The American Wisdom Series
Pamphlet #7089
Let's talk about the events leading up to
Here is part 1 of our 12 part edited version of: "Mystery Babylon"of "Mystery Babylon"
25::15 "For thus saith the Lord God of
At the end of this earth age, all nations and people on the face of the earth will drink of God's cup of wrath.
Every ear on the face of the earth will drink of the cup of the wrath of God.
Even though there are many languages, the drinking of
the cup of wrath is the hearing of the words that flow
from the mouth of God's elect.
When the Holy Spirit speaks through His elect, every one will understand clearly the warnings from the Holy Spirit.
They will all understand just as those people in Nimrod's empire all spoke one language before their scattering.
There will be no confusion in the words that the Holy Spirit puts in the mouth of His elect.
That is why we are not to even
think and premeditate on what should be said beforehand.
13:11 "But when they shall lead you, and
deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye
premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for
it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost [Spirit]."
All nations of the world will hear these
words of the Holy Spirit, and they will understand completely the meaning of
those words. Though there is
25:16 "And they shall drink, and be moved, and
be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them.' "
When the
people of the earth hear the truth being told to them [drink of that cup], and
understand exactly what is meant by the words from the Holy Spirit, they will be
shaken by them. Most of the people will
be angry, for it challenges their religious system. Satan will be here on earth claiming he is God. They can see this supernatural man, Satan,
sitting before them on his throne in
So what is this sword that God will send
amongst them?
Words came out of His mouth; and what our Lord states comes true exactly as it was spoken.
The people standing and hearing that Word of the Lord in their ears will understand exactly what is said and they will realize they are in trouble with God.
Many will have already done the things that they are doing by giving service to Satan, even though in ignorance at this time,
so do you see why many will go mad at hearing the truth for the first time.
people are hearing something that goes directly against what they
have taught and have accepted in their church house down on the corner.
25:17 "Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and
made all the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me:"
Do you understand who will be carrying
this cup of the Lord's hand and making the
nations to drink of it?
It will be God's elect, those who have been
sealed with the truth of God's word in their
mind, before Satan and his angels arrived
on earth, who along with the help of his Kenites, to deceive the world.
The world means everyone, and now
Jeremiah will tell us of those places that
will be deceived.
Jeremiah 25:18 "To wit,
Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes
thereof, to make them a desolation, and astonishment, an hissing, and a curse;
as it is this day;"
"To wit",
means "to know (and to ascertain)
by seeing". These are the places
that will see and know what you are speaking:
The words that the Holy Spirit has placed in your mouth. Do you think that they will love what you are
saying when you are standing in
What do you think they will do with you when you speak all those words of God that flow through your mouth.
The only place you will not be sent is to those people that are in the camp of the Lord.
25:19 "Pharaoh king of
25:20 "And all the mingled people, and all the
kings of the
"mingled people" are made up of "a mongrel race, and it was mixed
races of the Arabian peoples". Of
course today these are believers of Islam.
These peoples of the Philistines,
25:21 "
25:22 "And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the
kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea,"
This is hitting at the home of the Kenites. Satan is the king of Tyrus, and the Kenites are of Satan's family through his son Cain. They know who they are, but most of you don't. That is why they can remain hidden and put out their lies to keep themselves hidden, because you will believe what they say. It is the Kenites ships of Tarshish that sail to all the isles and beyond the sea. They go there to buy and trade in commerce so that you will buy their goods on your store shelves later. Of course the price for their junk will be high, but by their advertising you will think you are getting a deal. Their ships of Tarshish control the industrial trade that has fled our lands, and decreased the value of our jobs, land and people's worth. Are these Kenites going to appreciate those words that the Holy Spirit of God has to tell them? No because it will drive them literally crazy. How do you think Satan will react when he sits on his throne calling himself God, and you tell him that he is nothing but a fake?
25:23 "Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all that are
in the utmost corners,"
These are the Russian people that
are living in the far south and to the east.
They are mostly communistic, and in certain corners of
25:24 "And all the kings of
Again, this is covering the people of
25:25 "And all the kings of Zimri, and all the
kings of
Zimri, and Midian are the sons of Abraham
through his second wife Katurah. These
are the Midianites or Medes, and today they live in Syria and
25:26 "And all the kings of the north, far and
near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the
face of the earth: and the kings of Sheshach shall drink after them."
This pretty
much covers the rest of the world, both north and south and around the
world. With the many forms of flow of
information and news, it covers all nations of the earth. However there is a hidden message in the word
"Sheshach". The word "Sheshach" is
an acrostic, meaning that each letter of the work is in reverse order as given
in the Hebrew text and language. When
you take it to its prime, the word "BBL" is spelled out, and that word
means "
25:27 "Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus
saith the Lord of hosts, the God of
Stop and look at the trash and nonsense
coming out of the leaders of our nation, as well as the other nations of the
world. Investing is going wild, and the
Kenites don't even have to hide the corruption that is going on in their
business world today. They're hievery is protected
from with in the courts of law.
Many of our govenmental leaders even try to get away with condemning our
own soldiers as they risk their own lives for the sake of their political
gain. God hears each word of trash that
comes from their lips, and the sword of the Lord that comes from the lips of His
elect will end their drunkenness, and the spewing that flows from their
My fellow Christian, keep your eyes open to these nations and peoples, and mark them well for each of them is a sign of the end times.
When the sword of the Lord comes down on them, it will
be final; it will be over for them and this earth age of flesh
They will be used by our Lord Jesus Christ leading up to His kingdom right here on earth.
Each is part of that group of nations Ezekiel speaks of that will come against the Christian nations at the time of the end.
Ezekiel 38:2,
3 "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the
These are the children of Esau
Exekiel 38:4, 5 "And I
will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth,
and all thine army, houses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of
armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling
swords:" [4] "Persia, Ethiopia,
and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:" [5] "Gomer, and all his bands; and house of
Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with
thee." [6]
Notice that the three powers who join
together to come
against the house of
and the other Christians nation of Europe
and the
Americas, are
with Islamic
nations, and the eastern Communistic
The Kenites are right there with them,
probably as the suppliers, the financing
agents of this war to end our Christian
Will it happen?
Of course it will, because it
is "The word of
the Lord that came to
Those four hidden dynasties are preparing
the minds of
most Christians to make sure we allow it to
Will they be victorious?
No, for when they come against us, that
will be the last
straw; God will bring His wrath down upon
them and end
this earth age.
Ezekiel 38:22 "And I
will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him,
and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing
rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone."
We have heard in the news lately of comets
and space trash that is heading our way and God is telling us that it is. Expect it, and it will arrive at just the
right time, for those events are written in His Word in the plan of God. God protects His own people.
25:28 "And it shall be, if they refuse to take the
cup at thine hand to drink, then shalt thou say unto them, `Thus saith the Lord
of hosts; `Ye shall certainly drink."
The people of the earth will all drink of that cup of wrath,
and God will use His people who are "the elect" to make
sure of it.
"Ye shall certainly drink". Again, to drink of the
cup, is to hear the truth as revealed by the
Holy Spirit through the mouth of God's
Is it good? It will cause many of them to go mad, because
they will be told that everything that they hold dear is of
the devil, and that Satan, the one they think is God, is a
No one knows exactly what those words that will be
spoken are, but one thing for sure it will shake up every
one on the face of the earth.
We are not to premeditate what we will say, when called
up to go before their councils, for it will not be you that
speaks, but God speaking through you.
25:29 "For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city
which is called by My name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call
for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts.' '
Your biggest enemy in that
city of
own family members.
Family members will betray
each other, trying to please
Satan; he deceives them into
believing that he is the true
Messiah with his
supernatural powers.
That is the Spiritual
death our Lord is
talking about here!
Your family will
believe Satan is
God and since you
won't join them in
worshiping him
they'll think you
are going to go to
hell and will
pressure you to go
with them to worship
If you do they will
have caused the
death of your soul,
the same fate as
Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:
Revelation 18:4
"And I heard another voice
from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, My People that ye be not partakers of
sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
This "her" is still speaking of that harlot city of
18:5 "For her sins have reached unto heaven and
God hath remembered her iniquities."
The actions of the harlot is not going unnoticed in
heaven, as gays are taking over key positions in many churches. When you are part of that church system, giving tithes to
support them, and lip service to their activities, you become partakers of their
sins. Our Lord is warning you to come
out of them before it is too late, for in giving service to their evil deeds,
you will be judged and receive the same rewards as they do for their
18:6 "Reward her
even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in
the cup which she hath filled fill to her double."
The time is coming shortly when these
religious acts that go against the Word of God, will receive their rewards in
double portion for the damage they have done to God's people. God's elect will deliver the message from the
Holy Spirit, and the reward will follow.
Do you really think and God is pleased when a pastor tells his
congregation that the Old Testament is not to be studied, or that the book of
Revelation is not to be understood?
The agency of the United Nations called
the World Counsel of Churches doesn't care who is sitting at their table, or
what they have to say. As long as they
are part of that world of merchandising, they can sit and take part in what ever
religious form they find comfort in. The
problem that they have with Christians is that true Christianity is not a religion,
but a way of life with only one way to our Creator and eternal life. There is no room in the Christian’s heart or
mind for any other religious form.
Revelation 18:7 "How much
she glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give
her: for she saith in her heart, `I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see
no sorrow.' "
You can go
into any store, pick up an item and see the origin of the product. As you look at the item it becomes obvious
that the price does not equal the value that is on the tag, and yet it is bought
because of the advertising that convinced you that this was a true value. This hidden dynasty has prepared you to
accept its words as truth, when in fact it is a lie. This same form of advertising that goes into
selling a product is used into getting you to buy into their religious forms and
ideas. Each of these hidden dynasties is
used to support the other, and bring you individually into their world and
under their control of your soul [mind] and body.
18:8 "Therefore shall her plagues come in one
day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
Judgement is going to come upon all those
that take part and support and service to this city of
19:9 "And the kings of the earth, who have
committed fornication and live deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and
lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning."
This goes back to Ezekiel 27 and those
ships of Tarshish, that come with their bellies filled with the delicious good
from the east. Today the leaders of all
lands try to entice them into favors, for the sake of getting their share of
that system. This system is the
industrial complex that is directly tied to the money and finance banking
systems of the world. The leader of the
pact is the central banking systems and the World Bank. They
control what is given to all the nations with their hand out, and require and
support all the evil acts of their system.
Do they get away with their lying, and deception? Of course they do. How?
The corrupt dealings, of politicians, judges and
political leaders are in the
acceptance of their gifts. Even if a
political party is destroyed, those that lead the movement move into another
movement and carry on with their dealings.
These Kenite
men in control of that mighty city think they will have no end, but God is
telling us that it will last for one hour, and then judgment. God tells us in Revelation 9:5 that
this one hour will be for a five month period.
This happens within an instant of time,
and their products become worthless. We
will discuss this later.
Revelation 18:12 "The
merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine
linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner
vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass,
and iron, and marble,"
Do you see that "hidden dynasty of
economics" here? In our day it is a
very complex system. The planners must
see that the financing, planning, and the productions on the other side
of the world, the shipping, and the advertising and sales
are all in order to keep you wanting to buy their cheep products. These dynasties set the laws to help their
activities cross borders and oceans unhindered, to keep their city of
All the fine things named in this verse
are part of that list of items used in offerings and sacrifices and services
named in the book of Numbers. They are
products used in order to perform religious duties. Yet they are still part of the
Economic dynasty of buying and selling in their
merchandising. Notice the horses and
chariots, meaning the political powers and armies to enforce the protection of
that system. This old whore city makes
slaves of men through their high interest, and low paying jobs. Today in our land we have seen those high
paid jobs move to poor nations, to make slaves of their workers to provide the
products and merchandise that is being peddled.
The word "oprah" deals with the lust after
the "dog days". So now stop and think
for a moment of the one thing that will happen in the latter days. It is the famine for the truths that come
from the word of God. The truth and
direction from God's Holy Word that directs our minds and builds character is
being twisted and distorted, and what is left in its place? That's right, confusion, and people heading
in the wrong direction. When the truths
from God's Word and the Ten Commandments are forbidden in schools, then where
will the direction of the youths of our day go?
That’s right, from their schools and churches. When the one world religious order completely
changes the meaning and definitions of words, and good becomes bad, up becomes
down, and right becomes wrong with no absolutes will be fixed in children's
minds. In the end, kids are killing
kids: family members turn on each other: and no one knows who or what he can
See where the weeping and wailing comes
from. Just read the papers today and see
how misdirection of people today is causing all the problems even in the homes
of Christians today. We call it
progressive education, but in due time, it will prepare this generation to the
point where there will be no absolutes.
What is right in their own mind, the people will do. "Progressive Education" started back in the
twenties, and slowly each spiritual pillar that stood to build our nation
has been taken away, and today even the name of Jesus Christ can't be used,
nor the Ten Commandments of God revealed.
Do you think God is pleased with our people for allowing this to
happen? Judgment will come; so expect
Revelation 18:16 "And
saying, `Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and
purple, and scarlet , and decked with gold, and precious stones, and
Again the people of the world living at
the end of this earth age of flesh man, are focusing in on those things that the
"hidden dynasty of education" has taught them.
They believe through the written pages of their news papers, and other
media. This media of print and air is
controlled by the Kenites, and what is given to you is sifted and edited to
conform to their agenda. All media items
are made to draw your attention to buy these cheep items that were made with
slave labor, their economies that are not on the scale as the blessed countries
of the world. Remember that this is how
Satan operates to buy your soul, by trafficking in merchandise and souls.
28:18 "Thou [Satan] hast defiled thy
sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy
traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall
devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all
them that behold thee.
This end to Satan will come to pass at the
end of the Millennium age. Those that
take part in Satan's deeds will follow Satan into the lake of fire, after the
Millennium of Christ's kingdom here on earth.
Caution! Caution! Caution! Caution!
Prepare yourself now
before the famine Amos talked about has closed off hearing of the Word of God,
for the time is coming when no matter where you go on earth seeking the true
Word, it can not be found.
Amos 8:11 "Behold,
the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the
No matter where you go, once this great
whore, the religious
When the destruction comes to this city of
The Kenites put many years of planning, setting up,
and all their effort that goes into getting laws of the nations of the
world changed: buying off of politicians, bringing
nations down by war, and all the other things that went in to building this One
World System ["The City"]. Now in an hour their
entire world wide system is worthless.
So why is this so? Lets go to
I Corinthians
I Corinthians
A kingdom is made up of the king and his
domain, and land he rules over. "The
I Corinthians
Paul wants to show us a mystery, something
that has been covered up until this point in the Scripture. That mystery deals with a certain point in
time when all souls living in their flesh bodies will be changed from these flesh and
blood corruptible bodies, into their incorruptible spirit bodies. There will be a generation that will not die
in the flesh, but will enter into a new dimension where every soul will be as
the angels are. But when will this
I Corinthians
This is the moment that those ship loads
of worthless goods will be out to sea, and the ship master will instantly know
that its all over. The dead here are the
spiritual dead, those without eternal life, and each soul, good bad and ugly
will no longer live in these flesh bodies by be change the instant that the last
trump sounds. The last trump is the
seventh trump, that trump that sounds after the sixth, when Satan arrives to
take his throne, ruling over the 'New World Order" that his children the Kenites have set
up. That change will be faster than you
can wink your eye.
Think of it, in this moment in time, there
will be no need for the things that comfort these human bodies for this age of
human bodies will be over and done with.
Every thing about this earth age of flesh man will have changed, meaning
no need for this type of housing, food, medicines, entertainment, and everything
else that goes to make up the world we live in now.
All the efforts in the years of planning
to build their perfect society, perfect religious practice, education of the
world to their system will be worthless.
At that moment in time, their entire system will be as worthless as one
buggy whip in today’s world value.
So as you go about your daily business of today's duties, think of that and let it set your values for the day, for we are in the end times.
The fifth trump has sounded, as the preparation is being made ready for the coming of Satan on this earth.
That will be the sixth trump when the only truth that will come from God's Word, will be from the mouths of those elect saints that will be called up, that the Holy Spirit will speak through.
The saints of God that have been killed in the service of the Lord are standing by and waiting for this moment in time.
However it will not come about until the
last soul, of God's created beings [our brothers], from the before the foundation of the world has had the opportunity to enter this earth age in the flesh, and God
says it is time.
Revelation 18:21 "And a
mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea,
saying, "Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and
shall be found no more at all."
Revelation 18:22 "And the
voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard
no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, a of whatsoever craft he be, shall be
found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be shall be heard no
more at all in thee;"
Revelation 18:23 "And the
light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the
bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy
merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations
So what caused the rise and great fall of
this great city of
God knew it would happen, and that is why we are going through this earth age, because it is a replay of that first earth age, and God is allowing us to make a difference in our own life and soul.
That is the reason our Lord Jesus Christ entered into this dimension of this earth age, He lived the perfect life, and then suffered at the cross willingly so that we could chose to come back to Him by faith, in repentance in Jesus name.
is the only way that we can live eternally in God's
7:1 "Woe is me! for I am as when they have
gathered the summer fruits, as the grape gleanings of the vintage: there is no
cluster to eat: my soul desired the first ripe fruit."
Woe is me, I lusted after the many good
things in life, and the Kenites provided it and made it all available for me
through their world system.
7:2 "The good man is perished out of the earth:
and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt
every man his brother with a net."
Sure this is what people think, but it
also is what brings about the end of this
This great city will come to an end, shortly.
Remember that
the world system is made up of their four hidden dynasties, Political,
Economic, Education and last of all Religion. It is when the Political system receives its
mortal head would that the religious system rises.
7:3 "That they may do evil with both hands
earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great
man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up."
So how did this system get to where it became so powerful?
Each time evil hands did what they were not suppose to: The judge taking the bribe, the police officer looking the other way, the preacher changing the Word to meet his own agenda for what ever the reason.
Every time we sat back and allowed people anywhere to take and remove those signs and things that remind us of God's Word and His Ten Commandments, we just made another brick, just as they did back in Nimrods time.
Will it change?
No, because our people,
God's people enjoy being ignorant.
Jeremiah addressed
this in Jeremiah 4:22.
My fellow Christian, this is God speaking to Jeremiah about our generation. "Sottish" in the Strong’s Hebrew dictionary is number 5530; "Cakal, saw-kawl' ; from 5528 (to make play, to turn into fools); to be silly, foolish and stupid-Sottish." We are living in that generation.
Most children today have no idea in the world
what the Bible is all
about, and those things
that are taught in most cases, are fairy-tales.
Fly away doctrine, sins of eating apples in the Garden of Eden, and so on.
Is it any
wonder that they will be all wrapped up in Satan's system that they feast on
every day?
7:4 "The best of them is as a brier: the most
upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy
visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity."
Even many of the ones that we believe to be honest
men in politics and the ministry, watchmen at their posts, we find to be wicked
and corrupt in their dealings, in matters where they believe they will not be
7:5 "Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not
confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth on her
7:6 "For the son dishonoureth the father, the
daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in
law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house."
Once Satan comes on the scene, the entire system will become a religious system and even your own family members will in many cases become your enemies.
Your own family will betray you because of your beliefs; for the thoughts you keep and the standards you hold dear.
Jesus warned us of this in the Gospels, so it should be no surprise when that time comes.
Expect it when you see it.
Micah warned of this would happen,
and Jesus sat there on the
7:7 "Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will
wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me."
7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when
I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto
We have been well warned of what we can expect, and it will happen exactly as God has revealed it through the prophets, apostles, and through His Son Jesus Christ.
Yet He gave us a light in that darkness at the same time.
Our Heavenly Father knew that the elect
would go through a great deal at this time, and thus he also promised that He
would shorten those days and times that the elect would suffer.
24:22 "And except those days be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be
We know that this period of Satan's rule
here on earth has been shortened from a three and a half year period, to a five
month period; for the elect's sake. The
deception will be so great and the forces that come down on each of the elect
even from family that they could not hold up for that three and a half year
period of Daniel's prophecy.
My fellow Christian, it's time to put on the whole
armor of God, that ye may be able to stand in that evil time of Satan's rule on
earth. It is coming, and the armor of
God is the whole truth from His Holy Word.
That means all the truth, the birth of Cain, Satan's son in the Garden of
Eden, to the many warning from the prophets of the Old Testament is directed to
our generation. Many try to tell you
that Sodomy is exceptable, and abortions are just another way to avoid facing a
problem, that is the way of the world today.
When the world tells you that Christ is here, and you are still in your flesh and blood body, don't believe them, because at Christ's return these flesh and blood bodies are finished and we are changed instantly into our incorruptible bodies just as the angels have.
We are starting to see the world coming under
the control of this Mystery Babylon, and after some event that will shake up the
people of this earth, they will gladly enter into that religious order that Satan
and the beast will be sitting on.
This is the time to come to our God and repent and put your sins under the blood of Jesus Christ.
It is also the
time to prepare yourself, and seal the truth. in your mind before the world is
turned over to Satan and his locust army.
Revelation 9:4 "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads."
The seal of God is the truths of God's word preparing the elect of our generation for the spiritual destruction that is coming upon the earth. Once the sealing takes place, then the torment takes place by the scorpions, those fallen angels that render man's minds unable to comprehend God’s truths.
Luke 10:18 "And He said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
This now is a new subject that Jesus is teaching us. This is Jesus speaking to His followers and it is prophetic, and refers back to the time of the garden of Eden, and Satan's fall from the first earth age. It also applies to Revelation 12: 7-9, when when Michael will cast Satan out onto the earth, and his fallen angels will come with him. So in the word "fall" indicates that Satan will be here in person because he was kicked out of heaven, and not on his own accord. The plan is set in motion, and it will take place exactly as it is written. Satan came in the first place as a deceiver, to destroy the seed line that the Christ would come through. The second time he will come as the false Messiah, to deceive all the people of the earth. It will happen exactly as it was prophesied.
Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
In the Greek text, it is "Behold I have given you the power..." The enemy is Satan, the one that will "fall as lightning from heaven onto the earth". The serpents are the Kenites, the children of Satan, through his son Cain from the garden of Eden. The Scorpions are the fallen angels, that will be booted out of heaven on to the earth right along with Satan. Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." This next time takes place at the sixth trump, and we will see these fallen angels of Satan here on earth in our generation.
Remember in the prior verses Jesus had stated that "I send you out as sheep among the wolves." Yet God will give those lambs that He sends out, power over all the wolves that come against them, but they must know how to attain that power and authority. It isn't valuable to them until the know how to use that power. Jesus gave His lambs "power over all your enemies." then Jesus said; "And nothing shall by any means hurt you." If you say your a Christian; and Jesus gave you a promise like that, how can you have any fear of any enemy that is on this earth. We will see in Luke 21 that "not one hair on your head can be hurt", and just because you will be delivered up to death, which is the devil, to give account of yourself, doesn't mean that you will die. But you will be given the opportunity to witness to the world, and have the Holy Spirit of God be placing the words in your mouth and the thoughts in your mind.
There hasn't been one soul or spirit that has died yet, for that time of death comes at the end of judgment day. Satan is not after your physical body, but your soul and spirit, and he will try to deceive you, or buy it at his price. What is your soul worth? Is there a price that you would sell out to Satan? It is time to wake up spiritually, and open our eyes and ears to the truth. Stop and think on this: Satan's power and that of his angels are limited. in Revelation 9:4 we see that it goes; "...only to those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads." If you have studied the Word and know the truths that we will face from Satan, there is no fear or deception that can sway you.
Revelation 9:5 "And it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."
The time that Satan and his one world system will rule is for five months.
So how is "the torment of a scorpion, when it striketh a man?" The first thing to understand is that because a scorpion has no stomach, its digestive process is outside its own body. It grabs hold of the subject, paralysis it, and vomits its digestive juices on the subject. While the subject lies helpless, the juices dissolve the subject's body and then the scorpion sucks that food back into itself. The person "man" that has been struck lies helpless through the entire process, unable to think or defend himself.
So notice first that those with the seal of the truth in their mind from verse four are not affected by Satan and his realm, and the sealing must be prior to the coming of Satan. The truth in a person's mind of the Word is the the protective barrier from the poison of that scorpion Satan's deceptions. Once Satan has arrived, then God turns, or gives the men, women and children over to Satan, and this torment comes upon them. Their ignorance of the truth from the Word is their protective barrier, for this act of following Satan in ignorance, not knowing who Satan is, will allow them the right for the teaching and instruction of the Millennium age of Christ's kingdom here on earth. So why can't they get the word at that late time when Satan is on earth? Amos 8:11 tells us that; "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread , nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." The Spirit of our heavenly Father Himself will close their minds to the truth, and turn them over to Satan.
Revelation 9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."
So this is how Satan and his angels will react when they come to this earth. Sure, men will seek the truth but they will not find it. When you have God's Word in your mind and soul, you will not be turned to mush at the striking of Satan's deception. Satan's time of rule will happen for a five months period, and it shall happen in our generation, just as it is written in His Word. So when Jesus gives you power over all your enemies, and if you have faith strong enough to believe, you have nothing to fear today. You will be in charge and in control over anything that will come against you, and be a strong Christian for Almighty God.
Luke 10:20 "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven."
We have gone through the study of this end
time city, a city of confusion. That
city was formed by four hidden dynasties that were formed by the Kenites,
Satan's kids through the lineage of Cain.
These four dynasties came together to attack all the parts of the lives
every human being living on the face of the earth. They operate as a city, and provide all the
services that a normal city would have, and it is world wide. Its land mass is the entire earth, and its
citizens are the people of the earth living in this last generation.
Those hidden dynasties that go to make up the control of this city are Education, Economics, Politics and Religion. Each moving from a different direction, like the four points of a compass, yet they meet at one point, in the forming of this New World Order. Once you see what is happening around you, and understand their methods of operations of this city, then you will not become part of her. Our Lord has warned us that when we see that city and are in it, "come out of her". For if you do not then you will see and be rewarded with the same spiritual destruction that will face those that are taking part in that system of Satan.
Let's talk about
"The Nephilim and Fallen Angels."
When our Lord Jesus Christ was asked what it would be
like at the time of His coming by His disciples; He answered in Matthew 24:37, 38; "But as the days of Noe were, so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be." [37] "For as in the days that were before the
flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the
day that Noe entered into the ark," [38]
"And knew not until the flood came and took them all away; so shall
also the coming of the Son of man be." [39]
For the past fifty years reports of UFO
have streamed into our defense centers, to where a separate agency, "the blue
book papers", was set up to put down the reports to stop a panic from effecting
the people. Many books have been
written about abductions, and sightings, to the point where now it is almost
common to hear those reports. We have
men that have walked on the moon, and equipment that has been in place on Mars, so
what does the Bible say about these men that invade our planet from another
realm. The Bible calls them; "sons of
God", and in the Hebrew tongue they are called "Nephilim".
Jesus intended for His elect to become
aware of these men, because they were the cause of the flood in Noah's day. The name "sons of God" and angels are
interchangeable in the Old Testament, and thus we will address it that way. We
know from Psalms 104:4 that the Angels are called spirits, and in
Hebrews 1:7, 14 we are told that God created them to worship Him.
Revelation 12:4 says that first
earth age, one third of all the angels ["stars", our brothers] violated God's
commandments, and were drawn to follow the dragon Satan.
6 "And the angels which kept not their first
estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains
under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."
The nature of their sins are given in
Jude 7; "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them, in
like manner giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange
flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal
These phrases; "which kept not their first
estate" and "but left their own habitation", refers to the fact that they left the realm of
their spiritual (resurrected) body, to enter into this earth age of flesh
man. Their sins were the same manner as
those committed in
II Peter 2:4,
5, 6 "For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be
reserved unto judgment;" [4] "And
spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of
righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;"
[5] "And turning the cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an
ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;" [6]
God spared not even the angels that
sinned, but placed them in chains in a place of darkness, to be held for
judgment. Those angels were God's
children also, for He created them just like he created you and me. The word "hell" as used here is # 5020 in
Strong's Greek dictionary. It is
"Tartaroo, Tar-tar-o-o'; from Tartaros, (the deepest abyss of hades) to
incarcerate in eternal torment."
This is not necessarily a place or location, but it is a marking that is
placed on them to be destroyed at a certain time later. The fallen angels have fallen to a point to
where there is no hope for their souls, for they violated the limits that God
placed on all angelic beings. They
entered this realm of our earth age without entering in innocence, through the
womb of woman. This condemnation came
upon them because they would not accept the plan of God, and tried to circumvent
or side track God's plan for His children.
Jesus told us what His plan was, and each soul must do
to become saved and have eternal life; when He was
asked by Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews.
3:3 "Jesus
answered and said unto him, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be
born again, he cannot see the
This answer confused the legal mind of Nicodemus, and he asked; "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?" John 3:4
However, either way you look at it, the next verse shows that Nicodemus is thinking about another birth.
Nicodemus was a smart man and he understood what "born" means, but he couldn't get his mind off the flesh and it is obvious by his reply that he didn't understand about the spiritual body (which Paul so simply explained to us).[4] Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Unless you come down and be born of woman, and then go into, be born, into your spiritual body, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Got it? First of water, of flesh, and then of spirit. The fallen angels did not do this and so as it is written in Rev. 11, they shall perish at Christ's return at the 7th Trump.[5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
And again, we've already documented that flesh and blood cannot enter into the kingdom. You must be born of woman first and then be born in the spirit.
Note: This is not talking about being begotten by the Holy Spirit. Of course you must be begotten by the Holy Spirit to be saved. Some like to call that begettal being "born again". Call it what you like but that is not what is being discussed here.
As Paul said "There is a natural body (terrestrial), and there is a spiritual body (celestial)." So when you are born in the flesh body you are flesh and when you die and are born into your spiritual body you are spirit. Let's continue with Christ's explanation to Nicodemus:
If you've followed along to this point then this verse is really quite simple, though tradition struggles with it and the next few verses.John 3:6
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Do you marvel at the Words of Christ? Here's Dr. Moffat's translation of this verse:[7] Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
There's no need to wonder. The next verse gives us some further detail about those who are born of the spirit:[7] Do not wonder at me telling you, "You must all be born from above."
This verse is a "no-brainer". Those who are in their spiritual bodies are not visible to those of us who are in the flesh, in this dimension. They are just like the wind, you cannot see them. So you can tell me you are "born again", and I will certainly understand that you are begotten of God and have received the Holy Spirit, but if I can see you, then you have not gotten to this point yet! And you haven't literally entered into the kingdom of God because you are still flesh and blood! I'll pinch you and prove it!John 3:8
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Yeah, how can these things be? Good question![9] Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
Uh oh, Nicodemus was a teacher of Israel and he didn't know about these things?[10] Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?
You know what? We can say the same of many Christian ministers today, they do not know these things? I'm not bashing them. Many of them mean well, but the traditions of men have overridden the Word of God and have made it of non effect.
Now before Jesus puts the finishing touch on this precious knowledge He's giving to Nicodemus, and so to you and me, here's one more excerpt from "How to Enjoy the Bible":
"The cloud that now rests over its [God Word] intelligent study arises from the fact that it is with us to-day as with the Jews of old - "The Word of God has been made of none effect by the traditions of men" (Mat. 15:1-9).Come out of the desert and drink some of the new wine of truth.Hence it is that on some of the most important questions... we are, still, in what the great Lord Bacon calls "a desert". He alludes to those "deserts" in history, where discovery or research comes to a stand-still, and we get schoolmen instead of philosophers; and clerics instead of discoverers.
The Reformation came as an oasis after one of these deserts. Men were sent from the stagnant pools of tradition to the fountain-head of truth. But within two or three generations the Church entered the desert again; Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms took the place of the open Bible; the inductive method of study was abandoned, and to day it is scarcely understood." ("How to Enjoy the Bible", E.W. Bullinger, pg. xv.)
[11] Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
If you can't believe the literal things, how can you believe that which is spiritual?[12] If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
Now get this next verse.
So no man [son of God] has ascended [or entered into] heaven [the kingdom] except he that came down from heaven [and was born of water]. Even Jesus Christ Himself, the Son of the Living God came down from heaven and was born of water!! IT'S THE GOOD NEWS! Did you use your eyes to see and understand what Jesus just taught?John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
To answer this question of what must I do
to be saved ties directly to the condemnation of the sons of God, called the
fallen angels? The creation of man and
women was for the purpose of inhabiting the earth for the sake of allowing each
soul to enter this realm to be tested.
In that first earth age, one third of all angels went off to follow Satan
they were condemned to damnation. The
Angels habitation is in heaven, and flesh man and woman is this earth. We are born innocent through the womb of
woman, when we enter into this earth age.
The soul is placed in that embryo in the womb at conception, and that
little person is allowed to develop fully in the protection of that womb. Nicodemus understood this birthing process;
it was the second time around, ”born
again”, that he didn’t understand.
John 3:5, 6,
"Jesus answered, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be
born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the
Jesus is telling us that there must be two birth's; the birth of the water and the birth of the Spirit,
and each soul must have those births or times of testing before he or she can become part of the kingdom of God.
Many people teach today that the birth of the water is baptism, but in the Greek text this is not what this is talking about. The birth of the water in fact is the normal birthing process by the breaking of the water sack when the child is born.
In other words, each soul must not come into
this earth age of flesh and blood man unless
he is born through the womb of a woman.
Most people today take pride in celebrating their birthdays, it is recorded on all their documents, and that birthing process of each soul assigns them to their family, and to their way of life.
The birth of the Spirit, on the other hand, means that this living soul, must also have the birth of the Spirit placed within his flesh body.
He or she must accept Jesus Christ, by accepting the Spirit of Christ [The Holy Spirit]. "Born of the Spirit", means that a person or soul choose by their own free will to receive the Spirit of Christ into their spirit. This is what the marriage of Christ is all about; to become one in Christ.
This is why most people simply do not know
what "being born from above" means, because many churches have completely
discarded much of the book of Genesis and the Old Testament, as applying to
them. They simply cannot understand that
there was a first earth age, and that all souls were created back then, and not
at the time of the birthing process through the womb of their mother. Satan tried to use their ignorance back in
Noah's day to destroy the womb of woman, and the plan of God, that’s why God
sent His Son into this world so that each of us many have redemption. God intervened in Satan's attempt, just as He
will in our day, and this is why the book of John and Jude is so important.
The angels are to stay in their habitation, which is in heaven, and man is limited by his physical structure on earth to survive. Today mankind likes to attempt to head off to the moon, and other planets, but this is the place that flesh man is assigned. In the same manner, except the angels are spirits with supernatural powers, they have all the intelligence that went on in that first earth age, and when they enter this earth age into the realm of flesh man, they bring that knowledge with them. That knowledge is what the occult, and mysticism is all about; and God has warned us to stay away from all of it
An occult is talking to and communication with demonic, familiar spirits, or the dead; people who have passed on. You don’t talk to that dead person's spirit, but to the evil spirit that knew that person before they died. Remember that evil spirits and demons have no death, until God turns them to ashes after Judgment day. Those demonic spirits will give you the answers, but their intent is not good, for their devotion is to Satan, not to God. All souls [spirits] that abide by the will of God and His plan will have no contact with physical life after their death, so remember that if you commune with that spirit, it is evil and of the devil.
"The wind bloweth where it
listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell from whence it
cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the
Jesus is using the analogy of the wind to
explain what "born of the Spirit" means.
He is telling us that you can hear the wind blow, but you can't see
it. You can feel and see the objects
that are blown about by the wind, but air flow itself you can't see. When man's spirit separates from the flesh
body, his spirit goes where all souls return to be with the Father. Ecclesiastes 12:7; "Then shall the dust
return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave
it." Man's spirit is the intellect
of his soul, which is the part that controls’ his soul, and tells him what to
do. The soul and the spirit are as
one. Your spirit is where your emotions
come from, and it gives you the ability to know right from wrong. It is from your spirit that your conscience
becomes active and gives you direction.
So Jesus is saying that you cannot see
where your spirit goes, for it is like the wind, to the flesh senses, when it
ascends to the Father. When you are with
a loved one at the moment of death, you will not see the soul and spirit depart
that physical body at the moment of death, but if you are familiar with that
soul, your spirit will know when that soul has departed. Many times that moment in time when the soul
is leaving the flesh body, that person will be observed speaking to loved ones
that are in the presence of the Lord.
As you study the Word, the Spirit of God opens
your mind, and the understanding of the
spiritual realm becomes clearer to you.
Eons ago, these things of God and the spiritual realm were reality, but what we see with our flesh eyes can be a deception.
Many things that you cannot see do happen
So with this understanding we can see why God created this earth age of flesh man, and then sent each soul to enter it innocently. We can see why it became so destructive for these fallen angels to enter into flesh man's presence, against the will of God.
However as we see the wickedness of these fallen angels to the age of flesh man, remember that Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:37-39, that it shall be the same in the time of the end, as it was in the days of Noah.
The angels did their wicked act as it is
recorded in Genesis 6:1-6; when the came to earth and abducted or married
the daughter of men. They left their
habitation in the heavens, and entered into the realm of flesh man in the face
of the earth. When these fallen angels
mated with the daughters of men, they had offspring, and the Hebrew text calls
these offspring "Nephilim", or "Giants". What ever they were like, they were not
common to human beings in the flesh.
6:1 "And it came to pass, when men began to
multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them."
This is speaking strictly of the bloodline
of Adam and Eve, for it was promised that the Messiah would be born of a
6:2 "That the sons of God [angels] saw the
daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they
These are the same fallen angels that we
read about in
This was Satan's second attempt to block the lineage that Messiah would come through.
We read of the first when Satan deceived Eve, and she bore a child named
Cain. Cain's children are the Kenites,
and they have been discussed many times to this point.
For the past fifty years there have been thousands of reports of abductions by unidentified flying objects [UFO] and no one has really taken them seriously. Yet Jesus told us that just as these fallen angels abducted the daughters of Adam, they will be back to do the same in the final generation of this earth age.
Genesis 6:3,
"And the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for
that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty
years." [3] "There were
giants in the earth in those days ; and also after that, when the sons of
God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare (children) to them,
the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." [4]
These (children) or offspring of the fallen angels were called the Nephilim in Hebrew.
This was Satan attempt to prevent the coming
Seed that the woman was foretold in Genesis
If this could be accomplished, then God's Holy Word would have failed, and Satan's doom would have been averted.
Many of the heathen practices received their origins from their practices, and they are hidden in the occults and are hidden mysteries of today. It took one hundred and twenty years of preparation, and preaching before God brought the flood down on the earth.
Many offspring of these marriages to these daughters of Adam were born, and all of the Adamic families had been completely polluted by these angels.
There was one family, eight souls left of the
earth whereby the Messiah could be born, and
enter into this age of flesh man.
[Noah's family]
6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man
was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually."
Is this ever true in the world today, for just as Jesus told us it would, it has started and getting progressively worse as the days pass.
Today evil is continually bombarding us by the press, the television, our newspapers, our government, our schools; in every area of our lives.
However ,when these fallen angels
return to earth with Satan, there will be no comparison to the sodomy and filth
that is being accepted today. It will be far worse.
6:6 "And it repented the Lord that He had
made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."
God looked down from the heavens, and saw
the great wickedness on the earth, and it grieved Him that He ever made man in
the flesh. So now we can see why Noah
was held in such high esteem, for the lineage of Noah and the other seven
members of His family were also of a pure pedigree or lineage. Think of it, all the other souls living in
their flesh bodies, at least in that part of the world, were some sort of hybrids, mixture from these fallen
angels. These hybrid mixtures of
Noah was a just man because he listened to
and followed God's instructions. He and his
family did not marry into the hybrids of
Nephilim that the rest of the land
took part in.
So what was going on in those days of
Noah, just before the flood, was the same that took place in the cities of
Peter is telling those that those that
think they can buy into that lie, to stop and take a look at Sodom and Gomorrha,
for that is exactly what is going to happen to them.
II Peter
2:7 "And delivered just
Abraham prayed and asked the two that were
sent to destroy the city of
Genesis 6:8,
"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." [8] "These are THE GENERATIONS OF NOAH; Noah was a
just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." [9]
Noah was the one man that found grace [unmerited favor] in the eyes of God.
This grace will carry Noah through the flood to start a new life, as God instructed him for the flood to come.
God has given us the exact pattern of His plan of what we will witness in
this final generation, and he has told us exactly how it shall end in our
The term "perfect in his generation" is referring only to his ancestry, or blood line.
That lineage traces his forefathers back to the creation of Adam and Eve.
This does not mean that Noah did not have sin, for we know sin came into this world through his ancestors, Adam and Eve. Genesis 3 states this clearly, as does Genesis 4:26.
Noah and his wife came from families that
clearly did not mix with the fallen angels, and were righteous people in the
eyes of the Lord. Neither of them had a
drop of angels blood in their veins, nor did their son's wives.
The word "generations" in the Hebrew text is #8735 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, and comes from the Hebrew prime; "toledoth". Toledoth means "family tree, history". When we take the family history and call it "perfect" from the Hebrew text, it is called "tamin"; meaning; "without blemish as to breed, or pedigree"
So is this talking about Noah's moral perfection?
Noah and his family preserved their
pedigree, and kept it pure, in spite of the prevailing corruption brought about
by the fallen angels, and their children called the Nephilim, or Giants.
Noah and his family are the only ones that did not mix with fallen angels nor took part in the evil and corruption brought about by them. Remember that Jesus said this would also happen again just prior to his return. Only it will not be physical [of a sexual nature this time]; It will be a spiritual seduction of all proclaiming Christians [lies claiming Satan is the Christ] who do not have the seal of God [His Truth] planted in their foreheads [minds.]
The barriers are being torn down today as it seems our educators are more interested in the breeding patterns of our kids, then the three "R's". Racial barriers are gone, and the next step to this crazy world will come when Michael and his angels cast Satan, and the fallen angels out to the earth, as recorded in Revelation 12:7-9.
This "corruption" on the face of the earth
that God saw, in the Hebrew text # 7843; "shachath, a prime root, to decay,
to destroy, to perish, to spill.-corrupt"
Stop and take a good look at what is going on around the earth
today. Mankind has spent the past
hundred and twenty years trying in every way to destroy the face of the earth,
and what man isn't doing, the elements do because of the spills of oil,
chemicals, and so on by man. Mankind is
destroying the forests of our land in
When Hitler set out to destroy the race of Jews and those that did not conform to his society, the people held that to be the most evil empire ever existing, yet today, the laws that put Hitler into power, and gave him and his doctors and military men the power to do what they did, are the laws of our land, and part of the One World government that now controls the face of the earth. Each year far more children are murdered in the wombs of their mother than Hitler ever killed, and it is all done for the same purpose that brought the Nazi's to power. It gets to "the Sanctity of life, verses the Quality of life". Our nation today has chosen to put the quality of their life style over the Sanctity of human life, and the people have placed their own selfish desires even over their own young.
Editor's Note: And Satan isn't even here in person yet!
As you observe each of these little children's lives being snuffed out, remember this verse of Genesis 6:11, 12 reveal to us that God is looking upon the earth, and each of these acts will be judged individually.
Let's reread it: Genesis
There is no escape from our Lord's judgment, and these things all are signs of the time that we are coming to the end of this earth age. These things are warnings to each of God's elect, for we are to seal these things in our minds, so that when these fallen angels do arrive, we will not be deceived by all their lies and deceptions.
So what will Satan and his angels be doing
while serving in those five months on the
The message of his ministers and priests will be void of all
the truths of God's word, as it was written in the Word. Sure
they will attempt to read from the Word but it will not be
modified to fit the times of that day. The stage is now being
set and perverted by changing word definitions and meanings
to where the truths will be hidden for those seeking God’s
truth. This is why it is important for each of us to seal those
truths away in
our minds today.
The fourth stage of the locust, Jesus
warned us about, for it deals with our own families. Mark
This death is a spiritual death.
The Kenites today are in complete control of what your children are learning in school, and the programming on radio and TV, as well as those materials that the community you are living in accepts as their standard. Today rock stars and sports figures are their hero’s, and the ones the children pattern their life after. When the fallen angels arrive with their supernatural powers the kids will want to be like them.
Family members will betray their own kin to bring them to
their messiah, and that messiah will be Satan.
Because they will truly believe Satan is Christ!
And, that you will go to Hell if you don't also
worship him!
After the four stages of the locust are in place, Joel warns in verse five; "Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of the wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouths." The wine spoken of here is "Yayin", "it is bad wine, common and made from any root or plant" that you get your hands on. In a spiritual sense, this makes you intoxicated or drunk and out of mental control
Live Link to- The Book of Joel Locusts, Locusts everywhere!This wine talked about here is not wine you drink, but the
traditions and nonsense being taught in many
church houses today,
it will draw Christians who are following those traditions and
false doctrines more and more away from the truths from
God's Word.
The "New wine" in Joel 1 in the Hebrew text is the "Asaia", "the new sweet wine of the truth from a vintage year". This wine is held out by God to be given as a blessing conferred or given by God. It is the "seal" that is stored in the minds of God's elect, and the hundred and forty four thousand, that know the truth before the arrival of the fallen angels and Satan to this earth.
This new wine is the truth that identifies the
True Christ, Jesus Christ; from the fake.
It reveals Satan in his role as the "instead of Christ".
Joel warns us that "nation is come upon My land, strong and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion."
"My land" is
Joel is speaking to the final generation, and when these fallen angels arrive with their commander Satan, that number will be uncountable.
When these angels arrive, they will appear to be men, yet they will be supernatural beings to this earth age of flesh man.
Jesus warned us that if you do not have the seal of the truth in your mind, there will be no defense for you from them.
So how long will time of the great tribulation go on?
We were
told in the fifth verse that it was for five months and verse ten is a second
witness to this fact.
God will allow these fallen angel "scorpions" of Satan locust army five months to do their testing of mankind at the end of this earth age.
angels are given permission to do what they do, and to lie and deceive all the
people "who have not the truth of God's word in their minds".
9:11 "And they had a king over them, which is
the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but
in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
This is still the fifth trump, but at this point in time, the sixth trump sounds, and the four angels which are bound in the great River Euphrates are turned loose, and we enter the final stage of the great tribulation, that will be greater than any known time since mankind has existed on the face of the earth.
Though Daniel 9:24-27 states this time to be three and a half years, Jesus just told us here in Revelation 9:5-10 that it was shortened to five months. He also stated this in each of the gospels, and said that this was done for the elect's sake.
Editor's note: I believe, to give the elect more time to instruct those who do not have the seal of God in their forehead.
Both of these names, Abaddon and Apollyon
means "destroyer" [Strong's #623].
There is a war going on in heaven now, and when that war is over, Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out onto the earth. This is what Jesus told John to write down for a warning to our generation.
The preparations are now being made on earth by Satan's kids who are called the Kenites or vipers. The world in our generation is already accepting the lies that are being presented to accept their father Satan as God.
As we study further, we will use these expressions, to let us identify what we are talking about. The Serpent is Satan, and he is also called the dragon and the devil by the roles that he will play in deceiving mankind in their flesh bodies. Satan as a supernatural being, so we ought to expect him to be doing supernatural things just like the scorpions, or fallen angels when they are here on earth. The vipers are the Kenites, the sons of Cain, and they are human, born of a woman just as all human being in their flesh and blood bodies.
12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and
his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
The events that are being recorded in this
verse are taking place in heaven. The
war that is being fought is between Satan [the dragon] along with his angels, and
Michael and his angels. When the war is
over, Satan will be the loser.
12:8 "And prevailed not, neither was there
place found any more in heaven."
This is the sounding of the fifth trumpet, when Satan and his fallen angels are to be released upon the earth. We will be studying their arrival in this next part of our study on the scorpions and vipers, from Revelation 9:5-10.
Once Satan is kicked out of heaven, he will
not be allowed ever again to return to heaven, for he will be here on earth
deceiving the people living in their flesh bodies. This prophecy is coming in our generation,
for we are living in the end times.
12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
If you were ever confused about who Satan is,
John is now addressing Satan by the different roles that he has played both in
heaven and on earth. Satan is called the
"dragon" by his activities from the first earth age. He was the serpent that he deceived Eve in
Genesis 3. He caused that sin in
the Garden of Eden; and Satan is also the devil in his role when he caused his
demons and fallen angels to deceive the people of the earth.
Satan's fallen angels were here on earth before the flood of Noah's day. Revelation 9 talks about what they will be doing when Michael and his angels cast them to this earth in the days to come. Mankind's Adamic lineage mixed with angels then, except for Noah and his family and mankind will be mixing with angels again when they arrive.
Sodomy will be common and made
public and accepted, as will many other forms of filth, just as it was in the
days of Noah. Our government and the
government of the world order is preparing us and our minds to accept all forms
of filth in sex and marriage as being natural; and to consider their perversion
as being of God.
Your acceptance and view of the filth of
sodomy as well as many other religious forms will indicate what state of
depravity your mind has sunk. The
condition of your soul will be determined by what you know, and how you stand on
these issues, at Satan's arrival to earth.
By the coming of the fifth trump, four other trumps have already
sounded. Though the seals are not in
order, the trumpets sounding are in order.
The Kenites are now preparing the people of the earth for the coming of
the Satan in his role as the instead of Christ, or Antichrist.
When the third trumpet sounded, we
observed the "star" called "wormwood", and saw how he would turn
many waters, or people of all the world to his bitterness "wormwood". This wormwood is the world system. That one world system formed following
world war two, and is now tightening it's grip daily on every nation on the face
of the earth. The third trumpet is
current affairs on the news daily.
The fourth trumpet sounded and the clouds darkened, and only one third of the signs and symbols that will be present at Jesus coming will occur. When we observe the world and the signs even with our nation, community, and homes; it becomes very clear that these events of the signs and symbols are present today.
The four hidden dynasties of Education, Economics [commercial, industrial and banking], Politics, and Religion are in complete control today.
The Kenites are using these signs of the end times that announce our Lord's return, to deceive the world and prepare the way for the false-christ to come. This tribulation period then is a test to see how many of God's children have read His letter to them [the Bible] , and sealed it's truths away in their minds.
So with this being said, let’s go to the sounding of the fifth trump.
9:1 "And the fifth trump angel sounded, and I
saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the
bottomless pit [pit of the abyss]."
The "star" that falls to the earth
is the star of Isaiah 14. This
"star" is "Lucifer", who will be the "instead of Christ', or
Antichrist once he arrives on the earth.
Satan is given the "key", or authority to the bottomless pit, for
the sake of releasing his fallen angels that are being held there until this
appointed time. Satan will be the
executioner of God's divine wrath that is to be poured out upon the earth. God is going to give Satan the right to have
his way with all who are blind to the Word of God concerning our time and
Do you remember reading that in Job's day, God removed the wall of protection around Job for Satan's testing, and the only stipulation that God gave to Satan was that he was not to take Job's life. Job had the will, and Satan tested that will while God stood by and allowed it to happen.
This then is an example of what these end times will be like; and that is why we must have the knowledge sealed in our minds and the will to stand up during that time of testing that will come upon all that are living in this generation.
We must have our spiritual armor on and in place before that
spiritual battle starts.
No, Satan is not in the bottomless pit,
but in heaven. He is the accuser of the
saints before the throne of God. The
fallen angels are in the pit, or the abyss, which is a state or point of
degradation. This is similar to when
Satan was told that he would always crawl on his belly, as the serpent. Satan was never a snake, but he was a
deceiver and his actions were as that of a snake.
Revelation 9:2 "And he
opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the
smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason
of the smoke of the pit."
This "pit" is where every evil
spirit that is or has been on the earth, and they are now in God's
confinement. The smoke that comes from
the pit darkens, but does not eliminate the light of the sun and air. When our Lord Jesus Christ comes to earth at
the seventh trump, the sun and moon and stars are completely eliminated.
The smoke spoken of here is the setting up of the flesh man of the earth, for their acceptance of these supernatural things about to take place. However, just as in Job's case, God has set limits as to how far Satan and his angels can go.
It is important to Christians, God's elect who are sealed with the truth, that we will be able to identify Satan, and his works, in what ever roll he plays, or names he chooses for himself.
We will not see the true Christ returned while
still in our flesh bodies, so what ever we see
done supernaturally will be a fake if we’re still
in our flesh.
Revelation 9:3 "And their came out of the smoke locusts upon
the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have
This locust army that will come upon the earth is Satan's army of demonic forces. They are the fallen angels, and demons, both coming with Satan because heaven will be closed to them for ever; as well as those that are already here upon the earth. The "power" spoken of here in the Greek, is "exousia" and it means "authority, or delegated power" given by God to them. God is giving these demoniacs and fallen angels the right to carry out the wrath of God, in His behalf
they strike, or exert. their power on those people that are deceived, it is a
spiritual power, as we see in Ephesians 6:10-20. This is because the war of the great
tribulation is a spiritual battle against Satan and his forces.
If you are looking for bombs, planes, rockets and tanks, you are looking in the wrong direction, for this battle is fought with deception, with words, ideas and lies. Their strike with be spiritually deadly. To know how deadly use the physical example of the authority and manner in which the scorpion strikes a man.
Luke 10:18 "And He said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
This now is a new subject that Jesus is teaching us. This is Jesus speaking to His followers and it is prophetic, and refers back to the time of the garden of Eden, and Satan's fall from the first earth age. It also applies to Revelation 12: 7-9, when Michael will cast Satan out onto the earth, and his fallen angels will come with him. So in the word "fall" indicates that Satan will be here in person because he was kicked out of heaven, and not on his own accord. The plan is set in motion, and it will take place exactly as it is written. Satan came in the first place as a deceiver, to destroy the seed line that the Christ would come through. The second time he will come as the false Messiah, to deceive all the people of the earth. It will happen exactly as it was prophesied.
Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
In the Greek text, it is "Behold I have given you the power..." The enemy is Satan, the one that will "fall as lightning from heaven onto the earth". The serpents are the Kenites, the children of Satan, through his son Cain from the garden of Eden. The Scorpions are the fallen angels, that will be booted out of heaven on to the earth right along with Satan. Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." This next time takes place at the sixth trump, and we will see these fallen angels of Satan here on earth in our generation.
Remember in the prior verses Jesus had stated that "I send you out as sheep among the wolves." Yet God will give those lambs that He sends out, power over all the wolves that come against them, but they must know how to attain that power and authority. It isn't valuable to them until the know how to use that power. Jesus gave His lambs "power over all your enemies." then Jesus said; "And nothing shall by any means hurt you." If you say you're a Christian; and Jesus gave you a promise like that, how can you have any fear of any enemy that is on this earth. We will see in Luke 21 that "not one hair on your head can be hurt", and just because you will be delivered up to death, which is the devil, to give account of yourself, doesn't mean that you will die. But you will be given the opportunity to witness to the world, and have the Holy Spirit of God be placing the words in your mouth and the thoughts in your mind.
There hasn't been one soul or spirit that has died yet, for that time of death comes at the end of judgment day. Satan is not after your physical body, but your soul and spirit, and he will try to deceive you, or buy it at his price. What is your soul worth? Is there a price that you would sell out to Satan for? It is time to wake up spiritually, and open our eyes and ears to the truth. Stop and think on this: Satan's power and that of his angels are limited. in Revelation 9:4 we see that it goes; "...only to those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads." If you have studied the Word and know the truths that we will face from Satan, there is no fear or deception that can sway you.
Revelation 9:5 "And it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."
The time that Satan and his one world system will rule is for five months.
So how is "the torment of a scorpion, when it striketh a man?" The first thing to understand is that because a scorpion has no stomach, its digestive process is outside its own body. It grabs hold of the subject, paralysis it, and vomits its digestive juices on the subject. While the subject lies helpless, the juices dissolve the subject's body and then the scorpion sucks that food back into itself. The person "man" that has been struck lies helpless through the entire process, unable to think or defend himself.
So notice first that those with the seal of the truth in their mind from verse four are not affected by Satan and his realm, and the sealing must be prior to the coming of Satan. The truth in a person's mind of the Word is the the protective barrier from the poison of that scorpion Satan's deceptions. Once Satan has arrived, then God turns, or gives the men, women and children over to Satan, and this torment comes upon them. Their ignorance of the truth from the Word is their protective barrier, for this act of following Satan in ignorance, not knowing who Satan is, will allow them the right for the teaching and instruction of the Millennium age of Christ's kingdom here on earth. So why can't they get the word at that late time when Satan is on earth? Amos 8:11 tells us that; "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread , nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." The Spirit of our heavenly Father Himself will close their minds to the truth, and turn them over to Satan.
Revelation 9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."
So this is how Satan and his angels will react when they come to this earth. Sure, men will seek the truth but they will not find it. When you have God's Word in your mind and soul, you will not be turned to mush at the striking of Satan's deception. Satan's time of rule will happen for a five months period, and it shall happen in our generation, just as it is written in His Word. So when Jesus gives you power over all your enemies, and if you have faith strong enough to believe, you have nothing to fear today. You will be in charge and in control over anything that will come against you, and be a strong Christian for Almighty God.
Luke 10:20 "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven."
9:4 "And it was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their
God has set limits on Satan's actions as he sets out to daze the people of the earth with his supernatural powers. Most Christians today are even taken back by the simple tricks of a magician. If slight of hand tricks can dazzle someone think of how it will be when a person calls lightning down from heaven, and has control over the elements of the earth, and weather patterns. We are aware of the laws that God set up, such as gravity, and so on; but Satan and his fellow fallen angels, i.e. supernatural created beings from another dimension, will make most people, including proclaiming Christians who haven't studied their Bible, think that the person performing these miracles in front of them must truly be God.
However God's elect are aware of the acts that Satan and his fallen angels and demoniacs will do. We will be in awe by those supernatural acts, but the rest of the world will be taken over instantly.
They will bow their knees to this supernatural one, and assume that God is in their presence.
Once flesh man has bowed his knee and soul to Satan, he has been stung. That strike will be just as when a scorpion strikes and renders that person harmless and unable to protect himself.
When you have the seal or the knowledge of all
the Scripture in your mind, you know what to
God gave us His entire Word to prepare His
elect for what they will face at these end times.
Your brain is in your forehead, and He expects that you will use it to defend yourself from spiritual attack at this time. God called this time, "the great tribulation, and told us many times in Scripture that no man has ever faced this tribulation what we shall face.
In fact as we read in Revelation 7; as the
tribulation was about to begin, the angel of the
Lord stopped the action and held that time until
the 144,000 were sealed in their foreheads
The many thousands of the elect and the
144,000 are sealed, in their minds,
before Satan arrives here on earth, and they
will not be deceived by him, or his angels' and
their tricks.
The limits that God puts on the fallen angels
and demonic forces will fully protect God's
elect and chosen people.
His chosen ones are all those Christians who
know the truth and are ready, and watching,
and have their spiritual armor on and in place
to make a stand against the fiery darts of
This armor Paul told us about in Ephesians
In fact the first time that Satan strikes out at
God's children, the two witnesses, God's wrath
boils over, and that will mark the end of the
spurious messiah's rule on earth.
So how far can Satan go
with those not sealed in their
Revelation 9:5 "And to
them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when
he striketh a man."
Before we can understand these limits
that God has put on Satan and his angels, it is important to understand what
happens when a scorpion strikes a man.
The scorpion has a tail with a stinger in
the tail. When the scorpion strikes
it's prey, it sneaks up to that person and grabs him with the set of pinchers
that are near its mouth and pulls itself to him. In an instant it's set of pinchers grasp then
at the same time it injects it's poison into the person to render the victim
helpless. It is important because the
scorpion has no stomach, so it cannot digest it's own food within itself. Therefore the scorpion stings the person with
it's tail to paralyses the victim. It
then vomits it's digestive juices or acids into the body of the victim, and the
body of the victim becomes the scorpions stomach.
The acids turn everything it touches to mush and the scorpion then inhales the mush from the victim body and is gone. The point here is that the victim is left defenseless from the instant of the first strike of the scorpion, because the poisons from that strike goes into the circulatory and nervous system making you totally paralyzed. Once that person or victim has been hit, from that point on, there is no defense in the mind of the person stuck. That person lays helpless, as the entire process of the scorpion take place.
Now that we see how the scorpion attacks, and the methods
used by it; let’s apply their methods to what Satan and his
locust army of fallen angels will do.
Satan and his army will take the lies and traditions that were
taught you through your church houses and from your family,
and use those false doctrines that you believe to be true.
If you want to believe a lie, great, for that will be part of
Satan's poisons to attack you with.
All people will be attacked on the level of their understanding
taught by their religion.
Remember that this battle of the great tribulation is a spiritual
battle fought with ideas, words and in many cases false
If you want to believe in such things as the rapture doctrine;
that is fine with Satan, for he will give you the RAPTURE ride
of your life, right into his camp.
If Revelation is a mystery to you,
you don't have a prayer of a chance.
Satan is set to do battle with your mind, and when the poisons of his lies and deception reach your mind, you will be just as paralyzed as when that scorpion strikes it's prey.
If you are looking to escape out of this time of great deception, and place your thoughts of escape in Margrette MacDonald's rapture theory, you will instantly become a victim of Satan.
Paul warned you not to be deceived by any means for Satan will arrive first, before the true Jesus Christ arrives.
The sixth trump comes before the seventh
I hope you know that!
Thessalonians 2:1, 2 "Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto
Him," [1] That ye be not soon
shaken in mine, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter,
as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." [2]
Paul sent a letter but before that letter reached the Thessalonians, he saw the confusion that it could bring. So he sent a second letter.
Today that first letter is what the Christian church world is building their rapture theory on.
So this second book or letter is a letter of
explanation of that first. The topic that Paul is
addressing is "the coming of the Lord" or the
second advent of Jesus Christ.
When the seventh trump sounds is when the
saints that are on this earth in their flesh
bodies will be gathered to Jesus Christ, right
here on earth, although in our spiritual,
celestial bodies, and spend the next thousand
years here on earth, not flying off to some
distant place.
Paul warned us not to allow or be shaken in
our spirit by what people say, or even what a spirit comes to tell you. Even if a letter comes to you and states
differently, this will not happen until certain things happen first.
II Thessalonians 2:3, 4 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except their come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," [3] "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." [4]
Satan is "the man of sin", and "the son of perdition".
Satan comes to earth at the sixth trump, and our Lord Jesus
Christ comes at the seventh.
The seventh is the last trump, and the sign that Paul is telling
you is that in the last generation, we will see Satan and his
angels in all their supernatural powers, before the end of this
earth age and the coming of our Lord.
Satan will be here on earth and be against everything that is of
God. He will sit on his throne on north side of
Satan is a handsome supernatural person, and will be saying
all the right words. Words that fit into all the false doctrine
and false teachings that Proclaiming Christians are being
taught today in our Christian churches.
He will act and do all the things most proclaiming Christians
will think Christ would say and do!
He wants to be your god!
9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death,
and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from
Many Christians have sat in church all their lives, praying and looking for their rapture to come, to take them away; but when Satan arrives, they will be taken by him instantly because of these false doctrines they have been taught.
When they finally wake up to the fact that they have been deceived by Satan, it will be too late, and the shame will be so great on their minds.
people were taken out of season, for they were like the ten virgins that were
waiting for the return of the bridegroom, and when that hour of
Think of the shame, for they will want to be dead for all the shame that will come over them. Yet death will not come to them.
Live Link to- The Rapture Theory
Live Link to- Endure until the End
Revelation 9:7, 8 "And the shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men." [7] "And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions." [8]
We know by what verse seven says that these locust are not real locust. Their crowns are like gold, but fake, fools gold. These locusts are all something different than what they call themselves.
Everything that the world will see about them will be a lie, and even what they say and do will be to deceive you.
Nothing will be real about them, and they will make themselves be what you want them to be. If you want to fly away as in your traditions,
I'm sure they will accommodate you.
If you are a sodomite, they will agree with your thoughts for these fallen angels know all about Sodomy, they are the ones that planted that filth in our population many years ago. They will even assist you to the depths of hell where that road will take you.
They have the faces of flesh man, but they are not flesh men.
They are the fallen angels.
The expression "hair of women" refers to their gentleness, for they will be kind and gentle as women. Yet, they will take their prey ruthlessly, for they will rip at your mind until they destroy your soul. That is what happens when you fall for their stories and lies.
9:9 "And they had breastplates, as it were
breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots
of many horses running to battle."
The priests in the Old Testament wore breastplates, and those breastplates were a form of iron. Stones placed within those breastplates stood for the families or tribes of the children of God, the Israelites. (The same people who make up the Christians nations of our world today)
The breastplates spoken of here that the fallen angels will wear, are an image or something that appears to be real yet all the time it is just a fake.
Joel talks about how fast and with swift order these fallen angels will cover the earth when they come, for the Kenites are preparing the way for them. When this happens, the media will be on their side, and their ministry will be brought instantly to every point on the face of the earth.
Live Link to- Joel
In the first chapter of Joel give us a warning of the four stages of the locust, and tells us how each stage feeds off of the stage before it.
The palmerworm is the first stage,
and what the palmerworm leaves over;
the locust eats;
and what the locust leaves over
the cankerworm eats;
then the caterpillar eats
Each stage sets up and makes way for the next stage.
The Kenites are the first stage, and they
came into control of God's house coming out of
They were all Nethinims, strangers or Kenites given to service, and the ones that had taken over the priesthood.
This first stage of the locust is set
today, for the Kenites today control the one world system and it's four hidden
dynasties. They control the borders of
the nations, and the trade that flows across those borders. They control the press and the other forms of
media and the information flow that comes off their editor’s desks, and that
sets the stage of what flows into the minds of the people that read and listen
to their lies and deceptions. These palmerworms/Kenites are setting the
stage for what the world will believe to be true, and see with their eyes. They will be the first stage that the fallen
angels will use when they set about to use their supernatural powers for that
short five month period that they will be here on earth.
The second stage of Joel's prophecy of the locust is the locust army of fallen angels themselves,
for this army of supernatural beings but,
will appear to be human,
when in fact they are angels from another realm.
They will claim love, peace and brotherhood, but they are here for only one reason, to deceive you into following their leader Satan
Let's talk about "Satan and his Scorpions and Vipers."
There is a war going on in heaven right now, and when that war is over, Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out onto the earth. This is what Jesus told John to write down for a warning to our generation.
The preparations are being made on earth by Satan's kids who are called the Kenites or vipers. The world in our generation will accept those lies that are preparing us to accept their father, Satan, as God.
As we continue this study we will use the following
expressions, to identify what or who we are talking about. The Serpent is Satan, and he is also called
the dragon and the devil by the roles that he will play in
deceiving mankind in their flesh bodies.
Satan is a supernatural being, so we ought to expect him to be doing
supernatural things; just like the scorpions, are fallen angels when they are here
on earth. The vipers are the Kenites,
the grandchildren of Cain, and they are human, born of a woman just as all human being in
their flesh and blood bodies, except they descended from Cain who was their grandfather. [Cain, who was born of Eve, but fathered by Satan during their sexual union in the garden.
12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and
his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
The events that are being recorded in this verse are taking place in heaven. The war that is being fought is between Satan [the dragon] and his angels, and Michael and his angels. When the war is over, Satan will be the loser.
But, make note of what happens to him,
Satan, next!
12:8 "And prevailed not, neither was there
place found any more in heaven."
This is the sounding of the fifth trumpet,
when Satan and his fallen angels are to be
released upon the earth.
We will be studying their arrival.
The scorpions and vipers, from
Revelation 9:5-10.
Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
If you were ever confused who Satan is, John is now addressing Satan by the different roles that he has played both in heaven and on earth. Satan is called the "dragon" by his activities from the first earth age. He was the serpent that he deceived Eve in Genesis 3. He caused that sin in the Garden of Eden; and Satan is also the devil in his role when he caused his demons and fallen angels to deceive the people of the earth.
Satan and his fallen angels were here on earth before the flood of Noah's day. Revelation 9 talks about what they will be doing when Michael and his angels cast them to this earth in the days to come
Mankind's Adamic lineage mixed with angels then, and mankind will be mixing with angels again when they arrive; But this time it will be spiritual
[A battle for your soul! Satan already lost the first battle, where his goal was to make Noah's blood line impure.]
Sodomy will be common and made public and accepted, as will many other forms of filth.
Our government, now has become involved, along with the other governments of the new world order, in preparing us and our minds to accept all forms of filth in sex and marriage as being natural; and to consider their perversion as being of God
Your acceptance and view of the filth of sodomy as well
as many other religious forms will indicate what state of
depravity your mind has sunk.
Your acceptance of Abortion!
The condition of your soul will be determined by what you know, and how you stand on these issues, at Satan's arrival to earth.
At the sounding of the fifth trump, four other trumps have already sounded.
Though the seals are not in order, the trumpets sounding are in order.
The Kenites are now preparing the people of the earth for the coming of the Satan in his role as the instead of Christ, or spurious messiah!
When the third trumpet sounded, we observed the "star" called "wormwood", and saw how he would turn many waters,[people of all the world] to his bitterness "wormwood".
This wormwood is the world system.
That one world system formed following world war two, and is now tightening it's grip daily on every nation on the face of the earth.
The third trumpet is current affairs on the news daily
Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:
The fourth trumpet sounded and the clouds
darkened, and only one third of the signs and symbols that will be present at
Jesus coming will occur. When we observe
the world and the signs even with our nation, community, and homes; it becomes
very clear that these events of the signs and symbols are present today. The
four hidden dynasties of Education, Economics [commercial, industrial and
banking], Politics, and Religion are in complete control today. The Kenites are using these signs of the end
times that announce our Lord's return, to deceive the world and prepare the way
for the false Christ to come. This
tribulation period then is a test to see how many of God's children have read
His letter [the Bible] to them, and sealed it's truths away in their minds.
So with this being said, let’s go to the
sounding of the fifth trump.
9:1 "And the fifth trump angel sounded, and I
saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the
bottomless pit [pit of the abyss]."
The "star" which falls to the earth is the star of Isaiah 14. This "star" is "Lucifer", who will be the "instead of Christ', or spurious messiah, once he arrives on the earth.
God is giving Satan the "key", or authority to the bottomless pit, for the sake of releasing his fallen angels that are being held there until this appointed time.
Satan will be the executioner of God's divine wrath that is to be poured out upon the earth.
God is going to give Satan the right to have his way with all who are blind to the Word of God concerning our time and generation. Especially, un-prepared proclaiming Christians, who sat in their pews, Sunday after Sunday, listening to ONE VERSE REVS. teach them every thing except the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
In Job's day, God removed the wall of
protection around Job for Satan's testing, and the only stipulation that God
gave to Satan was that he was not to take Job's life. Job had the will, and Satan tested that
will while God stood by and allowed it to happen. This then is an example of what these end
times will be like; and that is why we must have the knowledge sealed in our
minds and the will to stand up during that time of testing that will come upon
all that are living in this generation.
We must have our spiritual armor on and in place before that
spiritual battle starts.
No, Satan is not now in the bottomless pit, but in heaven. He is the accuser of the saints before the throne of God. The fallen angels are in the pit, or the abyss, which is a state or point of degradation. This is similar to when Satan was told that he would always crawl on his belly, as the serpent. Satan was never a snake, but he was a deceiver and his actions were as that of a snake.
Revelation 9:2 "And he
opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the
smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason
of the smoke of the pit."
This "pit" is where every evil spirit that is or has been on the earth, and they are now in God's confinement. The smoke that comes from the pit darkens, but does not eliminate the light of the sun and air. When our Lord Jesus Christ comes to earth at the seventh trump, the sun and moon and stars are completely eliminated.
The smoke spoken of here is the setting up of the flesh man of the earth, for their acceptance of these supernatural things about to take place.
However, just as in Job's case, God will set limits as to how far Satan and his angels can go.
It is important to Christians,
God's elect that are sealed with the truth, so we will be able to identify Satan, and his works, by what ever roll he plays, or names he chooses for himself.
Remember, we will not see the true Christ while still in our flesh bodies, so what ever we see done supernaturally will be done by Satan, or his angels, fake if we are still in our flesh.
Revelation 9:3 "And their came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power."
This locust army that will come upon the earth is Satan's army of demonic forces. They are the fallen angels, and demons, both coming with Satan because heaven will be closed to them for ever; as well as those that are already here upon the earth. The "power" spoken of here in the Greek, is "exousia" and it means "authority, or delegated power" given by God to them. God is giving these demoniacs and fallen angels the right to carry out the wrath of God, in His behalf. When they strike, or exert their power on those people that are deceived, it is a spiritual power, as we see in Ephesians 6:10-20. This is because the war of the great tribulation is a spiritual battle against Satan and his forces.
If you are looking for bombs, planes, rockets and tanks, you are looking in the wrong direction, for this battle is fought with deception, with words, ideas and lies.
Their strike with be spiritually deadly, for they will strike with the authority and manner as the scorpion with it strikes a man.
9:4 "And it was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their
Just as in Job's day; God will set limits on Satan's actions, as he sets out to daze the people of the earth with his supernatural powers.
Most Christians today are even taken back by the simple tricks of a magician's tricks. If slight of hand tricks can dazzle someone think of how it will be when they see a person call lightning down from heaven, and have control over the elements of the earth, and weather patterns. We are aware of the laws that God set up, such as gravity, and so on;
but Satan and these supernatural created beings, from
another dimension, will make most people think that this
person before them is truly God and worship him as
However God's elect are aware of the acts that Satan and his fallen angels and demoniacs will do. We will be marvel at those supernatural acts, but the rest of the world will be taken in instantly by them. In awe they will bow their knees to this supernatural one, and assume that God is in their presence.
Once flesh man has bowed his knee and soul to Satan, he has been stung.
That strike, by Satan and his angels, will be just as spiritually deadly, because it will render a person helpless and unlikely to wait for the true Christ's return, as the scorpions strike, which renders a victim harmless and unable to protect himself, is physically deadly.
When you have the seal or the knowledge of all the Scripture in your mind, you know what to expect. God gave us His entire Word to prepare His elect for what they will face at this time. Your brain is in your forehead, and He expects that you will use it to defend yourself from spiritual attack at these end times. God called this time, "the great tribulation", and told us many times in Scripture that at no time, in the past, has anyone ever faced tribulation like this. In fact as we read in Revelation 7; as the tribulation was about to begin the angel of the Lord stopped the action and held that time until the 144,000 were sealed in their foreheads. The many thousands of the elect and the 144,000 will be sealed in their minds before this time of Satan, and they will not be deceived by Satan, his angels' and their tricks.
The limits that God puts on the fallen angels and demonic forces will fully protect God's elect and chosen people.
His chosen ones are all the Christians who know the truth and are ready, and watching, and have their spiritual armor on and in place and will make a stand against those fiery darts of Satan.
This armor Paul tells us about in Ephesians 6:10-20.
In fact the first time that Satan will strike out at God's children, the two witnesses, God's wrath will boil over, and that will mark the end of the false-christ's rule on earth.
So how far can Satan go with those who are not sealed in their minds?
Revelation 9:5 "And to
them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when
he striketh a man."
Before we can understand these limits
that God has put on Satan and his angels, it is important to understand what
happens when a scorpion strikes a man.
The scorpion has a tail with a stinger in
it. When the scorpion strikes
it's prey, it sneaks up to that person and grabs him with the set of pinchers
that are near its mouth and pulls itself to him. In an instant it's set of pinchers grasp then
at the same time it injects it's poison into the person to render the victim
helpless. It is important because the
scorpion has no stomach, so it cannot digest it's own food within itself. Therefore the scorpion stings the person with
it's tail to paralyses the victim. It
then vomits it's digestive juices or acids into the body of the victim, and the
body of the victim becomes the scorpions stomach.
The acids turn everything it touches to mush
and the scorpion then inhales the mush from the victim body and is gone. The point here is that the victim is left
defenseless from the instant of the first strike of the scorpion, because the
poisons from that strike goes into the circulatory and nervous system making the victim totally paralyzed. Once that victim or
victim has been hit, from that point on, there is no defense against the out come. That victim lays helpless,
as the entire process of the scorpion take place.
Now that we see how the scorpion attacks, and the methods used by it; let’s apply their methods to what Satan and his locust army of fallen angels will do.
Satan and his army will take the lies and traditions that were taught you through your church houses and from your family, and use those false doctrines that you believe to be true.
I tell you, my fellow Christian, if you want to believe a lie, great, for that will be part of Satan's poisons to attack you with. All people will be attacked on the level of their understanding taught by their religion.
Remember that this battle of the great tribulation is a spiritual battle fought with ideas, words and in false doctrine.
If you want to believe in things like the rapture doctrine; that is fine with Satan, for he will give you the ride of your life, but it won't be up is some cloud, it will be right into his camp.
SO! For the sake of your soul start reading and rightly dividing the "Word of Truth!" and do it now before Satan comes! The time is short!
Have you rightly His Word of Truth?
If the Book of Revelation is a mystery to you, you don't have a prayer of a chance. Satan is set to do battle with your mind, and when the poisons of his lies and deception reach your mind, you will be just as paralyzed as when that scorpion strikes it's prey.
If you are looking to escape out of this time of great deception, and look to the thoughts of Margrette MacDonald's rapture theory, you will be instantly part of that army of Satan's victims.
Paul warned you not to be deceived by any means for Satan will arrive first, before the true Jesus Christ comes and gathers us to Himself, right here on earth, for the start of His Millennial Kingdom.
The sixth trump comes before the seventh trump. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
Thessalonians 2:1, 2 "Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto
Him," [1] That ye be not soon
shaken in mine, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter,
as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." [2]
Paul sent an letter [1st. Thessalonians] and before that letter reached the Thessalonians, he saw the confusion that it could bring/ [That is the reason he sent [2nd. Thessalonians] Today that first letter is what the church world of today is building their rapture theory on. So this second book or letter is a letter of explanation and to correct the confusion caused by that first letter.
The topic that Paul is addressing is "the coming of the Lord" or the second advent of Jesus Christ.
When the seventh trump sounds is when the
saints that are on this earth in their flesh bodies will be gathered to Jesus
Christ, and spends the next thousand years here on earth, not in some distant
place up in the sky.
Paul warned us not to allow or be shaken in our spirit by what people say, or even what a spirit comes to tell you.
Even if a letter comes to you and states differently, Christ will not return until certain things happen first.
Namely, Satan coming to earth claiming to be the Christ!
II Thessalonians 2:3, 4 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except their come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," [3] "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." [4]
Satan is "the man of sin", and
"the son of perdition". Satan
comes to earth at the sixth trump, and our Lord Jesus Christ comes at the
seventh. The seventh is the last trump,
and the sign that Paul is telling you is that in the last generation, we will
see Satan and his angels in all their supernatural powers, before the end of
this earth age and the coming of our Lord.
Satan will be here on earth and be against everything that is of
God. He will sit on his throne on the
side of the north in
9:6 "And in those days shall men seek death,
and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from
Many Christians have sat in church all their lives, praying and looking for their rapture to come, to take them away; so when Satan arrives claiming he is Christ, they will be taken instantly because of these false doctrines.
When they finally wake up to the fact that they were deceived by Satan, it will be too late, and the shame will be great on their minds.
people were taken out of season, for they were like the ten virgins that were
waiting for the return of the bridegroom, and when that hour of
Think of the shame, for they will want to be dead for all the shame that will come over them. Yet death will not come to them.
Revelation 9:7, 8 "And the
shapes of the locust were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their
heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of
men." [7] "And they had hair as
the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions." [8]
We know by what verse seven says that
these locust are not real locusts. Their
crowns were like gold, but fake, fools gold.
These locusts were all something different than what they call
themselves. Everything that the world
will see about them will be a lie, and even what they say and do will be to
deceive you. Nothing will be real about
them, and they will make themselves be what you want them to be. If you want to fly away as your
traditions teach, I'm sure they will accommodate you.
If you are a sodomite, they will agree with your thoughts for these
fallen angels know all about Sodomy, they are the ones that planted that filth
in our population many years ago. They
will even assist you to the depths of hell where their road will take you. They'll have the faces of flesh man, but they
are not flesh man. They are the fallen
The expression "hair of women" refers to their gentleness, for
they will be kind and gentle as women.
Yet, they will take their prey ruthlessly, for they will rip at
your mind until they destroy your soul.
That is what happens when you fall for their
stories and lies.
9:9 "And they had breastplates, as it were
breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots
of many horses running to battle."
The priests in the Old Testament wore breastplates, and those breastplates were a form of iron. Stones placed with those breastplates stood for the families or tribes of the children of God. The breastplates spoken of here were an image or something that appears to be real yet all the time it is just a fake.
Joel talks about how fast and with swift order these fallen angels will cover the earth when they come, for the Kenites are preparing the way for them.
When this
happens, the media will be on their side, and their ministry will be brought
instantly to every point on the face of the earth.
the first chapter of Joel give us a warning of the four stages of the
locust, and tells how each stage feeds off of the stage before it. The
palmerworm is the first stage, and what the palmerworm leaves over; the
locust eats; and what the locust leaves over the cankerworm eats; then
the caterpillar eats. Each stage sets up and makes way for the next
stage. The Kenites are the first stage, and they came into control of
God's house coming out of
This first stage of the locust is set
today, for the Kenites today control the one world system and it's four hidden
dynasties. They control the borders of
the nations, and the trade that flows across those borders. They control the press and the other forms of
media and the information flow that comes off their editor’s desks, and that
sets the stage of what flows into the minds of the people that read and listen
to their lies and deceptions. These palmerworms or Kenites are setting the
stage for what the world will believe to be true, and see with their eyes. They will be the first stage that the fallen
angels will use when they set about to use their supernatural powers for that
short five month period that they will be here on earth.
The second stage of Joel's prophecy of the
locust is the locust army of fallen angels itself, for this army of supernatural
beings will appear to be human, but in fact they are angels from another
realm. They will claim love, peace and
brotherhood, but in fact they are here for only one reason, to deceive you into
following their leader Satan.
There was a time in the first earth age,
prior to the ruin or destruction of the earth after Genesis 1:1 that one
third of all of the souls or angels turned to follow the dragon Satan. God could either have destroyed those souls
or provided a way that each of them could come back to Him. That way was provided through this earth age
of flesh man and woman, and God determined that each soul must come into this earth age by the
birthing process. Under the sixth day
of the creation of Genesis
On the seventh day, God rested, and then on the eighth day, God created Adam.
The purpose for the Adamic line that flows from Adam's and Eve's seed was that the coming Messiah would enter our earth age born to virgin descendant of pure pedagree of this Adamic line, as a flesh man Himself, and live the perfect life.
He would be born to a virgin descendant of his eighth day line of men.
The Adamic line.
Then according to Scripture, pay
the price with His Own Life's blood for the Sacrifice once and for all
time. Then each of God's created souls
could come back to Him by faith in repentance and have eternal life. That way is the only acceptable way and it
requires those to come in the name of Jesus Christ, the name of the Son of
God. At that moment of our Lord's death
on the cross, Satan doom was sealed, the judgment that had been placed on him
for his sins committed back in that first earth. Satan is the "son of perdition", and currently
he is the only soul that has the death judgment placed on him.
The Bible was given to us by God through His prophets, and through His Son Jesus Christ. The Bible follows the Adamic lineage that the Messiah would come through.
By the time of Noah, about 2000 years into the Adamic blood line, the entire line except for Adam and his family had been polluted by the fallen
angels. Those angels, called the Nephilim, entered into this earth age of flesh man, without waiting their turn to be born into it thru the womb of earth women, as God had declared they should. They did it for Satan; This in Satan's effort to destroy the blood line that Messiah would come through.
God preserved that blood line, by bringing a flood upon the earth, and sparing the souls of Noah and his family, and two of each of the races, "of each kind." [by bringing them aboard the ark also.]
Editor John Rhine's note: The above statement is a controversial opinion, and that is alright, it is ok for us to disagree; But, I believe that Noah's flood was not universal, and only covered the land [middle east] where Noah lived, and where fallen angel's were marrying and impregnating eighth day creation in order to destroy the perfect seed line leading to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ's birth.
Several thoughts that lead me to this conclusion are #1 It was only here in the middle east where Satan was sending his fallen angels to contaminate the eighth day blood line. Satan had no reason to send them to contaminate the blood line of the races. Therefore, in my mind, why would God need to destroy 6000 years of sixth day man's re-population of the earth. [the races] He did say that the creation of the races was very good, did He not? #2 Cain's descendants, from the land of Nod survived as we are told in 1 Chronicles 2:55
I Chronicles 2:55
"And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez [Jerusalem], ;
the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites [Descendants of Cain] that
came of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab."
I believe only one was world wide and it wasn't Noah's flood!
log unto and read #4033, #7001, #1003
for further information on the floods. [plural]
Live Link to- Noah's Flood
These fallen angels entered into this earth age once to destroy the linage of the birth of Jesus, and they will return again shortly, at the fifth trump
However at the sixth trump, the two final woes will come upon the face of the earth, and God will not withhold the four winds or angels that He held back for the fifth trump, and these two woes are what this part of our study is all about.
These two final woes will take us right up to the seventh
and final trump, bring an end to this earth age of flesh
All of the events occurring around Satan's coming to earth are executed by God, at his appointed times.
The purpose for Satan's coming is to test God's children who fell in that first earth age.
Though many of the elect will be here at that time, God will protect his own, by sealing the truth in their mind so they will understand what is going on before their eyes.
The "horns on the altar" stands for powers of authority. That power comes from the knowledge from the Word of God. When you understand ahead of time what is coming, and you expect it to happen, you will not be deceived by what you are witnessing.
It is through the Word of God that you and I get our ammunition that we will use on that spiritual battle field that is going to take place, once these events of the woes are finished.
The coming fight in this warfare is not against men or nations of flesh and blood; but against principalities that you can not see. It is against supernatural powers and forces that Satan controls, and against the rulers or hosts of wickedness that God has not allowed to enter into our realm to this time. Satan will use all the lies and tricks of his supernatural powers to trip you up and cause you to worship him. Satan and his fallen angels have only one thing in mind and that is to take you to hell's destruction along with them, as he and his angels enter into the lake of fire.
This is why Paul urged us to put on our spiritual armor, which is to have the
truth placed in our minds by the Holy Spirit, as we study the Word of God.
Your power comes from how you use that wisdom that God's Holy Spirit places in your mind.
We are warned by God's prophets that Satan is
coming and presenting himself as "a minister of God". Daniel 9:24-27 alerts us that Satan's
time as false-christ or the instead of Christ is to be three and an half
years. But Jesus told us in Mark
Now, when the sixth angels sound's it's
trumpet, the four angels bound at the
These fallen angels or Nephilim were bound until that
time when they are released back here on earth for the
final testing of man in the flesh.
God will use them for testing all the people on the earth, and they will bring with them all the evil and filth that they came with in the other two times of their crossing the boundary to enter this age for flesh man. The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah will be mild compared to what they will bring with them today. We can already see, that the sins that men are doing on their own, is setting the stage for our acceptance of the massive filth to come.
It is coming so expect to see it in the near future.
Only God knows the actual instant of the release of these spiritual beings that will come to earth, but when they arrive they will spiritually slay a third part of all men on the earth who will be following them.
That is, cause their spiritual, not physical, death, i.e, the death of their soul
This number represents all of those souls of the men/sons of God/angels that refused to enter this earth age through the womb of woman.
This number is in the billions, and it is Satan complete army of Nephilim, fallen angels and their demonic forces.
The "fire" represents Satan’s false truth or religion; and the "smoke" is used to cover over and hide the truth of God's Word.
"Brimstone" is the final result to all those that listen and are drawn into the lies, for they will be drawn with Satan into the lake of fire after the judgment.
However the next verse talks about the three plagues, "fire, smoke and Brimstone", that are the verbal deceptions. To put the three in vehicles; they would be religion, political power, and the economy.
Satan will use these three to buy souls cheep.
And he'll use the other one of the 4 hidden dynasties to help him accomplish this!
The schools and the media, Satan's horsemen riding on pale horses
This is not a physical death that will happen during this warfare, but spiritual death. For example, as we now see the results of sodomy with the large numbers of human physical deaths it causes. [deaths that come through AIDS]. It is obvious that large numbers of human lives that have already been lost and as we equate that example to the large number of spiritual lives that will be lost by people who, not having the seal of God planted in their forehead, will believe Satan's and his angel's lies.
People even believing he is, who he claims to be, God!
People who will not, then, be part of the
"first resurrection to eternal life"
when the real Jesus Christ's returns.
This is all part of the spiritual warfare that will be far more massive then any physical warfare that we can even imagine.
Lies and deception come out of their mouths, and that is their only power. Their activity again, is like that of a scorpion that strikes a man. Once a scorpion strikes a man with the venom in its tail, it leaves that person's system helpless and unable to defend him or herself.
Just as Satan will present himself as being transformed or fashioned into an angel of light, so also will his angels present themselves as ministers of light.
II Corinthians
The most dangerous part of the actions of
this evil angelic force is in their appearance, and the way they will speak to
draw you to their line of thinking. When
a minister approaches a person, you can see the change in the way people conduct
themselves. The sole reason for their
being here at this time is to sell you their way of life into accepting Satan as
God. Even though two thirds of mankind
will not follow these fallen angels, "...they will still not give up their idols
or angel worship, or their idols of stone, brass or wood, which can neither see
nor hear, nor walk." [Revelation 9:20]
When we
look at the Muslim world, the center piece of their religion is the "black
stone" in
To the Jews
the stone wall in
Christians bow to their wooden crosses,
and the Orientals to their temple gods, and the image of Buddha.
Where ever we go in the world, people have their traditions, and those traditions are held dear in their minds, and hard to give up.
However two thirds of the world will not give up their idolatry,
God’s word condemns them for not
accepting the only true Way through
Jesus Christ.
Professing Christians, who don't have the seal of God, i.e. His Truth planted in their forehead, become spiritual murderers because they, believing Satan is God, convince their own kin to kneel down and also worship him; thereby, also loosing their soul. They deliver their own kin up to Satan even though, in ignorance!
Brother will deliver up his brother, and parents will deliver their children to Satan.
Satan will present himself disguised as a minister of light, and many will accept him
They follow the sorcerers by their own dealing with and in accepting the lies of Satan.
And there was no repentance.
So why do people not want to repent?
Because they do not know that they did anything wrong.
Even in ignorance, they still thought they were walking with Jesus.
We see in
Remember that the key to
understanding the events of the end times is found in the two churches of
They have the "key of David"; for they know who the Kenites are and can identify them.
The people of
These Kenites are in those other denominations that allow false doctrine to enter in, and these Kenites will cause Christians within those churches to compromise the Word of God.
See Live Link to- Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
"The Two Witnesses and the Abomination of
The two witnesses are [men] whom God will give supernatural abilities, to allow them to stand and witness for God's people. They are true believers who know and trust on the Lord Jesus Christ.
The prophets of God and our Lord Jesus Christ have given us all the information that will happen during this time, the woes of the sixth trump, mark the end of flesh man.
This chapter is going to reveal to us something that is going to happen just prior to the gathering back to our Lord Jesus Christ; we’re speaking of the two witnesses, and what shall happen to them.
There is no secret here, for God is letting His elect know these events that mark the last three and a half days of this earth age of flesh man.
The "first woe" starts at the fifth
trumpet. At that trump when the fallen angels are
released from their holding place in the abyss, and cast out onto the
earth. They
were held there in the abyss because of their coming to earth, without
being born first to a flesh and blood woman, in the days prior to the
flood of Noah, thus trying to destroy the lineage that God selected to
bring forth the Messiah into this earth age. God destroyed those living on the
face of the earth; except for Noah and his family, and at
least two of each race, if they were also saved on the ark as
some believe, possibly many more if the flood was not worldwide as I believe. There was and is now a war going
on in heaven, and when that war is over, God will cast Satan and his angels out
onto the earth. When they arrive here on
earth, these fallen angels will spiritually strike all mankind in the same manner as when a
scorpion physically strikes a man. Those not sealed
with the truth in their minds, or foreheads will be rendered spiritually defenseless against
the first woe to come over the earth, just like a victim is rendered physically defenseless when struck by a scorpion.
This "second woe" that is within
the sixth trumpet, will end the moment that Satan, acting as the "instead of
Christ", rises and kills these two witness.
The moment that this happens, it will mark the final three and a half
days of this earth age. After this will
start the third and last woe.
11:1 "And there was given me a reed like unto a
rod: and the angel stood, saying, rise, and measure the
We find that this "reed" that John has given is not for making a measurement, but it is a "scepter". This scepter is given for judgment and destruction. The destruction will be for tarring down a temple and alter that was in place along with all them that worshipped there. This will be at the time when Satan will be sitting on that throne in the temple in the role of the spurious messiah, i.e. false-christ.
Satan will be calling himself God, and the people will be making sacrifices to him, and the world will believe him.
This is the time that Jesus
called "the abomination of desolation", as spoken of by Daniel in
Thessalonians 2:2 "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or
be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that
the day of Christ is at hand."
Remember that this letter from Paul was in
response to the warning to the brethren given in I Thessalonians 4:13-17.
"But I would not have you to be
ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even
as other which have no hope." Paul
was explaining where their loved ones were that had died. Those loved ones were not out there in a hole
in the ground, but their soul went instantly to be with the Father. It was from that, many even today misread
what Paul was saying, by dropping the subject, "where are the dead", then
they created their fly-away theory.
Your "breath of life body" which is your soul, is what goes back
to the Father at death, not your flesh body.
God meets the soul of each person who dies in this earth age, and their
remains, the remains of their flesh body decays back into the elements that it is made
However, this letter by Paul the Apostle
is to alert you and me who are living in this final generation, that a very
important event will take place before our Lord's coming at the seventh and
final trump. If you know this in your
mind, then when it happens you will not be shaken by it. God is in control, and He is letting you know
directly those things that must happen to test the people living in this final
generation. Be aware that God has given
Satan permission to do what is written in His Word, so don't be shaken by what
you witness.
Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
The day that is the subject here is
"the day of the Lord", it is the day our Lord Jesus Christ returns to
this earth to set up His Millennium Kingdom for that thousand year period. This day of Christ's return will not occur
until after the other event of this "second woe" of the sixth trump
happens. Mark it well in your
mind, for you will see this "man of sin", Satan first, before you see Christ return. Satan is the "son of perdition", and
he will commit the "abomination of desolation" that our Lord spoke of in
Matthew 24:15.
Paul is warning us; "Let no man deceive
you by any means"; not by some revelation of an evil spirit that appears to
be from God or by some minister, or a tradition that has been taught by your
church. Satan will be here on earth and
bring all of his supernatural evil forces with him as he "sits on his throne
Thessalonians 2:4 "Who
[Satan] opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that
is worshipped; so that he [Satan] as God sitteth in the Temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God."
Satan will be thrown out of heaven on to
the earth along with his fallen angels, and he will present himself as God, at
his coming. His time will be short, it's been shortened from three and an half years, to five months. So a
temple will be quickly built for him, and he will be sitting on his throne in
that location. Satan, "the son of
perdition" will say all the right words to get Christians that are not
sealed with the truth, in their minds, to believe him to be the Christ. He will do all the miracles and say all the
right words to draw unsealed Christians to him.
This role that Satan will play must be done before the return of Jesus
Christ, and Satan will demand the worship of those that claim the name of
Christ. Jesus spoke of this spiritual
destruction in Matthew 24:15, 16
Matthew 24:15,
"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let
him understand:)" [15] "Then
let them which be in
Those of God's elect have eyes to see and understand
what Jesus is telling us here. Those
elect will fly nowhere, but be here on earth and see Satan "sitting on that
throne calling himself God". Expect it to happen, and know that this
"covenant" by Satan will cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease. The "sacrifice and oblation" is what
we call our Communion Table, and it will stop because most Christians, in their human
bodies, will believe that Jesus Christ is present with them. Jesus' commanded us to continue to take the
Communion, the cup and the bread until He returns to take it with us in His
Heavenly Kingdom. That time of His Millennium Kingdom starts at His return.
The "desolator" that causes this end is Satan, and the "abominations" are the lies and wonders that he does to cause Christians to believe him.
Our Lord Jesus Christ calls this time, "the abomination of desolation". "The desolation" is when they will stop taking the Communion, because the Christians that are not sealed with the truth, actually believe Satan is Jesus the Christ; the Messiah.
If you read this and live in the final generation,
God expects you to understand what it is going
on when you see it happen.
You will be tested!
11:2 "But the court which is without the temple
leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles [nations]:
and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."
The Lamentations of Jeremiah recorded this
future destruction in about 588 B.C. in Lamentations 2:8 the "line
stretched" is speaking of the scepter that John had been given.
Lamentations 2:9 "Her gates are sunk to the ground; he hath
destroyed and broken her bars; her king and her princes are among the
Gentiles [nations]: The law is no more [where the law is not]; her
prophets also find no vision from the Lord." Though the time is established at forty two
months, we know from Jesus that it was shortened.
Notice that the "king" is spelt here with a small "k", for it is speaking of Satan.
The "princes of
Even today God's laws are being changed and altered by religious men, and those laws go against what the Scriptures really say.
These false prophets of the "House of Israel" who are not the Jew’s, have no vision, for they have placed Satan in their visions where God ought to be.
These so called Christian preachers and their
doctrines teach their flocks to chase after the
first supernatural person that arrives calling
himself Christ.
They are instructed to take a ride with him through the air, just as in a fairy tail.
Though the inner part is destroyed, the Gentile
part of the temple will be left standing.
This part includes much of the Christian world,
because they still think they are Gentile: What
ever they do then at that time, they do in
11:3 "And I will give power unto my two
witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days,
clothed in sackcloth."
Now we'll focus in on the last three and a
half days of this earth age, and every one
on earth will take part in one way or
God is placing these two witnesses on earth ahead of time for the sole purpose of witnessing for Him. They will warn all of mankind, and the sackcloth indicates that this warning to mankind of their sins is to be their only mission.
11:4 "These are the two olive trees, and the two
candlesticks standing before the God of this earth."
In Zechariah 4:3, 11, and 14 these
two witness are the "olive trees", In Revelation
Are we speaking then of two churches or two people?
In Chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation John writes that the churches of
John wrote this book of Revelation to us after our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, took him "in the spirit" from where he was in the the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God in that first century after the crucifixion.
Our Lord took John spiritually, "in the Spirit,"
to witness and write about what will
be happening, both in heaven and on earth,
during the twenty first century,
on "the Lord's Day."
[the day He ends this earth age, thru and
including, His 1000 year Kingdom on Earth],
i.e. The millennium.
Partner in tribulation? You mean we're going to have tribulation? But I want to be "saved", saved from pain and the horrible things I think Satan is going to do to people when he gets here as the spurious messiah! I want to be "whisked" out of here like preacher "X" said. Give me rapture, not tribulation!Revelation 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Silly Christian, salvation is spiritual, of the soul, not of the flesh!
So we see John, the Christian realist, who knew there was no "easy ride", imprisoned or exiled to the isle of Patmos for preaching and teaching God's Word. Hey, that's better than the bloody beating Paul took on Mars Hill. When the going gets a little rough, just remember the crucifixion of our Lord.
What does it mean that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day? What's the Lord's day?[10] I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
Remember we discussed earlier how that one should read and study the entire Word of God? Well, here is an example of a verse that a student of the Bible would immediately understand. The "day of the Lord" is spoken of in Isaiah 2, 2 Peter, 1 Thessalonians, etc., and is a time yet future, beginning with the first day of the millennium, the day the Lord returns, His day, the Lord's day.
If you're not familiar with God's Word you may be unprotected and susceptible to listening to the unlearned tell you that it's now Sunday on the isle of Patmos!
But know this well. The understanding of verse 10 is extremely important in order to know the time frame of the Book of Revelation. The Lord's day is where John was taken when he saw the visions.
Let's look at a few verses concerning the day of the Lord. Paul talks about Christ's return, the day of the Lord, in 1 Thes. 5:2.
Do Sunday's sneak up on you like a thief in the night? Do they take you by surprise? If they do there's a new thing out now called a "calendar" which will let you know when they are coming.1 Thes. 5:2
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
Christ's return will only come as a thief in the night to those who aren't watching (which is the majority of Christianity), to those who do not have the seal of God, His word, in their foreheads. God's children, His servants to whom the Book of Revelation is addressed, have the solar calendar, if you will, i.e. the calendar of events in the order in which they occur.
What happens before and the day Jesus Christ returns is REVEALED in this Book of Revelation. Stay with us and you'll soon know, too!1 Thes. 5:4-6
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. [5] Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. [6] Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
Peter also discusses the day of the Lord in his second book.
So the Lord's Day will be 1000 years commencing at Christ's return. We call it the millennium, which means a thousand. It is His Sabbath, the day of rest, the 7th day.2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
You just read happens on the day of the Lord, so don't listen to this "it happened on Sunday" stuff anymore![9] The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.[10]But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Live Links to- Revelation 1 through 3
They, the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, had the "key of
David" and they could identify the "Kenites", the sons of Cain, and they
knew of their origin and false teaching and doctrines.
So we see that when Satan is here on earth
in the role of the spurious messiah, these two witnesses or "olive trees" will be here to
witness against him. Those two churches
11:5 "And if any man will [desireth to]
hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies:
and if any man will [shall desire to] hurt them, he must in this manner
be killed."
When these two witnesses appear on earth and start their witnessing, there will be no doubt as to who they are.
Many religious leaders today speculate and name names, but that is not important.
You will know them by their words if you are in tune with God's Word.
Remember, because the prophets and saints of old have died and gone to be with the Lord, they would not be in flesh and blood bodies.
Since, these two witnesses have flesh bodies, and Satan will slay them, and they will shed their blood, we know they are not prophets and saints of old
The power they use to defend themselves will be given by God when the Satan arrives in person.
That power will end exactly three and a half days before the sounding of the seventh trumpet.
We know that will be, because God has written in this book, the Bible and this is a sign for us th watch for.
It is an important sign for each of God's elect to remember.
It marks the end; when the two witnesses are
killed, the seventh trump will sound in three and a half days.
11:6 "These [two witnesses] have power
to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power
over water to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as
often as they [the witnesses will."
The "waters" that these two witnesses have power over are the nations and peoples of this earth.
There is power granted to these two, to smite peoples and nations.
They will be able to call down plagues when ever and where ever necessary.
When you see the written word come true before your eyes,
you will know what to expect next.
Believe it when you see it come to pass.
As long as you are in your Heavenly Father's care,
you will not fall under any of their curses, plagues, or torments.
The witnesses will use their powers only on Satan and his followers.
If you have made a commitment to Satan in ignorance, then many of these will fall on you.
Remember from Revelation 9:4 "hurt
only those who have not the seal of God in their foreheads." Go back and review.
"And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war on them, and shall overcome them, and kill them" Verse 7.
The witnesses are here on earth for a set time,
and that appointed time only the Father knows,
Satan defies God and kills these two witnesses.
Satan is the beast from the bottomless pit.
and when he has taken all the abuse that the two witnesses that he can handle,
he will kill these two witnesses.
Don't forget the first warning that God gave
to Satan when he arrived here on earth..."touch not those that have the seal
of God in their foreheads."
The Christians alive that have not the
seal of God in their minds will look on these two as real trouble makers. If you see a person that really rubs the
church world the wrong way as he brings forth the Word, and he causes things to
happen even to those that do not respect them.
They will rejoice when Satan finally rising up against God's command to
him, and kills them. Remember that these
two witnesses even caused the plagues to hit them, and the rain to stop and
prevent their crops from growing. The
people of the world will be angry at
these two witnesses for the trouble they have caused.
11:7, 8 "And when they shall have finished their
testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit [abyss]
shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." [7]
"And their dead bodies shall lie in
the street of the great city, which spiritually is called
Once Satan and the people of the earth have had enough of these two witnesses judgments on them,
Satan will rise up and kill them.
Remember that the two witnesses’ purpose for being on the earth at this time is to witness against Satan.
The elect and those sealed know what is going on and what to expect,
They will not be surprized to see these two witnesses taken to
The entire world will witness the murder by Satan of these two.
God gave the order to Satan from the very beginning,
"touch not those that have the seal of God in their foreheads",
and Satan violated that order from God.
The bodies of those two witnesses’ will lie in the "street", which in the Greek text reads "plateia", or "broad place".
This will more
than likely be a stadium or a large hall in
These two murders will start the entire world into a celebration.
The murders will also set off a chain of events,
so that all the rest of Bible prophecy will be over in just three and a half days.
This marks the end of this
earth age of flesh man.
In Satan's mind, he'll think he has put down the only thing that hindered his claim to deity.
Satan's throne is in the
While the two witnesses were still alive, they brought the spurious messiah's life and power into question, and made the lives of the whole world just plain miserable.
These two witnesses brought into question each of those false traditions that the Kenites promoted within the churches, especially Christian churches, and even most Christians wanted them out of the way.
The entire world will rejoice over the death of the two witnesses, except for God elect and those with the truth stored in their minds.
This time of celebration will be like the fourth of July, Christmas, Passover, and Ramadan all rolled into one, for it will be a celebration like this world has never seen.
On the screen of every TV channel, there will
be the dead bodies of the two witnesses, as the liquor flows, the prayer and
praise goes up to their god Satan.
The key to understanding that this event taking place in
When Satan and his
fallen angels are in power there, it will be exactly like it was in old
God's Spirit allows us to see
the only location that this could take place is in
The instant these two witnesses are murdered, the warning as told to His elect by our Lord Jesus Christ of "three and one half days" will be remembered and will start, for this is "the abomination of desolation".
Satan the desolator will declare himself to be God, and that is the abomination.
His elect know this then marks the final 84 hours of this earth age of flesh man.
At this time you will see other major events taking place,
such as in Ezekiel 38, 39, for then also
entire Arab world will come against true
nations nations.
However for those three and a half days, much of the
world will be in celebration.
Most of all mankind on the earth will be
celebration, except for God's elect.
God's elect, are those sealed with the truth in
their mind, they know that the end is only a
matter of days, and our Lord is even at the
Most Christians by this time will simply be
worshipping Satan as their messiah in
ignorance, and even more tragic is that they
will face the true Messiah in three days and try
to give reason why they played the role of
harlot with Satan.
This, Christ's unfaithful bride, will feel the
shame of their action and wish the
mountains would fall on them.
This will happen in your
lifetime for we are living in
the final generation of this
earth age.
Believe it not!
When you feel the shame,
you will believe it.
Now the victory comes:
That soul that was taken from their bodies by Satan
will return and these men will come back to life.
Most Christians will not even be aware of these two
witnesses until the end of this period, for they will believe that they will fly out of here.
Do you see why that doctrine of devils, the rapture doctrine is so dangerous?
It gives a false hope to Christians, and causes them to disregard those parts of Scripture that prepare us for this end time.
The fear that comes over Christians at this time is a
threatening terror.
When the two witnesses come to their feet, this "paralyzing fear" ["epipipto", in the Greek], terrorizing fear will grip the world for they will see what they have done.
Every soul on the face of the earth will see these two witnesses ascend up into heaven.
This is a rapture those that have followed Satan as the spurious messiah are going to miss.
These two saints will ascend up to heaven.
At this same instant, the seventh trump will sound, and Christ will come here to earth, and;
This brings on the third and final woe on the face of the earth that will close out this earth age of flesh and blood man.
These 7000 men in
This number accounts for all the angels that came with Satan, for they will not be in this earth age any more.
Satan's time of story telling is over. His tricks and lies will be no more in this earth age.
The remnant that is of God's election will give glory to God because it is over.
The tribulation and great time of testing of these flesh bodies, as well as this entire earth age of men in the flesh will be over.
This is a time that our generation will see because we’re living in this final generation. [the Fig Tree generation]
The third woe now starts, and the destruction of everything that we knew in this realm of flesh and blood man is over and done with.
This verse takes us into the next chapter, that's dealing with the Seventh trump and the setting up of the Jesus Christ's Kingdom of the Millennium age.
Let's talk about "The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ"
"The Seventh and Last Trumpet."
Jesus told us in Matthew 24:36 -
39; "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the angels of
heaven, but My Father only." [36]
"But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of
the Son of man be." [37]
This is what this book is all about, for
God elect must know and understand how it was in the days of Noah, those days
prior to the flood, to understand what the events of this earth age will be just
prior to the blowing of the seventh and last trumpet. There has been a lot of misinformation
concerning this time of Noah, but as we have read in the prior chapters, Satan
will be here on earth with the rest of his fallen angels, and his demonic
forces. The time of their spiritual
destruction and deception will be over and done with when this seventh and last
trump sounds. The center focus in Noah's day by these fallen angels was to
destroy the lineage that the Christ child would be born through.
Matthew 24:38, 39 "For as
in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,"
[38] "And knew not until the flood
came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man
be." [39]
The people of Noah's day, including all of
the children of the Adamic line were too busy and involved with these fallen
angels to be aware of the time they were living in. They had their parties, and all the other
things that went with everyday life, and just did not pay attention to what God
had instructed them. Sodomy was wild on
the earth, and all the other things that are becoming common to us living in
this generation. For the past fifty
years the idea of UFO has been the brunt end of jokes to the point of destroying
anyone that would speak seriously of these sightings, or report what they
saw. However, the time is coming very
shortly when the entire earth will be entertaining them, and it will be as it
was in the days of Noah.
The fallen angels were these "giants", called "the men of renoun" in Noah's day, and they put on quite a show for the people.
They carried with them in their minds all the knowledge of that first earth age and used it to contaminate the lineage that the Messiah was to come through.
The Adamic and human race was completely taken up with these men from another realm, just as the people of our generation will be when Satan and his army of angels are booted out onto the earth.
This time of their coming is at the fifth and sixth trumpet, as we read in the two prior chapters, and those times will be over and done with when the seventh and last trump sounds.
Let’s take a close look at what the Apostle
Paul says about this moment in time when the final trumpet sounds, and our Lord
returns to this earth.
I Corinthians
15:50 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and
blood cannot inherit the
Paul spends forty nine verses of this chapter discussing the difference between the natural body, which is our flesh body or terrestrial body, and the spiritual body, which is our, spiritual body, or celestial body.
The two bodies are very different, and when the physical body dies, the soul departs from that natural flesh and blood body and returns to the Father that placed it in the embryo at the time of conception.
When the flesh body dies, the spiritual body or soul is awakened or released back into it’s original created form.
That soul body houses your spirit which is
the intellect of our soul, which is as the angels are.
Satan can deceive your mind to cause you to do things, but he does not have any power over your spiritual body. Satan can do all sorts of things to mess over your mind and cause harm to your physical body.
But no one except God can damage your soul, not man, or the angels, or Satan.
You make your own choice as to who you will follow, either the Lord or Satan.
So as we read deeper into this passage keep in mind that you have two bodies, your flesh body and your soul or spiritual body.
Your soul is
confined to the limits of your flesh body in this earth age of the flesh. One of these two has the will to
control you, and only you can determine which that will be.
In our flesh body, we are doomed to destruction from the day we are born, and the process of aging starts immediately.
From the moment you are born into this world age, the mind of your flesh body fights to take complete control over your soul and spirit.
No matter how we try, God has placed limits on these flesh bodies. This aging process is called "corruption".
So when Paul is talking of the "corruptible" and the "incorruptible", he is referring to the flesh body, and the soul or spiritual body.
At the very moment that we die our soul and spirit go back to be with the Father that made each of us.
Paul is making a clear statement about
these two bodies that each of us have.
"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the
The "
Your flesh and blood body drives you to sin in this earth age, for that is the nature of your mind that drives these flesh bodies.
When you allow your flesh nature to take control of your flesh body, it will not allow your inner man or soul to control you at the same time.
There is no way
that your flesh body can become part of the
When we do sin, there is forgiveness through repentance, by faith in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is why we have repentance through God's grace in this earth age, when our Lord Jesus Christ is not here on earth with us.
We accept this sacrificial gift from God sight unseen and take what God has promised us in and through His Word by faith.
This is why we pray "in Jesus Name", for there is no other name in Heaven or on this earth whereby we can be saved.
We come to the Father through His Son Jesus the Christ to have our sins forgiven, and receive eternal life.
I Corinthians
Paul is now going to show us a mystery that will take place in our generation. A mystery is something that cannot be understood until the clues of the mystery are revealed, and all the truth comes to light. This mystery Paul is revealing is about death, for he states that; a time is coming when all the people on the face of the earth who are alive in their flesh and blood bodies will not die.
Each of us will be changed from our flesh and blood bodies, into our soul or spiritual bodies.
Because Jesus Christ is coming, to establish his Kingdom right here on earth for a thousand years.
No flesh body can exist in that kingdom when
Jesus is here.
"Sleep" as given here is the same word that is used in I Thessalonians 4:13, where Paul talks about those loved ones that have died and their rotting flesh bodies are out there in their graves.
The subject of discussion then was, "Where are the dead?"
the subject here in I Corinthians 15:50-54 is a time when no one will
die, because at a moment in time, all souls will be in their spiritual bodies on
this earth, they will be changed instantly from their corruptible bodies that
decay, into their incorruptible bodies that will not age, but live through the
next thousand years in the Kingdom of Jesus right here on earth.
I Corinthians
The time that it takes to change all of the people of this earth age who are living in their flesh bodies, into their soul bodies will be faster than you can wink your eye.
Paul revealed to us that this moment in time is "at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible".
He just told us that at the seventh trumpet, the last trumpet in this earth age of flesh man, this age as we know it now will be over with.
It will be changed faster than you can wink an eye.
"Raised" as stated here means "become awakened", or to become active into another existence.
The soul will shed its flesh and blood body
to take on the new spiritual body, which is the "incorruptible
You may be spiritually dead now [meaning you have a mortal or still liable to die soul], but you
will also take on your new incorruptible body, which you will live in for the
next thousand years of our Lord’s
Whether you are good or bad, saved or lost, no matter what shape your physical body is
in, the body you will receive at Christ's return for the Millennium age will bring you through all
the way to the time of Judgment at the end of our Lord's thousand
For His Kingdom He will place all the wisdom of His Word in everyones mind and not one soul will have to ask his neighbor for instruction from God's Word.
So the Millennium will be a time of discipline, rather than seeking information
A boot camp for carrying out the instructions that is already in your mind.
Any soul/angel who left their first estate and did not enter this earth age born of woman through the birthing process will not have the right to enter this time of testing of the Millennium age.
Following this 1000 year kingdom, all souls who followed Satan in this earth age, will be judged by their works during the Millennium and tested when Satan is again released from the pit for a short while. The salvation of those souls will be according to their works during the Millennium and that testing.
Every soul is going to enter into the only dimension whereby souls can be judged. This change from the flesh body into your new spiritual or "incorruptible body" has nothing to do with the condition of your soul at Christ's return.
If you are a lost sinner in your flesh body, you will also
be in a lost condition in this spiritual body.The change
has nothing to do with the condition of your soul.
So at the last trumpet, that seventh trumpet all flesh will be finished and this earth age as we know it simply will not exist.
The elect and those that did not follow Satan will receive their rewards from our Heavenly Father and reign with Him through this Millennium age. This we will discuss in later.
So this also brings us to another very important point; if we are all changed at the seventh and last trumpet into our soul bodies, and the flesh is done away with, then any supernatural being that you see while in your flesh body is a fake, a false-christ, Satan, or one of his angels.
If someone claims to be Jesus Christ, and you
are still appearing to be 65 years old, with all the wrinkles and pains of this
flesh body, then that person is a fake. That can't be
hard to understand. If your kids appear to be younger than you, and grandma is
in the hospital, then you and they are still in the flesh, and that supernatural person is a fake.
Remember, Paul warned us of this in II
Thessalonians 2:2, 3; "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be
troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the
day of Christ is at hand." [2] "Let no
man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,"
I Corinthians
Jesus is coming at the seventh and last
trump, and at that instant in time this earth age of flesh man is over. Satan will go into the pit, and all of his
fallen angels will be destroyed and held for destruction. You will see Satan again at the end of the
Millennium age for a short season, but not his army of fallen angels and his
So with this having been said, do you see
why a false doctrine like the rapture doctrine is so damaging? It causes Christians to rely on a fairy tale
that is untrue. It tares down the
incentive for Christians to study the Scriptures and seek the truth, and instead
they in turn seek others like the Kenites to do their interpreting of Scriptures
for them. The Kenites father is Satan
from the Garden of Eden. "Kenite"
means "sons of Cain", this understanding of who they are and what they do
is what "the Key of David" is. They are preparing the way for their
father's return to this earth.
"Mortal must put on immortality" applies only to your soul and spirit all flesh will be gone and done with at the sounding of this seventh trumpet. Immortality applies only to the soul and spirit for all flesh will be gone and finished at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. However in the immortal body, "the sting of death" is still there if that soul has not received eternal life.
Immortality for the eternal soul during
Millennium age is only for those that are under the blood of Christ from this earth
age. We will discuss what happens in the Millennium in the next
If a person who called himself Christian, yet took the name and number of Satan and the beast in this earth age in ignorance. That soul will have to wait until after the Millennium age to be judged by our Heavenly Father. The judgment then will be related to that soul's works during the Millennium. The word "mortal" means "liable to die", and the flesh body will be over and finished once the seventh trump sounds. The subject of this verse is our bodies, both the corruptible or flesh, and the incorruptible which is our soul.
Our Lord taught us in Matthew
It is sufficient that the pupil become like his teacher. Our purpose is to keep on studying to where we can have people rely on what we say. When Christ walked the earth, if they called Him Bellzebub, or "Lord of the flies", know also that they will call you a person of Satan, just like they called Jesus. Jesus is telling you just don't worry about it for we will have the victory.
God has already revealed everything to you and to me through His Word, and there will be nothing that you will go through that should be a surprise to you. You can expect what is prophesied in His Word to come your way, also the protection that will be given you by God. When you are obedient to God's Word, and His Son, and keep committed to Him, His promises are there for you in your time of need.
I Corinthians
15:54, 55 "So when this corruptible shall have
put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then
shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in
Victory." [54] "O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy
victory." [55]
So after your flesh and blood body shall have changed into its spiritual body, for the Millennium age, the problems of this flesh age will not be any more. "Death is swallowed up in Victory" when your sins are blotted out and made as if they had never been committed. When you have remained true through the time of the great deception and not bowed to Satan, your rewards and eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ is received, and there is no sting of death. When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, your soul has eternal life, you will have taken part in the "First Resurrection" but there will be many duties that will be expected of you in the Millennium age.
I Corinthians
Because Jesus paid the price for sin, the grave has no victory. Though it may be for our loved ones, but it is comforting to know that our loved one's soul is there with him. At the end of the Millennium age, that sting of death will be removed for ever. Jesus Christ is the only way; He is the only door to salvation. When Jesus arose from the dead to defeat the sting of death brought on us by our sins, but now it is through His blood that we are saved and have eternal life. So with this understanding in our minds, let’s go back to that moment in time when the two witnesses stand to their feet and rise into heaven with the people of the world watching.
This is the end of that second woe, as these two witnesses stand to their feet and ascend into heaven. The world has been in a huge celebration for the past three and a half days, giving gifts, and having their good times thinking the words of these two witnesses are ended with their death. Now with these two witnesses come back to life, a terror, a paralyzing fear ["epipipto" in the Greek"] comes over all of the people; and the second woe comes to an end. This is the true day of awaking.
To put this into a time frame, it was
three and a half days prior to this moment that Satan killed the two witnesses
24:17-19 "Let him which is on the housetop not come
down to take any thing out of his house:" [17] "Neither let him which is in the field
return back to take his clothes." [18] "And woe unto them that are
with child, and to them that give suck in those days!" [19]
Stop and think for a moment about this
time and what is taking place here, the two witnesses had just risen from the dead
and had been taken to heaven, and all this happens within one hour. If you're on the housetop there isn't
time to go inside to get anything and make it outside the city. The person in the field will not have time to
gather anything back home, and even if he did, the need for those items is about
to end. Remember at the sounding of the
seventh trump, all this flesh age will be over and done with. You are about to enter into another realm
where the things of this earth age will be of no use to you. The spiritual body simple can not use any of
the things made to please the flesh of this earth age.
Then the warning comes to those that are
with child, and to them that gave suck in those days. Does this mean that women that are pregnant
are under some sort of judgment?
No. Jesus is addressing His bride
here, the bride of Christ and spiritually speaking, to be with child means that
you have not been faithful to the one you are committed to in marriage. If you are of the bride of Christ, He is our
husband, and “are with child” which means that you were not faithful to Jesus
while He was away from this earth and in heaven. You have listened to all Satan's lies and
deceptions, and committed yourself to him in ignorance. Those "giving suck" means, doing the
work of Satan. You have been turning
your family over to him, and giving service to Satan's work. How do you think our Lord is going to like
that at his return? Remember that this
earth age will be within the hour from this point in time.
Earlier in this chapter we read about the mystery Paul revealed to us of the events of the sounding of the seventh and last trump. When you hear this seventh trump sounding, this earth age of flesh man is over and done with. So when you see the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, you and I will not be in our flesh and blood body. Your children will not be younger than you are, there will be no sickness, for all souls will be in their incorruptible bodies, just as the angels have. Remember that all prophecies of the entire Bible that deal with the seventh trumpet of the end time happen instantly at the same time. So what will it be like when we see Jesus coming to earth?
19:11, 12 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a
white horse; and He That sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in
righteousness He doth judge and make war." [11] "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His
head were many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He
Himself." [12]
Jesus is coming to make war on Satan and his followers, for this is the "day of the Lord". The name "Faithful and True" is the name Jesus will be called by in the rest of this chapter. Our Lord will make war on Satan and the entire world system that is given over to Him. As Jesus approaches the earth, his burning eyes are fixed on one thing; to bring righteousness to the earth, and to bring vengeance and wrath on those who have ruled and cheated His people.
This tells us exactly who this man that comes will be, for Jesus Christ's name is "the Word", from John 1:1, 2 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." [1] "The same was in the beginning with God."
This is "the day of vengeance", the day of wrath when all things are made right. Jesus said; "Dearly beloved, vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord", so its payback time, time to make right all wrongs done to His saints. The vesture he wore was stained in the blood: His blood from His death on the cross, and also the blood of the righteous saints who had shed their blood, and taken much tribulation for the sake of Our Lord and His Word. If you have been whoring around with Satan, then you will be on the wrong side of this battle field.
When our Lord returns to this earth, all
of His saints that have passed on will return with Him to rule and reign with
our Lord. The marriage of Christ will
have taken place, and Jesus bride will have their place and rewards given at the
time of this coming.
may play with God's Word by playing church now, however those games
will end shortly. The rule of this time in Jesus Christ's kingdom will
be like a boot camp for learning and discipline for the next thousand
years. The teachers are His saints, and in your spirit and soul body
you will understand all things clearly.
Everyone will know who the "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" is, for He
is our Lord Jesus Christ. Every person on the face of the earth will
see Him coming and will know the end is here. At this moment in time the
prophesy of Ezekiel 38, 39 comes to an end, as Russia and the horde of
Islamic nation, joined with many other nations come against true Israel in the
battle of Hamon Gog.
Ezekiel 38:18,
"And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come
against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that My fury shall come up
in My face." [18] "For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath have I
spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the
We know the location of these two tribes from
Hosea 1:10; "Yet the
number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot
be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it
was said unto them, `Ye are not My People'; there it shall be said unto them,
`Ye are the sons of the Living God.' "
Jesus Christ is the Living God for he came out of the tomb, victorious over death, and ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father.
The Jews deny this, in fact it is forbidden to teach this to their people. In fact they are a numbered people, and you can count and record the number of their existence.
However Manasseh and Ephraim still think they
are Gentile, and they don't count as children of Israel
Yet in the place that it was said of them `Ye are not My People" or Gentile, they live their lives as Christian nations.
Our God is a very jealous God, and when
God will rise up and end this battle of Hamon Gog immediately.
The entire earth will shake at our Lord's coming and presence.
Ezekiel 38:20-23 lets us know exactly what will take place on this earth in those final moments of this earth age. "I will call a sword against him throughout all My mountains, saith the Lord: every man's sword shall be against his brother." [20]
Their sword is the tongue in their mouth, and they will be leading their brother to Satan.
God's mountains are the nations of His people, of those ten tribes that
went through the
Editor's Note: Remember as you read this study, or any place in the Bible;
#1. When the talk is about the ancient "House of Israel", it is the ten tribes of Israelites who made up that northern kingdom house or nation and have since their dispersement by Assyria in 745-721 B.C., migrated on to the west and have become the Christian nations of our 21st. century.
#2. When the talk is about the ancient "House of Judah", it is the two tribes of Israelites, Judah and Benjamin, who made up that southern kingdom house or nation and have since, after mixing with the Kenites, i.e. descendants of Cain during their Babylonian captivity in 586 B.C., become the Jewish peoples of our 21st. century, now calling themselves, not Israelites but Israelis, many of whom in 1948 moved back to the middle east and with the help of England organized into the new country called Israel today, which was then recognized by the United States and three days later Russia,
Live Link to- "Do you
know who you really are?"
Are you a Israelite?
Be thoughtful before you answer.
(Maybe you only think you're
a Gentile!)
38:22 "I will plead against him with pestilence
and with blood; and I will rain upon his, and upon his bands, and upon the many
people that are with him, and overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and
This is the final moments of this earth age when this takes place.
Remember that this earth age is about over,
and there will be thousand years of discipline coming very shortly.
This battle is called the
These two chapters of Ezekiel will bring to a close the end of this age of flesh man, as recorded in Ezekiel 39:16.
From verse 16 to the end of the book of Ezekiel, is information about the Lord's Millennium Kingdom, when our Lord is on this earth with us.
Live Link to- Ezekiel Chapters 40-44 Within The Millennial Temple
Live Link to- Ezekiel Chapters 45-48 Without The Millennial Temple
19:17, 18 "And I saw an angel standing in the sun;
and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of
heaven, "Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great
God;" [17] "That ye may eat the
flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the
flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both
free and bond, both small and great." [18]
Our Lord is telling you directly that when Jesus Christ, the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS arrives on this earth with his army of Saint’s, this changing from the corruptible to the incorruptible will take place.
There will be no human flesh great or small, free or bond on the face of the earth, for our Lord's kingdom starts faster than you can wink an eye.
will change this earth and destroy all things, elements that go to make up this
realm of flesh and blood man, for all souls will be back as it was in the first
earth age, living in their soul spiritual bodies.
All of the events dealing with the first
four trumpets will be history; current to us living today. SATAN'S one world
government was in place, and it had established and protected the tiny nation of
Jews calling themselves after the nation of
Most American and European Christians
today, who are the real descendants of the
tribes of ancient
house of
not know who they are, and they will
defend this Kenite nation of the end times
as if they are the true
Sodomy is taking over our land, and the
many people actually believe God made these people as another form of life
style. (I guess it never dawned on them that Satan had anything to do with it!) They have no idea of what God
likes or dislikes, nor do they care, for in ignorance it has become easy to sit
back and let Satan's kids, the Kenites do their thinking for them. As
long as they rejected the Old Testament and the instructions of
Revelation saying, it’s "not to be understood", they continued to
think that they could sit back and wait on the fairy tales of their
traditions to protect them.
20:1 & 2 "And I saw an angel come down from heaven,
having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." [1]
"And he laid hold on the dragon,
that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
years." [2]
Jesus Christ is that angel who comes down from heaven, who has the key or authority over the bottomless pit.
Jesus will bind up Satan, for all the roles that he has played from the first earth age as the dragon, to the deceiver or Devil of these end times.
Satan will not be bothering anyone again until after the Millennium period is over and done with.
20:3 "And cast him into the bottomless pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be
loosed a little season."
There is no place in what we have studied that leaves any room for a fly away theory, rapture doctrine.
God prophesied in his Word each of the events that will take place, and most of them are already history for us living today.
He warned us of the Kenites and the fallen angels, that came two times before, and will return for these final moments in this age of flesh man; and if you desire to accept their lies and deception, you will be judged by God for the choices you make.
We all make mistakes in our lives, we sin either by desire, or in ignorance.
Yet when we fall short, through God’s perfection He helps us to find our way back to Him, by our faith and acceptance of His forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ's blood that was shed on the cross.
This is the
only way to salvation and eternal life.
However, there is a time coming, very shortly, when those that choose not to seal God's Word in their minds, will be so struck by Satan's deception that they will become defenseless during the final two trumps.
When Satan and his fallen angels will be on the earth for the final five month period, they will think that Satan is God.
They will think that God's two witnesses are evil and of a devil, that they have no defense from..
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