The Book of EstherRevelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
John 15:26
But when the Comforter is
come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever
he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. [14] He
shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto
This Bible Study was originally written by Roger
published at
Without the leading by the Holy Spirit, there is no understanding of the truths, for all the truth of the Scriptures are revealed to us by God's Spirit.
Now here is our revised study of:
The Book of Esther
Chapter 1
"Ahasuerus on His Throne. [1:1 -
"Queen Vashti's Offence. [2 -
"Queen Vashti's Degradation. [13
- 22]"
The book of Esther is a "Megillath" There art five "Megillaths" read each year during the time of Purim, and other
feast days. A "Megillah" is a Jewish
scroll, or roll giving a long and involved explanation in story form of a
problem the people are facing. The
Megillah tries to explain away a complicated matter, to make the final
conclusion acceptable in the minds of the Jewish people involved in their
confusion over that subject or problem.
These five Megillath books were the Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations,
Ecclesiastes, and Esther.
The Canticles is the Song of Solomon, which is recording virtue being rewarded. This book commemorates the deliverance from the Jews' oppressor.
The book of Ruth records the strangers gathered in to hear of, and share in, God's goodness in Redemption. The book of Ruth is read at Pentecost.
The Lamentations of Jeremiah
Ecclesiastes, meaning "The Preacher" draws people together to hear of man's vanity. Ecclesiastes is read during the Feast of Tabernacles, which commemorates God's goodness in the wilderness.
The fifth book of the Megillaths is Esther. This story of Esther is recording Virtue rewarded, and is read only at the Feast of Purim.
Note that this feast commemorates the deliverance from Haman, the Jews' enemy.
The time
that this book of Esther was taking place is at the same time frame that the
book of Daniel took place. Be aware that
the one world system of the book of Daniel was under the control of the King
Nebuchadnezzar and a Babylonian Empire, while the book of Esther takes place in
Shushan, and under the King Ahasuerus of the Medes. Both kingdoms of the Babylonians and the
Medes claimed to have ruled from
Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it
Editor's Note: Whether you choose to believe it as fact or fiction you must observe the many similarities between this book and what happened in Daniel so I tend to believe it is fiction, written by a scribe to attempt to counter the lessons taught in Daniel; Except for the acrostics it does that.
Editor's Notice: In Rev 2:17 we are told that there is "hidden" manna, i.e. hidden truth in our Bible.
Some will ask, "Why is it that truth is hidden in the Bible?"
The answer is, "So that when you go looking for it, you can find it!" Actually, all you need are "eyes to see" and "ears to hear" and it becomes revealed, uncovered. But, you must be hungry and want to look for it!
Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Manna" is angel food for the spiritual body, it is what God fed the children of Israel while they were in the wilderness. The "manna" of today is the spiritual truth within the Word of God that feeds your spiritual body and mind. The "white stone" is a stone of victory, it is given to God's elect who are the overcomers. They overcame the deceit of the false-christ, and the Kenites. If you have an ear to hear, you will understand what the spirit is trying to teach you. This instruction in Rev, 2:17 is given for us by Jesus, with John doing the writing.
Chapter 1
"Ahasuerus on His Throne. [1:1 -
"Queen Vashti's. Offence. [2 -
"Queen Vashti's. Degradation. [13
- 22]"
1:1 "Now it came to pass in the days of
Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from
Again, the time
frame for these events of Esther took place between 472 B.C. and 422 B.C. This was the time of the captivity of the
House of Judah in
Editor's Note: Remember that the Israelites of the ten tribes that made up the "House of Israel" had been taken captive by Assyria back in 745 to 721 B.C. When Assyria lost power to Babylon those folks started their migration to the west long before 422 B.C., and their descendants have today become the Christian nations of Europe and the Americas, But, that is another story! We are talking here about the two tribes of Israelites who made up the "House of Judah" and their mixing with descendants of Cain while in Babylon, who returned to Jerusalem after the Medes took power from Babylon and are now referred to as Jews, deriving that name from their connection with the former "House of Judah".
Jeremiah 25:8,
"Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; `Because ye have not heard
My words," [8] "Behold, I
will send and take all the families of the north, saith the Lord, and
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this
land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round
about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an
hissing, and perpetual desolation." [9]
Jeremiah 25:11,
"And this whole land shall be
desolation, as an astonishment: and these nations shall serve the king of
Once again, this
captivity all started in 497 B.C., but it would be eleven years later after the
taking of the royal family to
Notice that the
time this book of Esther begins [472 B.C.], Daniel would have been in his late
thirties, and second in command over the entire Babylonian World system. The King (Nebuchadnezzar) changed the name of Daniel to
Belteshazzar" and he would be living in and tending to duties in this same city
We know from the
Gospels that Jesus recognized Daniel as God's prophet because He quoted from
44:26-28 "That comfirmeth the world of His
Servant, and performeth the counsel of His messengers; That saith to Jerusalem,
`Thou shalt be inhabited'; and to the cities of Judah, `Ye shall be built, and I
will raise up the decayed places thereof:' " [26] "That saith to the deep, `Be dry, and I
will dry up the rivers:' "[27] "That saith of Cyrus, `He is My shepherd, and
shall perform all My pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, `Thou shalt be built;'
and to the temple, `Thy foundation shall be laid.' ' " [28]
This prophesy of
Isaiah was given by God through the mouth of Isaiah about 603 B.C., and it was
two hundred years later that it came to pass.
God named Cyrus, and called him "My servant", and said exactly what he
would do over a hundred and fifty years before he was born.
Editor's Note: There are acrostics in the book of Esther. So before we go into this book, lets take a look as what an acrostic is, and the markings that will draw our attention to those five important acrostics in this book of Esther.
1. The Four words forming the acrostic are
2. In each case they form a sentence by
3. There are no other acrostics in the whole
book, except the fifth at the end.
(another one with a Divine Title is in Psalms
4. In their construction, no two are alike,
and each is arranged in a manner different from the others.
5. Each is uttered by different
speakers. 1st was Memucan in
6. The First two are a pair, formed by
initial letters, of four words.
7. The Last two form in a pair by final
letters of the four words.
8. The 1st and 3rd acrostics are a pair, with
letters of the name spelt backwards.
9. The 2nd and 4th acrostics are a pair, name
is spelt forward.
A- Backward
B- Forward
A- Backward
B- Forward
10. The 1st and 3rd are pair, spoken by
11. The 2nd and 4th are pair, spoken by
C- Memucan (Gentile)
D- Esther (Israelite)
C- Haman (Gentile)
D- Writer of Esther
12. 1st and 2nd deal with
13. The 3rd and 4th deal with Haman.
14. 1st and 4th deal with Vashi and
15. The 2nd and 3rd deal with Esther and
16. Where the acrostic is spelt backwards,
Jehovah is seen over-ruling the counsels of Gentiles for the accomplishment of
His own people.
Note: 1st acrostic in Esther 1:20.
1 2 3 4
1st: Hi
(Reverse YHVH)
1 2 3 4
2nd: Do Respect Our Ladies (Reverse LORD)
Note: 2nd acrostic in Esther 5:4.
1 2 3 4
(In Hebrew) Yobo Hammelek Vehaman Hayyom (YHVH)
(In English) Let-come
the-king and Haman This-day
( in the
1 2 3 4
Hebrew text) Let Our Royal Dinner (LORD)
1 2 3 4
(Hebrew) zH eynennV shoveH leY (Reversed, YHVH)
1 2 2 4
(English) "Yet am I
saD, foR nO avaiL." (Reversed, LORD)
Note: 4th acrostic in Esther 7:7.
1 2 3 4
(Hebrew) "kY KalethaH elayV hara aH" (YHVH)
1 2 3 4
(English) "eviL tO feaR determineD" (LORD)
The Lord was ruling to bring about the
end, thus the acrostic is spelt by the final letters in the sentence, "evil
was determined against him (Haman)."
hNote: 5th acrostic Esther 7:7. (The "I AM")
1 2 3 4
"wherE dwelletH the-enemY that-daretH" (EHYH)
The "I AM"
of Exodus
Jeremiah 25:8,
"Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; `Because ye have not heard My
words," [8] "Behold, I will send
and take all the families of the north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar the
king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this land, and against
the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will
utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and
perpetual desolations." [9]
Not one thing that
happened, or life lost was by accident, for YHVH our Heavenly Father ordered and
warned the people some twenty five years before it came to pass. This was to be an "ensample", Paul
also tells us, about a warning to our generation reveling how it will be at the
time of the end.
Jeremiah 25:11,
"And this whole land shall be
a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of
God spoke through
the mouth of Jeremiah, and it came to pass.
The reason I point
this out is so that we can understand the hidden truth in Esther, that God is revealing to His Elect. We
living in these end times need to know this story is a warning to us.
We are living in the end times, and the prophecies of the last generation
are what we’re reading about in our newspapers today. Much
of the things of the first five trumpets of the book of
Revelation are history to our generation, and the time is short,
as it was that night when the hand recorded it's final message on the
wall in
Live Link to- Seals 1,2,3 & 4 of Revelation
Live Link to- Seals 5 & 6 of Revelation
Live Link to- Seal 7 & the 7 trumps of Revelation
Even though God's name and presence are hidden within this story, it is there as a promise to us living in these final days of this earth age. God will protect His Own, even when it appears that the entire world is doomed and bound in sin. God's promises are defined in many passages in Scripture, and daily we stand and claim these promises from our Heavenly Father "in our Lord Jesus Christ's name" even wonderfully interwoven in this story of Esther and Haman, this promise from God to us directly. No enemy of God will know how to stop God's workings, because YHVH is there to defend His Own People.As the four hidden dynasties fulfilling their plans and the will of God in our day, the time will come just as in the book of Esther, when it appears that there is no hope; we know God’s hand is over it all.
Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:
Heavenly Father is there over-ruling those worldly councils, and their wicked
plans. YHVH will make that way of escape
for those who put their trust in Him, and wait with the oil of truth from His
Word in their lamps (minds) for Jesus will return at the seventh trumpet.
1:3 "In the third year of his reign, he made a
feast unto all his princes and his servants; the power of
The scribe writing
this story appears to be in the presence of each event as it is happening in
this story. We
know by the five acrostics of the book, that although the writer of
this story thinks he is writing it to give confidence to his fellow
Jews, he
probably was not aware that God truly inspired him to write this
story for a different hidden purpose only God was aware of. I call to your attention I
Most of the
trumpets marking the end of this earth age are history to us living today. The Jews are back in
Live Link to- The Parable of the Fig Tree
The one world government has chartered all the nations of the world into
their government, and the borders are coming down that restricts trade and the
passing of emigrants. God's Holy Word is
being driven out of our lives, right under our noses; and truth is being
accepted as a lie, while lies and distortions are accepted as the truth. Just as the House of Judah was driven into
captivity of
Just as Haman and His ten sons were hung on the gallows they build and planned for the Jews, this World system will meet its end in the same manner they made within their plans. This is pointed out in another story that is recorded in Ezekiel 27 when that ship of commerce made up of the nations of the world, and their merchandising system, hit the rocks.
As we read on, there are many
lessons we can take from this book of Esther, but the main thought to consider
is that even when men plot against God's people, and His Word; YHVH our Heavenly
Father truly has his controlling hand over all their plans and events in these
end troubling times. Sure this earth age
is coming to a close: Sodomy is running wild, Molech practice in
Abortion is out of control, and it appears that God has removed His hand
from the world today as it simply can't tell right from wrong, and what is of
God, from those things that are of Satan the devil.
The secret is,
that all the events of our day, is in the will of God. God warned us these things were coming upon
the earth, and He expects His people to have the faith in Him to keep every one
of His promises. God expects His "Elect"
to be sealed with these truths in their mind (foreheads) and not be deceived when
Satan and his army of fallen angels is cast out upon the earth by Michael
[Revelation 12:7-9] This
generation will see that army of Satan in person, and many will be completely deceived by
them. You will either be sealed or
deceived as God promised in Revelation 9:4 and 5 at that moment in time
of Satan's arrival to earth, and it is up to you whether you are under God's
protective hand or Satan's control.
In this story,
Esther saw the warnings and the dangers in the actions and words of this
political leader Haman and his ten sons.
As Haman spoke and constructed his gallows, Esther planned and prepared
herself for doing everything within her power to protect her people and
family. The elect, the bride of Christ
also see the gallows and trouble coming as our nation is falling apart and
wickedness is spreading like wildfire. Spiritual trouble like this earth has
never seen before is fast approaching, and God's elect can see it's time to warn
our People, just as Esther did in this parable story. Sure there are many comparisons we can make,
but one thing is for sure: those that know the truth of coming events must
prepare for the coming time through study of His Holy Word, and then by
making a stand to come out of her. [her being "man's religion"]
The ten sons of
Haman, in this story, represented by the ten agencies of the World System today are
after complete control of every part of your life, that of our family, and the
community we live in. As the Jews
blindly celebrate "Purim", and freedom within this story, let it be a reminder
to each of God's elect, and those with the truth sealed in their mind, that we
are fast approaching the end times, the gallows of deception and lies
that Satan and his Kenite kids are setting us up for. God will prepare a way and give you the
strength to stand in His Word in that day.
6:10-20 is becoming more important as each day passes, for we are to "put on
the whole armor of God that we can stand against the wiles of the devil." Satan knows our every weakness, and he will
attack us where we least expect it.
Remember that his battle will not be fought with guns and tanks, but with
words and ideas, and thoughts of half truths that go against the Word of
6:10-13 "Finally, my brethren,
be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." [10] "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may
be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil." [11] "For we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places." [12] "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that
ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to
stand." [13]
God has told us in
detail about this time of Spiritual trouble that is coming, through out
His Word, through His Prophets, both old and new testament, and His son our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Knowledge of all of the "Word of God" is necessary
because that becomes our armor against the spiritual weapons of lies and deceit
that Satan, his fallen angels, and his children the Kenites will throw at us in
these final days of this earth age. So
with this in mind, let’s get back to this story.
1:4 "When he shewed the riches of his glorious
kingdom and the honour of his excellent majesty many days, even an hundred and
four score days."
In Jeremiah
25:1-11, Jeremiah states that the Babylonian captivity occurred in the
fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign. Daniel
declares that it happened in the third year of Nebuchaddnezzar's reign. This difference comes from the fact that
Daniel is recognizing the three years that Nebuchaddnezzar ruled by
himself. In the first year, he ruled
co-regency with his aged father. When
Nebuchadnezzar finally took control his army moved against Pharaoh Necho and
The third and
forth verses of Esther are what this writer of this story of Esther saw, while
Daniel 8:3, 4 is what Daniel saw at the same time, standing also at this
palace at Shushan. Here in the book of
Esther, they had a drunken brawl party that had gone on for the past six months,
they were living it up. Stop and look at
all the wickedness that is going on around us in the world today.
Esther 1:5 "And
when these days were expired, the king made a feast unto all the people that
were present in Shushan the palace, both unto great and small, seven days, in
the court of the garden of the king's palace;"
1:6 " Where were white, green, and blue, hangings,
fastened with cords of fine linen and
purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver,
upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black,
The description given here shows the
This is stating
that of all the golden vessels that were used to entertain these nobles, not one
of the vessels was like another. It
becomes obvious that the Kenites were not invited nor took part in this party
themselves. We are reminded from
Jeremiah 35:6 "But they said, "We will drink no wine: for Jonadab the
son of Rechab our father commanded us, saying, `Ye shall drink no wine, nether
ye nor your sons for ever:"
At this time, Kenites did not take of wine, and some rabbi added to
the Hebrew book of Esther, where Esther said, "I didn't drink wine at Haman's
table." This should be a thumb print
for the scholar of the Word to be aware of, and to take note. Yet be aware that each of these seven are
treated individually, and in accordance that his rank and position, and his
people's importance were viewed by this world king.
1:8 "And the drinking was according to the law;
none did compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house,
that they should do according to every man's pleasure."
In other words,
all are welcome at the party, and if you don't want to drink, you simply don't
have to. You do as it feels right to
do. Sort of what is going on today, you
do what is right in the sight of each man. Each religious order is allowed to maintain
what ever their beliefs are, as long as it does not violate or bother another
man's religious beliefs. For Christian
churches and denominations to become part of this world council of Churches,
they must agree to worldly ideas. Each
man and church seeking its own pleasures, for each to do what is right in the
sight of his own eyes. My fellow Christians, It's here now and it is going to get worse.
The key duty of
any queen or king is that of defender of the faith. That is the job of the queen of
1:9 "Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the
women in the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus."
The word
"Ahasuerus" is a royal title, and many scholars feel this man was
Xerxes. There is no record in History of
Vashti, but some feel that "it is talking about the daughter of Alyattes
(king of
Esther 1:10 "On the
seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded
Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven
chamberlains that served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king,"
reality, the reason Queen Vashti's refused to come to the party, was
the lack of protocol shown by the servants of the king to his wife
Vashti. In the King’s drunkenness he sent seven of these servants
to command for the queen to come. That was a disgrace given to
the queen.
Vashti and Esther had something in common, for they both were beautiful women. Vashti sitting in the royal seat, demanding her respect, while Esther being present to take advantage of the events of the day, for the sake of her people.
Spiritually speaking there
are two other women that are to be considered in these end times: one is the
beautiful bride of Christ, those that have come under the blood of Christ
for the remission of their sins, and are trying to make themselves ready for
their husband Jesus Christ's return. These are the elect of Christ that are taking on the armor spoken of in
Ephesians 6:10-20. They are
called the five wise virgins of Matthew 25:1-13; that made themselves
ready for that final moment of their marriage at Christ's return.
The other
spiritual woman to compare to this is given in Revelation 17:1-7, that
"great whore that sitteth upon many waters". That religious system will rule over many
different peoples, and will try to please all the kings of the earth.
17:1, 2 "And there came one of the seven angels
which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, "Come hither; I
will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many
waters:" [1] "With whom the kings
of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabiters of the earth have
been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." [2]
This old whore simply has no respect, and will dance her way to prominence, committing spiritual fornication and trying to please everyone. She is drunk on her own wine, on those doctrines and traditions that she has thought up that will fit right in with all heathen religious forms. Get it? One of these women [religions] is self centered, and demands her respect by and on her own terms, and the other has the respect for her family of God, and being presentable at the marriage that will come at a future moment in time.
Editor's question: Which of these old girls are many of our, so called, Christian churches fast becoming?
The king should
have sent one of nobility after her, but here the king sent these seven
servants, and they ordered Vashti to dress for the occasion and show herself off
in the presence of a house full of party goers.
As you read
through this list of names for the nobility, pay attention to the meaning of
these names. Carshena means
"illistrus"; Shethar is the name of
a star; Admatha means "given
by the highest"; Tarshish means "established"; Meres means
"lofty"; Marshena means "worthy";
and the one used most by the king was Memucan, which means
"dignified". You have to dignify
this story if you expect any Jew to believe it.
They were the leaders over the seven divisions of this
1:14 "And the next unto him was Carshena,
Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven princes of
Persia and Media, which saw the king's face, and which sat the first in the
Author's note: In King Auasuerus
So relate this to
our day, and the one world system that is setting up it new religious
order. If a queen or religious
denomination will not abide by what is ordered it by the King, or Beast system
that is over it, what should be done with that queen. If you allow it to continue and spread it's
defiance, shortly you will have this mind set spread throughout all the worldly
nation and religious orders. Think of
these women as religious systems or denominations. The king simply doesn't know what to do, so
he is allowing those setting up that religious system to decide what should be
done with this defiant woman, church, or believer.
1:16 "And Memucan answered before the king and
the princes, "Vashti the queen hath not
done wrong to the king only, but also to all the princes, and to all the people
that are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus."
Memucan is the
"dignified" one who told the king in the first place that Vashti had not
only made the king look like a fool. but she has made a fool out of all the
princes. She has wronged every man in
the entire empire.
Now think of it,
if you are a Christian and are told that you have to accept all the wickedness
of Sodomy, of the killing of the unborn and all the other filth that is going on
in the world today as being common, are you going to accept it? Many church houses simply do not preach from
the Bible any more, their people sit back and accept the watered down sermons
that flow from their pulpits, they are told to accept the instruction from their
councils; the same councils that sit at the table of religious order of the One World Religious
System known as the first beast of Revelations.
1:17 "For this deed of the queen shall come abroad
unto all women, so that they shall despise their husbands in their eyes, when it
shall be reported,' The king Ahasuerus
commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.'
This looks like
the first step in the challenge for woman's rights. Is the king and these princes going to allow
this action by Vashti to be made public?
The Queen said no to her husband, and refused to come.
1:18 Likewise shall the ladies of Persia and Media say
this day unto all the king's princes, which have heard of the deed of the
queen. Thus shall there arise too much
contempt and wrath."
8:11 "Behold the days cometh, saith the Lord
God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst
for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." [11] "And they shall
wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the easut not for long, I'm adraid!t, they shall run to
and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it." [12]
1:19 "If it please the king, let there go a
royal commandment from him, and let it be written among the laws of the
Persians and the Medes, that it be not altered, That Vashti come no more
before king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate unto another
that is better than she."
The princes are
telling the king to make it a royal commandment from him, let it be written in
the laws among all the Persians and the Medes that this law can in no way be
changed that when a woman goes against her husband, she looses all that she
has. If you disobey your husband, he
leaves you and you get nothing; you leave with just the cloths on your back as
you walk out the door.
Remember this is a story, just as that story of the ship made up of the nations of the
earth. That was a warning about the
world industrial and financial ruin that is going to come upon the earth. This book of Esther is another story, and it
deals with religious matters. So now we
have the first of the five acrostics of the book of Esther.
SHALL GIVE" is the first of the five
acrostics, and it is given in the initials of the Divine name "YHVH" in reverse
order. "Hi Vekal
Hannashim Yitenv"
[Hebrew] Again, where the
acrostic is spelt backward, Jehovah is seen over-ruling the course of the
Gentiles for the accomplishment of His people.
The Gentile Memucan is the one speaking here, and the subject is the
actions of the rebel queen Vashi.
" their
husbands honour," in the English form is "Do Respect Our Ladies.." The acrostic in reverse is [Lord]
In the acrostics
given in Esther, when the Sacred Name "YHVH" is given and spelt backwards,
Jehovah is seen over-ruling the world Gentile councils, and here in the first
acrostic we see the Sacred Name spelt backward.
The intent of Memucan and the King is to keep all the ladies of the world
system that existed completely under control.
These two woman in our study are referring to the religious and
spiritual orders of the day. God’s
Sacred Name "HVHY", is spelt "backward", therefore it must be understood that
our Heavenly Father's intent is to stop this movement by these Gentile elements
from doing what they are planning to do.
As we study these
Scriptures, compare them with the events taking place in these final days, for we
see that this is exactly what is being done today. The world is being moved into an
ecclesiastical system in which all the religious orders and thought are
controlled under law by one council.
This order is called the One World Council of Churches, which
includes all the religious thought from all nations of the World.
True Christianity is not a religion, is not to be man made, it’s a reality to the life of the person that comes under the sacrificed shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This then would be hard for the world religious orders to accept, and thus the movement is for Christians to give up the vital parts of our faith so that we can all live in harmony with this beast system that will be religious. God lets you and me know that this will truly happen, and it is today. That system has been real and growing from the past decades, especially since 1973, i.e. Roe V, Wade! I believe that this is what this first acrostic is all about. This is why these two ladies are at the center of our attention in this story of Esther.
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1:22 "For he sent letters into all the king's
provinces, into every province according to the writing thereof, and to
every people after their language, that every man should bear rule in his own
house, and that it should be published according to the language of every
The Jews were going back to reestablish their temple worship, and there was not one Levite amongst them. As you continue to study Esther, think of this; The Kenites, those hidden ones, strangers given to service were in charge of God's people, and they will also be in charge in the latter days. They will control all parts of your family life, as well as what you think and do through their four hidden dynasties. This is a warning to our generation living in the time of the end. We are to watch and expect these things to happen. and WARN OTHERS OF WHAT WE SEE; when we see them taking place.
Esther Chapter 2
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