#7134 The American Wisdom Series

We who
make up the Christian nations of the world are, for the most part, descendants of those ancient Israelites.
Are any of us today, pure blooded descendants of the eighth day forming of the 
individual man Adam, (Adam,"eth-ha adham", as described in Genesis chapter two)I doubt it!
Does it matter?   No,     What matters is, Christ was concieved and born to a pure blooded descendant (the virgin Mary) of this specific 
individual man and his help meet Eve who God made from one of "eth-ha adham" Adam's ribs.  Here, in Genesis chapter two, the word "formed" is used [molded as clay], not created, to describe the making of this individual man, Adam "eth-ha-adham".   When this man was formed he became a living soul.
When was, Adam "eth-ha adham",  formed and his help meet, Eve, made from one of his ribs? I don't know for certain; But I do know it happened after God's day of rest. Did it happen in one 24 hour day or in a 1000 year day? I don't know that either. I'll ask when I get to heaven, if it seems important at the time.
 In the Hebrew "eth-ha-adham", refers to the particular person (not a generic term for man, not "Adam", as in mankind, man and woman, as described in chapter one of Genesis which is the creation of the races). And Christ shed His perfect sin free blood as a sacrifice to cover our sins, for any of us who will believe in Him and accept His gift of salvation and invite Him into their heart. (He could do this because He is both MAN & GOD).  Any of us who will take advantage of it, no matter our race, whether we are from sixth day creation of mankind or the eighth day forming of, the Individual man "eth-ha-adham" and his wife Eve. His offer, of salvation by grace, of each of our souls, is for all of His creation, children of Cain (Kenites) included. For all who repent and seriously ask Him to come into and change their hearts and lives. So we as members of Christ's church (His body, not some denomination or building) welcome all to join us in our love for are Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Join us.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,... 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ..., rightly dividing the word of truth.  ...Learn to tell the difference between what is holy (Jesus) and what is profane (Satan).  
Ezekiel 44:23  And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. Ezekiel, in his book,
is prophesying about the time after Christ's return, but that is no reason for us not to start now! Become a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Than teach others in order to cause them to discern between the unclean (Satan's ways) and the clean (Christ's ways).
 Live Link to->>>   From House of Israel to Christian nations of the 21st. century


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We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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