The "American Wisdom Series"

Pamphlet #207

Wake up America

By John Rhine

Protect Our

Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

Why does everyone tip toe around this issue?


searching for elegant ways

to defend

our Second Amendment

" Right to Keep and Bear Arms".

Some say for Protection

Some say for Hunting

Some say for Target Shooting

I say "Bull"

It's not a complicated issue.

Our founding fathers

gave us

the "Right to Bear Arms"

for one reason and one reason only.

They were afraid

the government they had recently formed

would become totalitarian

over a period of time.

They were afraid

we would someday

need to defend ourselves

against our own government.

They were pretty open about it!

All you have to do

is read the letters of communication

between them

and read excerpts

from their meetings

to know this is true.

They Knew!

Thomas Jefferson, George Mason,

James Madison, Patrick Henry;


that America's future leaders,

being human;

were therefore,

going to seize

ever increasing control of our lives.

Well, guess what!

Here we are.

200 plus years later

and every day you pick up a newspaper

and read about it;

sometimes at the Federal level -

Kent State, Waco, Ruby Ridge;

children caught up and detained

in mock FBI operations,

sometimes at the State or Local level

- police shoot unarmed burglars,

school officials strip examine young girls

with out parental permission,

property rights of land owners

denied by zoning board

or environmental agencies,

random alcohol check points,

wrong homes broken into

during unannounced drug raids,

property confiscated

in drug raids with out arrests

or even charges being filed, etc., etc.

When will we say?

"Enough is Enough"

My fellow Americans,

it may not happen in my life time,

I'm 59 years old,

but mark my word;

It will happen!

"We the People"

will need to form

our Regulated Militia

or become

as Chinese, Russians or Cubans

without freedoms.

Some totalitarian event

by our government will take place..

We the People

will walk off from our jobs

from factories and offices

and take up arms.

Guerilla warfare will break out!

The government will fall.

The bureaucracies

will come tumbling down.

A new Government will be Formed.

I hope there

will be people

like Thomas Jefferson involved.

Wake up!


Wake up

and protect

your rights

especially your

"Right to Keep and Bear Arms!"

All the rest depend on it

Without an armed citizenry

we stand no chance

of reclaiming lost freedoms

Once this Right is gone,
it's gone forever,

and so will the rest of our freedoms!

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


Published by:

Rhine Publishing Co.
199 Joseph Drive
Middletown, PA 17057

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