Plan for the Salvation of Mankind
A pure strain on humans did survive through Abraham's and Sarah's son Isaac, via Isaac's son, Jacob (Israel) and from that line God came to earth, through the womb of a virgin descendant, in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus, being God in the flesh, lived a perfect life without sin and therefore; was able to become the ultimate sacrifice.
After we all have been to earth through the womb, in our turn, (over a period of about 6000 years since the creation of the man, Adam) Christ will return and we will all be changed back into spirit bodies similar to the bodies we had in the first earth age.
Man can be saved by the grace of God if he believes in and loves what is holy (Jesus Christ) over what is profane (Satan) during his time spent here on earth in his flesh and blood body and follows His commands.
We were first created spirit beings, i.e. "sons of God", before the first earth age. Since the destruction of that earth age, as part of God's goal to salvage those of us, His children who are not predestined, He is placing us, in our turn, in flesh and blood bodies, i.e. "sons of man". Those of us who were predestined He is also placing in flesh and blood bodies to be used, by Him, to help accomplish His goal. God revealed to the apostle John, and he recorded in a book, instructions as to how we, those of us who are not predestined, can again become "sons of God" for all eternity. The apostle John writes, in the book by his name, to give us documentation that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Divine God. And he tells us in the third chapter that if we believe in "Him", then we shall have eternal life. Be sure to read his book, your eternal life is at stake!
#7110 Some Biblical Facts About Salvation
#7113 "What do I have to do be awarded Eternal Life?"
#7114 We all have sinned and fall short of what God requires of us.
link to-)-God's
Plan to Save Mankind
(Live link to-)"Walking in the Flesh and Spirit, its Works, and Fruit."
(Live link to-)God's will, or wish will not be forced on anyone, but those that do not make the choice to follow Him will perish in the lake of fire after the day of judgment
links below)
Covenant (If you, man,
will) - New Covenant (I,
God, will)
God was manifest in the flesh
Jesus said, "Abide in me"
If Christ isn't addressing this message to many of us professing Christians
in many of our "Christian churches", during these end times, who in the
world is He addressing the message to?
We were redeemed with uncorruptible blood
will all be tested
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are
the ways of death.
Always remember, Judgment begins at the house
of God
Do you think your faith won't be tested?
this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it
be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight
against God.
straight forward instruction, I would say! Have
you sought out the book of the Lord and read it?
is talking about spiritual death and spiritual life here but the example
given is physical so we can comprehend!
after our physical death we are in heaven
laboring to be accepted by Christ.
does the Lord require of me?
God decides how and what He will save.
Teach the Lord's words/commandments to your
children and receive a blessing. A curse
if you don't!
God, who is the Saviour of all men,
of those that believe. Did you catch the ALL
MEN part?
I desired mercy. and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose
life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
you can understand this next verse then you will have learned the whole
point of the lessons in the Book of Hosea (salvation).
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward
the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are
they which testify of me.
Do's and don'ts of a spirit filled believer
Tell me, How will you hear Moses and the
prophets if you never even open the Old Testament?
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with
you as with sons;
Jesus preached unto the nations. When?
Where? Was it in Europe prior to his 30th
birthday and not recorded in scripture?
Romans chapter 8
(Live Link)to-Understand the 3 world ages and the God's plan for the salvation of mankind.
This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet
Published by:
Rhine Publishing Co.
you must know
Him and He must know you.
You can only
know Him through His Word!
To know you,
He must have
seen your face regularly in the pages of His book!
Yes, the little
black one, right there on your coffee table.