The American Wisdom Series ![]()
Pamphlet 1431 Hos kc 8-2
Hosea 5:1 Hear ye this, O priests; and hearken, ye house of Israel; and give ye ear, O house of the king; for judgment is toward you, because ye have been a snare on Mizpah, and a net spread upon Tabor.
We learned in our very first study of Hosea that the names of people, places and things have meanings and it is important that we understand those meanings if we desire to gain a deeper understanding of God's Word. In this verse the locations of Mizpah and Tabor mean "Watchtower" and "Lofty Place" respectively. You see, the priests of God are to be "Watchmen" unto the house of Israel and they are to "eat the whole scroll, i.e. study the Word of God (Ezek. 3:3)", and they are then to warn the people of the consequences of their adultery/idolatry, i.e. that the enemy, the king of Babylon, antichrist, is coming to take captive (ensnare) and slaughter (spiritually) those who "have not the seal of God [His Word] in their foreheads" (Rev. 9:4).
We know this to be true because our Father is so good to us that He gave us His servant Ezekiel, whose name means "God is Strong" or "Whom God Strengthens (through His Word)", as the role model and example of the "watchmen" of this final generation.
The Word of God isn't just filled with "sweet baby Jesus talk", is it? We have already learned it contains the sad story (a lamentation) of the "woman" God married wandering off and becoming a whore! Have you ever heard that taught in your Beth-aven?Ezekiel 2:9
And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;[10]And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe.
Eat the roll, the Word of God, from cover to cover! Then you qualify to be appointed to one of the most important positions of responsibility there is, a Watchman unto the House of Israel i.e. Christians![3:1] Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.
Watchmen are to "hear the word" from His mouth, i.e. be firmly "founded" in the Rock, the Word of God, and not in the traditions of men. Then they are to teach and warn the people from HIM, from His Word.Ezekiel 3:17
Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
If they do not, they are in Big Trouble for disobeying His high command and they will be held accountable for their dereliction of duty, if not treason:
In this final generation of the Fig Tree, the priests and preachers have become the primary problem. They do not even recognize the enemy, for it is the enemy himself, disguised as the angel of Light, looking like the Lamb slain, whom they serve and who gives them the "spirit of whoredoms". Christ clearly warned us in Mat. 24, Mk. 13, and Luke 21, concerning the MANY preachers and ministers who would come in His name, claiming to be His representatives, and would deceive the majority of people causing them to partake of the great apostasy (falling away) in the last days spoken of by Paul in 2 Thes. 2:3.Ezekiel 33:6
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits;
to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, you accomplish both.
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