The "American Wisdom Series"

Pamphlet #410

"Tyranny Never Slows Down"

Cicero recognized the problem 2042 years ago,
but he was unable to stop the process toward tyranny.

This is how gradualism works.
It never moves you out of your comfort zone.

The changes are so gradual that you adapt
and become comfortable with them until it is too late.

It is just like the proverbial story of the frogs and the boiling water.

However, in my version,
     the frogs not only jump from the pot but they also turn off the gas!

The time for proverbs and parables is very past!
It is time for someone to speak clearly and boldly
about the nature of tyranny and what can be done about it.

Tyranny NEVER slows down or stops until there is a strong resistance.

Tyrants are cowards.

They seldom reach out to steal liberty until they
observe weakness or compromise on the part of those entrusted with maintaining liberty.

Thomas Jefferson said,
"Resistance to tyranny was obedience to God."

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Rhine Publishing Co.

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