The American Wisdom Series
Pamphlet #8082
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This Bible Study was originally written by Roger Christopherson & published at
This is part 7 in our American Wisdom Series edited version of:
"Mystery Babylon"
There is a war going on in heaven right now, and when that war is over, Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out onto the earth. This is what Jesus told John to write down for a warning to our generation.
The preparations are being made on earth by Satan's kids who are called the Kenites or vipers. The world in our generation will accept those lies that are preparing us to accept their father, Satan, as God.
As we continue this study we will use the following expressions, to identify what or who we are talking about.
The Serpent is Satan, and he is also called the dragon and the devil by the roles that he will play in deceiving mankind in their flesh bodies. Satan is a supernatural being, so we ought to expect him to be doing supernatural things; just like the scorpions, are fallen angels when they are here on earth.
The vipers are the Kenites,
the grandchildren of Cain, and they are human, born of a woman just like all human being in
their flesh and blood bodies, except they descended from Cain who was their grandfather. [Cain, who was born to Eve, but fathered by Satan during their sexual union in the garden of Eden.
12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and
his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
The events that are being recorded in this verse are taking place in heaven. The war that is being fought is between Satan [the dragon] along with his angels, and Michael and his angels. When the war is over, Satan will be the loser.
But, make note of what happens to him,
Satan, next!
12:8 "And prevailed not, neither was there
place found any more in heaven."
This is during sounding of the fifth trumpet,
after which Satan and his fallen angels are to
be released upon the earth.
We will be studying their arrival.
The scorpions and vipers, from Revelation 9:5-10.
Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
If you were ever confused who Satan is, John is now addressing Satan by the different roles that he has played both in heaven and on earth. Satan is called the "dragon" by his activities from the first earth age. He was the serpent when he deceived Eve in Genesis 3. He caused that sin in the Garden of Eden; and Satan is also the devil in his role when he caused his demons and fallen angels to deceive the people of the earth.
Satan had his fallen angels here on earth before the flood of Noah's day. Revelation 9 talks about what they will be doing when Michael and his angels cast them to this earth in the days to come
The individual man Adam's lineage mixed with angels in Noah's day, and all mankind will be
mixing with angels when they arrive again; But, I don't believe they
will be fathering children this time, I believe they will be telling
lies to prepare us to accept Satan as our God.
Christ was born over 2000 years ago to a virgin grand-daughter of Eve who was still of a perfectly pure Adamic line pedigree (blood line), so Satan has already lost that battle. Christ has already died on the cross, shedding His perfect blood to cover our sins, and risen again, defeating death (Satan); for all of us who have faith to believe in him and invite Him to come into and change our heart. No, Satan has already lost that battle, where his goal was to make Noah's blood line impure (the bloodline Christ was to be born through.)
Its time for us to take a short side trip to talk about the men refered to in Genesis chapters one and two.
PLEASE NOTE: In the original manuscripts:
Heb. ‘adam (no art)=mankind
As Described in Genesis 1:26-27 (the races)
Heb. ‘eth-‘ha’adham (with art. and particle=”this same man Adam as Described in Genesis 2:7
'eth-'ha' adham (with
art. and particle=this same man Adam and his help meet Eve, the grandparents of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
His new goal is to make you accept and worship him as your God, when he arrives here claiming he is God, after he gets kicked out of heaven! He believes if he can accomplish that, he believes he can still win.
Our government, now has become involved, along with the other governments of the new world order, in preparing us and our minds to accept all forms of filth in sex and marriage as being natural; and to consider their perversion as being of God. Sodomy is now becomming common and made public and accepted, as will many other forms of filth.
Your acceptance and view of the filth of sodomy as well
as many other religious forms will indicate what state of
depravity your mind has sunk.
Your acceptance of Abortion!
The condition of your soul will be determined by what you know, and how you stand on these issues, at Satan's arrival to earth.
At the sounding of the sixth trump, four other trumps have already sounded and the fifth one is sounding now.
Though the seals are not in order, the trumpets sounding are in order.
The Kenites are now preparing the people of the earth for
the coming of the Satan in his role as the instead of
Christ, or spurious messiah!
When the third trumpet sounded, we observed the "star" called "wormwood", and saw how he would turn many
waters, [people of all the world] to his bitterness "wormwood".
This wormwood is the world system.
That one world system formed following world war two, and
is now tightening it's grip daily on every nation on
the face of the earth.
The third trumpet is current affairs on the news daily
Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:
The fourth trumpet sounded and the clouds darkened, and only one third of the signs and symbols that will be present at Jesus coming will occur. When we observe the world and the signs even with our nation, community, and homes; it becomes very clear that these events of the signs and symbols are present today.
The four hidden dynasties of Education, Economics [commercial, industrial and banking], Politics, and Religion are in complete control today.
The Kenites are using these signs of the end times that announce our Lord's return, to deceive the world and prepare the way for the false Christ to come.
tribulation period then is a test to see how many of God's children have read
His letter [the Bible] to them, and sealed it's truths away in their minds.
So with this being said, let’s go on with the
sounding of the fifth trump.
9:1 "And the fifth trump angel sounded, and I
saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the
bottomless pit [pit of the abyss]."
The "star" which falls to the earth is the star of Isaiah 14. This "star" is "Lucifer", who will be the "instead of Christ', or spurious messiah, once he arrives on the earth.
God is giving Lucifer (now called Satan) the "key", or authority to the bottomless pit, for the sake of releasing his fallen angels that are being held there until this appointed time.
Satan will be the executioner of God's divine
wrath that is to be poured out upon the earth.
God is going to allow Satan to have his way with all who are
blind to the Word of God concerning our
time and generation.
Especially, un-prepared proclaiming Christians, who sat in
their pews, Sunday after Sunday,
listening to ONE VERSE REVS. teach them every thing
except the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter,
verse by verse, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
Proclaiming Christians who think they are
saved, but don't truly know the Lord!
In Job's day, God removed the wall of protection around Job for Satan's testing, and the only stipulation that God gave to Satan was that he was not to take Job's life. Job had the will, and Satan tested that will while God stood by and allowed it to happen. This then is an example of what these end times will be like; and that is why we must have the knowledge sealed in our minds and the will to stand up during that time of testing that will come upon all that are living in this generation.
We must have our spiritual armor on and in place before that
spiritual battle starts.
No, Satan is not now in the bottomless pit, but in heaven. He is the accuser of the saints before the throne of God. The fallen angels are in the pit, or the abyss, which is a state or point of degradation. This is similar to when Satan was told that he would always crawl on his belly, as the serpent. Satan was never a snake, but he was a deceiver and his actions were as that of a snake.
Revelation 9:2 "And he
opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the
smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason
of the smoke of the pit."
This "pit" is where every evil spirit that is or has been on the earth, and they are now in God's confinement. The smoke that comes from the pit darkens, but does not eliminate the light of the sun and air. When our Lord Jesus Christ comes to earth at the seventh trump, the sun and moon and stars are completely eliminated.
The smoke spoken of here is the setting up of the flesh man
of the earth, for their acceptance of these
supernatural things that are about to take place.
However, just as in Job's case, God will set limits as to how far Satan and his angels can go.
It is important to Christians,
God's elect that are sealed with the truth, so we will be able
to identify Satan, and his works, by what ever roll
he plays, or names he chooses for himself.
Remember, we will not see the true Christ while still in our flesh bodies, so what ever we see done supernaturally will be done by Satan, or his angels.
They are fakes if we are still in our flesh.
Revelation 9:3 "And their came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power."
This locust army that will come upon the earth is Satan's army of demonic forces. They are the fallen angels, and demons, both coming with Satan because heaven will be closed to them for ever; as well as those that are already here upon the earth. The "power" spoken of here in the Greek, is "exousia" and it means "authority, or delegated power" given by God to them. God is giving these demoniacs and fallen angels the right to carry out the wrath of God, in His behalf. When they strike, or exert their power on those people that are deceived, it is a spiritual power, as we see in Ephesians 6:10-20. This is because the war of the great tribulation is a spiritual battle against Satan and his forces.
If you think the "TRIBULATION" is a time to be looking for bombs, planes, rockets and tanks, you are looking in the wrong direction, for this battle is fought with deception, with words, ideas and lies.
Their strike will be spiritually deadly, for they will strike with the authority and manner as the scorpion when it strikes a man.
9:4 "And it was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their
Just as in Job's day; God will set limits on Satan's actions, as he sets out to daze the people of the earth with his supernatural powers.
Most Christians today are even taken back by the simple tricks of a magician's tricks. If slight of hand tricks can dazzle someone think of how it will be when they see a person call lightning down from heaven, and have control over the elements of the earth, and weather patterns.
We are aware of the laws that God set up, such as gravity, and so on;
but Satan and these supernatural created beings, from
another dimension, will make most people think that this
person before them is truly God and worship him as
However God's elect are aware of the acts that Satan and his fallen angels and demoniacs will do. We will marvel at those supernatural acts, but the rest of the world will be taken in instantly by them.
In awe they will bow their knees to this supernatural one, and assume that God is in their presence.
Once flesh man has bowed his knee and soul to Satan, he has been stung.
That strike, by Satan and his angels, will be just as spiritually deadly, because it will render a person helpless and unlikely to wait for the true Christ's return, as the scorpions strike, which renders a victim harmless and unable to protect himself, is physically deadly.
When you have the seal or the knowledge of all the Scripture in your mind, you know what to expect. God gave us His entire Word to prepare His elect for what they will face at this time. Your brain is in your forehead, and He expects that you will use it to defend yourself from spiritual attack at these end times. God called this time, "the great tribulation", and told us many times in Scripture that at no time, in the past, has anyone ever faced tribulation like this. In fact as we read in Revelation 7; as the tribulation was about to begin the angel of the Lord stopped the action and held that time until the 144,000 were sealed in their foreheads. The many thousands of the elect and the 144,000 will be sealed in their minds before this time of Satan, and they will not be deceived by Satan, his angels' and their tricks.
The limits that God puts on the fallen angels and demonic forces will fully protect God's elect and chosen people.
His chosen ones are all the Christians who know the truth
and are ready, and watching, and have their spiritual
armor on and in place and will make a stand against those fiery darts of Satan.
This armor Paul tells us about in Ephesians 6:10-20.
In fact the first time that Satan will strike out at God's
children, the two witnesses, God's wrath will boil over, and
that will mark the end of the false-christ's rule on earth.
So how far can Satan go with those who are not sealed in their minds?
Revelation 9:5 "And to
them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when
he striketh a man."
Before we can understand these limits
that God has put on Satan and his angels, it is important to understand what
happens when a scorpion strikes a man.
The scorpion has a tail with a stinger in
it. When the scorpion strikes
it's prey, it sneaks up to that person and grabs him with the set of pinchers
that are near its mouth and pulls itself to him. In an instant it's set of pinchers grasp then
at the same time it injects it's poison into the person to render the victim
helpless. It is important because the
scorpion has no stomach, so it cannot digest it's own food within itself. Therefore the scorpion stings the person with
it's tail to paralyses the victim. It
then vomits it's digestive juices or acids into the body of the victim, and the
body of the victim becomes the scorpions stomach.
The acids turn everything it touches to mush
and the scorpion then inhales the mush from the victim body and is gone. The point here is that the victim is left
defenseless from the instant of the first strike of the scorpion, because the
poisons from that strike goes into the circulatory and nervous system making the victim totally paralyzed. Once that victim or
victim has been hit, from that point on, there is no defense against the out come. That victim lays helpless,
as the entire process of the scorpion take place.
Now that we see how the scorpion attacks, and the methods used by it; let’s apply their methods to what Satan and his locust army of fallen angels will do.
Satan and his army will take the lies and traditions that were taught you through your church houses and from
your family, and use those false doctrines that you believe to be true.
I tell you, my fellow Christian, if you want to believe a lie, great, for that will be part of Satan's poisons to attack
you with. All people will be attacked on the level of their understanding taught by their religion.
Remember that this battle of the great tribulation is a spiritual battle fought with ideas, words and in false doctrine.
If you want to believe in things like the rapture doctrine; that is fine with Satan, for he will give you the ride of
your life, but it won't be up is some cloud,
it will be right into his camp.
SO! For the sake of your soul start reading and rightly
dividing the "Word of Truth!" and do it now before Satan
comes! The time is short!
Have you rightly divided His Word of Truth?
If the Book of Revelation is a mystery to you, you don't have a prayer of a chance. Satan is set to do battle with your mind, and when the poisons of his lies and deception reach your mind, you will be just as paralyzed as when that scorpion strikes it's prey.
If you are looking to escape out of this time of great deception, and look to the thoughts of Margrette MacDonald's rapture theory, you will be instantly part of that army of Satan's victims.
Paul warned you not to be deceived by any means for Satan will arrive first, before the true Jesus Christ comes and gathers us to Himself, right here on earth, for the start of His Millennial Kingdom.
The sixth trump comes before the seventh trump. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
Thessalonians 2:1, 2 "Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto
Him," [1] That ye be not soon
shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter,
as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." [2]
Paul sent an letter [1st. Thessalonians] and before that letter reached the Thessalonians, he saw the confusion that it could bring/ [That is the reason he sent [2nd. Thessalonians] Today that first letter is what the church world of today is building their rapture theory on. So this second book or letter is a letter of explanation and to correct the confusion caused by that first letter.
The topic that Paul is addressing is "the coming of the Lord" or the second advent of Jesus Christ.
When the seventh trump sounds is when the saints that
are on this earth in their flesh bodies will be gathered to
Jesus Christ, and spend the next thousand years here
on earth, with Him in celestial bodies like they had in the 1st earth age, not in some distant place up in the
Paul warned us not to allow or be shaken in our spirit by what people say, or even what a spirit comes to tell you.
Even if a letter comes to you and states differently, Christ will not return until certain things happen first.
Namely, Satan coming to earth claiming to be the Christ!
II Thessalonians 2:3, 4 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except their come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," [3] "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." [4]
Satan is "the man of sin", and
"the son of perdition". Satan
comes to earth at the sixth trump, and our Lord Jesus Christ comes at the
seventh. The seventh is the last trump,
and the sign that Paul is telling you is that in the last generation, we will
see Satan and his angels in all their supernatural powers, before the end of
this earth age and the coming of our Lord.
Satan will be here on earth and be against everything that is of
God. He will sit on his throne on the
side of the north in
9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death,
and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from
Many Christians have sat in church all their lives, praying and looking for their rapture to come, to take them away; so when Satan arrives claiming he is Christ, they will be taken instantly because of these false doctrines.
When they finally wake up to the fact that they were deceived by Satan, it will be too late, and the shame will be great on their minds.
people were taken out of season, for they were like the ten virgins that were
waiting for the return of the bridegroom, and when that hour of
Think of the shame, for they will want to be dead for all the shame that will come over them. Yet death will not come to them.
Revelation 9:7, 8 "And the
shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their
heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of
men." [7] "And they had hair as
the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions." [8]
We know by what verse seven says that
these locust are not real locusts. Their
crowns were like gold, but fake, fools gold.
These locusts were all something different than what they call
themselves. Everything that the world
will see about them will be a lie, and even what they say and do will be to
deceive you. Nothing will be real about
them, and they will make themselves be what you want them to be. If you want to fly away as your
traditions teach, I'm sure they will accommodate you.
If you are a sodomite, they will agree with your thoughts for these
fallen angels know all about Sodomy, they are the ones that planted that filth
in our population many years ago. They
will even assist you to the depths of hell where their road will take you. They'll have the faces of flesh man, but they
are not flesh man. They are the fallen
The expression "hair of women" refers to their gentleness,
for they will be kind and gentle as women.
Yet, they will take their prey ruthlessly, for they will rip at
your mind until they destroy your soul.
That is what happens when you fall for their
stories and lies.
9:9 "And they had breastplates, as it were
breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots
of many horses running to battle."
The priests in the Old Testament wore breastplates, and those breastplates were a form of iron. The precious stones placed with those breastplates stood for the families or tribes of the children of God. The breastplates spoken of here were an image or something that appears to be real yet all the time it is just a fake.
Joel talks about how fast and with swift order these fallen angels will cover the earth when they come, for the Kenites are preparing the way for them.
When this
happens, the media will be on their side, and their ministry will be brought
instantly to every point on the face of the earth.
In the first chapter of Joel give us a warning of the four stages of the locust, and tells how each stage feeds off of the stage before it. The palmerworm is the first stage, and what the palmerworm leaves over; the locust eats; and what the locust leaves over the cankerworm eats; then the caterpillar eats. Each stage sets up and makes way for the next stage.
The Kenites are the first stage, and they came into control of
God's house coming out of
This first stage of the locust is in place
today, for the Kenites today control the one world system and it's four hidden
dynasties. They control the borders of
the nations, and the trade that flows across those borders. They control the press and the other forms of
media and the information flow that comes off their editor’s desks, and that
sets the stage of what flows into the minds of the people that read and listen
to their lies and deceptions. These palmerworms or Kenites are setting the
stage for what the world will believe to be true, and see with their eyes. They will be the first stage that the fallen
angels will use when they set about to use their supernatural powers for that
short five month period that they will be here on earth.
The second stage of Joel's prophecy of the locust is the locust army of fallen angels itself, for this army of supernatural beings will appear to be human, but in fact they are angels from another realm. They will claim love, peace and brotherhood, but in fact they are here for only one reason, to deceive you into following their leader Satan.
Live Link to- John Rhine's summary of our "Mystery Babylon" study:
*#1 Live Link to- #8076 "Let's talk about "The Building of Mystery Babylon"*#2 Live Link to- #8077 "Let's talk about Creation'"
*#3 Live Link to- #8078 "Let's talk about the 'Kenites' who are building this city"
*#4 Live Link to- #8079 "Let's talk about this city", i.e. Mystery Babyon
*#5 Live Link to- #8080 "Let's events leading up to "The Cup of Wrath"
*#6 Live Link to- #8081 "Let's talk about the Nephilim,the fallen angels"*#9 Live Link to- #8084 "Let's talk about The Two Witnesses and the Abomination of Desolation"
*#10 Live Link to- #8085 "Let's talk about "The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Seventh and Last Trump*#11 Live Link to- #8086 "Let's talk about Jesus Christ's kingdom of the Millennium" Mystery Babylon is destroyed
*#12 Live Link to- #8087 "Let's talk about Judgment Day" Mystery Babylon is ancient history
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