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In our study of Mystery Babylon, we have covered all the periods of time from the creation of man's soul, prior to the creation of the earth, to the completion of the Millennium, after this second earth age of flesh and blood mankind, when our Lord Jesus Christ will rule over His kingdom here on earth. We have seen how God in His loving mercy, created each of our souls. Each of us, His children, were created so that both He and we would have the pleasure of communicating with each other. YHVH the Father and His flesh and blood Son Jesus the Christ who was God in the flesh while He lived with us here on earth and is now God in the spirit again, back in His celestial body, since He sacrificed His flesh and blood life and arose from the dead ascending again into heaven. He is worthy to receive all of the glory and honor and power that He has, for He has created all things.
The arch angel Lucifer
was also a God created angel, just like us, but given special characteristics
to be our leader and guide during that 1st earth age. When Lucifer's (now called Satan)
pride caused him to fall in that first earth age, he took on the role of the
dragon (drag on) and caused one third of all our souls to fall
with him by joining him in his overthrow attempt. God knows that most of us, His created children, are naive
and were sympathetic to Lucifer prior to his rebellion attempt even though we
didn’t openly follow him.
Satan's sentence of death (to lose
his soul), is why Satan is referred to as the "son of perdition",
or the "man of sin" in many verses in the Scripture, such as
II Thessalonians 2:3, 4 which is about the end generations and itdentifies
Satan as the one spoken of here.
Because so many of our brothers, God’s other children, were
deceived by our brother Lucifer/Satan, and followed along
with him in his overthrow attempt, God made a provision whereby in order to salvage as many of our souls as will, each of us would be born in the body of a flesh and blood man or woman, into this 2nd earth age that
He restructured to provide a way whereby each of us would learn about life and
death and God's ways versus Satan's ways and choose to either follow God's ways or Satan's ways. We
would not retain the knowledge of that prior 1st earth age during our
time spent in this earth age while in the flesh, so we would be free to make that choice not even being aware of our 1st earth age sin.
God decided He Himself would come to earth, and live with us for a short while, in the form of His only begotten flesh and blood Son (Jesus), who would sacrifice His life, shedding His sin free blood
to cover over our sins, if we will only believe in Him, and by our own free will, invite Him
into our heart to change us and make us holy. In so doing salvage our
souls from the same fate as Satan's.
living in this flesh age also provides a way for us to witness death in the
flesh and to learn how permanent it is when we lose a loved one by the shadow of death (the death of our physical flesh and blood body) and equate it
to what the death of our soul would mean if we lost it, as Satan's soul will be
lost, To BE NO MORE, for all
The requirement is that each soul must be born of water, through the birthing process, and then grow and choose between God or Satan.
All of us who believe in Jesus, and choose, by our own free will, to follow His ways (Keeping His commandments) forever (Note: He will help us accomplish that), while living here on earth as flesh and blood human beings in this 2nd earth age will be granted eternal life when Jesus returns, i.e. given immortal souls to go with new celestial bodies at the "1st resurrection to eternal life". Note: No more flesh and blood body that grows old and gets sick. (IT IS GOD'S FREE GIFT TO US)
All who do not believe in and accept Jesus will live the 1000 year Millennium, during Christ earthly kingdom, in celestial bodies also; but with still mortal souls (still liable to die and be no more). If we don't change our ways during those 1000 years of discipline and discernment classes which we will be required to attend please note Satan will again be released from the pit to test us and then, we'll be judged by our works during the Millennium and either be awarded eternal life at the "2nd resurrection to eternal life" OR eternal death in the "Lake of Fire" and we'll be no more; not even a memory to our former loved ones.
You see: God
did not carry out Satan's death sentence yet. He is keeping him alive
until the end of the Millennium to again test the ones of us with still
mortal souls, one last time; to be sure we won't follow him again.
Certain ones of us who loved and followed the instructions of God back in that first earth age were judged and chosen by God to be His Elect in that world age that once was, as recorded in Ephesians 1:4-14.
These Elect still have to go through the birthing process of this earth age, yet God protects them, by disciplining them when necessary, so that they remain true, just as they did against Satan in that first earth age.
However Satan's fallen angels, those who
refused to enter into this age by flesh and blood birth, but instead left
their first habitation, which is in heaven, and came down to abduct the
daughters of the individual man Adam (‘eth-‘Ha’adham) and his wife
Eve, in order to destroy the lineage that the Messiah (Jesus) would be coming through, have also been sentenced to die and BE NO MORE!
See the forming of this individual man Adam and his wife as described in Genesis chapter 2. Not chapter 1, which is the description of the creation of all mankind including the races,
Live Link to->>> There were 2 sets of human beings
made at the start of this 2nd earth age.
Did You Know That?
All made using God's previously created souls (ours/us, God's children
from the beginning), but put into animal type terrestrial bodies for
this 2nd earth age.
Our Bible is the story of this
one man(‘eth-‘Ha’adham),
Adam, and his help meet Eve who were formed as described in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7.
It would be through Adam and his help meet Eve that the
promised Messiah would come.
Note: There was another creation of mankind described in Genesis chapter i vdrses 26 and 27, but that was of mankind, i.e. the races.
PLEASE NOTE: In the original manuscripts:
Heb. ‘adam (no art)=mankind
As Described in Genesis 1:26-27 (the races)
promise of a coming Redeemer is promised in Genesis 3:15.
In time the entire blood line of all of this individual man ('eth-'ha' adham )Adam's, descendants had been polluted except for the one man and his family.
That man was Noah, and God brought a flood upon the earth to destroy all of polluted mankind. Only Noah and his family were spared because of their still perfect pedigree.
Was Noah the perfect man, of course not, but the key to understanding his righteousness, is in the fact there were no strains of these fallen angels called Nephilim in his lineage.
world became a very wicked place in Noah's day, for every man, except for Noah's family, did that
which was right, in the sight of his own eyes.
So for the sake of protecting the Adamic blood line that
Messiah would come through, God destroyed all humanity in the land but
Noah in a second major flood, but not near as devastating a flood as was Lucifer's flood which ended the first earth age. But, Noah's Flood served the intended purpose. It killed off all of that angel polluted bloodline.
After the flood, the people
of the land banded together, and
they all spoke one language.
Live Links to=> Lucifer's Flood
and Noah's Flood
Scripture: Genesis 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth (H127); and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth (H776) ; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
Let's look
closely at the King James
thou hast driven me
out this day from the face of the earth;
and I shall
be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth:
4:14 Behold, thou
hast driven me out, this day from, the face of the earth;H127
and from thy face, shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a
in the earth;H776
and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
H119; soil (from its general
redness): - country, earth, ground, husband [-man] (-ry), land.
an unused root probably
meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):
X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X nations, way, +
H127 ad-aw-maw'
was translated
over 30 times and land over 100 times in the
King James Version of the Bible.
eh'-rets was translated
over 1300 times and earth over 700 times in
the King James Version of the Bible.
If ad-aw-maw' had been translated land in Genesis 4:14 and eh'-rets had been translated earth as in many parts of the Bible it would read like this: Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the land; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
If eh'-rets had been translated land in Genesis 4:14 and ad-aw-maw' had been translated earth as in many parts of the Bible it would read like this: Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the land; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
do you suppose they translated it the way they did?
because the translators of the "King James Bible" had the same
idea about Noah's flood as do most people today!
think it was universal and ignore, or are ignorant of, Lucifer's flood which ended the first earth age!
If they had translated it "land" here they would also have had to translate it "land" in Genesis chapters 6 and 7. But since they were convinced that the flood was universal they had a problem using the word "land" in Genesis.
One thing is for sure; ad-aw-maw' and eh'-rets should not both have been translated earth in Genesis 4:14. In the original Hebrew two different words were used and in this verse clearly have two different meanings.
After a few generations had
passed, Nimrod brought all the people together, and they formed the
first one world government called "
again: And still
do today. It's English, German, etc. and all the different languages
spoken by the Christian nations of the world.
caused so much confusion, that people scattered into their own groups
according to the new language they spoke. In
time one man came to the forefront, by his obedience to God's laws and
instructions. That man was Abraham.
the time of the building of the
made a covenant with Abraham and his wife Sarah, and in this covenant
He promised Abraham a land, and blessing, and children.
At a very old age, Abraham and Sarah had their child and
his name was Isaac. Isaac had
twin sons, Esau and Jacob, and Esau sold his birth right to this covenant to
his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup. Jacob's
name was changed by God to
time passed the Kenites, sons of Cain, became partners with the kings of
Note: Jesus is now going to identify exactly who these Kenites are
John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him, When he
spaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father
of it."
When the House of Judah went back to
set up
two thousand years after the birth of Abraham, the Messiah was born
into this earth age of flesh man, through the womb of the Virgin Mary, a descendant of perfect pedigree of God's forming of the individual man Adam and his help meet Eve. This birth and life of our Lord
Jesus the Christ was in accordance to the prophecies written down by
the prophets of God.
Then at
the appointed time, these sons of Cain, the Kenites, that were in charge at the
However before you start wanting
blood of these Kenites for the death of Jesus Christ, remember our Lord
said that no man taketh My life for I lay it down Myself. Jesus followed the Will of the
Father YHVH to the letter, for His shed blood on the cross was the
price that had to be paid so that flesh and blood mankind's souls could be salvaged.
Live Link to=> The good (Judah's descendants) and the bad (the Kenites, Cain's descendants) figs of Judea
The shed blood of Christ is the only price that could be
offered whereby sinful mans sins could be forgiven and forgotten, for every living soul that entered into this
age of man in the flesh, all the way back to Adam Heb. ‘adam (no art)=mankind
As Described in Genesis 1:26-27 (the races).
When our Lord died on the cross it opened the only path of
Salvation where by all mankind can be saved. Our Salvation during this earth age of flesh and blood man, comes only
by the grace of Almighty God, through the blood of His Son who died on
the cross. You must
understand that to have this gift of eternal life, each soul must come
through the way God has provided, for there is no other way. How is it that our sins can be forgiven because of Christs death and resurrection? It is possible because Christ is God and came to earth to live with us for a short time in a flesh and blood body like our own!
Then sacrificed His life, shedding His sin free blood as a covering for
our sins. For all of us who believe in Him, repent of our sins and
invite Him into our heart to change it and make it holy.
each generation passed, mankind of each race and nation has continued
much like the generation before it. The
Gospel of Christ continued to spread down through the centuries, first
to the nations of
the close of world war two, nations were becoming tired of world
conflicts, and designed weapons of mass destruction that had been
developed. This started the
flow of events that would bring on the trumpets of the end time. These trumpets were the
establishment of the new world order, called the
United Nations ("Mystery Babylon"); for that first attempt of the "
or secret societies were formed by these Kenites, of people with like
minds who developed mind control of the people, bringing them under a
global society. Under men
like John Ruskin of
This time of Grace will end at the
sixth trump, for you will either have the truth of God's Word and
warnings sealed in your mind, by this time, or you will be taken by Satan in his lies
and deceit. That time will be
short, for God has shortened Satan's time here on earth, when he claims he is God, to five months for the
Elects sake. At the
sounding of the seventh and last trump, all souls living in their flesh
bodies will be changed instantly, in the wink of an eye, into their
incorruptible or spirit (celestial) bodies like we had as angels.
We will live for one thousand years. in our celestial bodies, in the kingdom of our
Lord Jesus Christ, right here on this present earth. The things that support the flesh of this earth age,
will no longer exist during our Lord's Millennium kingdom. This
is because there will be no flesh man in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus
Christ. His kingdom will be
on the earth at the moment of the sounding of the seventh and last
trump, but
at its sounding all mankind, still alive in their flesh and blood
bodies, here on earth will be changed instantly into incorruptible
spirit beings, with celestial bodies, All those who accepted Christ
offer of salvation through grace during this earth age will be granted
eternal life at Christ's coming (The First Resurrection). All
those who did not, but instead worshiped Satan, thinking he was Christ
will still have their mortal souls, at least for the 1000 year
Millennium, after which time they may still be granted eternal life, based
on their works during the Millennium (The Second Resurrection) or be sentenced to perish, just
like Satan; TO BE NO MORE, not even a memory to their loved ones.
So at the close of the Millennium
age, for a very short season, probably measured in days or a
month, Satan will be released by God from the pit he was held in during the Millennium. Satan will not have the support of
those fallen angels at this time, for they have been locked up and sentenced for destruction. As
the knowledge of Satan's release comes over the people, many of those
souls living in the incorruptible bodies will still follow Satan.
This is the point that we pick up this final chapter of our "Mystery Babylon" study.
Revelation 20:7, 8 "And when the thousand
years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." [7]
"And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the
four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to
battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea." [8]
Every soul has been taught the ways of the Lord by the end of this thousand year period, yet the number of those going back to Satan will be uncountable.
It will start in the
20:9 "And they went up on the
breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and
the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and
devoured them."
Those that made their pre-Millennium move against God's people were destroyed at His return. This destruction, is just prior to the great white throne judgment. This is a post Millennium attempt of Satans to have his folowers rebell.
Right after this, is the
"great day of God" when the full God Head will come and dwell with us
in person.
Revelation 20:10, 11 "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." [10] "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away: and there was found no place for them." [11]
Well it ain't so! First of all, it is documented time after time after time in the Bible that the fate of the wicked is to PERISH, to die the second death, to be no more, which is the DESTRUCTION OF THE SOUL!
We've already quoted John 3:16 in the last study as well as Christ's own words in Mat. 10. But let's read again His words:
And how about Satan's soul? Did we just read that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever? No we did not, because we read an idiom of another language translated into our English which completely lost the meaning.Matthew 10:28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
The root of the word "torment" in verse 10 is the Greek word basanos from where we get our word "basis", and it means (through the notion of going to the bottom). But the whole expression together simply means that Satan will be consumed, debased, gone, day and night (for all eternity), forever and ever (to be no more).
Think of how fast a computer can seek out the information and present it to you. When this judgment comes on the earth, we will move from this kingdom age into the eternity just as fast.
When God passes judgment on Satan and all the people that
took part in this beast system of "Mystery Babylon", to make war against Jesus Christ
and the saints, it will be over for them completely.
The earth as it will be in the Millennium age will be
gone, finished for ever. Considered
burned up by the intense heat of God's wrath.
Notice that there are two sets of books here. The first is called "the books" and it is to judge the unsaved. The second is the "Book of life" The saved have only their names written in the "Book of Life", for their sins are blotted out by the blood of Christ. They have proved themselves in the Millennium age by their works, and our Lord has found them worthy to enter into eternity. Remember those saved from the first age and the flesh age received their immortality at the first resurrection, and those with mortality hanging over them in the Millennium age, are receiving their salvation and eternal life in this second resurrection.
All sin. though, is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ from the Cross no matter when, if for "The First or Second Resurrection".
Each still mortal soul that is judged at this great white throne judgment, is judged "according to their works".
Does it talk about faith here after the Millennium?
No, for the "great white throne Judgment" will not take faith into consideration.
The first resurrection takes faith into consideration, and that resurrection took place at the seventh and last trump, when Christ first returned.
Faith is something hoped for, but unseen.
You don't see Jesus Christ on earth today, but all souls will see him and know of His wonderful works and be led by His Spirit during the Millennium age.
Today Jesus is in heaven and not walking on this earth, and when we seek Him we take his promises by Faith, and our Heavenly Father honors all those with grace, that have accepted His Son by faith, through their repentance without Christ's physical presence before them.
So faith will not be part of this second resurrection;
it will only be by the works of those souls from the
Millennium age.
you followed the rapture doctrine, and took the name and number of the
first person claiming to be Christ, who appears in this flesh age, which will be Satan, then you will be part of this
great white throne judgment, and the second resurrection of the dead. This judgment will be by your
works during the Millennium and not of the this present earth age of flesh and blood man.
The sea is the massive number of
mortal souls that followed Satan. These
are those souls who did not overcome, and are in a place of holding at
the time of their physical death, and also from the Millennium age. There it is again!
"According to
their works."
Don't be frightened by this, for we are now under grace, and Satan, as the false-christ, has not yet arrived.
You are going to face the truth now and come under the blood of Christ for your salvation and be sealed in your mind with the truth: or be judged by your works later after the thousand year Millennium period.
Eternity is a very long time, so much so that our minds simply cannot
comprehend it. If you fail both resurrections,
the end result will be that your soul will
become completely destroyed.
Those of the second resurrection will be judged by their works from "the books", and if they were found worthy their name will automatically be placed in the "book of life".
Those mortal souls that are still found unworthy after the Millennium age will be blotted out from the minds of their saved loved ones, remembrance of that event and their existence will no longer be.
There will be no tears or sorrow for them by loved ones, because it will
be as if that soul had never existed or was created in the first place.
This is why it is important that we understand the chronological order
of the events that will occur.
We must understand the order of events
in both our physical mind and spiritual
mind so that we will know what to expect
during each of these ages and times.
The condition and life of your soul
relies on your understanding of these events,
especially during the generation we are living in today.
By not understanding them and chasing after
man's tradition assures you that you will follow the
false-christ, Satan, and think that he is the true Christ.
It is imperative that you understand
the Millennium age.
Next we'll enter into the time frame of an
eternal existence with our Heavenly Father;
His Son Jesus the Christ,
and the Holy Spirit.
Live Link to- John Rhine's summary of our "Mystery Babylon" study:
*#1 Live Link to- #8076 "Let's talk about "The Building of Mystery Babylon"*#2 Live Link to- #8077 "Let's talk about Creation'"
*#3 Live Link to- #8078 "Let's talk about the 'Kenites' who are building this city"
*#4 Live Link to- #8079 "Let's talk about this city", i.e. Mystery Babyon
*#5 Live Link to- #8080 "Let's events leading up to "The Cup of Wrath"
*#6 Live Link to- #8081 "Let's talk about the Nephilim,the fallen angels"*#9 Live Link to- #8084 "Let's talk about The Two Witnesses and the Abomination of Desolation"
*#10 Live Link to- #8085 "Let's talk about "The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Seventh and Last Trump*#11 Live Link to- #8086 "Let's talk about Jesus Christ's kingdom of the Millennium" Mystery Babylon is destroyed
*#12 Live Link to- #8087 "Let's talk about Judgment Day" Mystery Babylon is ancient history
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