The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet  #4117

My Note:  Many of the people of the land became Jews Ref. Scripture Esther 8:17

Many non- jews became Jews!

Scripture:   Esther 8:17  And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.

Not all Jews are of the tribes of Judah much less Israelites
It happened in Esther's day and again many times since.

Below we show the results of our research into this matter of who is really a Jew and who isn't! We must not make the mistake Christ finds 5 out of 7 churches making, when he returns, as reveled to John in Revelations 2 and 3.  There are only 2 churches that Christ finds no fault with Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. What do those two have in common?  They both know who it is that say they are Jews but are not!

We should consider the following  truths in our deliberation:
a. Biblical truths are in Red,
b. My observations are in blue,
c. From other sources.

1. The first  time the word "Jew" is used in the Bible is in 2 Kings 16:6 where the Jews are fighting the Israelites. (Two different countries)

In your Bible Concordance you will find that a Jew can either be: 1.a member of the tribe of Judah or 2.a resident of Judea, whether Israelite or not. As defined we must conclude that no member of the other 11 tribes can be a Jew unless he lives in Judea.

Jesus limits his definition to members of the tribe of Judah (John 8:39). Paul excludes the Jews of his day from being members of the 12 tribes of Israelites (Acts 26:6-7). James address his epistle (James 1:1) to the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad while excluding the Jews in Jerusalem.

2. Paul makes it clear in Acts 26:6-7 that God's promise was made to all twelve tribes of Israelites, not only to the tribe of Judah and especially not to the Jews of  60 AD. He is referring to the scattered 10 tribes of the northern kingdom, Israel, and the southern kingdom, Judea, by Assyria. In 721 BC, well over eight hundred thousand Israelite men  2 Samuel 24:1 - 9 and their families from ten different tribes (2 Kings 17, 18, and 19. In 2 Kings 19:32-34 we learn that only Jerusalem was spared. One hundred and thirty five years later in 586 BC, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon carried more than one half million Israelite men 2 Samuel 24:1 - 9 and their families from the other two tribes, of Benjamin and Judah (the Jews), away to Babylon. 2 Kings 25:1 - 21 . (All total approximately 1,300,000 men plus their wives and children were carried away)

3. 70 years after Judah's captivity the temple was rebuilt and a remnant, 42,360 Nehemiah 7:66 - 67 from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned again "unto Jerusalem and Judah, every one unto his city". Ezra 8:1 - 20 & Nehemiah 7:5 - 45, Ezra 1:5 and 4:1.  They immediately began to marry Canaanites, Hittites, Perizites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites (Ezra 9:1-4.)   We also learn that no Levitical priests came along until Ezra sent back for some. Actually only 38 Levitical Priests (Ezra 8:18-19) finally agreed to come, the rest of the religious leaders were non-Israelite temple workers (Nethinim), 392 returned with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:58; Neh. 7:60), and 220 more with Ezra (Ezra 8:17-20). It is from their religious teachings where the word "Judeo" comes from. Isn't that why Jesus rejected the Jewish leaders saying, 'You are of your father, the devil.' and, 'You are not of my sheep. My sheep hear my voice and follow me.' John Chapter 8 Hardly any Israelites from any of the other 10 tribes entered into Judea  except for those 38 Levites.    Note: Nehemiah 7:46 - 65  These were not Israelites or even of the tribe of Judah, but we include them as and call them Jews today. What happened to the rest of the one and one half million Israelites and their families? James 1:1 - See Acts 26:7   "Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people, Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of the wickedness afflict them anymore, as before time," 2 Samuel 7:10  This new place isn't Palestine because they were already there when this covenant with David was made!

4. The people Jesus addresses in John 8 and Paul is calling Jews in Acts 26:6-7 weren't scattered until Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD. (The people we call Jews in 2004 are descended from these Jews watered down further by the Ashkenazic Khazars in 740 AD)

5. Ashkenazic Khazars (non-Israelites) who converted to Babylonian Talmudic Judaism in 740 AD, while in Central Russia. To day the Khazar-Ashkenaziam people make up over 96% of "Jews", they are not Israel of the Bible either, but only a religious cult who under their Kings Bulan and Obadiah in the 8th century were forced under penalty of death to excepted Judaism as a religion. The Khazars-Ashkenaziam peoples language is Yidish and not Hebrew. These people since 1948 have controlled a country they have mis-named Israel in Palestine and now believed themselves to be a Chosen People Israel of the Bible but they are gentiles as they state clearly in the Jewish Encyclopedia. This is the reason they refer to themselves as Israeli and not Israelites or Hebrews but only Jews. Visit the Jewish Historical site for more history of the Khazars.

6. The book of James  was addressed to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad James 1:1. James wrote this in 45 AD 25 years before Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD therefore; he wasn't including the people called Jews during that time period as Israelites!

7. Jesus didn't use the word "Jew" to describe Himself one time in the New Testament.  Jesus said to Nathanael in John 1:47 "Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!"  Jesus did not call Nathanael a Jew!  Jesus in John 13:33 refers to Jews as the other guys.

8. Although a new covenant was promised to both houses of Israelites (Hebrews 8:8)  The New Covenant (Hebrews 8:10) was made only with the house of Israel, not with the house of Judah.

Do you remember who Jesus said would hear his voice? John 10:1 - 27 and who He said are not His! John 10:26

The question is, what happened to the Scattered tribes of Israel and Judea?  Isn't it strange that Europe, having been very sparsely populated prior to 700 BC was overrun by Khumri, Celts, Cimbri, Galations, Germans, Saxons, Gimira, Gauls, Picts, Iberes, Scots, Basques, Bretons, Goths, Vandals, Lombards, Franks, Burgundians, Ostrogoths, Daci, Belgae, Massagetae, Kimmeroii, Iskuza, Cimmerians, Scythians, Danes, Normans and Vikings in the next few centuries and no one knows where these invaders originated form.  Where do you suppose the the Scattered Israelites settled?  Were the Saxons, Isaac's sons?  Who were the Cimmerians, Celts, Normans, Scythians, Galatians, Danes, and Vikings?  Did they just appear from thin air or were they the scattered tribes of Israelites?  Is that why we Christians hear Christ's voice and follow Him.  Are we really Israelites?  Is the new place promised to David in 2 Samuel 7:10, America?

I believe we must not make the mistake Christ finds 5 out of 7 churches making, when he returns, as reveled to John in Revelations 2 and 3.  There are only 2 churches that Christ finds no fault with Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. What do those two have in common?  They both know who it is that say they are Jews but are not!

Some More Information gathered from the internet.

Jewish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries

A collection of abstracts and reviews of books, articles, and genetic studies

This section is the most comprehensive summary of Jewish genetic data. In recent years, advances in genetic technology and the broadening in scope of genetic studies to encompass more ethnic groups have allowed scientists to come to more accurate conclusions. Nevertheless, not all questions have been answered fully, and followup studies are necessary. At the present time, it is known that Eastern European Jews have a significant Eastern Mediterranean element which manifests itself in a close relationship with Kurdish, Armenian, Palestinian Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, and Anatolian Turkish peoples. This is why the Y-DNA haplogroups J and E, which are typical of the Middle East, are so common among them. At the same time, there are traces of European (including Western Slavic) and Khazar ancestry among European Jews. Ethiopian Jews mostly descend from Ethiopian Africans who converted to Judaism, but may also be related to a lesser extent to Yemenite Jews. Yemenite Jews descend from Arabs and Israelites. North African Jewish and Kurdish Jewish paternal lineages come from Israelites. Additional research is necessary, and it will certainly take several more years to sort it all out. What we can say for sure is that Jewish Y-DNA tends to come from the Middle East, and that studies that take into account mtDNA show that many Jewish populations are related to neighboring non-Jewish groups maternally. All existing studies fail to compare modern Jewish populations' DNA to ancient Judean DNA and medieval Khazarian DNA, but in the absence of old DNA, comparisons with living
populations appear to be adequate to trace geographic roots.

Also see

See our pamphlet #1004

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