#7140  The American Wisdom Series

 Our job as Christians is to influence culture based on what the Bible teaches!

All too often the so-called Christian church is influenced by culture rather than doing what it should be doing; That is the church should be influencing culture. We hear a lot of talk these days, from our government about freedom of worship. But not much is said about freedom of religion. There is a big difference!

Freedom of worship is what takes place on Sunday morning in a church building. Freedom of religion, at least the Christian religion, is the ability to live our lives according to what the Bible teaches every day.

Well you say, "I'm going to vote pro-life", and you should, but you also need to do your part to create a culture of life and the sanctity of human life every day for the remainder of your life. Our responsibility as Christians does not end at the ballot box.

That human life that was started at the moment of conception has every right to live. Absolutely nothing short of the life of the mother should be considered in making a choice to or not to abort!

It is also true that the church has allowed culture to influence its stance on homosexuality. Christians should be influencing how culture stands on same sex marriage based on what the Bible says about it. We should be telling people what Christ had to say, on the subject of homosexuality. He said, "Remember Lot's Wife". Should you hate a person who indulges in homosexual acts. No, you should show love for that person by telling him or her to Remember Lot's Wife!
WITH ALL THE TALK LATELY ABOUT GAY LIFESTYLES AND GAY MARRIAGE, ETC. I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK ABOUT WHAT JESUS SAID IN Luke 17:32, "Remember Lot's wife" WHEN TALKING ABOUT HIS RETURN. Yep! It happened the first time at Sodom and Gomorrah and it's about to happen again!

Genesis 19:24 "Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven:"



Remember our job as Christians is not to judge an individual. Our job is to influence culture based on what the Bible teaches!

It's sad but true; Many, no, the majority of so-called Christians and the churches they attend are following the lead of culture and pushing the Word of God away from the center of their lives. Society is biased, that's a fact, but the so-called Christian church needs to wonder if it has indeed lost, by its lack of taking a stance on Biblical truths concerning the major issues of this 21st. century?  

America has reached a delicate tipping point, and only God knows which way she will tip.  Our freedom to choose our own leaders is no longer the answer; Because the churches have dropped the ball and are no longer instilling the "Word of God" into American culture; therefore into the hearts and minds of our elected leaders.

There is no middle of the road.  Jesus himself said,  "He that is not with Me is against Me:... Luke 11:23.

What did He mean by that?
Well, He told us all things!
Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

It's all there in our Bible, which is "His Word". Is your church teaching it, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse? If not; Why do you still attend and support THAT CHURCH?

Christian you can not take a middle of the road path.
You can't go along to get along!
You've got to tell it like it is.

No matter who it offends!!!

No wonder America has lost its way!!!!

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


Published by:

Rhine Publishing Co.
E-mail address: americanwisdomseries@verizon.net


To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


Published by:

Rhine Publishing Co.
E-mail address - americanwisdomseries@verizon.net

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