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What Does Your Church Teach?
(click pamphlet number to read)

Religion, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
#5068Part 1
#5069Part 2
#5070Part 3
#5071Part 4
#5072Part 5
#5073Part 6
#5074Part 7
#5075Part 8
#5076Part 9

Have you been taught that the heaven and earth which exist now are the first and that the new heaven and earth of Revelation 21:1 are to be the second and will last for eternity.. ? Note: Most Bible translations of Rev. 21:1 do seem to indicate only 2 heavens, although the "Living Bible" is not so misleading.

What does the original Greek manuscript really say?
#1915   What will it be like living here with our God our Father?

Have you been taught that Satan along with all the unsaved will be tormented for ever and ever?

What does the bible really say?

#1913Do we read in Revelation 20:10 that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever?No we do not.

Have you been taught that the Book of Revelation is sealed and we cannot understand it?

What does the bible really say?

#1921But as it is written, the "learned", the PhD's, the seminary graduates, the professors of theologies and philosophies, who should teach our people the visions and the words of the prophecies of this book do not understand it, and we shall learn why from great prophet Isaiah!

Have you been taught that the famine of the last days will devastate our food and water supply?

What does the bible really say?

#1376God will send a famine in the land,  not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD

Have you been taught that unsaved man will be tormented for ever and ever?

What does the bible really say?

#1913Do we read in Revelation 20:10 that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever? No we do not.
#1916The lake of fire is the second death, the DESTRUCTION of the wicked souls!
#1917   They are all gone, so let's get on with eternity!
#1100"Those 'Dead' People are Alive"
#6170To perish means to be fully destroyed , as in never shalt thou be any more

Have you been taught that Christ was crucified on a Friday and arose from the dead on Sunday?

What does the bible really say?

#1071  Easter Sunday or Easter Saturday, which is it?
#1153  "Rabbits and her Ishtar eggs"
#1159 "Easter Sunrise Worship Services?"
#1186 Crucifiction on Wednesday - Resurrection on Saturday
#6096 By the way, the "asherah", from whence we get Easter, is rated "X"!

Have you been taught that angels are spiritual beings that have no purpose but to deliver messages for God?

What does the bible really say?

#1906John meets with one of our own brethren while in heaven,  only he was in his spiritual body, not his flesh body.
#1920The angel makes it perfectly clear that he is "one of us" who has lived in the flesh,
#1035 "The Angel Is One of Us!!!!"

Have you been taught that man's original first sin was eating an apple from a fruit tree in the center of the Garden of Eden?

What does the bible really say?

#7000(Jesus Christ told His disciples (which means you if you are one) that unless they understood the Parable of the Sower they would not be able to understand any of His parables.) "The Parable of the Sower"
#1082"The Kenites"

Have you been taught that Satan will do horrible physical things to people when he comes as the spurious messiah?

What does the bible really say?

#1874And there was war in heaven!
#1893 They think Satan, when he comes to earth as the spurious messiah, will look like some bad dude who will be going around killing people after they're gone! Have you been taught that everyone has free will?

Have you been taught that we all have free will?

What does the bible really say?

#1026 "God's Elect"
#1029 "No 'Altar Call' for Paul"

Have you been taught that the flood Noah and his family survived flooded the whole earth?

What does the bible really say?

#1003 "Is There a Conflict Between Science and the Bible?"
#6235   If you do not understand what happened in chapter six of Genesis, that caused our Father to bring about the Flood of Noah, you will not understand what is about to take place in our generation in the very near future.
#6236Wait a minute!   You just said there's no sex in heaven.
#6237   Yes, there were giants in the earth in those days (Gen 6:4), both before and after the flood.
#6238   And just exactly what was going on before the flood?
#6239Noah was PERFECT in his family history, his generations, his family tree, his pedigree
#6240Noah's the Flood was not universal!
#6241   Noah was preaching against getting involved with the sons of God, the fallen angels!
#6242   One thing is for sure, all the races, including the sons of Cain (kenites) survived the Flood of Noah.
#6243Modern day searchers of the Ark keep looking on the mountain in Turkey named Ararat. Perhaps they do err!
#6244   God did not create every plant on earth to be eaten, such as poison ivy, etc. anymore than He created all animal life to be eaten! There are two "qualifiers" for the flesh that shall be eaten
#6245Notice the repetition of the word "And" at the beginning of the verses in chapter 9
#6246The whole eretz{land not earth}
#6247   It was Noah who cursed Canaan, not God.
#6248Don't listen to stupidity!
#6249   Sons of Cain (Kenites) alive and well after Noah's flood.
#6250Gentiles, races other than Noah's, in their lands.
#6251Historians, including Biblical historians, often overlook a very important fact about the names of peoples.
#6252You can look it up for yourself, it's there.
#6253As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end.
#6254    And so it was, as the sons of Noah and their descendents moved against the gentiles, that the nations were divided in the earth.
#6255   Who were the "they" who were migrating from the east?
#6256Let's review what we learned from the first 11 chapters of the Bible.

Have you been taught that Jesus will come and Rapture you away before the great tribulation?

What does the bible really say?

#1452  The day, of our gathering back to Christ, will not happen until AFTER Satan as the false-christ has reigned.
#1453   What happens to our bodies at the last trump?

#1578    We are now ready to weigh the scripture of scriptures upon which the entire Rapture theory hangs in the balance.
#1579If you believe in the Rapture Theory, for the safety and concern of others, when you are traveling in "mixed" company, by all means let a non-believer drive.

Have you been taught that all of God's earthly creation happened during a 6 day period of time just 6000 years ago?

What does the bible really say?

#1003 "Is There a Conflict Between Science and the Bible?"

Live Link to->>>   The Pre-Adamic world and we men who lived in it.

#6200 There are two major points to keep in mind before we begin this adventure into the beginning. 
#6201 Creation vs. Evolution.
#6202 "The first words of truth and wisdom"
#6203 Uh, oh! We have a big problem here understanding the first two verses of the Bible!  
#6204 Peter's three heaven and earth ages!
#6205 But why did God destroy the first heaven and earth age?
#6206 The earth created in the beginning (Gen 1:1), perished (Gen 1:2).
#6207 Each new day begins with the words "And God said..."
#6208 Do not to be ignorant about the length of God's day!
#6209   The choice is between light and darkness.
#6210 Solar terminology & Lunar terminology Good & bad
#6211    We now come to the sixth day.
#6213 Do you suppose that you look like yourself? As you did before you were born in the flesh?
#6214 We approach the eve of the seventh day, the Lord's Day, which is the millennium.
#6215 Discover and document who the tree of the knowledge of good and evil really is.
#6216   Now we come to the eighth day.
#6217    Some would speculate that the "curve" taken from Adam was in fact his DNA.

Have you been taught that the people from the country 'Israel' are God's chosen people?
What does the bible really say?

#1835 Let's pay close attention to what Jesus says to the church in Smyrna, for there are only two churches that Christ will find no fault with, this one and the church in Philadelphia. Hey, go with a winner!
#1840    I will write upon him my new name!
#1175 The following is a message from the Lord GOD to whole the House of Israel. That would be we Christians since the House of Israel has been scattered throughout the Western world.
#1275   It is a fact that the house of Judah IS NOT the house of Israel!
#1020 "Do you know who you are?"
#1064 "Israel's Lost Tribes"
#1409   Yes, many Americans and Canadians and British, etc. are beginning to realize they are not Gentiles.

Have you been taught that the Genesis chapter 2 creation is a repeat the chapter 1 creation of man told a second time?
What does the bible have to say about this?

#6212 "Let 'us' make mankind in 'our' image."
#6215 Discover and document who the tree of the knowledge of good and evil really is.
#6216   Now we come to the eighth day.

#7001   Let's take a fresh look at Genesis Chapters 1 & 2
#7002The Eighth Day of Creation
#7003The Differences between Genesis Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 creation.

Have you been taught that Sunday is the Lord's Day, a day you should set aside for worship?
What does the bible have to say about this?

#7000"The Parable of the Sower"
#7006Some things you should know about "The Lord's Day"

#1011  "When This Flesh Age Ends"
#1016  The Majority of Christianity Won't Recognize the Satan when he comes to earth as the spurious messiah
#1033  Something happens at Christ's return which is a "mystery" to most.
#1031The Good Figs of Judah
#1057  "The Great Falling Away, The Great Apostasy"
#1061,  "The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord"
#1076  Prophecy - The Next Event
#1079  "The Trumps of God Commence the Action"
#1098  "Are You Mentally and Spiritually Prepared to Face a Supernatural Archangel like Satan?"

#1100  "Those 'Dead' People are Alive"
#1104  In Daniel 11 verses 36 & 37 we read where the vile person was "exalting himself, and magnifying himself above every god".
#1107  "We Live in Biblical Times"
#1149When will the end of this earth age happen?
#1173  "History is Prophecy"

#1205, Christians who are part of the "First Resurection" will be able to minister to their unsaved relatives during the Millenium
#1293  Learn what the various peoples will be doing during the 1000 year Millennium.
#1298  What is the salvation plan for the rest of the "dead" (the spiritually dead) during the Millennium.

#1301 Is everyone who claims to be a Christian going to be able to enter the kingdom and sit at the feet of Jesus during the Millennium?
#1302  The spiritually dead must remain that way [spiritually dead] for 1000 years during the Millennium (Rev. 20:5).
#1304  What a blessing it will be indeed for those who are part of the First Resurrection.
#1306  For many, worshipping God is something they do just on the weekend.
#1309  So what about it? Are you going to wait until the Millennium to drink from the water of life, or are you thirsty now?


Have you been taught that Christ might return at any time, even tomorrow?
What does the bible really say?

#1452  The day, of our gathering back to Christ, will not happen until AFTER Satan as the false-christ has reigned.
#1453   What happens to our bodies at the last trump?

#1578    We are now ready to weigh the scripture of scriptures upon which the entire Rapture theory hangs in the balance.
#1579If you believe in the Rapture Theory, for the safety and concern of others, when you are traveling in "mixed" company, by all means let a non-believer drive.

#1442The latter day rain is now falling!

Have you been taught that all those who do not accept Jesus as their savior during this present period of God's grace will perish?
What does the bible really say?

#1100 "Those 'Dead' People are Alive"

#1205Christians who are part of the "First Resurection" will be able to minister to their unsaved relatives during the Millenium

#1302The spiritually dead must remain that way [spiritually dead] for 1000 years during the Millennium (Rev. 20:5).
#1306For many, worshipping God is something they do just on the weekend.
#1309   So what about it? Are you going to wait until the Millennium to drink from the water of life, or are you thirsty now?

#1911   Understand that we are now in the Millennium! There are no more flesh people!
#1912(After all, we were created after the image of God and the angels, the host of heaven, the sons of God, i.e. ourselves. So we will all look like "ourselves" after which we were created in the image of.)
#1913Do we read in Revelation 20:10 that Satan will be tormented for ever and ever? No we do not.
#1914This is the last day of this earth age and the full God head comes to earth.