If Conventional
Biblical Teaching
Fit or Make Sense to You,
lay aside conventional church
and consider what you are about
to read.
You will be amazed.
Based on the following,
all of a sudden,
everything you read in the Word
of God
will become clear.
It fits!
It makes sense!
The reason being,
I want you to search God's Word.
Let the Holy Spirit be your
and every time you run across
a Bible verse that backs what I write,
you will say to your self,
"why did I not learn this in
my church?"
From that day forward
you will never forget the truths
the Holy Spirit leads you to,
and you will be a better Christian
for it.
What you are about to read
may be new to you.
If so,
try to be open minded and absorb
that which has been hidden,
the mysteries,
from before the foundation of
this world.
Before the earth ever was,
while as yet He had not made
the earth,
nor the fields,
nor the highest part of the
dust of the world,
wisdom alone was with our Father,
and He was alone,
which is to say,
He was lonely.
So He created,
brought forth,
His children,
the souls of the sons of God,
and gave to each of them "free
It is at that time,
you and I came into existence,
long before this flesh age,
long before He placed you and
me in that embryo in our mother's wombs.
He then created this beautiful
to be inhabited,
and the "stars" of heaven,
His sons,
shouted for joy.
And so we did inhabit this perfect
our beautiful home,
until one named Lucifer began
to take charge
and usurp the authority of our
He was so successful in his conniving
that he drew
one third of God's children (our brothers
and sisters)
away from Him.
Our Father gave this one,
every opportunity to repent
and change his ways,
but he would not.
An ensuing conflict followed
and some of God's children
stood against this 'dragon'
and were loyal and faithful to God.
judgment was passed and Satan
(Lucifer) was sentenced to die,
to perish.
And so it is,
he is called the son of perdition,
the son who will perish, even
Our Father, in His love for His
delayed the judgment of the
rest of his children.
He instituted a plan of reconciliation,
of salvation,
to bring back those who had
followed Satan
as well as those who just didn't
care one way or the other.
He declared long ago,
that plan of salvation is written
in the "heavens which are now"
and contained within the pure
including the virgin birth
and the man Child who would
be brought forth as Savior.
But as with all of God's works,
especially His word,
man has succeeded in perverting,
and hiding, the truth,
to point at which it becomes
a mystery.
So we come to Gen 1:2 where God
overthrew Satan
and destroyed the "world that
then was",
the age to which the fossils
and the remains of dinosaurs belong.
He literally knocked this planet
off of its true axis
and out of its perfect orbit,
whereby it became completely,
and utterly, void and desolate.
We, the sons of God were not
in our flesh bodies at that time
and we returned to heaven at
the overthrow of Satan,
the "katabole" in Greek.
He then re-created the earth
and brought forth the "flesh"
and his mate the "womb man",
created in the likeness and
image of God and we, the angels.
In other words,
we look like ourselves in the
Prior to this earth age,
the only death we had ever seen
was the death of animals.
The flesh man of this earth age
is God's method of teaching
us the consequences of sin.
Allowing us to realize the consequences
of following satan,
giving us an opportunity to
save our souls,
if not now,
then, during the millennium,
when we will have first hand
knowledge of both worlds.
Flesh man was then instructed
to go forth and replenish
the earth,
not plenish it,
for it had been populated before.
It was decreed for all of God's
children to pass through this earth age,
born of woman,
born innocent, i.e.
"it is given unto all men to
die once",
in the flesh of course.
You see,
when we are born in the flesh
we have no knowledge of the
events that occurred
in the "world that then was".
That is what born innocent means.
Our minds are blank.
We are free to chose whether
to follow God or Satan.
Of course some of us already
chose to follow God
in the "world that was"
and stood against Satan.
Therefore God chose them (predetermined,
predestinated them),
having justified them,
to be used by Him as the remnant
and His elect,
down through the allotted time
of history,
to bring about His plan.
Do you now see how Paul's statement
in Ephesians 1:4 makes so much sense,
when he says,
"we (God's elect) where chosen
before the foundation of this world,
that we should be holy and blameless
before Him in love?"
It remains a "mystery" to the
(Some of us were saved in the
first earth age by choosing to remain faithful to God during Satan's rebellion)
God then, after He had created
the "ethos",
the races, the nations, on the
sixth day, rested on the seventh.
On the eighth day He formed Adam
and his wife Eve
to be the "tillers of the ground",
to prepare and make ready for
the Savior of the world.
For it would be through their
the children of Adam and Eve,
that Jesus Christ would be born.
Satan knew that.
So what did he do?
He immediately tried to thwart God's plan.
He seduced mother Eve!
Not into eating an apple (the
word apple is not found in the Book of Genesis)
but into bringing forth his
Satan's son.
That is why you will not find
Cain in Adam's genealogy
in chapter 5 of Genesis.
He has his own in chapter 4.
He was not Adam's son!
It is a mystery?
What happened in the fig grove
has been hidden for a long time.
In fact, it's interesting that
the very word "fig",
according to Webster's dictionary,
also means "hidden",
the expression being "it is
a fig".
But remember the Parable of the
Tares in Matthew 13?
Jesus Christ explained
how the "children of disobedience",
Satan's children, the sons of
Cain (Kenites),
the tares,
came about.
His explanation IS NOT a parable.
The parable was given earlier.
This is the simple truth.
Matthew 13:37-39
He answered and said unto them,
He that soweth the good seed is the Son of
[38] The field is the world;
the good seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the wicked
[39] The enemy that sowed them is the devil;
the harvest is the end of the world;
and the reapers are the angels.
It remains a "mystery" to the world.
After Cain,
the first murderer,
killed Abel,
God raised up Seth to continue
Adam's progeny.
Then as Adam's family grew,
Satan had his loyal followers,
the wicked sons of God,
leave their "first habitation",
and come directly to earth,
without being born of woman.
That violated God's decree
and thus they sealed their eternal
These sons of God took to wife
the daughters of Adam
and that union produced the
"gibor", giants.
Only Noah and his family
were left undefiled by these
sons of God,
i.e. had maintained a pure pedigree.
Our Father brought about the
flood of Noah
to rid the earth of these menacing
Noah's flood was not world wide.
The signs of flood that we see
in other parts of the world
are from Lucifer's flood
at the end of the world of old.
there was yet another influx
of fallen angels
following Noah's flood.
Those later giants awaited the
children of Israel
in the promised land.
Remember when the spies of Joshua came back and reported giants?
who was 13 feet tall,
was one of the last of these
giants that we read of in the Bible.
(Evidence that giants once roamed the earth
are plentiful if you care to research.
Start with Easter Island and the shores of
Throughout the Old Testament
we read of Satan's attempts
to thwart God's plan,
his attempts at Abraham and
Judah and his troubles, etc.,
etc., etc.,
until finally Satan brings about
the crucifixion of Christ,
the bruising of His heel, as
prophesied in Genesis 3:15.
(Some of us are saved in this
earth age, by claiming the blood of Christ to wash away our unfaithfulness)
We will be part of the first
receive eternal life,
and become Christ's training
assistants during His millennial reign,
teaching righteousness to our
brothers and sisters.
We are now about to enter into
a new era,
the Millennial reign of Jesus
Christ and His saints.
But before we do,
we will witness the entering
a grand entrance to be sure,
of the false messiah,
Satan himself,
who will bring about his one
world political (and religious) system.
As Paul taught in 2 Thes 2,
he will stand in Jerusalem claiming
to be Christ returned
and effectively convincing the
entire world by performing wonders and miracles in the sight of men.
Accompanying him will be his
those sons of God in Gen. 6
that we just discussed.
It is written and declared by
Jesus Himself...
"as it was in the days of Noah,
so shall it be before His return...
they will be eating and drinking,
and giving and taking in marriage".
Now you know who.
There is so much more.
We have but briefly covered
some of the "mysteries" which Paul taught.
But contained therein are the
to so many questions that mainstream
Christianity struggles with.
For instance,
how is it that God could have
hated (loved less by comparison)
Esau and loved Jacob while they
were yet in their mother's womb?
(Anyone with children will tell
you that new born babies have different personalities
"right out of the gate".
But of course!)
How is it that God named Jeremiah and others before they were born?
How is it that Paul could say we were chosen before the "katabole"?
It is so simple.
Our Father knew us from before,
long ago.
We are His children.
We were with Him before we came
to dwell (tabernacle)
for a short time in this flesh
It will die and decay and we
will RETURN to the Father
(unless of course we are alive
and remain at the second coming of Christ.
Then we will be changed instantly,
in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye,
into our spiritual bodies.
Remember Paul said in 1 Cor.
"behold I show you a mystery,
we shall not all sleep").
And so it is easy to see how
Paul becomes very humbled
because of the grace and the
greatness of the revelation of the plan of God
(now no longer a mystery)
We will all spend the millennium,
in spiritual bodies,
having experienced life in flesh
separated from God.
While Satan is locked in the
pit for one thousand years,
we all,
even the ones of us who went
through the earth age
without coming to know the Lord,
will learn to appreciate what
Christ has done for us.
At the end of the one thousand
when Satan is released for a
little while,
we will all be tested.
(Some of us will be saved at the end of the millennium after passing the test)
If we remain faithful to the
we will receive eternal life
(this is the second resurrection).
But if we again give in to Satan's
evil temptations we,
just like Satan who has already
been sentenced,
will perish.
We will be consumed from within,
and be no more,
for God is a consuming fire!
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