John H Rhine Candidate for

Office: Pennsylvania Auditor General

Party Affiliation: Constitution Party
WITF TV Channel 33 Speech
aired on October 23, 2000.

Hello My name is John Rhine. The Constitution Party candidate for Auditor General of Pennsylvania. Our government, was founded to preserve and protect our God given rights.

During the last century, and especially during my lifetime, the Republicans and Democrats have moved our government so far away from its designed, limited constitutional role, that our Founding Fathers would not even recognize, this Nation, as the one they founded

I've moved my allegiance to the Constitution Party. They believe our individual rights are inalienable. They believe our Founding Fathers instituted our government, for the sole purpose, of protecting our God given rights.

Republicans, even though they talk different then Democrats, when campaigning, govern, exactly the same way as Democrats when elected. How else can you explain, spending our tax dollars to build stadiums for rich guys.

The Republicans and Democrats are feeding at our tax trough like hungry hogs.. Using our money to infringe on our freedoms. We like fools have reacted by doing one of two things.

Some of us have dropped out of the system, we don't vote. We just let them have their way.     Or      And this is worse. We continue to vote for them. Choosing the lessor on the two evils. If we all stick together, and vote our conscience, we can turn government around.  Remember, what Samuel Adams once said, " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."

I'm here to tell you, when you vote for the lessor of two evils, evil government increases. Voting for the lessor of two evils, instead of what you know is right, only means you are sentencing your great-grandchildren rather than your grandchildren to live in slavery. You are only postponing the day when our decedents will face total government tyranny. You are forging their chains.

I'm convinced, that if George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and James Madison were alive today, the Constitution Party is the party they would join.

Does your representative, support taking guns from honest citizens? That's wrong! and It's unconstitutional

Does he support Child Sacrifice Abortion. That's wrong! and It's unconstitutional

Does he support special favors for certain groups of people? That's wrong! and it's unconstitutional

What has your elected representative done to restore your property rights.

What has your representative done, to stop government, from unconstitutionally, intruding into our lives?

Why should you elect me for Auditor General? Because, someone who believes this nation was founded by the hand of God, Some one who knows he will one day, have to explain his actions, here on earth to his creator, should be watching over, how the money confiscated, from your paycheck each week, is spent.

As your Auditor General I will report back to you, the tax payers, not only whether your tax dollars are being spent as legislated, but, I will also periodically report which of your confiscated dollars were spent according to the constitutional limitations our founders placed on the State. You'll be able to use this information to make better choices about, when to re-elect a representativeor to throw the bum out!

Unlike my opponents, electing me won't be like assigning the fox to guard the hen house.

Take a moment, before you vote to think about how many of your inalienable rights are already gone. They disappeared under the Republicrats watch! Think About Our Current Situation With Open Mind! Look into this picture and weep over it! And if there yet remains one thoughtless wretch who believes we would not be better off if we switched our allegiance to the Constitution Party, let him vote Republican or Democrat, it matters not which: let him suffer the consequences unlamented.

If we continue to support the two major parties who have taken us to where we are, I fear for our future.

Please visit my web site @

Thank you, for your time, may God bless this State and the Holy Spirit be the guiding light of all our leaders. 

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