The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1780 Plan of God 4-2
All of this and we haven't gotten to Gen. 1:2 yet!

This is Before GEN. 1:1

1.) Wisdom was with God before He ever had sons and before He ever created the heaven and earth. (Prov. 8:23-25)

2.) God created all souls, including you and me, because His desire was to have sons, i.e. children. (Prov. 8:31) His sons were NOT created in flesh bodies but rather in what we will call angelic bodies, just like His son Lucifer who he anointed to be one of the prestigious "morning stars", which is what his name means.

This is GEN. 1:1

3.) God then created the heaven and the earth to be inhabited by His sons (Isa. 45:18, Gen. 1:1) and they all shouted for joy when He finished it. (Job 38:7) This is the "world that then was" which science calls the prehistoric age of long, long ago, the age of the great dinosaurs. His sons/we did begin inhabiting the earth, which again is the reason our Father made it for us. We will soon document from the Word that there were cities and birds, etc., but remember, the sons of God were not made out of flesh and blood, which is why human bones and remains are NOT found along with those of the dinosaurs. Now you know why.

After GEN. 1:1 and Before GEN 1:2

4.) Everything was perfect and harmonious in those prehistoric times, in that world that then was, until the very great and high-ranking Lucifer "sinned" greatly (Ezek. 28:16) by drawing 1/3 of the sons of God away from Him (Rev. 12:4) and caused them to be cast down, i.e. to fall away from their Father.

5.) God then judged Lucifer [Satan] for his evil deeds and sentenced him, without appeal or provision for repentance, to die, to perish, to be no more (Ezek. 28:18). This will happen in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10) at the end of the Millennium.

So you ask again, "where is flesh man in all of this?"

The answer again is:"There is no flesh man yet. God's children still have bodies which are not made out of flesh and blood".

But there is a big, big problem!

In that first earth age 1/3 of God's family has fallen away and followed after Satan and his One World Order, the structure of which you can read about in Rev. 12:3. (The political and religious system Satan had back then is almost identical to the New World Order found in Rev. 13:1 that he will have when he is soon cast out of heaven to this earth in Rev. 12:7-9.)

What should our Father do about those who followed Satan?

He is not too happy, to put it mildly.

Actually, we will read He is quite angry.

Well, He could bring everyone into accountability and judge them also, but too many of His children would end up with the same death sentence as their leader Lucifer.

That is a very unpleasant thought for any loving parent to think about.

Fortunately, in His infinite wisdom which He possessed from before the beginning of "the world that then was", He had a loving and ingenious plan to "save" as many of His sons as possible from the sentence of death already imposed on Satan.

So instead, God postponed everyone else's judgment after He judged Satan, and He overthrew him and his New World Order and He COMPLETELY DESTROYED the "world that then was", the prehistoric age, and the earth became a complete and utterly dark and desolate wasteland, and the water canopy that surrounded the earth was brought down and now covered the entire earth's surface.

All of this and we haven't gotten to Gen. 1: 2 yet!

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them {the ancient Israelites} for ensamples, and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

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