The American Wisdom Series


Pamphlet #520

"Rattle-Snake Symbol"

In December, 1775, an American colonist
(believed by many scholars to be Benjamin Franklin),
noticed the increasing use of a symbol throughout the colonies,
      stamped onto barrels and other items,
depicting a coiled rattlesnake with the words

''Don't Tread On Me''
written below the snake.

And he wondered about how the symbol of a rattlesnake
could be a symbol of the American desire for freedom?

He wrote the following words,
after giving it some thought.

Words which are just as relevant now,
in light of the September 11th. attack,
as they were back in 1775.

      "... the Rattle-Snake is found in no other quarter
of the world besides America.

She never begins an attack,
      when once engaged,
ever surrenders:

She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.

... she never wounds
'till she has generously given notice,
even to her enemy,
and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.''

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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