The American Wisdom Series
Pamphlet #7088
Let's talk about "THE CITY"
This study is about a city that has never existed like this before. God has warned us in Revelation 18:4 to
"come out of her"; but come out of what? Where is this city, and when are we to come out of her? John the apostle was in
heaven where Jesus had taken him "in the spirit", and Jesus told him what to write so that you and I can be warned in this end time of
those things that shall take place right before our eyes, so that we could identify this city as it develops all around us.
*#2 Live Link to- "Let's talk about this city", i.e. Mystery Babyon
*#3 Live Link to- "Let's talk about the events leading up to 'The Cup of Wrath' after this city, i.e. Mystery Babylon, is built"*#4 Live Link to- "Let's talk about Jesus Christ's kingdom of the Millennium" Mystery Babylon is destroyed
*#5 Live Link to- "Let's talk about Judgment Day" Mystery Babylon is ancient history
17:1 "And there came one of the seven angels
which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, "Come hither; I
will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon
many waters:"
This is part #2 of our study:
of "Mystery Babylon"
This city that we are going to study is called "Mystery" Babylon, and she is referred to as "the great whore". The subject of this verse and chapter is "the judgment of the great whore".
This city of
existed, yet we are living in it today.
Today it is all around us, it’s world wide,
and we’re living in it, in these times.
Do you get the feeling we are not talking about a,
brick and mortar city,
like Pittsburgh or London or even Jeresalem here?
17:2 "With whom the kings of the earth have
committed fornication, and the inhibiters of the earth have been made drunk with
the wine of her fornication."
"The kings of the earth" are the kings and rulers of the governments of all the nations on earth today.
Each of them
will take great pleasure in fornicating with this world political system, or
city of "Mystery"
kings and rulers come to her for their favors.
Oh! we're talking about "A WORLD POLITICAL SYSTEM"
Men use this old whore,
They grow rich off her, and run to her when they need protection, and in gaining protection from this old whore, they drink of the wine of
They turn their eyes away as millions are dying in one part of the world because it doesn't fit their agenda, and lie to gain favor from this
kingdom when they can prove that it is in line with the whores power structure else where.
Revelation 17:3 "So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."
Jesus is revealing this to John, saying that there will be a time when these seven heads or supernatural powers will be brought to earth
with Satan when he is kicked out of heaven onto the earth.
Remember, John is in heaven, where Jesus took him spiritually, and he is viewing this city from the perspective of "The day of the Lord"
[The day of the Lord's return] which is all still in the future for us reading this.
This time that John saw is now very close, and these names of blasphemy are becoming common in our land, people are listening to
them over and over, to the point that most Christians believe them.
Our Laws are being changed almost daily, they now allow the killing of the unborn; the acceptance of Sodomites which perverts joining in
a common marriage. Even the major denominations are accepting all of these things that go against God's Holy Word. This "scarlet color"
represents royalty, and the very highest political powers, and that is exactly where the World Council of Church’s sits within this whore,
called the United
When you take Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, out of Christianity, then it becomes nothing but a man
made religion like all the rest of the religions of the world.
This new system is taking the gift and mercy of God, by faith through repentance, out of Christianity.
Now Christianity is becoming a form of religion that man must follow, to conform to the conditions of
man's new religious order.
This scarlet beast is out to please everyone, for it is designed not to offend anyone.
This Beast is setting up the way for the arrival of Satan when he is cast out onto the earth, and when
Satan comes, he will bring his ten supernatural kings with him.
True Christianity is a reality, not a religion, and it is people who live in Jesus Christ.
Live Link to- Church is not Christianity. God's Word is Christianity.
Revelation 17:4 "And the
woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations
and filthiness of her fornication:"
This "one world political system" was set up by the Kenites to serve their vast merchandising network.
They are the ships of Tarshish and they control the wealth of the world through their industrial strength,
their trade laws and merchandising systems.
The kings of the earth find joy in
doing business with the world system of this city of "Mystery,
They like the money it brings them, and they like the political exposure it gives them when they take part
in all the abominations and
filthiness of
up, and brought down, for it is the
politics of our day that strengthens
17:5 "And upon her forehead was a name written,
This city is called "Mystery,
This city of
daily lives.
God is calling His people to come out of her, don't do business as she does business, and don't take
part in the many fornications of that system.
17:6 "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood
of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I
wondered with great admiration."
"Admiration", Hardly, for this city's system has feasted on the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and as John the apostle looked on that devilish system, he looked with "great astonishment". It is a cruel and wicked system as it takes
Jesus Christ and God's commandments out of our land.
This system enslaves millions all over the world for the purpose of filling its ships and feeding its merchandising trafficking.
27 is a parable of how these ships of Tarshish were made strong through
their trade. This parable of the
building of a ship, is given for us to see how this great whore will be build,
and feed off that system.
"These were thy merchants in all sorts of things, in blue clothes, and
broidered work, and in chests of rich apparel, bound with cords, and made of
cedar, among thy merchandise." [24] "The ships of Tarshish did sin of
thee in thy market: and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in the
midst of the seas." [25]
As you go into a stores look to see where
these items were made, most of them are from some heathen county in the
Ezekiel 27:26,
"Thy rowers have brought thee into great waters: the east wind hath
broken thee in the midst of the seas." [26]
"Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy
pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy men of
war, that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in the midst of thee,
shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin." [27]
These Kenites have taken their ships and industries to the east, and their ships have followed the east wind as they bring all the overpriced merchandise back to Christian nations, to be bought at super inflated prices.
Can this system go on as it is set up today?
No, for it is doomed to failure, we will see it continue to fall. As we look at the stock markets, and see the internal corruption continue to build, destruction is just ahead.
When there is a problem in the world where their suppliers are hindered, this system sends in their men of war to take control of the area, and set up a government that will take part in that world system of merchandising.
So the whore,
the woman that is feasting on the blood of
the saints is not a person, but a city.
That great city of
We are in the latter days, and we can see that city all
around us.
let’s take a look at the structure of that great city of
Cain was born the son of Satan, through
the womb of Eve, and if this throws you, then you will never fully understand
what is happening in these end times, nor most of the teaching of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Remember that Cain had killed
his half brother Abel, the son of Adam who was also born through the womb of
Eve. Because of that murder, God drove
him from the Garden of Eden, and this is where we will begin with the structure
So let’s take a closer look at the
structure of that great city
When Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, he was in trouble from the start.
When you and I leave the presence of the Lord, and try to live and exist without the help and guidance of our Heavenly Father, we also are in trouble.
Cain went to the
The first thing to be aware of is that the
children of Cain, are called the "Kenites", #7014, and #7017 in Strongs Hebrew
dictionary. These children were not
destroyed by the flood of Noah's day, but that lineage was carried well
beyond the flood, as we read in I Chronicles 2:55. The first son of Cain was Enoch, and Cain
built his first city and named it after his son Enoch. In these end times, it will also be the
offspring of Cain, the Kenites that will build this great city called
As we
continue on, we see that Cain and his children liked to name their children
after the names of Adam's children.
These Kenites are deceivers, and they like to be hidden in all that they
do. When you don't know who they are, or
what they are, then you begin to trust what they say, and act on their
advise. Let’s look at after the flood,
when another great city was built, and the world came together in Genesis
10:8 "And
The name "Nimrod" in the Hebrew
is "Marad", and it means "Rebel".
And when Marad is given in the first person plural, it reads "Jussive",
meaning, "to rebel". It is through this
person Nimrod of the Adamic lineage that Satan had his first attempt to rise up
a universal ruler of flesh men on the earth.
Since then, we have seen many other attempts to do just as Nimrod tried
to do, such as Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and
each of these failed, but the ruler of the end times, Satan, will sit on his
throne and declare himself to be God.
Many proclaiming Christians of this earth age, living in these latter times will believe him
to be God, after seeing his supernatural acts.
Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for
that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition,"
Satan is the son of perdition, and the
falling away is the apostasy that is covering the earth today.
Thessalonians 2:4 "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above
all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the
Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Michael will boot him and his fallen angels out of heaven
and they will fall upon this earth very soon. This man of
sin that opposes every teaching of God, and tries to put
himself over God, will be here on earth, presenting
himself to the people of this earth in their flesh bodies.
His supernatural powers will convince many Christians
that he is God.
Go to Genesis 10:9 and we will see
this first man that tried to promote himself to be head of the first world order
following the flood of Noah's day.
10:9 "He was a mighty hunter before the
Lord: wherefore it is said, "Even as Nimrod the might hunter before the
There is a point that you have to understand, to get the full meaning of this verse, and that is in the phrase, "before the Lord". In the original text it reads, "in defiance of the Lord", and this is far different than stated in this version of the manuscripts.
Everything that Nimrod did was to defy YHVH the creator directly.
Just as Cain was the builder of cities, so
also was Nimrod, and the name of the first city he build was
The location of this empire that Nimrod
established was in the
11:1 "And the whole earth was of one language,
and of one speech."
For the people of the entire earth to function under the one world government there has to be a common language so that all the people can be controlled from a single source.
Today we have that language in and through the computer.
11:2 "And it came to pass, as they journeyed from
the east, that they found a plain in the
Noah and his
three sons and their wives were the eight Adamic survivors from the flood, and
Nimrod was the grandson of Noah's son Ham.
These people were the survivors of the flood who came from the east to
This same land is the center of activity that is going on today.
Though the
As soon as order could be established; the governmental structure had to be rebuild; as well as the internal structure of the people. Schools had to be rebuilt, hospitals established, shops opened, police and fire protection established and so no. To do this, our forces turned the control of this job over to the United Nation, the one world governmental body, and the work began.
Notice just as in Nimrod's day, this demanded
extensive planning, the making of the bricks and mortar to put up the structures
so that the other things of life can go on.
There is nothing new under the sun, and each time these systems are
coming into power, it demands the same sort of planning.
11:3 "And they said one to another, "Go to, let
us make brick, and burn them throughly."
And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter."
The planning stage begins when the heads
of the families or nations come together.
They plan for the cities and homes, and way of life that will go on
within that community and government, to see that the way of life conforms to
those plans.
11:4 And they said, "Go to, let us build us a
city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." "
Just like today, these men want to work out their own
salvation, make their big plans and leave God out of their
It is no great surprise to us
that the world government and our leaders are doing what they are by removing
God from all parts of our lives. They
took God out of the schools, and removed the commandments from the sight of the
people. They took away most of the
things that shape the morals of our people and our nation, and left it up to you
to plan your own life. They try to do
what is right in the sight of their own eyes.
The problem here is that their reasoning and choices are based on what
they are taught, and when there is no standard set for their life except the
secular humanism that they have been taught in their schools, and that is what all
their choices will be based upon. This
is the Kenite way of life.
"Let us make us a name, lest we be
scattered", if we call ourselves
honest and good, maybe that will be enough to make us good. We make the name, do the work, and then we
get all the credit: That’s the idea even
for today. Why give God any
credit, when we can take it all for ourselves, this was the thinking of the
people in Nimrod's day. Remember that it
was under this world order that all of the heathen religious thought, that is
common today around the world, got it's start.
You don't work out your own salvation by
trying to out think God. This is how the
idea of cloning got started.
Mankind is trying to design or clone a being that would not have the
human defects, being subject to disease, sickness and growing old like these old
human bodies are plagued with.
11:5 "And the Lord came down to see the city and
the tower, which the children of men builded."
God stated in the Bible what man has to do to be saved and have eternal life.
However, even today man is still trying to build his towers to reach his own false peace and salvation.
They are trying to bypass the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His shed blood on the cross.
They rejected God's plan for man, and
substituted their designed form called religion, in place of God's way.
Notice that the word for the term "come
down" in the Hebrew text is "Anthropopatheia". This is the ascribing to God what belongs to
human and rational beings, irrational creatures, or inanimate things. In other words, man does the act on his own
accord, and then calls it from God.
11:6 "And the Lord said, "Behold, the people is one, and they have all
one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from
them, which they have imagined to do."
That thing
"which they have imagined to do" is
will now teach these people in Nimrod's world a little humility.
11:7 "Go to, let Us go down, and there confound
their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
When "Go
to, let Us go down" is used in other passages of Scripture, it always means
that judgment is coming very shortly, such as in Exodus 3:8. Those people went too far and in their
own minds they are trying to depart from God's ways. We see in this case that God will bring
confusion into their language, to where no one will understand what his neighbor
has to say. Think of the confusion that
this would bring on the construction site, where no one understands what the
boss is trying to say. They will not be
able to read the instructions, and the job would stop right there at the drawing
In Ancient Babylon, the confusion of tongues brought
about the scattering of men across the earth.
At the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, at the seventh and
last trump, that confusion will be undone by the Holy
There is no confusion or
God and His Spirit.
There will be no need of translators when the Holy Spirit speaks through a person. When God's "elect" are brought up to give an answer, and the Holy Spirit speaks through that person. All the people will understand what he or she will say without the need for translators.
When Satan is here on earth, claiming that he is God, and God's "elect" are brought up to give an answer, the Holy Spirit will speak through them. All the people of the world will understand what he or she will say without the need for translators because when the Holy Spirit is speaking through His elect everyone on earth will hear what they say in their own language; even dialect, just like back in Acts 2: 4-6.
Acts 2: 4 –
6 "And they were all filled with the Holy
Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them
utterance." [4] "And there were dwelling at
This is what speaking in tongues is all about.
When the Holy Spirit spoke through these people every person there in
Acts 2:7,
8 And they were all amazed and marveled, saying
one to another, "Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? [7]
"And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were
born?" [8]
This is the tongue of the Holy Spirit, for when it is spoken, it is clear and just as easy to understand as when your own family is speaking to you. The Holy Spirit can cause this confusion to come over people, or remove the confusion in language when He deems it necessary.
11:8 "So the Lord scattered them abroad from then
upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city."
The Lord caused this scattering, but even in these end times, the world government will try to bring the nations together with a common understanding.
However that bonding through language will not last long. For our kenite world is controlled through its merchandising, it has to have a common money exchange, [central banking] and the means to get a common flow of its goods to markets so that people can afford to buy their overpriced merchandise.
As the empire of Nimrod sat in its confusion of tongues, the people left their jobs and cities, and scattered in family groups throughout the face of the earth.
11:9 "Therefore is the name of it called
National governments, even
the Unites States of America, are allowing the "New World Order", [through The United Nations] to take care of the vital things that all
nations should be doing on their own, which is the security for the nation, the protecting of the borders, and
the establishing it’s own money system. Also they give over all the other things that go to make up a home, a
community, a nation, and the governing of that nation to the control of this
One World System. Stop and take a look
at what our national leaders are doing today. You will see that the early
Babylon of Nimrod is reflected in everything that our leaders are doing.
Though Nimrod's empire was bricks and mortar, and built
on land, the city of
in place in these end times will not be in that manner.
It will be built of course on bricks, but those bricks are made up of words and ideas that form into laws to control every corner of your life.
will have a government, but those running the
Those dynasties are systems that gain control over you in such a manner that you are completely unaware.
The men and women of these dynasties at the top set their goals and follow those protocols as of how they operate.
Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:
Everything that happens in this world
system of
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