The American Wisdom Series ![]()
PresentsPamphlet 1193 Ezek1-1
We are able to SEE THE VISIONS that the prophets saw!
Ezekiel 1:1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
There can be little doubt therefore
that Ezekiel,
both a priest and a prophet,
had seen and read that letter from
The timeframe he gives then is a
continuation in the chain of prophecy
and a key to understanding not
only the time of the first advent,
but of the captivity by the coming
"king of Babylon" preceding second advent.
We will deal with some dates (as speculation) at a later time when we have more pieces to the puzzle.
We need also to understand that
the prophets wrote these things for us TODAY,
in this final generation.
The prophet Daniel, a contemporary
of Ezekiel,
was specifically told in chapter
12 of his book
to seal up the words of his prophecy
until the time of the end,
when the wise would understand.
They would understand because there
would be a geometric increase in knowledge;
knowledge of His Word and secular
knowledge as well.
It is this increase in knowledge
that will enable us
to understand this first chapter
of Ezekiel (as well as the rest of the book.)
Peter also documents in 1 Pet. 1:12
that the revelations of the prophets were for us,
not for themselves.
Again, this is important to keep in mind even as we read the events in this first chapter.
Therefore understand, that until
this Modern Space Age,
NO ONE has been able to fully understand,
no one has been able to "See the
Visions" the way that Ezekiel saw them.
But the benchmarks have been given,
such as the planting of the fig
tree on May 15, 1948,
marking the final generation,
and the Signs of the Heavens are
declaring that we are in the final stages of the sign of LEO, i.e.
we are in the LAST DAYS.
That being the case, you are witnessing
a fulfillment of Acts 2:17,
which is also a quote from the
prophet Joel as Peter explained.
Let's read it and then examine it.
Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
then this prophecy has to and IS
coming to pass,
right now!
God is pouring out His spirit on
all flesh, i.e. worldwide,
through the sons and daughters
of the disciples of Almighty God, i.e.
His children, both male and female.
And they are PROPHESYING, i.e. TEACHING what the PROPHETS saw and foretold.
And because of the increase in knowledge
of these last days,
and through the Spirit that He
is pouring out upon His servants,
we are able to SEE THE VISIONS
that the prophets saw!
What did you think when you read
Acts 2:17?
That people would start to dream
up New Stuff,
"new visions"?
There is nothing new under the sun!
It has all been written before, of old, in His Word.
Jesus Christ has foretold us all things, in His Word.
He said so Himself in Mark 13:23
"But take ye heed: behold,
I have foretold you all things."
Is this not the most awesome time
to live in the history of mankind?
It is so fascinating and exhilarating
to see the scriptures come to pass almost daily!
To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits;
to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy
Spirit, you accomplish both.
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