Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
John 15:26
But when the Comforter is
come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever
he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. [14] He
shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto
This Bible Study was originally written by Roger
published at
Without the leading by the Holy Spirit, there is no understanding of the truths, for all the truth of the Scriptures are revealed to us by God's Spirit.
Now here is our revised study of:
Chapter 38
Brother: Judah"
this story of Judah's faults we can see the hand of God. God will allow
certain things to fall upon his elect, and those chosen to do His
tasks, and when they fall short of that responsibility God will
intervene in their lives and make the corrections necessary. If this
should happen in your life, that is the time to repent and thank God
for His divine hand in changing you.
chapter in Genesis is a very important chapter, that is often
overlooked. The last four verses contain a short story about the birth
of twins, the twins of Judah, the son of Israel. According to custom,
the birthright of the father was passed to the oldest son, and in
Judah's case it was the right of the scepter. The right to
rule, as well as the law giver was given to Judah, to be passed through
his blood line.
Genesis 38:1 "And it came to pass at
that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a
certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah."
The word
"Hirah" means "a noble race", however it wasn't, as we will see. We
will see here that Satan is making another attempt to pollute the
bloodline of Jocob/Israel, where the Messiah shall be born from.
Genesis 38:2 "And Judah saw there a
daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her,
and went in unto her."
you understand that this woman was a Canaanite, and as we saw in Esau's
case, that was a sin against Almighty God to marry a Canaanite. Judah
is marrying out of his own kindred into a race that has an mixture of
the Kenites and Nephilim, as well and the Perizzites, and other
descendants of Satan and the fallen angels. This is the very same
happening that caused God to flood the land in Noahs time, and Judah is
falling into this same trap and this was Judah's sin.
Note: Judah by
marrying a Canaanite, if they have a child, will have broken this pure
pedigree (bloodline) chain which is to lead to the
birth of Christ. Let's see how God handles this situation.
mankind, in this earth age, is void of the memory of the struggle of what took place in the
first earth age, Satan is not. Satan continually tries to destroy the
seed of eighth day (the individual man "eth-ha-adham") Adamic woman, whereby the Christ child will be born. As we
can see through Matthew 1:3;
"And Judas [Judah] begat
Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares began Esrom:"; and
again in Luke 3:33;
"...Esrom which was the son
of Phares, which was the son of Juda [Judah]." this
is the direct lineage of Jesus Christ the son of God through Judah, a
pure pedigree son of Jacob/Israel. For if Satan could interupt this
chain of pure pedigree lineage from Adam and Eve to Jesus
Satan knows he has destroyed the plan of God.
Genesis 38:3 "And she conceived, and
bare a son; and he called his name Er."
Canaanite woman bare a son to Judah, and this is a sin in the eyes of
Almighty God.
Genesis 38:4 "And she conceived again,
and bare a son; and she called his name Onan."
means strong in the Hebrew tongue.
Genesis 38:5 "And she yet again
conceived, and bare a son: and called his name Shelah: and he was at
Chezib, when she bare him."
So this
genealogy that Judah has started is in complete defiance of the laws
that God gave, in the promises from Adam, through Noah and Abraham. Will
God allow it to continue? This is a disgrace and a crime
against God himself. God tried to block Satan's similar act with Noah's
flood and the overthrow, and here Judah wildly commits this lustful
act, as if it is his right to do so.
Genesis 38:6 "And Judah took a wife for
Er his firstborn whose name was Tamar."
The name
"Tamar" means "pine tree", and she was from his own brethren. Judah
again fouled up, by taking one of the line of Christ, and married her
to this Canaanite son of Shuah.
Genesis 38:7 "And Er, Judah's firstborn,
was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him."
God is
taking care of his business, and correcting the wrong that Judah has
committed. God is having to give divine intervention, to make up for
Judah's stupidity.
Genesis 38:8 "And Judah said unto Onan,
"Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy
Genesis 38:9 "And
Onana knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when
he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground,
lest that he should give seed to his brother."
Genesis 38:10 "And
the thing which he did displeased the Lord: wherefore He slew him also."
This act
and control of emotions is also part of God's divine intervention,
whereby she would not conceive from these men. This act would have
produced what is called a "Mamzer" in the Hebrew, also referred to as a
"bastard, or mongrel" in the English language. To understand this will
help give meaning to this entire chapter. These mamzers, are Judah's
own offspring, not illegitimate, but it is in reference that one
bloodline crossed with a different bloodline. In this case, a polluted
bloodline containing the blood of the fallen angels, and Satan himself.
Genesis 38:11 "Then said Judah to Tamar
his daughter in law, "Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah
my son be grown: "for he said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his
brethren did" And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house."
Judah is
starting to get the picture; God is going to kill all of his boys that
came from his Canaanite wife. This is also an indication of why Judah did
not give his youngest son, Shelah to Tamar, when he became of age.
Genesis 38:12 "And in process of time the
daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah was comforted, and went
up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the
Canaanite wife died and in Judah's mourning, he turns again to the
Canaanite [Adullamite] friend, Hirah for comfort. Sheepshearing time
was a time to work off his emotions.
Genesis 38:13 "And it was told Tamar,
saying, "Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his
knows that she has been forgotten by Judah.
Genesis 38:14 "And she put her widow's
garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped
herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for
she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife."
Judah was
unfair to this woman, and Tamar has a way of getting even with him.
However we must remember that this is God's divine intervention. In the
distance future, it will be Jesse, and David, that the Christ child
will be born, and it will not be from a Canaanite family, but the true
line of Judah.
Genesis 38:15 "When
Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered
her face."
simply covered her face.
Genesis 38:16 "And he turned unto her by
the way, and said, "Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee;" (for
he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, "What wilt
thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?"
Genesis 38:17 "And he said, "I will send
thee a kid from the flock." And she said, "Wilt thou give me a pledge,
till thou send it?"
made and offer, and now Tamar wants something of Judah's' to verify
that the offer was from him, and personal to him. This is for proof for
who the father would be, should she have a child by the affair.
However, Tamar knew who the father would be, and it was all part of her
plot to deceive Judah.
Genesis 38:18 "And he said, "What pledge
shall I give thee?" And she said, "Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and
thy staff that is in thine hand." And he gave it her, and came in unto
her, and she conceived by him."
signet is the family crest, that is the seal of the family wealth. It
is what is used to do the family business with. The staff is the rule
and the rod of the family, it is the birthright. That is what is asked
for, and that is what she got. Judah was willing to give the value of
the birthright, and the family wealth over to what he thought was a
harlot, for the sake of a one night stand. Judah is showing that he is
not too responsible of a person.
This act
shows us his true character and human weaknesses, and is the same that
was present when he was willing to sell his brother Joseph to the
Ishmeelites for less then the price of a slave.
Genesis 38:19 "And she arose, and went
away, and laid by her vail from her, and put on the garments of her
Genesis 38:20 "And
Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive
his pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not."
Judah was
willing to send the kid to this woman, but he doesn't want to be seen
in public trying to get back the family crest, and bracelet. It could
be embarrassing for a man of his position, seen chasing after a harlot.
Judah did not know that it was his own daughter in law, Tamar.
Genesis 38:21 "Then he asked the men of
that place," Where is the harlot, that was openly by the way side?" And
they said, "There was no harlot in this place."
Genesis 38:22 "And
he returned to Judah, and said, "I cannot find her; and also the men of
the place said, that there was no harlot in this place."
In fact
there wasn't a harlot there, for Tamar was not an harlot.
Genesis 38:23 "And Judah said, "Let her
take it to her, lest we be shamed: behold, I sent this kid, and thou
hast not found her."
If he
couldn't find this woman, he told Hirah, then lets just hush it all up,
and keep quiet about it. I kept my end of the bargain, yet she has
disappeared, let her keep the bracelet, seal, and staff.
Genesis 38:24 "And it came to pass about
three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, "Tamar thy daughter
in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by
whoredom." And Judah said, "Bring her forth, and let her be burnt."
After the
looseness and wildness of this old whoremonger, then making a statement
like that, tells how low Judah had sunk. It is starting to show us just
what type of man Judah was. He sold his brother into slavery, married
down into the heathen people, and went whoreing after strange women;
and that is who he thought Tamar was. He is worse than Esau, yet God
would select Judah to be the one that the Christ child Jesus would come
He gave
away his birthright [signet] to a harlot, which was an act of refusing
the Covenant that God gave to his father Abraham, and then he becomes
self-righteous with his daughter in law. Judah has wronged Tamar by
withholding the third son, by law a commitment, but if he had, God
would have probably killed him too, for God would not have allowed
Tamar to marry that half-breed, and pollute the bloodline of the
perverted Canaanite that God so disliked.
As we
study each of these great men of God, we see that each of them were
human, with all the human weaknesses in their thought and actions, yet
there will come a point in their lives when they come to their senses,
and seek forgiveness. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all had their times of
despair, just as Judah has here. Yet, they are all in our Bible to be
part of God's plan, to give us instruction, and to help give us insight
into the prophecies of all of God's Word. These Bible characters were
just plain people, with faults like anyone else; however in Judah's
case it's almost unbelievable when you see what this man did in
relationship to the beautiful covenants that God made with his father
followed in his uncle Esau's footsteps in playing with the heathen, and
even marrying one, in total disregard of God's instruction. Now Judah
has gone one step beyond in announcing death on Tamar.
Genesis 38:25 "When she was brought
forth, she sent to her father in law, saying, "By the man, whose these
are, am I with child:" and she said, "Discern, I pray thee, whose are
these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff."
Tamar was
a pretty smart person, and when she came to Judah in her state of being
with child, she had the signet, bracelets, and staff with her. Judah
has pronounced the death sentence on the woman, when it was he that did
the act.
Genesis 38:26 "And Judah acknowledged
them, and said, "She hath been more righteous than I; because that I
gave her not to Shelah my son." And he knew her again no more."
At least
Judah was kind enough that he admitted that they were his.
Genesis 38:27 "And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins were in her womb,"
Genesis 38:28 "And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first."
The scarlet thread is the marking of the first born, with all the rights of the blessing, and duties that shall be passed on in the inheritance from their father. When this first little hand came forth the midwife got a little anxious, and gave the marking on the wrong child. This marking of the wrong child is called "the breach", and this breach will have a far reaching effect; even to our present generation.
Note;Read this series of pamplets, if not right now keep it in mind for
later reading. Live
Link to- The Birthright and the
You will not be sorry you read them!
The red thread can be traced through the "house of Ulster" within the families of the royal families of England, and also all of the other royal families of the Christian nations, including the Tzars of Russia.
Genesis 38:29 "And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: this breach be upon thee:" therefore his name was called Pharez."
The name "Phares" in the Hebrew text means "breach", so this reveals that Pharez is the actual firstborn that should have had all the rights of the firstborn child.
Genesis 38:30 "And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah."
Matthew 1:3, both Phares and Zarah, together with their mother Tamar,
are in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. This is why this parenthetical
chapter is inserted here, out of place in order historically, for the
sole purpose of calling attention to itself. In historical order it
should go prior to Genesis 37.
entire time that Judah went out from his father's house to run with
Hirah, the Adullamite, he sort of forgot the lessons that his father
had told him from the past. Judah was after the good times, and chasing
the women of the Canaanite area, and ended up marrying one of them, when
he knew it was forbidden. While Judah was in a playful mood, Satan was
working him over, and it all ended up just as his uncle Esau had done.
Read all about what Esau did in Genesis chapter 27.
God had a
purpose for the life of Judah, and it wasn't to end as in Esau's case,
and God stepped in to intervene in the matter. The result of the errors
that Judah made, ended in the death of all of his sons by the Canaanite
wife. Then when Judah loses his Canaanite wife in death, Satan again
works over Judah's mind. Satan tells him, "it will be alright, just go
shear sheep, and get a whore. This was not in God's plans, nor was it
what Tamar would settle for.
God gave the woman Tamar the ability to reason things through, and in
the end, both God's will, and Tamar's desires were satisfied.
Satan has
a way of working on the minds of human beings, and all human beings
have a way of responding as human beings. Though we are talking of the
great Judah, or David, or any human being, we can find where their
actions are not all pure, however there is a time when their faults
come to the light, and the men and women of God will repent of their
sins, and set themselves on the right course as God would have them.
this story of Judah's faults we can see the hand of God. God will allow certain
things to fall upon his elect, and those chosen to do His tasks, and
when they fall short of that responsibility God will intervene in their
lives and make the corrections necessary. If
this should happen in your life, that is the time to repent and thank
God for His divine hand in changing you. This is a prime example of how
wrong a man [Judah] can be, and when he analyses himself he can see how
harsh and unfair he has judged someone else, when the problem was
within himself. Does God have plans for your life?
(See Companion Bible, pg. 1276.)
The two books of Haggai
and Zechariah together
will give you a clear and concise picture
of the "work"
of God's hands,
His elect, in this final generation!
"Does anybody know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?"
Do you truly love the Lord?
"Is the
seed still
in the barn?"
work which lies
ahead of us is to make sure the
His Word,
no longer left in the barn!
We must take it out and make sure it gets sown and planted among our brothers and sisters!
however, we must make sure
we study His Word
know the difference between
that which is holy and that which is profane
order that we can discern
between the clean and the unclean.
Else how can we teach others?
anybody know what time it
anybody really care?"
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