Presents THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TOJohn Chapter 13 Caution to students of God's Word - Please remember two things when using our studies: #1. Our commentary is not God's Word. It is only our interpretation or understanding of "His Word" and even though we try our best to be accurate we may or may not be correct. #2. The King James translation, or any other translation, of the original Hebrew text has some words which were given different translations at different places probably because of the interpreters preconceived ideas of what they think God meant to say. For example: According to the notes in the "Dake's Annotated Reference Bible" the Hebrew word hayah in the KJV is Trans. (became) 67 times, (becamest or came to pass) 505 times, (become) 66 times, and (come to pass) 131 times, but for some reason in Genesis 1:2 it is translated (was)! That sure changes the way a person perceives the original creation of the earth, doesn't it? Gen. 1:2 And the earth was (became) without form, ... Having said that, let us continue with our "Key Knowledge" lessons. These are pamphlets containing knowledge, we believe, you must have to fully and accurately unlock and understand the Word of God. John 15:26 This Bible Study was originally written by Roger
Christopherson, or here, as now edited by people at The American Wisdom Series Without the leading by the Holy Spirit, there is no understanding of the truths, for all the truth of the Scriptures are revealed to us by God's Spirit. Now here is our revised study of: JOHN Chapter 13 John 13 addresses the elect and the very elect, and it lets us know what we must do to function within the body of the Christ. John 13:1 "Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come that He should depart out of his world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end." Jesus knew that it was the end of His ministry and time to leave this flesh world, and fulfill the intended purpose that He came for. John 13:2 "And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him;" This is the time of the "last supper". In the expression; "the devil having now put into the heart of Judas," Do you think the devil can put something into your heart? You know he can. Let's look at this a little closer. If you know Satan and how he operates, then you know how he took Judas. He took Judas through his occupation, who was an apostle of Christ and the holder of the money bag. Satan worked on the one apostle that was the weakest, and Judas was the money handler. Judas thought that the one controlling the money, would control the power in Christ's new kingdom. This made Judas Satan's prime target. Judas saw the many miracles that Jesus had done over the past three years and he knew the power and authority that Jesus had. Judas knew that Jesus was the Messiah, and as such there would be no power that could stop Him. I feel that because of this, Satan used this in his deceiving of Judas into the betrayal of Jesus. Judas allowed Satan into his thoughts, and through those thoughts Judas was going to force Jesus into bringing about the second advent immediately. Judas thought that Jesus could have brought down tens of thousands of angels to protect Him, so there would be no damage in the betrayal. That is exactly how Satan tempted Jesus in Matthew 4. Satan, the devil tempted Christ with fame, and misinformation. He uses the scripture, only he twisted the scripture, and made the words a lie. He promised fame and glory, and Satan told of things that would happen that are directly against the prophecies of God's holy Word. Jesus knew the Word, and put down the devil's attacks, while Judas had all the frailties of flesh man. Remember that every one of the disciples turned against Jesus Christ and denied Him before Jesus went to and hung on the cross. Jesus hung on that cross alone. Can't you see Judas being tempted by old Satan, promising him that he would be the chief banker of the world, and all the promises of fame and glory that he would receive. When we look at most Christians of today, we see that it really doesn't take a very strong attack on them to get them to yield to temptation. However the time is coming shortly when the entire realm of Satan's demonic forces will zero in on all those that claim the name of Jesus. When that happens you had better have all your spiritual armor on, or you will also fall. The results of your acceptance of Satan's bargains is the fall of your soul. Satan's bargains can ruin your life. John 13:3 "Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He was come from God, and went to God;" Jesus knew that the plan of God would be fulfilled exactly as it was written, and no one had the power to interfere with that plan. The crucifixion would take place right at the appointed time. John 13:4 "He riseth from supper, and laid aside His garments; and took a towel, and girded Himself." To explain what Jesus did here, He put on the attire of a slave. Jesus took off His top clothing, and put on His work clothes, with a towel as an apron. John 13:5 "After that He poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded." After Jesus washed each of the disciples feet, He dried their feet with this towel that He was using as an apron. Jesus is showing His disciples the position that they will have within the kingdom of heaven, and while serving Jesus Christ here on earth. Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, "Thy God reigneth! " This is what these disciples would be doing, bringing the good tidings of salvation to all mountains, or nations; that published report is; "Thy God reigneth!" John 13:6 "Then cometh He to Simon Peter; and Peter saith unto Him, "Lord, dost Thou wash my feet?' Peter knew that Jesus was the Son of God. Peter did not want himself elevated in any way over his Lord and Savior, and especially to have Jesus dressed as a slave performing such an act to him. John 13:7 "Jesus answered and said unto him, "What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." Though Peter could not understand the full meaning of what was happening now, the time would come shortly when everything would become known to him. We read of the suffering that Christ would go through in the last chapter, when we quoted from Isaiah 53, however in Isaiah 52 it speaks of God's people and their beautiful feet that would carry and proclaim the message of salvation to all mankind. John 13:8 "Peter saith unto Him, "Thou shalt never wash my feet." Jesus answered him, "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me." Jesus laid it on the line with Peter; you do it My way, or I'm done with you. John 13:9 "Simon Peter saith unto Him, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head." When Jesus put it that way, Peter was ready to be washed all over. John 13:10 "Jesus saith to him, "He that is washed needeth no save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all." Keep in mind that the people wore open sandals at this time, and the roads and paths were dirty and dusty. You could be bathed and go visit you neighbor, and your feet would be dirty again. Jesus is pointing out here that when your feet need to be washed, or bathed it doesn't mean that your whole body needed to be bathed also. This had a two fold meaning here, there was one disciple there that his feet would never be clean, at that point. Jesus is telling His disciples that when you walk in Satan's hour on this earth; you will get some dirt on our feet where you walk. Meaning we all fall short from time to time and you had better all stick together, but when one falls short and yields to Satan, don't the rest of you jump on him, but lift him up. This is the whole point here. After Jesus will have risen and ascended into heaven, and then when a brother or sister in the Lord yields to an attack by Satan and his realm, that is the time to give support and help to the brother or sister. Lift him or her up from his depressed state of mind and heart. This is the whole center of Christianity. Christianity is not a religion, but it is a reality. The point that Jesus is making here, is that if one is down, let the one standing wash the feet of the fallen brother. That is the time to clean him up, and help him. Anytime you walk in the flesh, you will fall short. It doesn't matter that you are bathed in the blood of Christ, you will still get dirty feet that needs cleansing, or repentance. When you walk down this road of life in the flesh body you will get dirty, then Christ through your repentance will clean your feet [soul]. John 13:11 "For He knew who should betray Him; therefore said He, "Ye are not all clean." Jesus is telling the twelve disciples that are with Him that there is one in their group that has sin in his soul right now. John 13:12 "So after He had washed their feet, and had taken His garments, and was set down again, He said unto them, "Know ye what I have done to you?" After Jesus had gone to each of the disciples, and washed their feet individually, Jesus laid down the towel, and put his outer garments back on, and then Jesus asked the disciples; "Do you know why I did this?" John 13:13 "Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am." By the name, "Master and Lord" they are calling Jesus "teacher and the Son of God", and Jesus addresses the fact that this is right. Notice also in the verse the sacred name, "I am". John 13:14 "If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet." We don't have open toed sandals any more to walk on dirt roads, for this was only a lesson. It means that if the Master can forgive you at repentance, and help you up; then you walk in His ways, and when you call yourselves after Jesus' name be able to help the fallen one and pick him up. It seem that this is just the reverse today in many Christian circles; when the Christian brother falls, the whole bunch piles on him to kick him when he is down. In Church houses today there is a lot of games played, and out of the mess you have a little sheep steeling. Rather then showing unbelievers everywhere what Christianity is truly all about in setting that fallen one up, many lost this lesson of Christ's. Jesus lesson to us is wash his feet, and restore him to the flock, speaking symbolically. God's gifts are given freely, and all forgiveness is given at the repentance of the one that has fallen. John 13:15 "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." Jesus is telling them to humble yourselves and serve each other. John 13:16 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him." John 13:17 "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." If Jesus sends you to do a task for Him, can you, and will you faithfully do that task for Him? John 13:18 "I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me." This is why this chapter is directed to the elect. Though Jesus is directing attention to Judas, this is not just a spur of the moment happening, for Jesus knew exactly who would betray Him before Jesus even chose Judas as one of His disciples. This was written by the prophet David in Psalm 41, over a thousand years before it came to pass. Psalm 41:9 "Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, Hath lifted up his heel against Me." The bread is the "bread of Life", for Christ was the bread of life. When Judas "lifted up his heal against Me." is in reference to Genesis 3:15; "And I [God] will put enmity between thee [Satan] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [the Kenites] and her Seed [Jesus Christ]; It [Christ] shall bruise thy [Satan's] head, and thou [Satan through his children the Kenites] shalt bruise His [Christ's heel." Psalm 41:10 "But Thou, O Lord, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, That I may requite them." Our Lord is saying; "When I die on the cross, and they place Me in the tomb, raise Me up Lord." Psalm 41:11 "By this I know that Thou favourest me, Because mine enemy doth not triumph over me." As they slap Me around and spit on Me and whip Me, and gamble for My clothes, they cannot triumph over Me. Psalm 41:12 "And as for Me, Thou upholdest Me in Mine integrity, And settest Me before Thy face for ever." When Jesus came out of that tomb and arose to be with the Father; He now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Psalm 41:13 "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel From everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen, and Amen." To review now a little bit. Remember in John twelve the comment from the people was that they did not know that there would be a second advent [verse 34]. In response to this, Jesus gave them a Bible lesson from Isaiah 53, to show that the prophets did tell them of two advents, the First advent was Jesus coming as a lowly servant, and the second advent as the King of Kings. This first lesson that Christ is teaching his disciples in this chapter is that we will all get a little dirty, as we walk in the flesh on this earth, and when we do it is up to those that are strong to lift up the weak. Probably one of the largest problems in the church today, is divorce. When this happens to a person and that person has repented to God, Then God will forgive that person, and they have a clean white robe before the eyes of God. They are a new creature before God. When this repentant soul comes before fellow Christians within the local church, the response today is to keep that person down, and reduce that divorcee to a second class citizen. It seems today that every church system specializes in the way they treat these people "bad folk", and find it difficult to forgive and help. Yes they will let them enter the church, but they are limited in service and reminded to remember their place. My fellow Christian, that is not the example that Christ set for His disciples in washing their feet. When you heap judgment on that repented person, God is going to put your judgment of them, right back on your own head. You are in turn judging yourself. The severity you give to them, is exactly how God will judge you when you stand before Him on that day of judgment. The most beautiful thing about Christianity is when God forgives you, and the Savior saves you. Don't you let man judge you, for those men [women] that judge are the greatest sinners of all. That then is the time to separate your self from them, for they are not really Christian or following Christ's teaching. Christianity loses so much in the eyes of the unbeliever because of the stupidity and jealousy that is brought about in many churches today. To the unbeliever in the world, the church is what Christ is all about, and then when they see the hateful words and actions of the so-called believers, they want nothing to do with them. John 13:19 "Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am He." John 13:20 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth Me; and he that receiveth Me receiveth Him That sent Me." It is very important that we follow the examples that are set forth by Christ. What this is saying, is that when Christ tells you to do something, to plant a seed of truth, or do an act in spreading His Word, Do it. When those that God sends you to, refuse to receive you, then they are refusing Christ Himself. So to be doing His will, you must follow His path, and His example. When you do this then when they receive you, they also receive the father. John 13:21 "When Jesus had thus said, He was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray Me." Jesus then became troubled as He spoke, as He told His disciples outright that one of them would betray Him. John 13:22 "Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom He spake." You can just see the twelve looking at one another and even wondering in their minds whether it would be me. John 13:23 "Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved." The one that was loved was John, the writer of this gospel. John was a good man. However if it were written in English, as the prime language, it would describe how all of the men were sitting in a row, and as Jesus is talking, those to Jesus left and right had to lean so the others could see Him. What it is saying here is the John is on one side of Jesus, and Peter is on the other side. John 13:24 "Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom He spake." Peter doesn't want to be the one to ask Christ of whom He spoke, so He is asking the one on the other side of him to ask Jesus of whom He spoke. John 13:25 "He then lying on Jesus breast saith unto Him, "Lord, who is it?" Peter then leans back and faces Christ abreast and asked Jesus directly, "Lord, who is it." John 13:26 "Jesus answered, "He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it." And when He had dipped the sop, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon." Jesus did not speak Judas Iscariot's name, but took a morsel of bread, and dipped it and gave it to Judas, and thus He had identified to the others who the betrayer would be. John 13:27 "And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, "That thou doest, do quickly." Jesus knew what was in Judas' mind and that is why it is important to remember that you can't con God. He knows the very intent of your words, even when you can't express it, He understands. Remember back in verse when Jesus stated, "Ye are not all clean.", Well we see that it wasn't until after Jesus gave the order to Satan, that Satan the devil finally entered Judas for the betrayal. We should draw attention to the fact that Judas was unclean by entertaining thoughts of evil before hand, but the act could not be committed until the appointed time, as God planned out in His plan, and had it written by the prophets centuries of years prior. Once Judas started taking from the money bag, his mind started thinking in that direction. Satan then used those thoughts to force the issue of bringing the kingdom in right at this moment, in Judas' mind told him that this could make him the banker of the world. Did Judas want Jesus killed? When we see His repentive heart that comes later, it appears that Judas did not, however because of the greed within his mind, he allowed himself to become the one to be used in the betrayal. Judas knew that Jesus was the Son of God, and without a shadow of doubt in His mind, Judas knew that at Christ's request all the forces of heaven could be called for His protection. Judas believed in the power of God, but he did not know the Word of God. John 13:28 "Now no man at the table knew for what intent He spake this unto him." The others that were sitting around the table didn't know what Christ meant by what He was saying to them. John 13:29 "For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, "Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor." In the minds of the other disciples, they thought Judas was going to buy something for the feast, or give to the poor. However Judas was going to sell his loyalty to Jesus Christ. He was going to sell our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ for thirty pieces of silver. And as we will see later is that that thirty pieces of silver will buy the potters field. The potters field is the junk yard for broken pottery just outside the potters gate, for all the unfit and broken pots damaged during their making. It is the pottery unwanted by man, therefore it will be symbolic of the thirty pieces of silver that bought the whole field [the world] whereby our earthen vessels, made also of the elements of the earth, broken and discarded could be taken by Christ and put back together. When there seems to be no hope, there is hope. For He will take you, and put each part of your life back together. John 13:30 "He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night." This is the starting of the hour of darkness that would be coming to start the chain of events that would lead to Jesus Christ being tried and hung on the cross. John 13:31 "Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him." Picture in your mind, with this evil one gone [Judas possessed by Satan], Jesus could just sit back and relax and talk to those that were loyal and faithful to Him. It will be through the crucifixion that Christ would be glorified, and when Jesus is glorified, so also is the Father. Jesus is glorified when the sins of all repentive souls in the world are laid on Him, and then are brought back to the Father. John 13:32 "If God be glorified in Him, God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall straightway glorify Him." At the time of the Crucifixion, when Jesus Christ's blood was pouring from Him, the Spirit of God returned to the Father, and the vail was rent in the Temple, which separated the Holy of Holies. This made the approach to the Father open to all of us who would take part in the priesthood, which is the Christ. Our Heavenly Father shall be glorified indeed by this act of betrayal, for it starts the events of the promised sacrificial Lamb, that will take away the sins of many. John 13:33 "Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek Me: and as I said unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come; so now I say to you." Now that Judas is gone, look at the tenderness that Jesus is speaking to the eleven disciples there. John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." Jesus has just acted out this "new commandment" that He is giving His disciples. He has shown them that by serving one another in brotherly love, they are serving Him. Just as Jesus girded Himself with the towel, we are to girt ourselves with the Word of God, and His Word will never let us down. As Jesus washed and dried the feet of each disciple, is was to demonstrate how we are to uphold our fellow Christians when the see times of trouble, and it is to be done in the love and manner of God's Word. Jesus is telling these disciples to be good to one another, and love each other. This should be the prime thing that all Christians should have on their hearts and minds. We are to set the example, however we will also get a Judas in our midst now and then, and we are not to let someone walk over us. This is called the spirit of discernment, and we had better use common sense in dealing with others. Not every spirit that comes to us is of God and that is why it is important to learn to discern the spirits John 13:35 "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one toanother." "That you love one another" is your trade mark as a Christian. It is what separates you from all the others. It is what tells the world that you are set apart and different then them, for they are not bonded with a mutual love for one another. That is how you can tell a Christian. How do you wear your trade mark? Can the world tell there is a difference between your mark, and the worlds? John 13:36 "Simon Peter said unto Him, "Lord, whither goest Thou?" Jesus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow Me now; but thou shalt follow Me afterwards." Peter could not go where Jesus was going, because He was going to the right hand of God, and there was only one person that could fill that position; and that is Jesus Christ Himself. After Christ came out of the tomb, and ascended to the Father, then Christ's followers will come also to the throne of the Father later. Not to the right hand of the Father, but around and in the presence of God.Jesus is also saying here, that I have to go and prepare that for you. I have to pay the price first. Once the price is paid, and you have repented in Jesus name, and believe on His name, then you will be counted as perfect, just as He was, before the Father. John 13:37 "Peter said unto Him, "Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? I will lay down my life for Thy sake." In Peter's mind, he was totally committed to Jesus. John 13:38 "Jesus answered him, "Wilt thou lay down thy life for My sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied Me thrice." We will see that when Jesus is being whipped, spit on, and humiliated in every form, Peter did deny our Lord three times, and because of this it changed Peter for the insecure person that he was, to the very rock and foundation that Christ could build His church on. So Christ must first pay the price on the cross, and it had to be the cross, for that is what was written by the prophets of God. Then upon repentance, they could go to where Jesus would be, in heaven seated on the right hand of the Father. There is forgiveness of all sin at the cross of Christ, and no matter how deep you have fallen into sin, Christ will reach out to you and save you and turn your life around. But, it is you that must ask, and repent of your sin first, in Jesus name. Why in Jesus name? Because Jesus is the Lamb that was slaughtered as the perfect sacrifice for your sin. The heavenly Father tells us in His Word that Jesus shed blood is the only thing that will satisfy the debt that must be paid for your sin. Without that price paid, there is eternal separation for God, which will lead to the destruction of your soul, following the great white throne Judgment. American Wisdom Series Editor's Note: Now that we've completed this 2015 study of the "BOOK OF JOHN chapter 13" we have placed a earlier 2002 John chapter 13 study to follow for your comparison. I don't believe you will find much difference in the general opinion of these 2 authors, but to read another person's perspective of events that took place may prove helpful in your understanding of the gospel of John Pamphlet
When something is written of or spoken by the Word of God long before it comes to pass, and then we see it come to pass exactly as it is written, it makes His Word REAL, and it greatly increases our faith and trust in Him. We have now come to the Preparation Day, the 14th day of Nisan, our Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. This is the day of the crucifixion. What do you mean you thought Jesus was crucified on Good Friday? Where did you get that idea? (We'll discuss this later in this Gospel of John.) We now join Jesus and His disciples at what is known as "The Last Supper". He is about to teach them and set forth an example of how they, as disciples of Christ and soon to be apostles sent forth to carry the gospel, should treat one another. What an attitude! Don't miss what is being said in this verse. Jesus knew that His hour was come and this was His last supper, and that He was going to be betrayed and tried and crucified. Yet, He did not "run scared" or become "self-absorbed" in the awful set of circumstances that awaited Him. Instead, He cared for and was concerned about His disciples, both then and now, even the one who had already cut a deal with the sons of Cain to betray Him, and He loved and taught them right "unto the end".John 13:1 This does not mean that they were finished eating supper. It just means that supper was "done being served" to them. Most translations will read "during supper". And we see that Satan has already "won over" Judas by placing $$$$ in his mind, for he was a lover of money, and even the "keeper of the bag", i.e. treasurer (Jn. 12:6).[2] And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him; But remember back a few chapters in John 6:70-71 that Jesus stated that He chose all twelve of the disciples, even Judas, who was chosen to betray Him? Judas' betrayal therefore, was in the plan of God. This verse prepares our minds, in reminding us who Jesus is, that He was given all power, and that He was indeed the Messiah come from God, and that He would rise again and be glorified and ascend to the right hand of the Father. Now watch what the Son of God does next.[3] Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He stands up and takes off His outer garments and then ties a towel around His waist like the apron of a servant, i.e. He has taken on the garment of a slave. He then pours water into a basin and proceeds to wash the feet of His disciples.John 13:4 It is important to note that He only does this to and for His disciples, and not to the multitudes or the Pharisees, but only those who serve Him and who would walk forth and carry the gospel to the world. And because Jesus was the Word of God, you can be sure the feet of those disciples, though they had been made dirty by this flesh world, were a beautiful sight to Him indeed (though not the actual feet but the loved ones to whom they were attached). How do we know? He had it written long ago by His servant He sent forth, whose name "Isaiah" means "the salvation of Yah". (It is also quoted in Rom. 10:15): Yes, His servants, His watchmen, shall lift up the voice.saiah 52:7 So Jesus, in the role of servant to His disciples, washes their feet.8] Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion. He also washed the feet of the one who would betray Him, even Judas. Then he comes to Mr. Simon Peter:John 13:5 "You've got to be kidding, Lord! YOU are going to wash MY feet?", says Peter, the lively disciple.[6] Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? "You'll understand shortly, Peter."7] Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. "No way", says Peter, "YOU are never going to wash MY feet."John 13:8 This short precise ultimatum by Jesus quickly flipped the mind of this "creature of extremes" to the outer limit of the other side. "Well if that's the case Lord, then I'll take the deluxe service and you can wash my hands and head too!", said the big lovable fisherman, no doubt with a smile and a grin on his face.13:8 cont. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. This verse has a two meanings, the first being documented in verse 11 and the second in verses 14 - 17. They are:[9] Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. (1) The present body of twelve disciples, were all clean but one, Judas. (2) He that is already bathed only needs to wash his feet. Put this in perspective of Christ's era when folks walked around with sandals. Even though you may have just bathed, by the time you walk to dinner along the dusty trail, your feet are already dirty again. You see, as long as we are in the flesh our feet are going to get dirty. But the lesson being taught here has nothing to do with actual dirty feet (as we will see). It means that even though we've been baptized and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, we are going to fall short and need to have "our feet washed". Jesus performed a "physical" act to demonstrate a "spiritual" principle, i.e. to give them a visual PICTURE to SEE and understand the teaching He was about to give them.John 13:11 Here it is: There is no doubt whatsoever that Jesus is Lord and Master. (Note the use of the sacred name again, "I AM".)[13] Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I AM. If Jesus washes the dirty feet of those who serve Him, we should also wash the dirty feet of those who serve Him. He does not mean to literally get a bowl of water and wash their feet. Again, that was an illustration, a picture to help us understand the spiritual application. (He already said that one among them was not clean, and He wasn't talking about physical dirt, but sin.)[14] If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. When you see a disciple, one of His servants, who is one who has "bathed", but now having "dirty feet", do you "wash them" for them. Are you willing to dress the part, and be a servant to them, and wash their dirty, probably stinky, feet? Jesus Christ set the example for us.[15] For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Note: Some churches have an actual foot washing ceremony because of verse 15. However, Jesus wasn't telling us to actually wash each other's feet, either ceremonially or on a daily basis, which is how often our footsies need to be washed. The instruction had absolutely NOTHING to do with feet. Is it wrong therefore for a church to have a foot washing ceremony? Notice the use of the word apostolos, i.e. "sent", in this verse. This drives home the point of verse 14: Is not the Lord greater than His servants? Are you one of His servants? So if He is willing to wash the feet of His disciples, the sent forth ones, so ought we.John 13:16 We must first understand these things. Then, having obtained the knowledge, we can be happy, meaning blessed, if we "do them". James has a nice way of elaborating on this.[17] If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. You can leave a foot washing ceremony this way, having washed someone's feet, yet never having ever washed someone's feet.James 1:23-24 So far in chapter 13 we learned that Jesus Christ was willing to be a servant and wash the feet of those who would carry forth the Gospel. This we must all be willing to do, and in fact must DO, if we are to be blessed. To wash someone else's feet requires humility on each other's behalf, and we saw that Peter at first wasn't willing to have his feet washed. So while one must be willing to be a "washer", the other must be willing to be a "washee". And we are NOT instructed to then start washing the rest of the person, because to be baptized once, washed all over, is sufficient. But we all get dirty feet and need to repent, and as brothers and sisters we must wash each other's dirty feet. (as in help each other over come sin.) Then Jesus told us in verse 17 that we are happy, i.e. blessed, if we "do" these things, and follow His example. He then redirects the subject back to the one who would betray Him, Judas Iscariot. Jesus is quoting from Psalm 41:9, the scripture He is about to fulfill.John 13:18 Now notice the DETAIL of the prophecy of this event of the Last Supper. Is this not incredible? How could one's faith not be made stronger when they read of that which was written a thousand years before coming to pass with such precision?Psalm 41:9 Judas lifted up his heel against Jesus by delivering up Messiah's heel to the serpent and his children of disobedience who bruised His heel, even nailed it to the cross, according as it was prophesied back in Gen. 3:15.[10] But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them. Again, when something is written of or spoken by the Word of God long before it comes to pass, and then we see it come to pass exactly as it is written, it makes His Word REAL, and it greatly increases our faith and trust in Him.Genesis 3:15 John 13:19 All those whom He sends speak His voice, even His word.[20] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. This got the troops stirred up![21] When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. Before reading the next three verses (especially in archaic 1611 English) it might help to understand where everyone involved is sitting. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, is seated to Jesus' right and Judas is seated to Jesus' left (how fitting indeed). Peter is then seated beyond Judas. Now as verse 13 declares they are all looking around at each other in bewilderment, wondering who Jesus is talking about. John, since he can't see those on the other side of Jesus, then leans forward in front of Jesus and makes eye contact with Peter, who tells John (since John is right there in front of Jesus' bosom) to ask Him who it is. John then leans back toward Jesus with his head across Jesus' shoulder and says, "Lord, who is it?"John 13:22 [23] Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. [24] Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. Don't you just love how the King James Version reads?[25] He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? Jesus now identifies the betrayer. A "sop" is a morsel, or a piece of "bread". And so the prophecy of Psalm 41 came to pass both physically, as Judas took of His bread, and spiritually in that Jesus was the "bread" of life.John 13:26 Jesus has already appealed to Judas' conscience several times by stating that "they [the disciples] are not all clean" (vs. 11) and that He "speaks not of you all" (vs. 18). None of the disciples apparently picked up on it, but Judas knew he had already made a deal with the Pharisees. Jesus then appealed to Judas' heart when He handed him the piece of bread, outwardly marking him as the betrayer. This act of exposure triggered the hardening of Judas' heart, which allowed Satan to add fuel to the evil thoughts already burning in his mind.[27] And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. Now, please don't take this next
comment as a defense of Judas or his actions.
But Judas here is not thinking that delivering Jesus is going to result
in a brutal crucifixion. He is thinking about the big bucks he stands to
gain for the simple act of identifying Jesus (Mat. 26:15). Who knows,
he may have taught; Maybe something good might even come out of it. Those
are just the kinds of thoughts Satan places in one's mind to justify and
rationalize their deeds. He makes it all sound good, just like he told
Adam and Eve that they would be as gods. Sounds good, huh?
Note:Are you sure all your, non physically triggered, thoughts come from Christ? Or, are some of them from Satan? Do you check them out, as to their origin, with the Word of God?Are they Holy, or are they profane? Later on, after the crucifixion, Judas returned the money, repenting for what he had done. Matthew 27:3-4 "Then Judas, which had betrayeth him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, [4] Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that." Anyway, Jesus knew the thoughts of Judas and so He told him to go do his dirty deed quickly. Now you may be wondering by now how it is that these disciples just don't "get it"? The only reason we understand is because we're reading all this after the fact. We already know how and in what manner Judas betrayed Christ, and how and in what manner He was murdered. But at this point the disciples have no idea of the brutal crucifixion that Jesus is about to go through (vs. 36), nor do they know "what" the betrayal actually is. So we could say that they are all naively innocent which accounts for their thoughts in the next verse.John 13:28 The disciples may not have figured it out yet, but we see because it had to do with "Judas" they immediately thought it had something to do with "money". However, Judas sure knew.[29] For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor. Done.Scripture fulfilled![30] He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night. The hour has arrived for the Son of man to be glorified, which also glorifies the Father.John 13:31 Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him. [32] If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him. He told the Jews in John chapter 7 and chapter 8:[33] Little children, yet a little while I AM with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come; so now I say to you. Jesus now tells His disciples to love one another.John 7:33 And He loved them enough to wash their dirty feet. This we should also do one to another, even as He set the example for us, for we all sin in the flesh and fall short of the glory of God. Perhaps it is easy to love someone who has no faults. It is quite another matter to love someone who, spiritually speaking, has gotten "dirty feet".John 13:34 Too often Christians act like chickens in a chicken house. Those who have witnessed this will agree that it is a awful sight to behold. You see, when a chicken gets hurt and begins to bleed, the other chickens not only don't help it, but they take turns pecking its back until it eventually dies. On the other hand, people will surely notice that you are not His disciples, i.e. not very Christian like, if you go around pecking your brothers and sisters when they begin to bleed a little or get dirty feet.[35] By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. This documents what we said about the disciples not realizing the awful sequence of events about to befall the Messiah. However, Jesus knew that Peter would follow Him after He was crucified. Remember when they first met and Jesus said to Peter, "Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone" (Jn. 1:42). Peter would prove to be a "rock solid" apostle, and Christ knew it all along.John 13:36 So we see that Peter loved Jesus very much and was willing to do anything for Him. Though Peter was sincere in His intent he is about to learn a most humbling lesson, and not for him only, but for all of us that we may see ourselves in Peter's shameful experience and cry out with him.[37] Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake. When Jesus Christ, the Word of God, says a thing will happen, one thing is for sure... It will happen![38] Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. To study the Bible is the noblest of all
pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the
guidance of the Holy
Spirit, you accomplish both.
The American Wisdom Series
Published by: Rhine
Publishing Co.
doctrine of many of our Christian churches, (The Man on a White Horse) political direction of our country, (The Man on a Red Horse) economic direction our country has taken, (The Man on a Black Horse) and teaching of our schools and media, (The Man on a Pale Horse) The Four Hidden Dynasties of the New World Order Revelation 6:1-8 "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" Did you know all four are being ridden by Satan? |