The American Wisdom Series


Pamphlet 302

Our Five Most Valuable Rights

...Preserve, Protect, and Defend them

The Right to worship as we choose without government interference

The Right to Life from Conception until Natural Death

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The Right to Freedom of Education

• The Right to Constitutional Taxation

Our goal should be to elect officials who will
work to return our Federal and State governments
to their constitutionally defined functions.

The Right to worship as we choose without government interference

Vote for officials who pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Right to worship anywhere we choose, any way we choose without any interference at all on their part.

Consistent with the First amendment which Prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the free exercise of the press, interfering with the right of peaceably assembly or prohibiting the right to petition the government.

Reading the conversations and writings of our Founders reveals how much they valued this Right. For, even though they formed a government based on Christian principles, they understood that their form of elective republican government could only survive as long as the leaders are God fearing people. They knew that over time, if God's moral influence was lost to America, tyranny would take place and the immoral people would do as they saw fit to harm on another.

The reason they started the school system was to teach children to read the Bible, learn the Ten commandments and therefore, provide for a continous population with good moral values.

The Right to Life from Conception until Natural Death.

Vote for officials who pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Right to Life from conception until natural death.

Consistent with this stance, they will protect children and, therefore, outlaw abortion.

Officials who recognize that every individual has a paramount, God-given, Right to Life from conception until natural death. This means, they believe, that pre-born children are endowed by their Creator with the Right to Life. Sadly, government has chosen to violate this right by legalizing abortion.

Clearly, every act of abortion violates the pre-born's Right to Life. The worst is partial-birth abortion -- a barbarous procedure. But let us face the facts; all abortion is murder and should not be promoted by government at any level.

The United States constitution and the Declaration of Independence recognize our God-given Right to Life. A child is a human being at the moment of conception; not earlier, not later. There is simply no other logical point at which our flesh and blood life cycle begins.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Vote for officials who pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is recognized by the United States Constitution This Right was placed into the Constitution to ensure -- "we the People" -- our ability to change our government should it become too tyrannical.

Reading the conversations and writings of our Founders reveals how much they valued this Right. For, even though they formed a government based on Judeo-Christian principles, they understood that their form of elective republican government could only survive as long as the leaders are God fearing people. They knew that over time, if God's moral influence was lost to America, tyranny would take place and the only final defense, for the common individual, would be his ability to wage guerilla warfare and change government.

Of course, we also have the Right to use arms in the defense of ourselves and our families.

The Right to Freedom of Education

Vote for officials who pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Right to Freedom of Education.

Parents have the sole responsibility and right to provide for the education of their children -- in the manner they deem best, including home, private or religious. So that no parents need defy "the law" by refusing to send their children to schools of which they disapprove, compulsory attendance laws should be repealed.

To the degree that local school districts exist, their schools should be the sole responsibility of each locale -- including financing, testing, evaluation, curriculum, textbook selection, etcetera. That being the case, they should eliminate all Constitutional controversy about religious instruction in our schools, because those decisions would always be made at the local level and people would again have the ability and option to find a public school system consistent with their own beliefs.

Further, they must affirm that all teaching is related to basic assumptions about God and man. Education as a whole, therefore, cannot be separated from religious faith. The law of our Creator assigns the authority and responsibility of educating children to their parents.

Education should be free from all federal government subsidies, including vouchers, tax incentives, and loans, except with respect to veterans. Because the federal government has absolutely no jurisdiction concerning the education of our children, the United States Department of Education should be abolished; all federal legislation related to education should be repealed, including but not limited to "Goals 2000", "Outcomes-Based Education", "School-to-Work," "Success by Six", "No Child Left Behind" and other similar programs. No federal laws subsidizing or regulating the education of children should be enacted. Under no circumstances should the federal government be involved in national teacher certification, educational curricula, textbook selection, learning standards, comprehensive sex education, psychological and psychiatric research testing programs, and personnel.

The Right to Constitutional Taxation

Vote for officials who pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Right to Constitutional Taxation.

They must do so by eliminating the Internal Revenue Service, abolishing all income tax, and repealing the 16th Amendment (the federal income tax amendment of 1913). The United States operated Constitutionally from 1789 until 1913 without taxing income.  These taxes are relatively new and it has only been since their inception that our freedoms have been disappearing.

Remember, you earned your money! It should never be confiscated to pay for unconstitutional schemes in other communities. Private charity and religious organizations must provide for these needs.

Join in this Effort

Help take back our government. History tells us that most Politicians do not intend to do what needs to be done to save our freedom. We must only vote for officials with moral constitutional principles. They are the only desirable option.

Declaration of Unalienable Rights

Elect officials who hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ... and will support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on protection of the Divine Providence, pledging their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor to restore our Constitutional Republic as it was originally intended.

Statement of Principles

They must  recognize and affirm the God-given dignity of the individual and believe that the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America most clearly articulate this basic principle.

In order to restore and preserve that fundamental human dignity they must proclaim:

That every individual has a paramount right to life from conception until natural death and the government shall not infringe upon that right.

That the right of citizens to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and others shall not be questioned.

That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property and other assets is an inseparable extension of the individual's inalienable rights.

That the primary unit of society is the family (persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption) and it must be accorded all rights and responsibilities to direct care of its members, particularly in the areas of education, health care, discipline, and the upbringing of children without government interference.

That the United States of America is a sovereign nation and therefore must maintain control over its own affairs.

That guided by Divine Providence, our Founding Fathers established this nation on ancient Israelite-18th century Christian principles and therefore the right to the free exercise of religious beliefs is inviolate.

That our government is one of limited, delegated powers operating as a republic within the confines of the Constitution of the United States of America. The federal government derives its authority from its sovereign citizens and it is to be their servant, not their master.

The "American Wisdom Series"
Published by:
Rhine Publishing Co.
E-mail address americanwisdomseries@verizon.nett

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