear this seventh trump
sounding, this earth age of flesh man is over and done with.
So when you see the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, you
and I will not be in our flesh and blood body. Your children
will not be younger than you are, there will be no sickness,
for all souls will be in their incorruptible bodies, just as the
angels have. Remember that all prophecies of the entire
Bible that deal with the seventh trumpet of the end time
happen instantly at the same time. So what will it be like
when we see Jesus coming to earth?
19:11, 12 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a
white horse; and He That sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in
righteousness He doth judge and make war." [11] "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His
head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He
Himself." [12]
Jesus is coming to make war on Satan and his followers, for
this is the "day of the Lord". The name "Faithful and True" is
the name Jesus will be called by in the rest of this chapter.
Our Lord will make war on Satan and the entire world
system that is given over to Him. As Jesus approaches the
earth, his burning eyes are fixed on one thing; to bring
righteousness to the earth, and to bring vengeance and
wrath on those who have ruled and cheated His people.
This tells us exactly who this man that comes will be, for Jesus Christ's name is "the Word", from John 1:1, 2 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." [1] "The same was in the beginning with God."
This is "the day of vengeance", the day of wrath when all
things are made right. Jesus said; "Dearly beloved,
vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord", so its
payback time, time to make right all wrongs done to His
saints. The vesture he wore was stained in the blood: His
blood from His death on the cross, and also the blood of the
righteous saints who had shed their blood, and taken much
tribulation for the sake of Our Lord and His Word. If you
have been whoring around with Satan, then you will be on
the wrong side of this battle field.
When our Lord returns to this earth, all of His saints that
have passed on will return with Him to rule and reign with
our Lord. The marriage of Christ will have taken place, and
Jesus bride will have their place and rewards given at the
time of this coming.
You may play with God's Word by playing church now,
however those games will end shortly. The rule of this time
in Jesus Christ's kingdom will be like a boot camp for
learning and discipline for the next thousand years. The
teachers are His saints, and in your spirit and soul body
you will understand all things clearly.
Everyone will know who the "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD
OF LORDS" is, for He is our Lord Jesus Christ. Every
person on the face of the earth will see Him coming and will
know the end is here. At this moment in time the prophesy
of Ezekiel 38, 39 comes to an end, as Russia and the horde
of Islamic nations, joined with many other nations come
against true Israel in the
battle of Hamon Gog.
Ezekiel 38:18,
"And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come
against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that My fury shall come up
in My face." [18] "For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath have I
spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the
carry the name of
gave to Abraham are the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.
We know the location of these two tribes from Hosea 1:10;
Hosea 1:10; "Yet the
number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot
be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it
was said unto them, `Ye are not My People'; there it shall be said unto them,
`Ye are the sons of the Living God.' "
Jesus Christ is the Living God for he came out of the tomb,
victorious over death, and ascended to heaven to be at the
right hand of the Father.
The Jews deny this, in fact it is forbidden to teach this to
their people. In fact they are a numbered people, and you
can count and record the number of their existence.
However Manasseh and Ephraim still think they are Gentile,
and they don't count as children of Israel
idea who they are.
Yet in the place that it was said of them `Ye are not My
People" or Gentile, they live their lives as Christian nations.
Our God is a very jealous God, and when
have joined with her come
nations of the old house of
God will rise up and end this
battle of Hamon Gog
The entire earth will shake at
our Lord's coming and
Ezekiel 38:20-23 lets us know exactly what will take place on this earth in those final moments of this earth age. "I will call a sword against him throughout all My mountains, saith the Lord: every man's sword shall be against his brother." [20]
Their sword is the tongue in their mouth, and they will be
leading their brother to Satan.
God's mountains are the nations of His people, of those ten
tribes that
went through the
years ago, and have lost their identity. They call themselves
by the event, Caucasians.
Editor's Note: Remember as you read this study, or any place in the Bible;
#1. When the talk is about the ancient "House of Israel", it is the ten tribes of Israelites who made up that northern kingdom house or nation and have since their dispersement by Assyria in 745-721 B.C., migrated on to the west and have become the Christian nations of our 21st. century.
#2. When the talk is about the ancient "House of Judah", it is the two tribes of Israelites, Judah and Benjamin, who made up that southern kingdom house or nation, many of which also migrated west along with the house of Israel for they were also overthrown by Assyria shortly after the house of Israel. Except for those who lived in and around Jerusalem. They were taken into Babylon when Babylon overthrew Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and have since, after mixing with the Kenites, i.e. descendants of Cain during their Babylonian captivity in 586 B.C., become the Jewish peoples of our 21st. century, now calling themselves, not Israelites but Israelis, many of whom in 1948 moved back to the middle east and with the help of England organized into the new country called Israel today, which was then recognized by the United States and three days later Russia,
Live Link to- "Do you
know who you really are?"
Are you a Israelite?
Be thoughtful before you answer.
(Maybe you only think you're
a Gentile!)Live Link to- "Israel's
Lost Tribes"
38:22 "I will plead against him with pestilence
and with blood; and I will rain upon his, and upon his bands, and upon the many
people that are with him, and overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and
This is the final moments of this earth age
when this takes place.
chapter, mainly the nations of Islam, of Africa and Asia, as
well as those nations friendly to
the nations of ancient House of Israel. They will be moving
to the east
out of
God will do this to Magnify Himself with the rest of the
nation, to let them see that He is Lord.
Remember that this earth age is about over, and there will
be thousand years of discipline coming very shortly.
This battle is called the
These two chapters of Ezekiel will bring to a close the
end of this age of flesh man, as recorded in Ezekiel 39:16.
From verse 16 to the end of the book of
Ezekiel, is information about the Lord's Millennium
Kingdom, when our Lord is on this earth with us.
Live Link to- Ezekiel Chapters 40-44 Within The Millennial Temple
Live Link to- Ezekiel Chapters 45-48 Without The Millennial Temple
19:17, 18 "And I saw an angel standing in the sun;
and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of
heaven, "Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great
God;" [17] "That ye may eat the
flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the
flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both
free and bond, both small and great." [18]
Our Lord is telling you directly that when Jesus Christ, the
earth with his army of Saint’s, this changing from the
corruptible to the incorruptible will take place.
There will be no human flesh great or small,
free or bond on
the face of the earth, for our Lord's kingdom
starts faster
than you can wink an eye.
God will change this earth and destroy all
things, elements that go to make up this
realm of flesh and blood man, for all souls
will be back as it was in the first earth
age, living in their soul spiritual bodies (becoming angelic beings again).
All of the events dealing with the first
four trumpets will be history; current to us living today. SATAN'S one world
government was in place, and it had established and protected the tiny nation of
Jews calling themselves after the nation of
Most American and European Christians
today, who are the real descendants of the
tribes of ancient
house of
not know who they are, and they will
defend this Kenite nation of the end times
as if they are the true
Sodomy is taking over our land, and the
many people actually believe God made these people as another form of life
style. (I guess it never dawned on them that Satan had anything to do with it!) They have no idea of what God
likes or dislikes, nor do they care, for in ignorance it has become easy to sit
back and let Satan's kids, the Kenites do their thinking for them. As
long as they rejected the Old Testament and the instructions of
Revelation saying, it’s "not to be understood", they continued to
think that they could sit back and wait on the fairy tales of their
traditions to protect them.
20:1 & 2 "And I saw an angel come down from heaven,
having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." [1]
"And he laid hold on the dragon,
that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
years." [2]
Jesus Christ is that angel who comes down from heaven,
who has the key or authority over the bottomless pit.
Jesus will bind up Satan, for all the roles that he has played
from the first earth age as the dragon, to the deceiver or
Devil of these end times.
Satan will not be bothering anyone again until after the
Millennium period is over and done with.
20:3 "And cast him into the bottomless pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be
loosed a little season."
There is no place in what we have studied that leaves any
room for a fly away theory, rapture doctrine.
God prophesied in his Word each of the events that
will take place, and most of them are
already history for us living today.
He warned us of the Kenites and the fallen angels, that
came two times before, and will return for these final
moments in this age of flesh man; and if you desire to
accept their lies and deception, you will be judged by God
for the choices you make.
We all make mistakes in our lives, we sin either by desire,
or in ignorance.
Yet when we fall short, through God’s perfection He helps
us to find our way back to Him, by our faith and acceptance
of His forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ's blood
that was shed on the cross.
This is the only way to salvation and
eternal life.
However, there is a time coming, very shortly, when those
that choose not to seal God's Word in their minds, will be so
struck by Satan's deception that they will become
defenseless during the final two trumps.
When Satan and his fallen angels will be on the earth for
the final five month period, they will think that Satan is God.
They will think that God's two witnesses
are evil and of a devil, that they have no
defense from..
Live Link to- John Rhine's summary of our "Mystery Babylon" study:
*#1 Live Link to- #8076 "Let's talk about "The Building of Mystery Babylon"*#2 Live Link to- #8077 "Let's talk about Creation'"
*#3 Live Link to- #8078 "Let's talk about the 'Kenites' who are building this city"
*#4 Live Link to- #8079 "Let's talk about this city", i.e. Mystery Babyon
*#5 Live Link to- #8080 "Let's events leading up to "The Cup of Wrath"
*#6 Live Link to- #8081 "Let's talk about the Nephilim,the fallen angels"*#9 Live Link to- #8084 "Let's talk about The Two Witnesses and the Abomination of Desolation"
*#10 Live Link to- #8085 "Let's talk about "The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Seventh and Last Trump*#11 Live Link to- #8086 "Let's talk about Jesus Christ's kingdom of the Millennium" Mystery Babylon is destroyed
*#12 Live Link to- #8087 "Let's talk about Judgment Day" Mystery Babylon is ancient history
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