The Massorah.

This Is Appendix 30 From The Companion Bible.

All the oldest and best manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible contain

on every page, beside the Text (which is arranged in two or more

columns), a varying number of lines of smaller writing, distributed

between the upper and lower margins. This smaller writing is called

the Massorah Magna or Great Massorah, while that in the side

margins and between the columns is called the Massorah Parva or

Small Massorah.

The illustration given below is a reduced facsimile of a Hebrew

Manuscript (16.25 x 12.375), written in a German hand, about the

year A.D. 1120.

The small writing in the margins in this particular Manuscript is

seen to occupy seven lines in the lower margin, and four lines in the

upper; while in the outer margins and between the three columns is

the Massorah Para.

The word Massorah is from the root masar, to devliver something

into the hand of another, so as to commit it to his trust. Hence the

name is given to the small writing referred to, because it contains

information necessary to those into whose trust the Sacred Text was

committed, so that they might transcribe it, and hand it down


The Text itself had been fixed before the Massorites were put in

charge of it. This had been the work of the Sopherim (from saphar,

to count, or number). Their work, under Ezra and Nehemiah, was to

set the Text in order after the return from Babylon; and we read of it

in Nehemiah 8:8 1 (compare Ezra 7:6,11). The men of "the Great

Synagogue" completed the work. This work lasted about 110 years,

from Nehemiah to Simon the first, 410-300 B.C.

The Sopherim were the authorised revisers of the Sacred Text;

and, their work being completed, the Massorites were the authorised

custodians of it. Their work was to preserve it. The Massorah is

called "A Fence to the Scriptures," because it locked all words and

letters in their places. It does not contain notes or comments as such,

but facts and phenomena. It records the number of times the several

letters occur in the various books of the Bible; the number of words,

and the middle word; the number of verses, and the middle verse;

the number of expressions and combinations of words, etc. All this,

not from a perverted ingenuity, but for the set purpose of

safeguarding the Sacred Text, and preventing the loss or

misplacement of a single letter or word.

This Massorah is not contained in the margins of any one

Manuscript. No Manuscript contains the whole, or even the same

part. It is spread over many Manuscripts, and Dr. C.D. Ginsburg has

been the first and only scholar who has set himself to collect and

collate the whole, copying it from every available Manuscript in the

libraries of many countries. He has published it in three large folio

volumes, and only a small number of copies has been printed. These

are obtainable only by the original subscribers

When the Hebrew Text was printed, only the large type in the

columns was regarded, and small type of the Massorah was left,

unheeded, in the Manuscripts from which the Text was taken.

When translators came to the printed Hebrew Text, they were

necessarily destitute of the information contained in the Massorah;

so that the Revisers as well as the Translators of the Authorised

Version carried out their work without any idea of the treasures

contained in the Massorah; and therefore, without giving a hint of it

to their readers

This is the first time an edition of the Authorised Version has been

given containing any of these treasures of the Massorah, that affect

so seriouly the understanding of the Text. A vast number of the

Massoretic notes concern only the orthography, and matters that

pertain to the Concordance. But many of those which affect the

sense, or throw any additional light on the Sacred Text, are noted in

the margin of The Companion Bible.

Some of the important lists of words which are contained in the

Massorah are also given, videlicet, those that have the

"extraordinary points" (Appendix 31); the "eighteen emendations"

of the Sopherim (see Appendix 33); the 134 passages where they

substituted Adonai for Jehovah (see Appendix 32); and the Various

Readings called Severin (see Appendix 34). These are given in

separate Appendixes; but other words of any importance are

preserved in our marginal notes.

Readers of The Companion Bible are put in possession of

information denied to former generations of translators,

commentators, critics, and general Bible students.

For futher information on the Massorah see Dr. Ginsburg's

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, of which only a limited edition

was printed; also a small pamphlet on The Massorah published by

King's Printers.


1 The Talmud explains that "the book" meant the original text;

"distinctly" means explaining it by giving the Chaldee paraphrase;

"gave the sense" means the division of words, etc. according to the

sense; and "caused them to understand the reading" means to give

the traditional pronuciation of the words (which were then without

vowel points).