The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #627
"Civil Government has become our secular god!"

 Do we need a powerful civil government to keep sinful individuals from harming each other?

The answer is no!

As long as we have voluntary free-market exchange,
which is the very bargaining process through which each individual
seeks to maximize his or her own welfare.

As long as civil government is restricted to its biblically mandated role of punishing wrongdoers,
rather than transferring wealth from one set of pockets to another through "legalized theft,"
the system of voluntary free-market exchange will flourish to the benefit of all concerned.

Biblically based principles naturally produce true free-market economic exchange
which benefits all who take part in the voluntary process.

 Many of you are familiar
with man’s first historical attempt to build a one-world government.
In these passages God tells us about Nimrod,
who “began to be a mighty one in the earth.”
The Hebrew word for “mighty one” means a strong ruler or a tyrant
who imposes his will on others.
God confounded Nimrod’s attempt to impose world-wide tyranny
by confusing the people’s language and,
secondly, by scattering them upon the face of the earth.
Read Genesis 10:8; 11:1-9

In other words, one barrier or defense provided by God
against the tendency of sinful civil rulers to enslave mankind
is to divide the world’s population into small political units
through which the people can control their rulers!
God points out in Romans 13:4 that civil rulers are His servants, “. . .
the minister of God to thee (i.e., to God’s people) for good. . . .”

In short, the proper role of civil government is not to feed,
manipulate, or control the people from “the cradle to the grave,”
as our modern Federal, State, and Local civil governments attempt to do.

Rather, God’s appointed role for civil government is simply for the civil rulers to serve as “. . .
a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” (Rom.13: 4).

The proper role of civil government is simply to follow God’s order to Pharaoh by Moses: “. . .
Let my people go, that they may serve me” (Ex. 8:1).

Yes, God means for His people to be free –
and the only legitimate role and duty of civil rulers is to protect and preserve
the freedom of God’s people
so that they can peaceably go about their family and personal affairs in the service of Christ,
that is, in the peaceful building of Christ’s Kingdom while they live on this earth.

Sadly, the majority of American people, today,
have become guilty of one sin,
it is the national sin of idolatry.

Americans have been seduced into looking to the civil government
for solutions to all their problems.

In short,
we have made civil government into a secular god!

Thus, God has cursed us with an ever-growing centralized,
autocratic political power in Washington, D.C.,
as well as in our 50 State capitols.

"Many of us are now prepared, even incouraging our government,
to take part in a greater sin, one world government"
[The New World Order]
Woe be to us!

The rise of totalitarian civil government in America
during the last 100 years is reminiscent of the godless rulers
whom God imposed as a judgment on the nation of Old Testament Israel
more than 2,500 years ago.

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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