The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 241

No Gun Laws - Period
By Lewis J. Goldberg

It's a familiar cry - 'Enforce the 20,000 gun laws already on the books!'
This is considered by conservatives to be the commonsense approach
to crime prevention, as opposed to drafting and passing new legislation
to deal with the allegedly rampant gun violence in this nation - a
typically liberal response to the problem of gun violence.

But is advocating enforcement of current laws really a conservative
position? Rather let us ask another question - how is it 'conservative'
to support the existence of laws enacted by antigun socialists? Do
laws attain 'conservatism' once passed, making it virtuous to support
them, regardless of the consequences? The only answer to these
questions is no, no, and no.

Our glorious, dead-letter Constitution states that the "right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Is the definition of
'uninfringed' equal to 'up to 20,000 laws, but no more than?' I know
this will infuriate the nanny-statist heathens in Washington, DC,
but 'not infringed' means if you're tall enough to put your money
on the counter, you can have a gun. That also means convicted
felons can and should be able to own firearms.'ve gone nuts! No, let us examine this issue [and I did
this before, a few years ago, but it bears repeating.] Our nation was
built on private ownership of firearms. You may hate guns, but were
it not for them, you would not be here today to whine about them.
Being that it is the right of every free man to own weapons, if a man
cannot be trusted with a weapon upon release from prison, he should
not be let out. This fundamentally simple concept speaks volumes
about the failure of our judicial system to hand out punishments
consistent with the crimes committed.

In a reasonable world, everyone would be armed who wanted to be;
murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc. would be executed regularly
and visibly; committers of non-violent crimes [i.e. burglary, car theft,
embezzlement, etc.,] would be treated to prisons with minimal heat
in the winter, minimal A/C in the summer, minimally nourishing food
in the cafeteria, and only one book to read - placed in the cell of each
prisoner - the Bible [i.e. no TV, radio, dish, tapes, or computers.] It
would be a place to which no man in his right mind would ever want
to return. Barbaric? Hardly - it's the way things used to be in this
country a long time ago, when crime was low and streets were safe.

So, how do we eliminate 20,000 gun laws when outright communists
control the government and millions of brain-dead voters keep
re-electing them? Hint: It won't happen at the ballot box.

Copyright 2003 The Sierra Times -

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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