is a continuation from John
8 where
through divine intervention, Jesus left the midst of the Pharisees as
they picked up stones to stone Him, and as He passed right through the
middle of them, they did not have the power to touch Him. As Jesus was
leaving He saw this blind man and had compassion on him.John
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man
which was blind from his birth.
"Blind from his birth" meant
that there was no doubt in the community that this man was truly blind.
They all know him.
John 9:2 "And
His disciples asked Him, saying, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his
parents, that he was born blind?"
He was born blind, then this would mean that he was innocent. Any baby
that comes from the womb of its mother is born innocent. There are two
parts to this story, that which is symbolic, and that which is factual.
are certain ones that come from the womb that God has something
against. Just because the embryo has new birth, the soul that is in it
was created by God, and came from God. The soul lived in the age that
was, and already had a reputation with God. Documentation of this is in Romans
9:11-13; "(For
the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil,
that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of
works, but of Him That calleth;)" [11] "It was
said unto her [Rebekah], "The elder shall serve the younger."[12] "As it
is written, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." [13]
see predestination in this, for what ever Esau was in that first Earth
age, when Esau's soul was with the Father, Esau's soul messed up.
So we see that there is a spectrum here, and on the one end of the
spectrum there is predestination,
and on the other end of the spectrum is free
will. God
will not cause anything to come upon a person with free will to force
that person into His service, until that person has committed himself
to the Father, through Jesus Christ. That
person of free will volunteers into God's service, after receiving
salvation, and then while in the service of the Lord, God will lead and
protect. For those that have free will, God will not intercede in their
lives until they do repent and come to Christ; for on judgment day when
that soul stands before the Father there will be no excuse that God
caused them to fall, and prohibit them from being saved.
the other end of the spectrum there were souls such as Jacob's that
fought against Satan at his rebellion, therefore as it is written in Romans
they were justified, which means they were judged, and found not
wanting then, in the first earth age, and they became the elect of the Living God. Therefore
they were chosen before the foundations of this world age, as it is
written in Ephesians 1:4.
We feel we must explain this spectrum of the elect and free will before we continued
in this chapter.
Ephesians 1:4; 5; "According
as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we
should be holy and without blame before Him in love:" [4] "Having
predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to
Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will," [5]
one born of woman, including the elect are spiritually born blind. That
baby begins real early to absorb knowledge with it's intelligence and
spirit as it grows. In a short period of time for some of God's elect he or she is able to
assemble that information as a child to the point of having their eyes
open spiritually, even to the point of that child choosing God or rejecting
Him. At this point in this child's life, fleshly desires give way to the
spiritual needs of that child's soul. The spiritual life becomes more
important then the flesh life, and even the goals for life change in
that person's soul.
may be hard for you to understand, but the law of God that govern the
freewill has no control over God's elect, nor is it even applied to
those of God's elect. The question here in John 9:2 is,
"was it the blind man's fault, or the fault of his parents that he was
born blind".
John 9:3 "Jesus
answered, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but
that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
This blindness was given, so that the works of
God may be illustrated through him. This
man was predestined by God to be blind for the purpose of fulfilling
this illustration given here by Jesus. Every word in God's
Scriptures are true and eternal. This man's suffering for thirty eight
years of blindness happened so that you and I today, could have this
lesson given by Jesus to help us understand.
continue with the law concerning election, and the law concerning free
law concerning free will is spoken of in Jeremiah
31:29-30; "In
those days they shall say no more, 'the fathers have eaten a sour
grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge." [29]"But
every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the
sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge." [30]
sins of the father will not fall out on the child, or the child's sin
on the father. But here we have the example where there was no sin by
neither the parents, nor the child. This blind man was blind to
illustrate a point in God's work. To show the power of God.
is obvious that this man was blind through predestination, where a
certain point or part of God's Scriptures could be illustrated. God
allowed this man to live blind for thirty eight years so that the
entire community would know the healing power of Jesus for a fact.
There could be no doubt of trickery in that this blind man sat by the
road begging all his life, and all the people saw him and knew him.
Then God brought him to the right place, at the right time for this
healing to take place. This allows us to see also that God is in
control of whatever happens, for God's plan is not short ranged, but
eternal. This man's soul was predestined to sit blind, waiting for the
time when Jesus would touch him. This blind man was even born eight
years before Jesus' birth.
plan is not a short term thing, for God is in control and He knows
exactly what His elect shall do. It is also God's will that all
those with "free will" come to repentance. But He will not interfere in
the lives of those with free will, because they were not overcomers and
part of the election of God. They were drawn away by Satan in the first
earth age, after his downfall in the rebellion. All souls though are
the created children of God. God will not force anyone to love Him, and
have it be true love. Love must originate within each soul, or it is
not true love.
Christ is showing them here that this is not a matter of the law, but a
matter of predestination. There are different sets of spiritual laws;
one set of laws under God for those that are called "God election", and
another for those of "free will". The
reason for this is that those of the election have already been
prejudged in the first earth age, as
recorded in Ephesians 1:4,
and those under "free will" have not.
John 9:4 "I
must work the works of Him That sent Me, while it is day: the night
cometh, when no man can work."
is Christ speaking; and "the
night" is speaking of the blindness. The "day" is
by sight or light. Jesus is telling them while there is still sight or
light, I must do My work, for the time is coming when no man can work.
Until you come to the knowledge of who Satan is, and repent of your
sins in Jesus' name, you are in darkness. Once you repent you enter the
light by studying God's Word, you know then exactly how Satan works,
how he operates with his tricks and lies, and you will not be deceived
by them.
we are in the light, God gives us the power to order out all darkness,
including Satan and his fallen angels. But all that is done must be
according to God's plan. Why would Christ say,"there is a
night cometh, when
no man can work?" What
was this work? The work is bringing people to God, to the salvation of
their souls. Jesus job, as well as yours and mine, was salvation of
lost souls. God sent Jesus to do this work, and that is what our job is also, if you claim the name of Christ.
time which is coming when no man can work is when Satan is loosed from
the pit, at the end of the Millennium age, and following the great
white throne Judgment no man can work, for there will be no one to
save. Because all souls that are not saved by that time will have been
Revelation 20:11-15 tells
us of this time. "And
I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, for Whose face the
earth of the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them."[11] And
I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were
opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the
dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books,
according to their works. [12]
dead here are the spiritually dead souls, and all souls will stand
before God.
Revelation 20:13-15; "And
the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered
up the dead which were in them: and
they were judged every man according to their works." [13] "And
death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This
is the second death."[14] "And
whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire."[15]
living souls with their names written in the Lamb's book of life, will
be in their immortal and incorruptible bodies at this time There will
be no work to be done, for all lost souls will have been destroyed, and
blotted out from all minds. It will be as if they had never existed.
is why we must work while there is time and God's light can change the
lost, for once those lost souls enter that eternal darkness, there is
no return from it.
also to this period of grace in this flesh age, our time is drawing to a
close, as we see the events of the final generation passing before us
each day. When Satan the Antichrist comes upon the earth, you will
either know the truth and be sealed in your mind; or you will take the
mark of the beast. The whole world will enter Satan's world religious
system, except those sealed by God. Yes, there is also a darkness
coming on the entire earth very shortly.
this young man that was born blind from his birth, was born innocent of
sin in the flesh that would have caused this blindness to come on him.
And Jesus has told these Pharisees that the blindness was upon him to
fulfill the purpose and works of the plan, or will of almighty God.
John 9:5 "As
long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
is saying that as long as I am in the world, I am the one that gives
the spiritual sight to the world. While these Pharisees and scribes are
continually thinking in the physical realm, Jesus is teaching in the
spiritual realm.
John 9:6 "When
He had thus spoken, He spat on the ground, and made clay of the
spittle, and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay."
was standing before this multitude of people, including Pharisees, and
as we saw in the last chapter they wanted to stone Him. As Jesus passed
through the middle of the crowd, he stopped by this blind man and began
teaching a spiritual lesson. however most of those in the crowd,
including the Pharisees, simply did not understand a word Jesus is
saying in the spiritual lesson.
this point, Jesus reaches down to the earth and picked up a hand full
of clay, and spit into the clay to make a mixture of mud, and put the
clay on this blind man's eyes, with all these people looking on. Sure
they hear Jesus words and see the things that Jesus is doing, but they
just don't understand it.
Jesus took clay from the earth, symbolically clay was what man was made
of from the earth; and the spittle came from Christ, who was the living
water. This was a form of the method when the Father formed man: Genesis
2:7; "And
the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life; and man because a living soul."
John 9:7 "And
said unto him, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam," (Which is by
interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came
is teaching here even in giving us the interpretation of the word
Siloam, it means "sent". Christ was sent to give sight and light, and
note here that He is sending this blind man to the pool called "sent"
to complete the instructions that Jesus gave Him. Even the process of
using the pool and the washing has a spiritual meaning. It tells the
whole story; for the water of this pool was sent by a subterranean
conduit from the "fountain of the virgin" that flows under the Temple,
and into this pool of Siloam. So the one that was sent, came from the
pool that flowed from the fountain of the virgin, and by washing in
that fountain, he receive his sight. This blind man would see the truth.
is even a deeper meaning to this symbolic lesson then that. This
particular conduit from the pool of the virgin went directly under the
tower of Ophre. It was the Kenites that took over that tower when the
House of Judah came out of Babylon captivity, as recorded in Nehemiah,
and from that tower came the control of the priesthood. These Kenites
claimed to be priests, and it shows us that that pure water from God
can flow under the darkness that works above. That living water can
still have that healing "sent" power that is given from God.
is an act of predestination that was worked here with Jesus teaching on
several levels. Take the level of understand that you have, and rejoice
on that level. The Spirit of God will reveal what is necessary for you
to understand.
John 9:8 "The
neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was
blind, said, "Is not this he that sat and begged?"
of this man's neighbors verified that this man that could now see, was
truly that begging blind man.
John 9:9 "Some
said, "This is he:" others said, He is like him: but he said, "I am he."
of them knew for sure, while others doubted just who the man was.
John 9:10 "Therefore
said they unto him, "How were thine eyes opened?"
John 9:11 "He
answered and said, "A man That is called Jesus made clay, and anointed
mine eyes, and said unto me, 'Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash:' and
I went and washed, and I received sight."
man believed Jesus when He told him what to do. The man went to the
pool called "sent", and washed in the living water. He washed in that
pool that flowed from the "pool
of the virgin" into
the pool of the "sent
one", and he had sight, meaning Christ touched him.
John 9:12 "Then
said they unto him, "Where is he?" He said, "I know not."
was the first time ever that a blind man was made to see.
John 9:13 "They
brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind."
was a major happening when the man came from that pool with full sight.
This was to illustrate that through Christ and in Christ God was
John 9:14 "And
it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes."
poor Sabbath keepers are going to be upset now because their traditions
have been broken again. They are thinking; Who does Jesus think He is,
breaking our Sabbath? It's too bad that many are so blind that they can
not see the whole picture. "Christ is our Sabbath". He is the "sent
one". He is the living water that gives us rest every day, and not just
on one day of the week. If you claim to be a Christian then you are a
priest of God, and a priest is suppose to work even on the Sabbath.
John 9:15 "Then
again the Pharisees also asked him how he
had received his sight. He said unto them, "He put clay upon mine eyes,
and I washed, and do see."
Pharisees wanted to know the secret of this healing. So the man told
them very simply; Jesus put clay on my eyes, I washed the clay off and
now I see. When you understand the simplicity of the clay in the hand
of the Savior, it isn't hard to understand.
John 9:16 "Therefore
said some of the Pharisees, "This man is not of God, because he keepeth
not the Sabbath day." Others said, "How can a man that is a sinner do
such miracles"? And
there was a division among them."
Pharisees were to the point of poking the mans eyes back out again,
because the sight came on the Sabbath. Does it sound ridicules? well
that is the mind of the Kenite Pharisees, when their traditions are
attacked by anyone, even Jesus. As these Kenites are sounding off,
those with true insight see that this miracle could have only come from
My fellow Christian,
it is time to wake up, and open your spiritual eyes, and see the
beautiful works of God; that Christianity does not bind you, but Christ
sets you free. When you learn the truth, you are set free to do good
works every day.
John 9:17 "They say
unto the blind man again, "What sayest thou of him, that he
opened thine eyes?" He said, "He is a prophet."
blind man standing before these Pharisees gives the only answer that is
obvious by what has happened; "Jesus is a Prophet." This man knew
something new had happened, and it must be a miracle, for he was blind
and now he could see. Over and over these Pharisees badgered the man
seeking for a cause to use against Jesus.
John 9:18 "But the
Jews did not believe concerning
him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called
the parents of him that had received his sight."
man was in the community all his life begging on the street corner and
stumbling blindly through the temple. They knew him when he was blind,
but when the miracle happened, they thought he was faking it. Something
is wrong here when they said, I know he looked blind since birth, but
he wasn't. Let's ask his parents. How stupid!
When these traditionalists have their traditions under attack with the
truth, we will see that they will do anything to protect their lies,
other then admit to the truth. That is one of the methods of operation of
Satan. God prepared this blind man for this miracle and when this man
was healed, the evidence was presented to the Pharisees. It is the same
reaction as we see when the truth is presented to evolutionists, or
even the religious leaders today that stake their entire reputation on
a fly-away rapture theory. All these are similar for they place their
traditions before, and supersede the truth of God's Word. When ever
anyone presents the truth, there logic minds turn to mush, and they
goes bananas.
these Pharisees are now calling in the man's parents.
John 9:19 "And
they asked them, saying, "Is this your son, who ye say was born blind?
how then doth he now see?"
John 9:20 "His
parents answered them and said, "We know that this is our son, and that
he was born blind:"
parents were not liars, and they had their reputation in the community.
John 9:21 "But
by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes,
We know not: He is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself."
is your documentation that he is a full grown man and of sound mind,
and that this man was blind from birth but now he can see. These
parents were intimidated by the Pharisees, the leaders of the religious
community, by their calling them in and they knew that these Pharisees
could do damage to them in the community.
Pharisees traditions, their positions, and their money bag is under
attack, and the questioning of these parents is quite similar to that
of an aggressive defense attorney protecting his guilty client. A lie
or trick or even deception doesn't matter, for the sake of protecting
their client, and that client here is their tradition [the Sabbath].
John 9:22 "These
words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had
agreed already, that if any man did confess that He was Christ, he
should be put out of the synagogue."
you had any doubt why they passed the questioning on to their son, "because
they feared the Jews". Those
Jews are the Kenites that controlled the temple, and could make life
miserable in the community for anyone that went against them. Remember
though the people of the House of Judah loved and respected God, and
the laws of God, but these Kenites had twisted the laws of God to where
their laws were nothing more than tradition, when applied in the manner by these Kenites.
sons of Satan through Cain [Kenites] let it be know that any man that
confessed that Jesus was the Christ, would be put out of the synagogue
and could not worship God. Remember that Christ had not gone to the
cross yet, and the manner of worship was in the temple that they
controlled, and in the manner that God through the prophets had set
forth. I hope you are starting to see the pressure they are using to
protect their traditions. They think nothing of destroying anyone for
the sake of protecting their traditions.
isn't something that just happened, this was a plot probably predating
the birth of Christ, for "they
had agreed already to destroy anyone" who confesses that Jesus was Christ, by using excommunication of the
person from the right to worship. In some places of worship today, this
would be the best thing that can happen to you.
John 9:23 "Therefore
said his parents, "He is of age; ask Him."
from within the John 8:44, Christ let us know that this church, or
synagogue was not of Judah but of the first murderer, which is to say
Cain [Kenites], and these are the Pharisees that this man's parents
told to inquire of their son.
John 9:24 "Then
again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, "Give God
the praise: we know that this man is a sinner."
told these Pharisees back in the third verse that this man's blindness
was not from sinning, but that the works of God might be manifest in
him. These Pharisees are calling Jesus a liar and saying this man is a
sinner, that it was his works that caused his blindness. In healing
this man on the Sabbath they called Christ a sinner also.
John 9:25 "He
answered and said, "Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one
thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."
man who was blind and can now see is telling these Pharisees that he
is not going to judge Jesus, but one thing is a fact, where I was blind
from my birth, I can now see. In other words, a miracle had been formed.
John 9:26 "Then said they to him again, "What did he to
thee? How opened he thine eyes?"
were jealous about this, for they were suppose to be the ones that did
the healing. When the doves were brought in and the rituals gone
through, healings were to have taken place. However, there had not been
one person healed by any of them for centuries, until Jesus came along.
Jesus was drawing followers away from their religious crowd, and they
were jealous.
can be similar to the church that claims to be a healing church, but
there hasn't been a healing taken place since it's foundation. Then a
true man of God comes next door and a healing takes place and jealousy
sets in. Well
these Pharisees wanted to know how Jesus had done this, so they could
do likewise.
John 9:27 "He
answered them, "I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore
would ye hear it again? will ye also be his disciples?"
key to this verse is, "ye
did not hear".
This man is telling them, why should I tell it again, you didn't hear
it the first time, maybe you also want to be His disciples? I'm sure
this set this band of Kenites into orbit.
John 9:28 "Then
they reviled him, and said, "Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses'
Pharisees now think they can now separate this man from the rest of the
religious community, simply by stating that this healed man was one of
Jesus disciples all along. By their stating that they were Moses'
disciples was to show a difference between the two groups. They think
that merely stating something makes it so.
John 9:29 "We
know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from
whence he is."
band of Satan's kids are trying very hard to find out how this miracle
came to pass. Even by denouncing Jesus in front of the man. You talk
about a disciple for Christ, watch now how this man acts and talks to
these Kenite Pharisees. It is important to us today.
John 9:30 "The
man answered and said unto them, "Why herein is a marvellous thing,
that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes."
man is telling these Pharisees, Why should this be a marvelous thing to
you, for you claim you know the Bible, and you claim you know all of
Moses' writings, but this man [Jesus] has opened mine eyes, whereby I
now see.
John 9:31 "Now
we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of
God, and doeth His will him He heareth."
man is building a good case against the Pharisees claims. If as you
claim, God doesn't hear sinners, why would He heal me? This is the
thing that God does to those that worship Him.
John 9:32 "Since
the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one
that was born blind."
man is pointing to the fact that from the beginning of the world, no
man has ever been born blind, and then received sight. This is not
referring to a person who had been injured and then had his sight
healed, but born without sight and then able to see. This had never
happened before, there is absolutely no record anywhere of such a thing.
This man could not only see, but he can also see the truth spiritually.
John 9:33 "If
this man were not of God, He could do nothing."
blind man is now using the Pharisees own words and thrown it back in
their face, after the fact as given above.
John 9:34 "They
answered and said unto him, "Thou wast altogether born in sins, and
dost thou teach us?" And they cast him out."
Pharisees are now pointing to their seminary training down the way, and
acting like their seminaries alone gave them the authority from God.
(Kind of reminds me of today) These jokers are saying we know the book, and you are trying to teach
us something about God. (Yep! That's what they say in our Seminaries). They are denouncing Jesus Christ and the man as
both being sinners, and saying the blindness proves it. Their
seminaries trained them in their traditions, and because they said it
by repetition over the years, it became the truth by there tradition,
and not by any facts.
Pharisees, like anyone steeped in tradition, are blinded spiritually
from the truth by their own repeated lies. When they were challenged
that weaker force must go. This man had no physical strength when
compared to these heavy weights from the synagogues. By this"casting
him out" means
that they excommunicated him. He is no longer in the church, and this
is the best thing that ever happened to the man, to be separated from
this band of hypocrites. They claimed they had the truth, and when the
very Son of God stood before them, the only begotten of God walked in
their midst, they became so jealous that murder came into their hearts
[minds]. This documents that they were the offspring of the first
murderer Cain, and not of the Israel.
John 9:35 "Jesus
heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said
unto him, "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"
this chapter, Christ has taught a great lesson to those that are
predestined, and chosen. They are going to be delivered up before the
so-called body, and they are going to witness using the simplicity of
correct facts. The young man's own family was even delivered up to bear
witness against him. Christ is giving us a clue to what it will be like
in the end times, when Antichrist and his fallen angels are on earth,
and ruling over their one world religious system. Jesus is warning us
how it will be on that day.
Mark 13:9; "But
take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and
in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before
rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them."
you think you are going to hid from the Antichrist, Satan, you are
wrong. When you don't bow to him, then he [Satan] and his children [the
Kenites] want to know why you won't.
Mark 13:10 "And
the gospel must first be published among all nations."
you are one of the elect, God will force the issue for the purpose that His
gospel will first be published, before the day of the Lord comes.
Mark 13:11 "But
when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought
beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but
whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is
not ye that speak, but the Holy Spirit."
that day comes, God elect will stand and allow the Holy Spirit to speak
the words that He will place in their mind at the time, for that
specific time, and that is why you are not to premeditate on the matter
of what you will say ahead of time. That is also why we are to put on
our full spiritual armor, as given in Ephesians
6:10-20 for
that armor is the entire Word of God, for that is what will be used by
the Holy Spirit.
Mark 13:12 "Now
thy brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son;
and Children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them
to be put to death."
This death is a spiritual death, not a physical death. This blind man
that received his sight, his own family would have nothing to say on
his behalf, but turned him over the the sharks at the synagogue. This battle of the end times is not a physical battle, but a
spiritual battle with words, ideas, precepts and so-called traditional
logic. Satan knows the Word of God from front to back, and there is no
way you can match him as he twists the word to make it a lie, and that
is why you are not to premeditate, for the only match to Satan is the
Holy Spirit of God.
Ephesians 6:10-12; "Finally,
my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." [10] "Put on
the whole amour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles
of the devil." [11] "For
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places." [12]
time is coming up very shortly when all those that refuse to accept the
fact that Satan the Antichrist is coming first, will accept this
Antichrist's world religious order. Those not part of that system will
be delivered up, and booted out [excommunicated] from those synagogues
[church houses] of Satan. We are going to miss their rapture trip, and
it will be the best thing that can happen to anyone. Their rapture
flight is all Satan's, He is the ticket taker, the steward, and the
pilot. He will serve you exactly what you want in order to take your
soul with him to where he is going. Satan loves all those that will
believe his lie.
blind man that now has his sight had only one thing to gain his
information from, common sense. Though he was blind physically, he was
still able to hear the word to the point that he knew that God would
not listen to a sinner. This man knew that Jesus preformed this miracle
had to be of God. You can hear the irony in his voice when he asked the
Pharisees; "Do you want to be His disciple also?
you look at the raw data of the teachings that is promoted in churches
today and then compare the simple facts, you will see that there is
something wrong..
John 9:36 "He
answered and said, "Who is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him?"
blind man that is now healed did not know that Jesus was the Son of the
Living God, but through the use of common sense knew that the powers
that Jesus had were from God. He put the facts together, and saw that
what Jesus did was something good, and that it had to come from God. This
is what is called "discernment", which is a spiritual insight placed
there by God to discern good from evil. It is a natural thing placed by
God that is predestined to all those that have spiritual sight to know
that something is wrong.
John 9:37 "And
Jesus said unto him, "Thou
hast both seen Him, and it is He that talketh with thee."
is telling this man that has just received his sight, I am that Son of
John 9:38 "And
He said, "Lord, I believe." And he worshipped Him."
John 9:39 "And
Jesus said, "For judgment I am come into this world, that they which
see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind."
it beautiful to see the simplicity in which Christ teaches, to know
that this blind man can be given sight, both physical and spiritual
through the simple words of Christ. This man became a useful person in
the kingdom of God. Jesus used this blind man of thirty eight years to
give us today a lesson of His deity One with God, and how His elect
have a purpose in the service of God's plan, even when we can not see
live in this final generation and the signs of the end times are
passing before us. Those that understand and believe are the ones that
God will use to witness for Him. Just as this blind man that received
His sight was called up to witness of his sight to the religious realm
of Jesus day, it will also be expected of you. There are many that can
see with their physical eyes, but are spiritually blind.
are some people that will observe miracles of God, and the very miracle
itself will make that person blind spiritually. While others can see
the very work of God through that miracle, and their spiritual eyes are
opened. Those Kenites of Jesus day went mad over the mere fact that
anyone should put anything over their traditions. These Kenites had
taken over the Levitical priesthood, and had so changed it. that their
traditions had become the traditions of the very Temple of God. Jesus
came and challenged those traditions. To these religious leaders that
was deserving of death.
you today speak of the Scriptures that challenge traditional thought
today, there will be no difference. When the very Word of God becomes
so twisted to conform to their traditional fairy-tales, through the
years their traditions will have become fact in their minds. They will
believe their traditions just because they have said it. People today
have lost sight of the origination of the rapture theory of 1830 A.D.,
that it came from Margaret McDonald a mentally sick woman. The vision
took place while having an evil dream; and from that dream the Brethren
modified both it and the Scriptures to conform to what is called the
"Rapture theory" today. It is a tradition, just like the Sabbath
tradition that Jesus defiled through his healing of that blind man on
the Sabbath. Traditions will also blind those that believe in them,
just like the Kenite priests and Pharisees were blinded in the
violations of their traditions.
John 9:40 "And
some of the Pharisees which were with Him heard these words, and said
unto Him, "Are we blind also?"
John 9:41 "Jesus
said unto them, "If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye
say, 'We see;' therefore your sin remaineth."
is saying that a sin committed in ignorance is no sin. If you really
don't know a thing is a sin, even worshipping the false Messiah, then
it is no sin. However it will be a thousand years through the
Millennium age before you can then receive immortality for your eternal
soul body. You will also be judged before the great white throne
Judgment and your salvation will not come by the grace of God, but by
your works.
"subject" of the teaching of Christ in Matthew
24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 is
the appearance of the Antichrist on this earth. The "object" is his
deeds that will be done here on the earth. You can read the chapter and
you will have to agree to that fact. With the subject being the
Antichrist and with one in the field being taken; the church today is
praising God that they can be the first one taken, when that one taken
is taken by the Antichrist. One hundred and sixty years seven years of
tradition bred into their families, churches and seminaries have
prepared them to jump on the Antichrist's first flight out, and they
will. There is no difference in the results of the traditions that
caused the plotting of Jesus death by the Kenites, as to what will
happen when the true "Elect of God" refuse to bow and accept, and be
taken first by the Antichrist.
person that wants to be first taken, is called a "fool",
and this word "fool" in the Greek is not like the English word fool. It
means that "one is completely absent of spiritual truth".
Even though many commentaries by tradition will say this one was taken
to heaven, that is not what the facts read. Before Christ
returns at the seventh and last trump, it will be just like in the days
of Noah. They will be giving and taking in marriage to the fallen
angels, and Satan the Antichrist will be on earth. The one world
political system will not be in existence, for it will be a religious
system that the whole world will subscribe to. Yet in the ignorance of
their traditions, the church world will actively seek to participate in
the Antichrist's system. Why? They will forget to use common sense.
Jesus said, "Blessed
is the one I find working when I return."
it beautiful how this blind man had his eyes opened to the real truth,
and by using common sense he could see right through the teachings and
traditions of those Kenites, the sons of Satan through Cain, and not
only was his physical eyes opened but also his spiritual eyes. When
your spiritual eyes are opened it is just as much a miracle as having
your physical eys opened, for both come by the working of Spirit of our
heavenly Father, in Jesus name.
American Wisdom Series Editor's Note: Now
that we've completed this 2015 study of the "BOOK OF JOHN chapter
9" we have placed a earlier 2002 John chapter 9 study to follow
for your comparison. I don't believe you will find much difference
in the general opinion of these 2 authors, but to read another person's
perspective of events that took place may prove helpful in
your understanding of the gospel of John.
Pamphlet 1509
John chapter 9
you are destined to have your eyes opened in this final generation, then
so shall it be. You can read the details of how it will happen in this
9th chapter of John.
Jesus is about to perform the sixth
of the eight miracles or signs recorded in this Gospel of John, and it
has to do with being able to SEE. You see, if you are destined to have
your eyes opened in this final generation, then so shall it be. And you
can read the details of how it will happen in this 9th chapter of John.
Perhaps your eyes have already been opened. Or perhaps you're are just
now starting to "wash yourself" in His Word. Or then perhaps this
chapter won't make much sense to you at all, because in this final generation
of the fig tree none but God's elect have their eyes opened by Him. The
rest remain sound asleep.
(According as it is written, God hath
given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears
that they should not hear;) unto this day.
Let's begin chapter 9.
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man
which was blind from his birth.
Here was a man who was born physically
blind. But as we will learn, he was born that
way so that we can "see" how we are born spiritually blind.
And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or
his parents, that he was born blind?
question is, "WHY was this man born blind?
Was it because of his prenatal sin or his
parent's sin?" The answer to this question
is the key to understanding the meaning of this miracle, or "sign" as John
calls it. Actually,
there was nothing wrong with this man (see next verse), other than the
fact that he just couldn't SEE. (Well, perhaps his chosen lifestyle wasn't
the most desirable, but even in that, God
was able to make him well known, to fulfill
the purpose and destiny God had planned for Him.)
answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works
of God should be made manifest in him.
was PURPOSELY born blind so that the works of God should be made evident,
so that you and I can SEE how Jesus opens the eyes of His elect.
This blind man did not come seeking Jesus. There
was no altar call. He was not asked if he
wanted to see. Christ came to him and opened
his eyes because he was destined to have "eyes to see" and be delivered
up in the synagogue as a witness.
Note: If
you already have eyes to see then you know the blind man was chosen before
the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4) to fulfill the ministry to which
he was predestined. He may well even have
volunteered for the job while waiting, in heaven, for his turn to be born
here on earth in the flesh
I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh,
when no man can work.
When the "sun is darkened and the moon
no longer gives her light", i.e. at the 6th Trump when the true Light,
the truth, is removed because the false messiah, Satan the devil, is cast
from heaven to this earth (Rev. 12:7-9) and deceives the whole world into
believing he is Jesus, then the plowing and the seed planting will be over.
Only the harvest will remain.
In fact we are told to keep our mouths shut
when a passerby says, "Hey, isn't it great that Jesus is in Jerusalem?".
As long as I am in the world, I am
the light of the world.
When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle,
and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,
will learn the significance of all this after the next verse.
Just notice that
it is the Lord who has taken the initiative here.
The blind man
did not come to Him, He came to the blind man, to give him eyes to see.
And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation,
Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
It is
He, Jesus, the same Potter who formed man from the clay, who was made from
the living water and the dust of the earth, Who anoints the eyes of those
who are born innocent, yet blind from birth for a season, and through whom
the works of God are to be made manifest.
They indeed are His elect. It is He, Jesus
Christ, who then SENDS them forth to be "WASHED of water by the Word",
even the living water which flows forth from the Virgin, even the Word
of God. Ephes. 5:26 "That
he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word..."
AFTER being "Washed", no, AFTER washing himself, in the water, the Word
of God, he came back "Seeing".
the question is, "Do you bathe daily?" If
not, you are not only still blind, but for sure your theology stinks!
Note: There
was a symbolic reason why Christ told the blind man to go wash in the pool
of Siloam. It was not just a matter of convenience. Here are quotes from
two reputable Bible dictionaries on the topic "Siloam":
The source of the famous
"Pool of Siloam" is the above mentioned "Virgin's Fountain"...("Hastings
Dictionary of the Bible", Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, pg. 914.)
Also from Smith's Bible dictionary:
It has been lately proved,
by exploring, that the water flows from the Virgin's Fountain to Siloam;
and there is a remarkable ebb and flow.." ("Smith's Bible Dictionary",
A. J. Holman Company, pg. 288)
I'm sure you can "see" the significance.
One last thought.
If you go back and re-read verses 5 and 6 you can not help but notice the
order and similarity to Genesis chapter 1.First
the Light came into the world, then He formed the man from the clay of
the earth.
OK, we got us a man, blind from
birth, who has now had a remarkable change in his life. He
can now SEE! He has been touched, yes his
eyes have been anointed, by the very Word of God.
And guess what!
The neighbors have NOTICED the change!
The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was
blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?
Some have a hard time believing this
is one and the same person! Do you know the feeling?
Did you have a former lifestyle
before you were touched and anointed by Him, whereby you are now able to
Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he.
Hello there! Neighbor? Yes, it really
is me! No, I do not have a twin brother. (Hopefully they won't say, "Hey,
Do you remember the time we....", in front of everyone.)
Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened?
"So it really is you!
My, how you've changed! Tell us how your eyes
were opened?" (For God's elect the theme is
always the same as described in the next verse. But oh my, are some of
those details of their former lives ever something. Hey, I know. It takes
one to know one.)
He answered and said, A man that is
called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to
the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.
1. Jesus, the original Potter, prepared
new "seeing" eyeballs for the man.
2. He then mended the clay vessel,
whose eyes hadn't worked since birth.
3. He then told him to go clean
up his act and scrub-up in the Word.
And Behold,
"Eyes to See! No more darkness! A
new child of the day! One who could now see
the Light, the truth!"
Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not.
They now want to know where Jesus is.
Why do you suppose that is?
They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind.
Well lookie here! The
formerly-blind-but-now-with-eyes-to-see (FBBNWETS) man is DELIVERED up
in the synagogue. Imagine that!
Next we will get to SEE a "go-round"
between the kenites and one of God's elect.
Now I don't want to spoil it for you, but it is really not much of a contest
at all. You see, all that washing in the Word
causes wisdom to shine forth from His children of light.
Can you imagine what it must have
been like for the blind man when he had finished washing in the pool of
Siloam when he lifted up his head and wiped the water from his face with
his hands and then opened his eyes, and SAW for the FIRST TIME EVER!
Can you imagine the excitement he must have had? I'm sure he wanted to
see EVERYTHING he could.
I tell you of a truth, if you truly wash yourself in the Word of God you
will experience that same exhilarating feeling as you SEE things for the
FIRST TIME EVER! And you won't
be able to get enough. I know folks who have shouted out loud after finally
SEEING something for the First Time Ever.
I see it! I see it!" Of course the next words out of their mouths are usually,
"I can't believe I never saw this. It is right here in the Bible, plain
as can be. Why
isn't this stuff taught?"
And now back to our once-I-was-blind-now-I-can-see
(OIWBNICS) predestined friend who has just been delivered up before the
council in the synagogue. Oh, and guess what? Your not going to believe
this, but remember all the "flack" Jesus got for healing the man who was
impotent for 38 years because He healed Him on the Sabbath day? Well He
did it again on the Sabbath day. And these Sabbath keepers are going to
"raise Cain" about it, so to speak.
And it was the sabbath day when Jesus
made the clay, and opened his eyes.
Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight.
He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see.
"It was as easy a 1, 2, 3. He put clay
on my eyes, I washed, and now I do see!"
Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he
keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner
do such miracles? And there was a division among them.
The "some of the Pharisees" would be
those tares, the kenites, and they were the ones in charge, don't forget.
Others such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea
disagreed with their irrational logic, which was distorted by their religious
jealously and hatred.
They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath
opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet.
And Jesus was that Prophet of Deuteronomy
I will raise them up a Prophet from
among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth;
and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Now, were these "certain of the Jews"
happy for this man that he has now received sight? Oh no, just the thought
that this could be true was cause for concern. They couldn't "afford" to
have a prophet running around who performed miracles because people would
follow Him! And some people already were!
So they immediately went into their
"lawyer mode" and called forth their first witnesses to the stand.
But the Jews did not believe concerning
him, that he had been blind, and received his sight, until they called
the parents of him that had received his sight.
[19] And
they asked them, saying, Is this your son, who ye say was born blind? how
then doth he now see?
These folks were scared to death of
these Pharisees, because the word was out that if anyone did confess that
Jesus was the Messiah they would be EXCOMMUNICATED from the church.
This is typical of religions, yes even many "Christian religions". You
either believe what they teach or you're OUT!
We're not here to learn the truth. We are
here to perpetuate the church and collect tithes.
His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son, and that
he was born blind:
[21] But
by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who hath opened his eyes, we
know not: he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.
The parents were very careful in their
answers. Too bad they were intimidated
by the church leaders. They should have
said, "We don't know, but it sure is a miracle of miracles, isn't it!"
Instead, they took no position and said, "He's an adult, why don't you
ask him?"
9:22 These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews:
for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was
Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.
They threatened people. That's not
very God-like, is it?
Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him.
These witnesses are no help, "We re-call
the defendant back to the stand."
Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give
God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner.
"Now listen real good Mr. Canseenow.
We, the seminary degreed Pharisees, the obvious authorities in religious
and spiritual matters which should be evident to you not only by our high
ranking titles and positions in the temple, but also by our holy outfits
and dangling phylacteries, just happen to know that this Jesus is a sinner.
You see, He has on more than one occasion broken the Sabbath which we can
easily document right here in the official Talmud. So let us hear you simply
give God the praise for your restored sight, leaving this man out of it."
He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing
I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
The defendant, now on trial for
Jesus' sake, wisely avoided passing judgment and simply stated the incontrovertible,
uncontestable, irrefutable, plainly visible FACT that whereas he was once
blind, he could now see them! And from "hearing" them he was beginning
to SEE what kind of evil characters they were too!
Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes?
This is the famous lawyer trick of
asking the same question over and over again, hoping to "catch" just the
slightest variance in a minute detail, and using that to thereby discredit
the witness and then declare all of his or her testimony to be false.
And they certainly don't like it
if you don't "play their game" but rather make them look foolish for asking
the same question again and again.
He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore
would ye hear it again? will ye also be his disciples?
"I'm sorry. I all ready answered that
question and obviously you don't believe my testimony! So what difference
will it make if I tell you again? Will you change your minds and also be
His disciples?"
Oh Boy! This chosen-to-receive-sight
man, now with eyes that see, speaks boldly and without fear to these mighty
and powerful religious men. Do you think he was afraid, like his parents,
of being excommunicated? Of course not! These hypocrites have just excommunicated
themselves from the TRUTH. Who
would want to be a part of their church anyway after having your lights
turned on!
Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses'
This is so typical of their kind and
displays yet another of their MO's, "When you cannot argue substance,
then BLAST your opponent!" So they reviled him!
And now that they are "hot" under
the holy collar they accuse Him of the charge that is cause for his excommunication.
We know that God spake unto Moses:
as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.
Can you believe it? They
can't tell if a "good thing" is of God or not!
The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing,
that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.
"This is just incredible! You
guys are supposed to be men of God and know of His goodness.
And here is
a man who has performed a miracle and given me sight, and you DON'T KNOW
whether it is of God or not? You've got to be kidding! Are
you BLIND?"
Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper
of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
"And you so-called holy men of God
say you KNOW that He is a sinner and yet we know that God doesn't listen
to sinners?"
Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of
one that was born blind.
"Tell us, oh wise sages, do you know
of any adult in the history of the world that was blind from birth and
then someone came along and touched him and restored his sight?"
If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.
The obvious conclusion that this had
to be a man of God carries with it the implication that these Pharisees
were not too bright!
answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost
thou teach us? And they cast him out.
"You little twerp! You
are nothing but a low-class, low-life sinner. How DARE you give us a Bible
lesson, you, you.....YOUR OUT OF HERE!"
And so they excommunicated him because
they could not tolerate nor refute the wisdom and common sense from one
of God's elect. Big whoop!
Note: When
God's elect in THIS generation are delivered up to the synagogues, the
wisdom and common sense that they will speak will just as irrefutable as
the example set forth here!
But before all these, they shall lay
their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues,
and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
The delivering
up of those with eyes to see, i.e. God's elect, will once again be because
of Jesus Christ, for His name's sake.
And it shall turn to you for a testimony.
"That the works of God might be made manifest?" Now open your eyes wide!
If you are one of God's elect, then it is for this reason that you were
born blind, but now have eyes to see. Should you be intimidated or worried
about what you will do or say? Nah!
Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall
For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall
not be able to gainsay nor resist.
What a
time that will be! What an honor and privilege to have eyes to see and
ears to hear! But remember this: There is a REASON why He has opened your
if He has, then you have a destiny! Do you see?
Now we'll conclude chapter 9 of
the Gospel of John where Jesus has opened the eyes of a man who was born
blind, until the Light of the World came and touched him. He
is a type of God's elect who are also born blind (spiritually) but who,
like the physically blind man, are predestined to make manifest the works
of God.
So the questions are: Has
He anointed your eyes? Has He touched you?
Have you been washed, or are you washing,
in the pool of Siloam which flows from the Virgin's Fountain, i.e. His
Word, the Living Water?
Now it came to pass that the formerly
blind man, now with the new eyes to see that Christ had graciously given
him, was delivered up in the synagogue to give testimony of He who had
opened his eyes. In other words he was delivered up for His name's sake.
This again is the destiny of God's elect as foretold by Jesus Himself in
Matthew 24 and Mark 13. And this man's reward from the religious leaders
to whom he told the absolute truth, was to be excommunicated from the main
stream religion. But you can be sure that
he was delighted, for you see, he was not intimidated by the Pharisees
as were his parents, who were afraid of being put out of the church. Though
they had physical sight, they were still blind and are representative
of the many good people in our churches today who remain protected by the
spirit of slumber.
There is no question that the once
blind man believed in God as evidenced by his testimony to the Pharisees.
Now load John 3:16 into your mind before reading the next verse and remember
that Christ hadn't paid the price on the cross yet.
Jesus heard that they had cast him
out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on
the Son of God?
Here we see Jesus came again unto the
man and this time asked the question, "Do
you believe in the Son of God?" He did
not ask, "Do you believe in God?", but
rather in the Messiah.
He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?
He asked the Lord to reveal Him!
And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh
with thee.
And Jesus
said unto him, You have both SEEN Him (you
now have Eyes to See), and it is He that TALKETH
with thee (You now have Ears to Hear).
And he said, Lord, I believe. And
he worshipped him.
see, you must have eyes to see and ears to hear in order to truly "believe"
in the Son of God as it is written in John 3:16.
Just saying you believe doesn't make it!
And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which
see not might see; and that they which
see might be made blind.
elect are born blind and He gives them eyes to see, when He is ready, without
their even asking. And we will
learn from Jesus' other miracles that He will also give sight to those
of freewill who are blind but truly seek after Him. But
there are also many who already claim that they see, yet their eyes remain
And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said
unto him, Are we blind also?
This is
an important question and Jesus' answer allows us to "see" the reason for
the spirit of slumber that Isaiah and Paul talked about.
Here it is:
Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind,
ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.
We can understand that for those who
"claim to see" and set themselves up to lead and teach others their traditions
of men, thereby refusing the Light to enter in, that they are held responsible.
remember when we quoted Romans 11 concerning the spirit of slumber that
God has allowed to overshadow the people in this final generation?
Remember it is for their protection, because
our Father loves them, that because their sin in worshipping Satan when
he comes as the false-christ will be done in blindness, which means in
ignorance, it will not be counted as a sin unto death.
There eyes shall be remain closed
until the 7th Trump when all eyes will be opened and every eye shall see
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and
every eye shall see Him...
Finally, let's take a close-up look
at the massive and epidemic vision problem which has spread throughout
our land today. It is called CED, which
stands for Closed Eye Disease. But remember, it is curable and if you want
to have your eyes opened, you do not need a referral from your PCP or HMO.
You can see the Physician right now!
For the LORD hath poured out upon
you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and
your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
If you have ears to hear you can hear
snoring everywhere you go. And yes, our Father takes full credit for allowing
them to slumber.
And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is
sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I
pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
This is so classic. One
takes the Bible to a Doctor of Theology, a PhD, a seminary graduate, and
they cannot explain the simple Words of God, for to them it is a mystery!
They cannot see.
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this,
I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
One then takes the Bible and asks a
layman, perhaps a churchgoer of 30 years, to explain God's Word.
But they cannot for they think that you need a degree from a seminary.
And so we have the blind leading
the blind leading the blind.
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their
mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far
from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
Yes, the people go to church and repeat
in unison that stuff in the programs. Their lips move when they say praise
the Lord and Amen and Hallelujah. They even sing praises and hymns, but
their hearts aren't really in it. They
do not hunger for the bread nor thirst for the water.
what are they taught there?
They are taught
the traditions of men, precepts of men, which are not much more than mere
fairy tale stories of apples and snakes and nursery rhymes.
(Three Blind Ministers, three blind ministers, see how they run, see how
they run!)
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people,
even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall
perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
Just like it did when the man Jesus
elected to open his eyes confounded the Pharisees.
Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their
works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?
Woe to
those ministers and preachers who seek to hide, who REFUSE to take off
the sunglasses of traditions and continue to work in the dark.
Who sees them? You know Who sees
your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay:
for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the
thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
[17] Is
it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful
field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?
We won't always have this blindness
and darkness among us, though it shall get MUCH darker before the Dawn
of the new age rises at His return.
And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes
of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
Has this day arrived for you?
9th chapter of the Gospel of John has been a real "eye opener" for many.
And we now know who it is that opens our ears
that we might hear and our eyes that we might see. It
is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
To study the Bible is the noblest of all
pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the
guidance of the Holy
Spirit, you accomplish both.
Wisdom Series

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Here at the American Wisdom Series our goal is to make you think about and question the wisdom of the current:doctrine of many of our Christian churches, (The Man on a White Horse)
political direction of our country, (The Man on a Red Horse)
economic direction our country has taken, (The Man on a Black Horse)
and teaching of our schools and media, (The Man on a Pale Horse)
Four Hidden Dynasties of the New World Order Revelation
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
Did you know all four are
being ridden by Satan?