The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1680 Habakkuk kc 2-3

Note: In so far as the Four Hidden Dynasties of Politics, Education, Economics, and Religion are used to control the minds and lives of people, you could say that in kowtowing to political correctness they are submitting to PEER pressure!

Furthermore, those who have "eyes to see" know who the snakes and vipers are who are responsible for "raising up strife and contention" among the people. Have you ever heard the expression "raising Cain"! You see, Satan's liberal programs, his systems of entitlement and dependency which is captivity, cannot be brought into existence without first raising strife and contention and even crisis. Then he and his band of self-serving dirty birds can step in and be the exalted ones who "save" the day. GOTCHA! That is why the seething cauldrons of racism, class envy, etc. are constantly stirred up by the media and by the hireling politicians. You know the proverbial saying, "United we stand, divided we fall!" It is so true and that is why "divide and conquer" is the number one MO of the children of disobedience. Think about it next time you watch the four windbags present the evening news.

Habakkuk 1:4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
The "law" is the Torah, the Word of God wherein the founding precepts and the statutes of justice and righteous judgment are contained. Therefore, as our people are drawn further and further away from His seat of justice and mercy by that same old compromising (slackening) "tail" of the dragon (Rev. 12:4) that drew them away in the first earth age, the end result is that injustice and wrong judgment begin to "proceedeth" forth from both the pulpits and the halls of justice where "Precedence" and "Plea Bargaining" (compromise) have replaced the standards of right and wrong. (Note: "Precedence" in Christianity is the traditions of men.)

Then, as in consequently, with the "slacking of the law, i.e. of right and wrong", caused by the lack of strict adherence to the Word of God, which is disobedience to Jesus Christ, the wicked* one (the false messiah) and his children of disobedience are able to compass about the righteous and usurp the powers of Politics, Education, Economics... and yes... even Religion. It has come to pass in our land, with fewer and fewer exceptions, that we no longer hold our Politicians and our Teachers and our Preachers accountable for what they do, say, and teach. And so they run roughshod all over us with the sting of the scorpions there to protect them! In fact, many of our people have been "conditioned" by those who "spin" truth to believe that good fruit can somehow issue forth from evil trees and that a person's "personal life", i.e. one's character and beliefs in the standards of right and wrong, are not related to one's "job performance". Then they wonder why injustice and wrong (perverted) judgment proceedeth! Go figure!

Matthew 7:18
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

[19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

* Note: The Hebrew word "wicked" used in Hab. 1:4 is "rasha" (Strong's # 7563) which means "a lawless one" and therefore as a type it "looks forward from the Chaldeans to the future Satan, the false-christ" (see note in Companion Bible, pg. 1267).

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