The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #233

"Columbine and Waco, a Comparison"
By Jeffrey A. and L'isbeth N. Rothe

The following is a perfect example of why WE THE PEOPLE
refuse to allow you to take our firearms without a fight!
Read it, and weep!
As citizens of the State of Colorado and as neighbors of the Columbine area,
we are angry!
Angry because the obfuscation so prevalent in Congress
is now just as readily found within our local government!

The apple, indeed, has not fallen far from the tree!

Columbine Follies by Ryan McMaken

The governor of Colorado has finally released his report on the Columbine massacre,
and it concluded,  big surprise!
that the law enforcement officers present at the school during the shooting were incompetent.
Singled out for special condemnation was local Sheriff John Stone
who not only refused to believe the students
who gave the officers accurate information
on where the killers were inside the school,
but Stone also commanded his men to stand outside
while victims bled to death hours after the killers committed suicide.

Stone also was criticized for refusing to investigate shooter Eric Harris who,
prior to the massacre,
was openly threatening students and plotting the massacre
on the internet in plain view of anyone who wished to visit his site.
The Sheriff's department, of course, maintains
that they behaved heroically,
and maintained this position throughout last year's attempt by the department
to keep all records of police behavior
out of the hands of the parents of the murdered students.

Perhaps Sheriff Stone could have used a few pointers from the Denver Police Department
who are now famous for murdering Ishmael Mena
while performing a "no-knock" raid on his house.
The police had meant to perform the raid on the house next door.

Unlike the Mena case,
some people at Columbine might have actually benefited
from a few cops heading in guns ablazin'.
Contrast the police behavior at Columbine
with the behavior of law enforcement
when there are no rampaging gunmen on the loose,
and we end up with a quite confusing picture.

Apparently, the preferred method of law enforcement
at Columbine was to:

(1) Make sure that no law abiding citizens inside the school carried fire arms.
(2) If guns enter the school, seal it off and let no one out.
(3) Stand outside "minimizing police casualties" while the killers murder all the law abiding citizens and allow all wounded victims to bleed to death.

Now let us compare this to law enforcement's behavior
at the Branch Davidian complex in Waco:

(1) Start yelling "Showtime!" and charge the compound with machine guns blazing.
(2) If innocents try to surrender, shoot them and continue the destruction.
(3) Gas everyone inside and burn down the complex.
(4) Dismiss dead civilians as "religious fanatics".

Is there any rhyme or reason to the contrast in these two scenarios?
Perhaps, but the fact remains that in the first scenario,
law enforcement officers,
armed to the teeth,
did nothing to save innocent civilians who were in grave danger,
and in the second scenario
law enforcement officers viscously stormed a compound
full of innocent men, women, and children,
who were no danger of being murdered by anyone but the rampaging law men.

The lesson that should be learned here is that government law enforcement is,
at best, undependable, and,
at worst, malicious.
Protected by government monopoly,
they are directly accountable to no one,
and they choose to flex their muscle at inappropriate times in inappropriate places.

In the end,
what is the proposed solution to these acts of incompetence?
To enact more gun control restrictions
so that our safety can rest even more
in the hands of law enforcement people
like those at Columbine and Waco.

Keeping guns out of the hands of ordinary people
necessarily increases the power of government law enforcement officials
whose behavior becomes more capricious and militaristic every year.

While keeping so-called assault weapons out of the hands of ordinary people,
Americans call for more federal law enforcement
grants putting ever more destructive hardware in the hands of a bunch of gung-ho
young men who live for the chance to blow something up.

The governor's Columbine report
is yet another illustration
of the impossibility of using government law enforcement
to prevent violent crime
in a society where only criminals carry guns.

As long as people continue to accept the fallacy that armed police
can protect an unarmed citizenry,
the killing must go on.


For Faith and For Freedom,

Jeffrey A. and L'isbeth N. Rothe
4712 South Kalamath Street
Englewood, Colorado 80110-6417

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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Rhine Publishing Co.
PO Box 455
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