Johanes Gutenberg invention of movable printing type.
Until Johanes Gutenberg, in Germany invented movable printing type in 1454 A.D. the printing of multiple copies of the Bible was not impossible, but not very practical. For a whole page first had to be hand carved out of a block of wood, then that block of wood, or printing plate as it was then called, used to print multiple copies until a sheet paper mis feed smashing the wood block. Then you had to start over, hand carving another wooden plate. This had to be done for each page of the book. Or each copy of each book had to be hand written one at a time, i.e. scrolls. Either way mass producing Bibles was not a very appealing project.
That was a problem but, not for God.
John's note: LET'S STOP AND THINK FOR A FEW MOMENTS ABOUT WHAT ALL THIS MEANS. How was God going to let 4 1/2 billion people know about his plan to salvage our souls? Word
of mouth, through the prophets alone wouldn't work. We human beings get
our hear say messages too mixed up when we pass a story
along verbally from one to another. In
the beginning, even after man learned to communicate with written
language there was no way of mass producing those writings. Therefore;
the masses of peoples still would not know of God's plan. Even after printing was invented the
printing of the Bible was not impossible but since each page, up until
that time had to be carved from a block of wood it wasn't practical to
try to do. Can you imagine the frustration
if when you were carving the last letter of the last word on a page,
you sneezed and the whole carved page, weeks worth of work, was wasted.
If there are currently more than 7 billion people living on earth and the experts tell us that half of the people who were ever born are alive and living here right now. (I don't know if that is true or not, but that's allot of people. 14 billion people!) If it is true that means 1/3 of 14 billion people followed Satan in the first earth age. That would mean over 4 1/2 billion people followed Satan. Is it any wonder God did not want to sentence all those, His children souls, to die, along with Satan, i.e. to be no more.
While I'm speculating; So for the first many thousands of years of this earth age, before Christ was, even born and for nearly 1500 years after His crucifixion, relatively few people knew the details of God's plan. My point is God knew all this and it is only speculation on my part but, do you think God would have placed many of his unfaithful first earth age children in earth women's womb, to be born into this earth age in the years prior to the printing of His Word, when their conversion to Christianity would have been much less likely if their only knowledge of it came from hand copied scrolls, and than not very likely that the common man would have access to them. I don't believe he would or did.
Think about this.
It wasn't until 1454 A.D. that Johanes Gutenberg, in Germany invented movable printing type. Until that invention But with individual re-usable metal letters, all of a sudden the printing of a Bible was possible and practical and by 1456 Bibles were being printed. God certainly knew that and maybe He had something to do with the invention, and the timing of Gutenberg's invention. (It did happen in Germany, a Christian nation founded by descendants of one of the Israelite tribes who migrated west after the Assyrian invasion of the ancient "House of Israel") Also, is it only coincidence that the Bible was first translated to English by the King of another of the tribes of ancient Israelites, King James of England (the 1611 King James Version of our Bible)? That means that a very large percentage of this early earth age was populated bye individuals who were faithful to God even in the first earth age and our current world population is made up of a large percentage of people who were followers of Satan in the first earth age. (20th and 21st century population for it wasn't until the 20th century A.D. that Bibles were mass produced and available to the common man.)
And even then Satan was at work within our so Christian church (as he is to this day) to prevent the masses from reading the newly translated Bible. See Live links to- Letter To The Reader and Letter to Readers by translators of 1611 KJB
No wonder the world, especially we Americas have been turning our backs on our Christian heritage in the last 1/2 century. We are out numbered! There are more people living in today's world who followed Satan in the first earth age, and still do, (many of them KENITES) than there are people following Christ. I can name dozens of ways that we turn our backs on our Lord! So can you if you think about it for a minute! And no wonder the city "Mystery Babylon" is now being built. Live Linkto- Mystery Babylon And no wonder Jesus told us, through the prophet Amos in Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: Those days of famine are here and only going to get worst in the near future! Live Link to- The famine is coming