The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #612

"When Government becomes Destructive"

There are two basic worldviews: theism and atheism.
Many would have us believe that only a secularist/atheistic approach
to government has any merit or credence.

That was not the position of America’s Founding Fathers.
It has only been in the past half-century
that America’s courts and culture
have seen fit to reject the faith of our founding ancesters.

The foundational document of this nation asserts,
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident,
that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...".

America’s founders obviously embraced a theistic worldview.

They knew that God is the grantor of life, liberty and happiness,
therefore; they formed our government to protect those rights.

The Declaration of Independence categorically states,
"That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men..."

Therefore, legitimate government protects and defends
God-given rights and freedoms,
while illegitimate government seeks to destroy and steal these liberties.

It should be obvious to even a casual observer that much
(even most) of our current political system today runs
counter to these historic values.

When politicians understand government to be the source of men’s rights,
when they routinely usurp the principles of freedom without compunction or regret,
government abandons its reason for existing and becomes illegitimate.

At that point, it is the responsibility of freemen to "alter or abolish it."

Examples of this bastardization of government include

the attempt to deny men the right of self-protection (gun control),
the confiscation of our wealth and property in order to redistribute it to others (welfare and entitlement

government-sanctioned killing,

denying man’s fundamental right to life (abortion),

politically-correct coercion that forces men to accept moral perversities, thus
denying men their God-given right of conscience, etc.

Add to these a host of illegitimate performances by an ever-encroaching, ever-meddling federal government and what one is left with is a not-so-pale form of despotism.

Neither of our present two major political parties seems willing to recognize
that God, not government,
provides freedom and happiness.

When political leaders visualize government
to be responsible to provide freedom and happiness,
instead of simply protecting the individuals’
freedom to obtain those blessings from God,
they have produced a system that has become
"destructive to these Ends."

Such a system stems from a hedonistic culture and atheistic worldview.

The only hope for reversing this trend is to reintroduce the fundamental,
historic values and principles upon which our nation was built.

This should be the goal of each and every one of us.

And we should expect nothing less of the leaders we elect.

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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