American Wisdom Series asks
Pamphlet #10001
Boiling Frog Syndrome!
Most of our churches are being managed and run by Kenites,
i.e. decendants of Satan's son Cain
and his wife or wives from God's sixth day of creation.
They are building "Mystery Babylon"
Link to-
Mystery Babylon
You can't throw him in hot water!
He'll jump right back out!
To boil a frog you must first place him
in cool comfortable water.
He will stay in the kettle.
Then, turn the heat up slowly;
being cold blooded
he will remain comfortable,
staying in the water
even though it is getting hotter.
Without even knowing he's in trouble;
you guessed it!
Boiled Frog!
Over the years the Kenites have this has led us to
Our education system, i.e. schools and news media,
are rebuilding
our government,
our economy,
and our churches
as you would boil a frog!...Preserve, Protect, and Defend
We the "Boiled Frog Society"
citizens of these Christian nations of the world
"The Water is getting Hot"
Our government is slowly taking away our freedoms (life, liberty and the persuit of happiness).
Our schools and news media are slowly taking away our knowledge of our creator.
Our churches have slowly started teaching less and less from the Bible, instead substituting their man made traditions.
Our economic systems have slowly been eriding our currence, our buying power.
Do you have Boiling Frog Syndrome?
People with "Boiling Frog Syndrome"
are all those:
Who blindly follow, re-elect, politicians who promise and give us perks they have stolen from others of us only to win re-election.
Who blindly follow church doctrines as now being taught.
Who blindly support our credit system of economics.
Who blindly continue to send our children into a public education that has declared God to be the enemy.
"We the People"
Are not cold blooded biologically
but, we sure are mentally
we don't even realize that the country
our Christian founding fathers fought for,
won and organized is
slowly slipping from our grasp.
In 1776 they won independence from England and formed a new nation based on individual freedom
for the average citizen;
recognizing that we have
inalienable God given rights
that can not be denied by government.
In 1865 those freedoms were
extended to include our brothers of color.
From 1868 until 1913 we all lived free.
In 1913 after the income tax amendment was ratified; politicians with our hard earned money, in their government coffers,
started the era of big government.
Since 1913 we have been turning our lives over to our government, slowly at first but, since the Depression and the Second World War, at ever expanding speed.
It is laws restricting hard earned freedom passed by both
Republican and Democratic politicians and rulings by courts appointed
by Republicans and Democrats
that are the culprits.
For the past 100 years we have been
sliding down the slippery slop to serfdom or slavery.
At the current rate of decent
we'll be answering to a dictator
in 30 years or less.
We must stop the slid down
this slippery slope of tyranny
while we still can.
By putting the Bible back into our churches and schools and court houses.
"We the People"
Citizens of the Christian nations of the world, i.e. "The former House of Israel"
We should know better
We had better jump out of the water
"stop supporting any church that does not teach the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, rightly dividing the "Word of Truth"
Before we're Boiled
Loosing are rights free gift of Salvation as given to us by our Lord.
"Change the Burners; Put Out the Fire"
Join Bible teaching churches, but not just in name only.
Elect new and different representatives
Who are taking us towards doom
Vote Truth as taught by our Lord in His Word.
Churches who believe in and know the difference
between what is holy(Jesus) and what is profane(Satan)
If we continue to support the systems as they have been and are being set up by Satan's children, the Kenites.
I fear for our future.
I call on good Bible believing Christians
whatever your race or nationnality
the rich and the poor,
the strong and the weak,
from our smallest towns,
to our largest cities,
all of us living in Pennsylvania
and out of Pennsylvania
to change your priorities;
become a member of the Christ's Elect;
become a principled bneliever
for Local office,
for County office,
for State office,
for National office;
You don't want to become a candidate?
You can still help!
work to help elect
principled Constitution Party candidates;
help us pass out literature
help us man polling places on election day
help us by making phone calls
vote for
Principled Constitution Party candidates.
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