The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #6256 Genesis 1st 11 chapters

Let's review what we learned from the first 11 chapters of the Bible.

The Bible does not say that the earth is only 6,000 years old? 

The Bible says, if you divide it correctly, see 2 Tim. 2:15, God created both the heaven and the earth in the beginning, but not at the same time as He created us to live in animal bodies. The word and in the sentence indicates they were two separate events. First the heaven and later the earth, possibly millions of years apart.

The Bible, if you divide it correctly, says God created our souls millions, even billions of years ago, all of us with free will, before He created the 1st earth age for us to live on. We had celestial (angelic) bodies at that time and during the 1st earth age. (The age of the dinosaurs)

Note: Based on what the so-called expert scientists say, the current population on earth is over 7 1/2 billion people and 1/2 the people who ever lived on earth are living here right now. If that is a fact, keep in mind that Jesus told us in "The Parable of the Fig Tree" that we are now living in the final generation of this earth age, so we must conclude that God originally created 15 billion of our souls.   

The Bible, if you divide it correctly, says He created the earth perfect, as He always does, and He created it to be inhabited, and we, you and I lived on it (all 15 billion of us.) during the Age of the Dinosaurs.
God did not create the earth as a desolation, a wasteland.

The beautiful earth that our Father made to be inhabited He destroyed between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.

In the "world that then was" the entire earth was as a tropical garden. (The age of the dinosaurs)

Peter declares that there are three heaven and earth ages:
1) The world that then was, which perished,
2) the heaven and earth which is now, and
3) the new heaven and new earth age to come.

God completely destroyed the first earth because of the rebellion of one whose name is Lucifer, now called Satan, who we learn in Revelation 12 drew one third of us, the sons (children) of God away from Him and into his own camp.

Because of this Satan has been judged to die the second death, i.e. to perish in the lake of fire.

In the end Satan will cease to exist, which is what happens when something or someone perishes.

But judgment for the rest of we/us, God's children, even the ones of us who were believing in Lucifer/Satan and following him but, did not take a active part in his rebellion, has been postponed until after this 2nd earth age millennium, at the great white throne judgment.

God's plan of salvation, of restoring His sons (whosoever will) back to Him. Which is, God took all of us back to heaven (We are now "The Host of Heaven"), before He destroyed the first earth age. We are awaiting our turn to come into this 2nd earth age in flesh and blood bodies, with the ability made available for each of us to still salvage our souls. 

Now in verse 3, God starts the process of making the earth livable again, so as to provide a way for each of us who have sinned, to salvage our souls from the same fate awaiting Lucifer/Satan. (TO BE NO MORE!!!!!)

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
This light was not the "sun", for it will not be present until the fourth day of creation.

Here's your light: John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

God's days are not the same as man's. 2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Are the days of creation in Genesis God's, or are they man's?  Well, who is present when God created us as flesh and blood beings and who isn't? The answer is obvious.

All prophecies in the Bible that pertain to the "children of light" are given in solar terminology, i.e. days, years, etc., and that all prophecies that have to do with Satan and the "children of darkness" are given in lunar terminology, i.e. months or moons?

When we die we return from "whence we cometh".

Eccles. 12:6-7 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. [7] Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Knowing what we've just learned, could you now explain how it is that God named the prophet Jeremiah before he entered his mother's womb? Of course, he was with Him. God knew him. He says so.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

On the sixth day God created mankind, the different races, the ethnos. And He created them male and female! Was this before "'eth ha Adam" and his wife Eve were formed? Yes it was! This was the sixth day. The man we call Adam was formed on the eighth day and we haven't gotten there yet.

God gave the sixth day man dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air,  and the entire wild kingdom. And so they became hunters and fishers. However, conspicuously absent from this account is any mention of farming and/or tilling the ground.

Mankind went forth to replenish the earth during the seventh day, the millennium of rest.

Then on the day, the one following the seventh day, which would be the eighth day, we meet the great, great, great..... grandparents of Jesus Christ.

And so on the eighth day, following God's day of rest (Sabbath), God says that He has "no man to till the ground". It is significant that eight, in Biblical numerics, means "new beginnings", because God forms a new man for a very, very special purpose. (and this is crucial to our understanding), the word "man" used here is " 'eth-ha adham", with the article and particle, and means "this same man Adam".  It means a specific man, not mankind in general.

Note: After God's day of rest there was no need for Him to RE-CREATE!  He had already created mankind and a method for their reproduction, as we were told in Genesis 1:26. All God needed to do now, was form particular man 'eth-ha adham" differently and add his spiritual body also into his flesh and blood body and form a help meet for him, as we are told in Genesis 2:7-22; and for them to reproduce offspring of pure pedigree until the birth Jesus Christ (God Himself as a flesh and blood man, who would provide a way for all of  mankind, who so ever will, by his own free will,  to salvage their souls).

God has just formed, in Genesis chapter two, (not created as in chapter one) a special man to "till the ground" and has placed him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it. Why this special creation/forming? Because it would be through this man, 'eth ha Adam, and his soon to be formed wife, Eve, that the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is God Himself in a flesh and blood body, just like ours, would be born. Through Jesus, if we will just believe in Him, and  BY OUR OWN FREE WILL repent of our sins, and invite His Holy Spirit to come live in our heart and cleanse it, we can during this earth age salvage our soul from the same fate as Lucifer/Satan which is (TO BE NO MORE).

Note: Before God sends us, one at a time, in our turn, to be born of woman into this flesh and blood age, He wipes our memory clear of that 1st earth age existence, so we can decide, without knowing what we did in the 1st earth age influencing our final actions during this earth age, after experiencing how Satan's ways of doing things don't work. So, therefore; we can, by our own free will, decide to follow God's ways, which are Holy or to still follow Satan's ways, which are profane. and to still be loyal to Satan.
 Our eternal fate is at stake!

Note: The Bible, if you divide it correctly, says that at the end of this flesh and blood age, at the return of Jesus Christ, our memory will be restored, all the way back to the creation of our souls.

We find that in chapter 1 verse 24, God brought forth the beasts of the "earth", erets in Hebrew, meaning the "earth at large" or "wilderness", i.e. the wild animals. But here in chapter 2 verse 19 he formed every beast of the "field", sadeh in Hebrew, meaning "country" or "field", i.e. field animals or farm animals.

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

We learn who this serpent is who was more subtle, meaning wise, than any other living, created being, human or otherwise, in the garden? ... a literal "snake" standing upright like we see in the Bible story books? That "old serpent" in the garden was Satan himself, not disguised as a snake, but the creep is a "snake", in the figurative sense, of course! OK, it is now time to "grow-up" and mature in the Word of God. Satan was beautiful and charismatic and charming, truly a glorious "angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14).

We learned there was a seduction that took place in the garden, the truth of which has been hidden for a long time to those who don't know their trees, to those who have allowed the deceptive stories of the traditions of men to blind their eyes, that in seeing they don't see and in hearing they don't hear.  Satan beguiled Eve, which is to say, he totally, wholly seduced her. You will also find later on, in verse 15, that God will put enmity between Satan's seed and Eve's seed, meaning their offspring, i.e. Satan's child Cain (The wicked seed was sowed in the fig grove, in the garden of Eden, at the seduction of mother Eve) and Eve's children (in particular Jesus Christ, she and Adam's grandchild)

God's plan provided that it would be through this woman, EVE, (and she and Adam's pure pedigree offspring), that the only Way to life, the Messiah and Savior, Jesus Christ, should be born. This is the primary reason that Satan wanted to destroy the woman, to destroy the plan of God, to prevent the Messiah from being born, and instead, have his own born. That's why he was there, in the garden.

Cain and Abel were both Eve's sons, but they both were not Adam's, only Abel was.

We learned Cain's wife was from the sixth day creation.

The Bible devotes nearly two full chapters, in this Book of the Beginning, to the specific genealogies of both Cain and Adam. This, you would think, should be enough to make the point that they are two totally different genealogies, those of the "tares", the children of Satan, (The sons of Cain made it through the flood!) and those of the "wheat", the children of God (Mat 13, Parable of the Tares). See Genesis chapters 4 (Cain's linage) & 5 (Adam's linage)

If you do not understand what happened in chapter six of Genesis, that caused our Father to bring about the Flood of Noah, you will not understand what is about to take place in our generation in the very near future.

Satan sent his angels, the ones spoken of in Jude, the same ones who will be cast out with him when he comes as the false messiah (Rev 12:7-9), to infiltrate the daughters of Adam and corrupt the "seed" once again by seducing them, i.e. taking them to wife, except this time it will be spiritual seduction; NOT PHYSICAL SEDUCTION!

Oh, the angels, the sons of God, were marrying (seducing) women, the daughters of Adam! Jesus Christ said it is going to happen again! It is also documented in Revelation 12:9.

Noah was PERFECT in his family history, his generations, his family tree, his pedigree. He, his wife and their three sons and their wives were the only eight people left from the eighth day creation who had not been seduced by angels who left their first estate, coming to earth not through the womb, not being born of water.

Noah was preaching against getting involved with the sons of God, the fallen angels!

Noah's Flood was not universal!  The Flood of Noah was not universal, i.e. worldwide? It is Lucifer's flood that was universal! Go back and re-read the entire account translating "earth", i.e. eretz, as land or country. The whole eretz {land not earth} If you look up any word in a Strong's concordance, you really need to look up the word eretz, which the translators usually render "land" throughout the Bible, except in chapters 1-11 in Genesis where they sometimes use "earth

One thing is for sure, all the races, including the sons of Cain (Kenites) survived the Flood of Noah, whether they were aboard the ark or in other countries unaffected by the deluge we don't know, but they did survive. Sons of Cain (Kenites) alive and well after Noah's flood and found affixing themselves to the tribes of Israel in 1 Chron. 2:55.

God did not create every plant on earth to be eaten, such as poison ivy, etc. anymore than He created all animal life to be eaten! There are two "qualifiers" for the flesh that shall be eaten.

Some preachers teach gloom and doom and worldwide devastation and destruction from the Book of Revelation. Don't they know that the warfare of the end time is spiritual and requires the gospel armor, not armored tanks?

There were already Gentiles, races other than Noah's, in their lands, i.e. gentile nations from the sixth day creation (Gen. 1:26). So they too, survived Noah's flood! Look up the word "gentiles" in Strong's concordance. Noah's offspring would come in contact with the gentiles as they (Noah's offspring) spread forth, and it would be by these that the nations would be divided in their lands.

Man, because he knows not the Word of God, makes up confusing stories, or shall we say stories that confuse the people, like "apples" and "snakes" and "races from incest" and "rapture theories", and on and on and on.

We learned who were the "they" who were migrating from the east?

Note: Be sure to read all of these very short studies of the first 11 chapters of Genesis!
 See live link below for a Table of Contents to each one.

Live Link to a TOC of all our studies of Genesis below:
The first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis and chapter studies of the rest of Genesis 

To study the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.
We pray that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you accomplish both.

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