The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1487 Obad kc 2-1

Otherwise, spell his "god" with a small "g"!

The Book of Obadiah is the vision concerning Esau (Russia),
the brother of Jacob (America +),
who would become a superpower in the last days
and play a major role in end time prophecy.

However, let us understand from the very words of Jesus Christ
how it is that we are to understand many of the "visions" of the prophets in these last days.

You may be surprised to discover how very simple it is.

First, understand that He has foretold us ALL THINGS
that shall happen in and unto this final generation.

Therefore, if someone comes to you with a "vision from God"
it had better be documented from His Word.

Otherwise, spell his "god" with a small "g"!

Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
What does Christ mean we are to TAKE HEED?

"Take heed" is translated from the Greek word "blepo" which means to "look around",
to "perceive", to "take notice",
or as we might say in our English figure of speech,
"Put two and two together".

What Christ is telling us is that we have His Word
and He has told us in that Word ALL of the things that shall come to pass.

Therefore, we are not to labor trying to figure out how "things" are going to "come down"

but to WATCH and know when these prophecies have COME TO PASS!
THEN as you check them off the list as "fulfilled"
you will know how far along we are in the season toward the harvest
and therefore how close we are to the return of Christ and our gathering back to Him.
Mark 13:29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
The reason we are to "Take Heed" and watch for the prophecies to be fulfilled
is because in understanding the Parable of the Fig Tree,
which we are commanded to learn in Mat. 24:32 and Mark 13:28,
we have come to learn from HISTORY,
i.e. from "seeing it come to pass",
that the final generation began on May 15, 1948,
when both the good and the bad figs were set out in Jerusalem (Jer. 24),
i.e. when the UN gave sanction to the State of Israel.

That means that there will be Baby Boomers
who SHALL see ALL THESE THINGS come to pass!

So Take Heed and Watch for them to happen.

Actually, many already HAVE as you will "See" in this study!

Mark 13:30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.
So get with the program and learn to overlay modern history and current events
with prophecy until BINGO (say BLEPO), there it is!

Let us begin Obadiah.

The "American Wisdom Series"


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If you have eyes to see and ears to hear
you will want to visit Kings Chapel Bible Studies