Pamphlet #7058
The United States Is Manasseh
There are some claiming that
the United States is Ephraim
and the British Empire is actually
the one people Manasseh.
They want you to forget the
last 300 years of world history.
They want you to forget that
the United Kingdom was a commonwealth of over 50 nations and colonies,
plus numerous possessions.
They want you to forget the
United States was once part of that federation.
They apply their own or fringe
definitions to words.
They put their own interpretation
on prophecy.
We believe this is wrong and is distorting God's word and will.
Twisting biblical and historical
evidence, such as saying only a pair of each kind of animal went into Noah's
when in fact the "clean" animals
entered in sevens (Genesis 7:2),
that the last battle is Armageddon,
when in fact it is just a staging area
with the real combat taking
place in the Valley of Megiddon (Zechariah 12:11)
and that the antichrist is the
beast, although the beast is against Christ,
1 JOHN 2:18, 2:22 & 4:3
and 2 JOHN 1:7 (the only times the word "antichrist" appears in the KJV
describes, in layman's terms,
who he really is.
It is this kind of language that makes scoffers of God's word.
From the prophet blessings passed
on by the dying Jacob,
it is apparent that Ephraim
and Manasseh were in a large measure to inherit the birthright jointly;
to remain together for a long time, finally separating.
In Genesis 48 Jacob first passed
the birthright on to the two sons of Joseph jointly, speaking of them both
Then, finally, he spoke of them separately.
Manasseh was to become great;
Ephraim, greater still, the company of nations.
And in his prophecy for these latter days Jacob said,
"Joseph is a fruitful bough,
even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall" (Gen.
In other words, Joseph (Ephraim
and Manasseh) jointly and together
was to be a colonizing people
in this latter day, their colonies branching out from the British Isles
around the earth.
Our people have fulfilled this
Together Ephraim and Manasseh
grew into a multitude,
and then separated, according
to Jacob's prophetic blessing of Genesis 48.
It should be noted that certain regions of Britain
contributed more heavily
to the migration of those who became permanent settlers
of the colonies,
which later became the United States.
For example, a large percentage of Americans of English
when the United States began were from families originating
in Norfolk and Suffolk in East Anglia.
Evidently the people of this region were somewhat
culturally distinct
and were more driven to establish their own separate
nation across the Atlantic Ocean.
Manasseh was separating from
But how can we be Manasseh when
large parts of our people have come from many nations besides England?
The answer is this: A large part of Manasseh remained with Ephraim until the separation of the thirteen colonies. But our forefathers were to be sifted through many nations, as corn through a sieve, yet not a grain to fall to the earth or be lost (Amos 9:9). Our people did filter through many nations.
Ephraim and much of Manasseh finally immigrated to England together, but many others of Manasseh who had filtered into and through other nations did not leave them until they came, as immigrants, to the United States after the colonies had become a separate nation.
During the Scottish English troubles of the 1600's
and the early 1700's many thousands of Scots
moved by clan groups to European regions from whence
came great numbers of colonists to America.
This does not mean that all foreigners who have immigrated into this country are of the stock of Manasseh, but undoubtedly many are.
Israel, however, always did absorb
who became Israelites through
living in Israel's land, adopting its customs and sometimes inter-marrying.
Thus we have become known as
the "melting pot" of the world.
Instead of rebuking the United
States' Manassehite ancestry, this fact actually confirms it. The proof
that we are Manasseh is overwhelming.
Manasseh was to separate from
Ephraim and become the greatest, wealthiest single nation of earth's history.
The United States alone has fulfilled this prophecy. Manasseh was in fact
a thirteenth tribe.
There were twelve original tribes. Joseph was one of
these twelve.
But when Joseph divided into two tribes and Manasseh
separated into an independent nation,
it became a thirteenth tribe.
it be mere coincidence that THE UNITED STATES started, as a nation, with
thirteen colonies?
But what about the other tribes of the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes"?
While the birthright was Joseph's, and its blessings
have come to the British Commonwealth of Nations
and the United States of America,
yet the other eight tribes of Israel were also God's
chosen people.
They too, have been blessed with a good measure of
material prosperity,
but not the dominance of the birthright.
northwestern European nations as Holland, Belgium, Denmark. We lack space
for a detailed explanation of the specific identity of all of these other
tribes in the nations of our twentieth century. Suffice it to say here
that there is evidence that these other eight tribes, along with elements
of the tribe of Benjamin, which were swept up in the Assyrian conquest
of most of the biblical land of Israel, have descended into, Iceland, northern
France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
The political boundaries of Europe,
as they exist today,
do not necessarily show lines
of division between descendants of these original tribes of Israel.
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