The American Wisdom Series


Pamphlet #315


Every night,
10 men met at a restaurant for dinner.

At the end of the meal,
the bill would arrive.

They owed $100 for the food that they shared.

Every night
they lined up in the same order at the cash register.

The first four men paid nothing at all.
The fifth, grumbling about the unfairness of the situation, paid $1.
The sixth man, feeling very generous, paid $3.
The next three men paid $7, $12 and $18, respectively.
The last man was required to pay the remaining balance, $59.
He realized that he was forced to pay
for not only his own meal but
the unpaid balance left by the first five men.

The 10 men were quite settled into their routine
when the restaurant threw them into chaos
by announcing that it was cutting its prices.
Now dinner for the 10 men would only cost $80.

This clearly would not affect the first four men.
They still ate for free.

The fifth and sixth men both
claimed their piece of the $20 right away.

The fifth decided to forgo his $1 contribution and paid nothing.

The sixth pitched in $2 instead of $3.

The seventh man deducted $2 from
his usual payment of $7
and paid $5.

The eighth man paid $9 instead $12.

The ninth man paid $12 instead of $18,

leaving the last man with a bill
of $52 instead of $59.

Outside of the restaurant,
the men began to compare their savings,
angry outbursts began to erupt.

The sixth man yelled,
"I only got $1 out of the $20, and he got $7,"
pointing at the last man.

The fifth man joined in.
"Yeah! I only got $1 too.
It is unfair that he got seven times more than me."

The seventh man cried,
"Why should he get $7 back when I only got $2?"

The nine men formed an outraged mob,
surrounding the 10th man.

The first four men followed the lead of the others:
"We didn't get any of the $20.
Where is our share?"

The nine angry men carried the 10th man
up to the top of a hill
and lynched him.

The next night,
the nine remaining men
met at the restaurant for dinner.

when the bill came,
there was no one to pay it!!!!!

Putting the Bush Plan in Perspective
10% of the tax payers currently
pay about 60% of the taxes collected,
30% pay 37%

That leaves 60% of us,
20% of us pay 3%,
The rest of us
(40 out of each 100 people)
pay nothing.

The real problem in America
the majority of us know
that taxation
is government theft,
but since 60% percent of the money
is being lifted from the pockets someone else,
we say,
"government, have at it,
keep on stealing;
just don't take any more from me."

How do we sleep with ourselves at night?????
Father, forgive us, for we know not what we do.
or do we??????
We'll find out on judgment day!!!!!!!

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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Rhine Publishing Co.

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