The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 1219 Ezek kc 16-2

So the angels with their destroying weapons
began at the house of the Lord and did their thing.

Rev. 9:4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

Did you catch back in Ezekiel 9:6
where the Lord said the slaughter was to begin?
Ezekiel 9:6 .... and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.
They were to begin at His sanctuary.
Woe to the preachers, teachers, pastors,
those who wish to be called reverends,
holy fathers, and sanctimonious windbags.

There are already multitudes with those titles
who do not have a "tav",
and they are going to really be "slain in the spirit",
FIRST, for playing church and watching the sun come up, etc,
instead of feeding their flocks the Word of God line by line,
meal after meal!

They are first in line for the whipping post!

1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
So the angels with their destroying weapons
began at the house of the Lord and did their thing.

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

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