The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #234

by Lee Pemperton

"The strongest word in the English language"

The word "shall" is an imperative with no alternative,
and is the strongest word in the English language,
     permitting no other course of action than the one indicated. Period.

Whether you choose to ever own a gun of any kind -or not- is personal decision
that you should have the freedom to make.


Because such a freedom is basic to the American way of life.

The Founding Fathers of this great nation knew that a free people
-people who were allowed to make the decisions
that most directly affect their own lives-
would also protect the nation that provides them with such freedom.

     Those Founding Fathers were also possessed of an all-encompassing faith in Almighty God,
giving Him the praise for aiding them in their every accomplishment,
and committing everything -including their very lives- into

     His hands because they trusted Him to fulfil His Word
and prosper this new nation of heretofore unheard of personal,
individual freedom.

     They could not possibly have foreseen this day
-225 years later-
when God-less heathen would rule over the people
whose freedom they had purchased with their own blood,
as it soaked into the earth at Concord and Bunker Hill
-and was swallowed up and diluted by the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Because they believed in the people of those generations who would follow them,
they wrote simple laws to constitute a solid government;
they saw no need to complicate simplicity with an extravagant overabundance of words.

The Second Amendment -about which billions of words have been written
since 1970- contains only 27 words that extends the right of self-defense to the individual,
sovereign States, and to every citizen of those States:

     "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State,
     the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
     Amendment II of the United States Constitution

    Those Socialists and Marxists in our Federal government today
shudder at the thought of you understanding the import of those 27 words,
and they have fought valiantly to suppress any truthful interpretation of the Second Amendment.

What is the truth? Again, simplicity.
A "well-regulated militia"
     means an orderly group of men and women -citizens all- who have supervision
     under the authority of someone with some knowledge of military order and discipline;
obviously, a "well-regulated militia" is not a ragtag mob of unruly dissidents.

     The phrase "..being necessary to the security of a free State" clearly sets out the possibility
that the central government might at some time try to conquer the sovereign States
with military force -which is precisely what took place in 1861.

Some misinformed people today think that "militia"
     translates to "National Guard",
but this is a lie put forth by the Federal government:
the "National Guard" can be nationalized by the President on a moment's notice,
leaving a State with no military protection whatsoever.

     And here is what Washington does not want you to know:
a "militia" is under the control of the Governor of the sovereign State,
and any attempt by the Federal President at taking control of the "militia"
is an act of war against that State!

Members of a State militia must be enrolled as members by an agent of the State:
those people who have joined the many groups across America
calling themselves a "militia" do NOT meet the definition of "militia",
as is set out in the Second Amendment,
and members of these unofficial "militias"
can be legally arrested and jailed at any time as "armed insurrectionists"
by the Federal government and/or the United States Army!
As legal "traitors", they can be summarily executed, upon conviction.

     "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
     Members of a formal militia have historically been required to provide their own weapons,
going back to the time prior to the American Revolution.

And, if the militias are ever again required to defend their home States,
they will again be required to first provide their own weaponry:
it is, therefore, clearly seen
that every American citizen MUST have the right to own and keep guns,
whether they do so or not;
there will always be some -pacifists- who will force others to defend them
at the risk of their own lives.

    The word "shall" is the key to the ending phrase:
it is an imperative with no alternative,
and is the strongest word in the English language,
     permitting no other course of action than the one indicated.Period.

     It is no coincidence that the same people who want the Confederate flags hidden away
are the same ones who want all American citizens to be disarmed:
     an unarmed citizenry is helpless to defend itself against any aggressor,
     especially its own ruling government.

This is why those who wish to conquer a nation must first make certain that its people
cannot defend themselves against a detachment of armed soldiers at their door.

     Before the Cold War, the Russians bullied and threatened,
vowing to blow America to smithereens with atomic weapons
-a threat that was as empty as the heads of those who believed they would do it.

(a) to bomb America with nuclear weapons would have destroyed the United States,

true -but the land would have been useless to Russia or anyone else for at least 100 years
because of the residual radiation,


(b) not even the huge Russian army could have conquered America

where almost every citizen owned a gun;
any invading army would be cut to pieces in short order,
by being fired upon from virtually every house on every street.
So, another means had to be found.

     You can write it in your diary:
when American citizens no longer have the right to freely buy, sell, own and  trade guns,
American citizens shall be the prisoners of a dictator within 20 years.

Now, look at the people who want to take away all of your freedoms:
you have been warned,
and you can no longer plead ignorance.

     Personally, I do not fear people with guns:
I fear people without them,
for the simple reason that an unarmed person
will likely be unable to help me -should I need help,
in a desperate situation!

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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