The  American Wisdom Series

Presents #620
 Constitution Party Resolution

SBL 3/14/2002 Part 1
These resolutions were passed by the Constitution Party National Committee on March 9, 2002 in Charleston, South Carolina

Note: the God-given rights of the people are being assaulted from all directions and the Constitution Party is committed to restoring the
Constitution, which will have a positive affect on most, if not all of the issues that we are confronted with. Your support is needed now.

Property Rights, Land, and State Sovereignty

Whereas, Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees to every State in the Union a republican form of
government, and

Whereas, James Madison identified the very definition of tyranny to be the unification of the legislative, executive and judicial powers of
government, and

Whereas, the present Federal administrative agencies and bureaucracies combine these three distinct and separate powers of government,
virtually destroying all constitutionally protected rights and remedies formally available to its sovereign citizens, including a republican form of
government within each state, and

Whereas, Article I Section 8 clause 17 of the Constitution of the United States of America restricts the authority of the federal government over
lands within admitted states of the Union to those purchased with the consent of the legislature of that State for certain limited, specified use, and

Whereas, even before the Constitution was adopted, the admission of sovereign states of the Union on a equal footing was recognized by the
Northwest Ordinance, and

Whereas, vast portions of each State’s land, by default and usurpation, have come under the asserted authority of the Federal government, and

Whereas, the usurpation and control of the state lands by federal bureaucracies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service,
and the Fish and Wildlife Service has caused the closing of long-established roads, the closing of hundreds of logging and lumber operations,
destruction of farm land, abandonment and loss of hundreds of mining operations and ranches, and destroying access to vast recreational
areas, resulting in severe economic hardship and loss of billions of dollars to the local, state and national economies, and

Whereas, this Federal tyranny has caused significant loss of local and state tax base, resulting in the reduction of basic local governmental
services including police and fire protection, and

Whereas, the policies of the Federal bureaucracies on land and forest mismanagement which include not allowing the cows to eat the grass to
reduce fire hazards have set the Western states on fire, endangering and taking life and property, and

Whereas, the federal government is extending the unconstitutional usurpation and land-grabbing in all fifty states through the implementation of
various environmental legislative and administrative programs including but not limited to the so-called Clean Air and Water Act, the
Environmental Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Wetlands Wildlife, and Wilderness legislation, the Heritage Rivers, Monuments
and Antiquities Act, et cetera. Therefore, let it be

Resolved that the Constitution Party supports and encourages State and local efforts to reestablish State and Constitutional control over lands
within all sovereign States of the Union, and be it further

Resolved, that the Constitution Party calls upon the Federal government to cease and desist its unconstitutional usurpation and control of the
lands in the sovereign states, and be it further

Resolved, that the Constitution Party calls upon the Federal government to limit its authority to lands defined by the Constitution, including
Washington, D.C., territories, forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards and other needful buildings which are purchased with the consent of the
State legislatures.

Web location where this resolution is posted

National Constitution Party Website:

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