The Book of EstherRevelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
John 15:26
But when the Comforter is
come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever
he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. [14] He
shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto
This Bible Study was originally written by Roger
published at
Without the leading by the Holy Spirit, there is no understanding of the truths, for all the truth of the Scriptures are revealed to us by God's Spirit.
Now here is our revised study of:
The Book of Esther
Chapter 6
"Haman's Advice Turned Against Him."
This sleepless
night of the king's came the night before Esther's banquet for the king and
Haman. There was something that was
promised and owed to someone but the king could not remember who the person was
or what was said. The point that is
strange about this whole plot was that the time when Mordecai told Esther about
the two men planning harm to the king would have happened about 471 B.C. if the
story were true, and this night of sleeplessness would be about 462 B.C. over
ten years later.
So the story plot
thickens in the conflict between Mordecai and Haman. The king knows that something is missing in
his thinking, and it ties to what happened many years ago. Remember that for the past eleven years,
Mordecai hasn't done much but sit around at the king's gate and listen to
gossip, gripe and complain about how the kingdom was run. Haman on the other hand had a kingdom that
stretched across the known world of the day.
When you see
pictures and stories in the news, that are pulled out of context, to give a
certain shock or pity factor in your mind, expect it. This is how these four hidden dynasties of
the global government work. And in the
end, they build us up with a false sense of hope, and then the security we
rested in is pulled out from under us.
The most dominate area that this occurs in is in politics, and in the
economic area of banks, jobs and credit cards.
And yes, it has been coming about also in our church houses, in the acceptance
of things that God's Word warns us to stay away from, such as false traditions,
sodomy, and today even in Moloch worship, the acceptance of taking the life of
the unborn.
Esther 6:1 "On that night could not the king sleep, and he
commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read
before the king."
There must have been twenty carts of records brought
to the king that night, for to read all that record to the king of a world
empire would be impossible. However for
this story's sake we must assume that it did happen or the rest of the story
line would be dead. Remember that this
is a story to teach us how things will be done in the end times. Therefore the records of the chronicles had
to be read, and the detail of the record brought out.
The two acrostics
that deal with this sixth chapter were in Esther 5:4; and Esther
The second
acrostic dealt with Haman's promotion, his attending the banquet of Esther, and
having a delightful time. That was a
banquet of wine, as we read in the sixth verse.
This should remind us of that other banquet that Jeremiah prepared for
the Kenites, before the captivity of the House of Judah ever took place. Jeremiah 35 tells how every one of the
Kenites from the house of the Rechabites showed up for that banquet and Jeremiah
offered each man wine. To the last man,
not one took even so much as a taste of the wine, because they were directed not
to drink of the wine.
35:14 "The
words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to
drink wine, are performed; for unto this day they drink none, but obey
their father's commandment: not withstanding I have spoken unto you,
rising early and speaking: but ye hearkened not unto Me."
Esther was using
the same method to entangle Haman as those drunks used to entangle Vashti. She was having a drinking party to make their
minds stray from what she was going to spring on them. Esther was a Kenite, and she knew from her
family that you don't drink and bargain at the same time, or you lose. So what was Esther the Kenite doing giving a
banquet of wine to these two men, when Kenites were supposed to stay away from
it. She understood that people just
don't think right with their mind is full of wine or strong drink. It's no different today than it was then, and
it is a method of getting a contract signed, or causing people to be moved in
the direction you want them to move.
The point is, you don't get drunk, when you are getting them drunk.
Remember Vashti? She was asked to present herself at just
such a party full of drunken men that had gone on for seven days, and
she refused.
6:2 "And it was found written, that Mordecai had
told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's chamberlains, the keepers of the
door, who sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus."
As the night wore
on, they finally came to the page where Mordecai was given credit as the one
that told Esther of the plot on the king's life. This happened on that night that she was
crowned queen of the
6:3 "And the king said, "What honour and dignity
hath been done to Mordecai for this?"
Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, "There is nothing
done for him." "
Now go back to the
night that this happened, it was the end of a six month, seven day drunken binge
where by this same king was willing to parade his wife as a call girl whore
before all those drunken men, and when she refused to come, he kicked her out of
the house. Is it any wonder that what
ever happened that night would be over looked? This king's promises last as long
as his next drink, then they are forgotten.
This is a good
lesson when we look at our government and politicians of today. As far as most of the church organizations
go, many of them change with the times faster than the party house down the
road. The lesson that we are to be aware
of is that in these end times, nothing will be secure, and sure, for even in the
written contracts of today there is always a way out for each of the
signers. As far as the courts, that is
left up to the judge assigned to your case.
That is the Kenite way for dealing with half truths, for in this way when
you figure out what the contract really says, he doesn't want to be bound by his
set of lies and half truths, nor do you if you allow it.
6:4 "And the king said, "Who is in the court?"
(Now Haman was come into the outward court of the king's house, to speak unto
the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for
It is early in the
morning and the king wanted to know who was in the court where business could
take place making this wrong to Mordecai corrected. Haman is about to be blind-sided and he has
no idea what is coming up. Remember this
event of Bigthana and Teresh happened over ten years prior, and they had been
hung and the matter closed. In fact in
the story, Haman received his latest promotion over that matter.
Esther 6:5
"And the king's servants said unto him,
"Behold, Haman standeth in the court."
And the king said, "Let him come in."
Here comes Haman
before the king, and the king will present the situation without telling him who
is being honored.
6:6 "So Haman came in, and the king said unto
him, "What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?" Now Haman thought in his heart, " To whom
would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?"
For the past ten
years Haman served the king faithfully, so why wouldn't Haman think that this
conversation was about him. Remember
that Mordecai was present as a bum sitting daily at the king's gate, listening
to gossip and spreading it on. It is
like what is happening in politics today, one sits around mocking the
government, taking the side of the enemy, and being completely like Mordecai,
and then many years later, he becomes the tool in the hand of the very ones that
he has mocked. Flip flop, lie after lie,
and deceptions, and speaking what ever the person listening wants to hear. Mordecai is the perfect model for
presidential politics of today.
Our Lord warned us to learn the parable of the fig tree for within this parable is the methods of who the Kenites are and how they get the upper hand over those they deal with. Those ways are the very ways that Satan will use to gain control over us.
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6:7 "And Haman answered the king, "For the man
whom the king delighteth to honour,"
6:8 "Let the royal apparel be brought which the
king useth to wear, and the horse
that the king rideth upon, and the crown royal which is set upon his
Haman is picturing
himself sitting in the king's chair, with the royal apparel over his
shoulders. Then in his pride he pictures
himself on the king’s horse, riding through the streets of Shushan with the
kings riding wear on, and the people giving him praise. Well, you might as well put the king’s crown
on his head for this ride, to make it really note worthy, and he paused.
6:10 "Then the king said to Haman, "Make haste, and take the apparel and the
horse, as thou hast said, and do even so to Mordecai the Jew, that sitteth at
the king's gate: let nothing fail of all that thou hast spoken."
6:11 "Then took Haman the apparel and the hourse,
and arrayed Mordecai, and brought him on horseback through the street of the
city, and proclaimed before him, "Thus shall it be done unto the man whom the
king delighteth to honour."
Haman followed
through with the orders of the king because he knew that if he did not, he would
clam his life. The king was set on
giving this Mordecai the honors, and he was assigned to give it to
Mordecai. We can see how story lines are
set to one direction, when in fact they are deceptions to keep your mind off
what will really take place. They go to
great ends to emphasize things that mean nothing, to keep your mind from
focusing on the truth of what the ends of their plans are.
When Haman told
his wife and friends what had happened that morning in the king's chambers, his
wife and friends warned him; if that is the Mordecai at the kings gate that you
were about to hang, you will not stand against him. They all could see that those gallows would
be for them, rather than the Jews.
AWS Note: This same mistake is being made in most so-called Christian churches today, in this 21st century;
Jews are Israelites from the tribe of Judah. False
Jews are Kenites who have moved in and now live with them, therefore, they also call themselves Jews! see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Haman was still at
home talking with family and friends when there came a knock on the door. Haman had completely forgotten about the
banquet that Esther, the daughter of Mordecai.
Could things get worse than they now were for Haman?
King Ahasuerus
then is the global system that will pay tribute to any whore or government that
plays its game, and assists in keeping the growth of that global society and it's
agencies in power. The two men that were
already sent to the gallows were the gate keepers that controlled who went in to
see the king, and who was left out on the steps. This then is how our United Nations and its
many agencies have worked for the past five decades. Knowing this makes us aware of the warning
our Lord has given us to seal this information away in our minds.
Both in Revelation 6, and 7; as in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 Jesus told us exactly what was to happen before his return. These are the events and things called the seals of Revelation 6. These seals are what you and I (we Christians) are to seal away in our minds, before the trumpets start their sounding, for when the trumpets sound the events are actually taking place. We learn the "seals" before hand, and the trumpets alert us that they are going to start. Then the vials are given, and that is the wrath that God will pour out upon the earth following the events. Those vials are given to us in Revelation 16, and will be poured out upon the earth; the sea; rivers; the sun; upon the seat of government; and into the air. Each of these things shall happen, and our Lord told us to learn of them before it comes to pass, so that we will not get swept away by deception when we see it taking place.
Live Link to- Seals 1,2,3 & 4 of Revelation chapter 6
Live Link to- Seals 5 & 6 of Revelation chapter 6
Live Link to- Seal 7 & the 7 trumps of Revelation chapters 8-11
There were six
seals given, and the seventh seal is the starting of the trumpets taking place
announcing that these events will start to take place. God would not allow these seven angels to
sound their trumpets, to start these events until every last servant of God had
the right to hear and understand the seal that was about to take place. The seals are the events God's plan will
allow to take place, while the trumpets sound their start. By the time Satan, the false-christ, arrives on the earth
all the sealing has all ready happened.
Revelation 7:2,
"And I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of
the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it
was given to hurt the earth and the sea," [2] "Saying, "Hurt not the earth, neither sea, nor
the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their
foreheads." [3]
Remember that
trees are symbolic of people, and before the four angels are allowed to
do their destruction of the earth, and the people [trees] on the earth. The point to focus on here is that God will
allow each of these servants of His to be alerted beforehand and sealed away in
their mind, before these seals or events can start. What are those seals that we are to put into
our mind and learn of?
Though the seals are not given in order, the trumpets are given is order as they happened or are happening. The first seal: Is the rider of the white horse coming in the role of the spurious messiah. He comes with a bow, but without arrows. It is Satan and his fallen angels coming in person, to conquer the people of the entire earth at the sixth trump.
However, Satan is already here, in spirit, riding all the horses of the first 4 seals,
leading his grand-children, the Kenites, who are preparing the way for
his personal arrival, during this sounding of the fifth trump which is happening right now in this 21st century. This first seal is the sixth trumpet that
sounds of Revelation 9. Remember, the seals
are not in order, but the trumpets are.
The second
seal: The rider that went out on the red horse, to take peace from
the earth. [Revelation 6:4] You simply will not be able to stand against
this red horse unless you have your spiritual armor on and in place from
Ephesians 6:10-20. True peace is
the peace that only comes from God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The second rider of this seal will remove
Jesus Christ, his teachings, and the things of God from your life. This war that will take place is a war of
lies and deception, and rumors, just as Mordecai used to move into power and
take over.
13:7 "And when you hear of wars, and rumors of
wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not
be yet."
When the political
beast ends, the religious beast will assume it's power, and that will be the false-christ and his religious system.
This is what Revelation 13 is all about.
The third
seal: is the rider on the black horse carrying a pair of balances in his
hand. The third seal will be the
use of false balances to take world control through their monetary systems, and
central banking system. The four
hidden dynasties are controlled through this system of Economics, Education,
Politics and Religion, and it will be done and regulated through their central
banking system, and their control of taxes.
Will it be fair? No, so don't
expect it to be. This seal will be
completed through the use of merchandising, trade agreements, border removals
and disputes, all ties to a false set of economic scales. This is the way of the Kenites father Satan,
and it will be the way the entire world will function. Every thing that we have, eat, use, and
enjoy in this life will be geared to those false balances of the Kenites.
The forth
seal: is the pale horse, and the rider on this horse is death, and hell and
hades followed him that rode on that horse. This seal marks "nation against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom." "And there
shall be earthquakes in divers places, and their shall be famine and troubles:
These are the beginnings of sorrows." [Mark 13:8] On
The fifth
seal is at the altar of God, and under that alter the souls of them that were
slain for the Word of God are crying out for justice for the testimony which
they gave. This seal is held out
until the very end, for all the other seals must take place first. To be absent from this flesh body is to be
present with the Lord God. The time of
revenge will come at God's appointed time.
Before God, nobody gets away with anything. For the time being, white robes are given out
to those that gave of their lives in sacrifice for the Word of God.
The sixth
seal deals with great things happening upon the earth, "for lo, there
was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the
moon became as blood." Revelation
6:12, 13 "And I beheld when he
had opened the sixth seal stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as the fig
tree casteth her untimely [unripe] figs, when she is shaken of a might
wind." These untimely figs are
harvested out of season. Jesus
talks about these figs are people in Revelation 12, those that claim the
name of Christ, yet they know not His Word, nor His times and seasons. These are the people that will be taken
immediately by the false-christ, and God's Election will not be taken by this
mighty spiritual wind of Satan.
The seventh
seal is the seventh trumpet, for it is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to
this earth. Revelation
Revelation 8:1
"And when He had opened the seventh seal,
there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before
God; and through them were given seven trumpets."
When the seventh
seal is announced, the first trumpet starts to take place in order that God has
assigned it to be done. The seals are
placed in our minds first, each event, and then when it is all posted God will
loosen the four angels that are holding back the four winds that will cause it
all to happen. The "hour of
temptation" is the hour that these seals will come to pass, as spoken of in
Daniel 9. It is in the last half
of that hour that Satan will become part of it here on earth, after Michael arch
angle boots him out of heaven.
The false-christ
will come first, then the true Christ.
Who will be able to stand in that great day? The answer, only those with the truth hidden
away in their minds, so that God's Word placed there will defend them in these
times of trouble. The point here is, are
you willing to secure God's Word in your mind so that when Satan the first
christ comes, you will not be deceived into thinking that he is our Lord Jesus
Christ. The Kenites and Mordecai of this
story are the ones that are preparing the way for your acceptance of their
father, Satan. They will make him look
so good that most Christians simply can't wait to bow to him. Many Christians will sell their souls for
the mere opportunity of committing themselves to him, and the actions they take
will be because of their complete ignorance of the Word of God, and these seven
seal and trumpets.
"And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the
earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which
have not the seal of God in their foreheads."
This book of Esther is another warning to our generation telling us how the Kenites will bring about the arrival of their father, and if you are unaware of their actions, these seals of God, before hand, you will be deceived by them. Your forehead is your mind, and it is what you know and understand within your mind that causes you to do the things that you do. Learn the seals, and watch for the trumpets, so that when the vials take place, you will know what to do, and what not to do.
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