The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #413

America’s Most Negative Influences

We used to hear people talk about "redeeming value."
Books, movies, plays, even political strategies were judged in
part by their positive contribution to our nation’s overall
moral and cultural health. At some point in recent history,
however, we stopped paying attention to such things.

It would appear that today the "redeeming value" factor has
been reduced to but a fraction of what it used to be. In
its place are many negative influences, which taken
together serves to undermine our country’s core values and
principles. Listed below is my list of the most negative
influences upon our beloved land.

The National Media
The mainstream media today is nothing more than the
propaganda department for the liberal political
establishment. Their propensity to support big-government,
socialistic positions is so blatantly obvious that only the
most naïve person can’t recognize it. The liberal media may
be the single most negative influence upon our nation

Liberal, Activist Judges
Since turning the U.S. Constitution upside down by
reinventing the First Amendment many decades ago,
America’s federal courts have taken a nation that was built
upon the principles of religious freedom and individual
liberty and turned it into a serfdom ruled by a black-robed
oligarchy. They have trampled our liberties, stolen our
faith, redefined basic morality, and even legalized the
killing of our most helpless citizens: our unborn children.

The Theory of Evolution
Without the theory of evolution to hold it up, liberalism
comes crashing down. Evolution provides the foundation upon
which all left-wing ideology is built. Abortion,
immorality, political corruption, etc. all claim evolution
at their center. Evolution attacks the very heart and soul
of America’s Christian roots. It is a most destructive
weapon in the enemy’s arsenal.

The Feminist and Homosexual Movements
Militant feminism and homosexuality are major players in
the destruction of America’s family structure. Since the
rise of these aberrant behaviors, our nation has
experienced a meltdown of the traditional family unit not
seen since the last days of the Roman Empire.

Public Education
Our state-run schools today are mostly purveyors of
multiculturalism and extreme secularism. Johnny may not
know how to read, or write, or do arithmetic, but he knows
how to use a condom. He may not know the names of America’s
Founding Fathers, but he knows they were all a bunch of
racists, so it doesn’t matter.

Complacent, Cowardly Churches
Pastors and churches are supposed to be the "light of the
world" and the "salt of the earth." However, churches are
not spiritual lighthouses today; they are glorified social
clubs. Softball teams and aerobic exercise classes have
taken the place of hell-fire preaching and soul-saving,
while "feel good" symposiums have replaced the clarion call
for repentance.

The Welfare State
The welfare state has contributed to the loss of personal
responsibility and to the rise of illegitimacy. It has
eviscerated black families and turned black neighborhoods
into war zones.

The United Nations
The United Nations is the single biggest threat to
America’s national sovereignty. Its iniquitous influence is
felt throughout our governmental and commercial
communities. It is America’s Trojan Horse.

With its perverted view of normalcy, Hollywood is on the
front lines in attacking America’s traditional moral values
and lifestyles. Yesterday a headline in our local paper
proclaimed: "Now Showing: Satan." The sub-title declared:
"With Halloween approaching, the devil is the star of the
big screen." So, what’s new? All that means is Satan moved
from the director’s chair to become the leading man!

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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