The "American Wisdom Series" 

Pamphlet 505CPDC


The Constitution Party

Constitution Committee of Dauphin County

Local Projects


Local Funding

Federal Funding of Local Projects is Unconstitutional

Fellow American Citizens

What have we become?

An ever growing number of us have become like a pond of hungry carp,
judging our representative by what he can "deliver" for us.

Many of us believe that incoming federal funds for local projects and contracts are gratis to us,
to be paid for by the whole country ---by others.

We fail to realize however, that all constituencies are getting analogous projects.

So, they pay for ours, but, We pay for theirs!

What does This Mean?

Over years the projects are evenly distributed,
so that the citizens are caught in a steadily rising tide
of "pork barrel" expenditures
which everyone must help pay,
either directly or indirectly.

Nothing whatever,
that comes from the government is "free"

and there is especially nothing in existence,
a free water treatment plant,
a free public education,
a free sports facility,
a free public library,
or a free bridge,
free public services in general.

Such are only part of the myth.

In order to gain votes
next election

When a bill knowingly can't stand on its own merit,
the members of Congress freely use
irrelevant amendments tacked on to vital bills in order to foist upon the country
expenditures for strictly local purposes,
often little more than ornamental or of even restricted local benefit.
They can then go home and make a big to do about what they got for us.

In order to vote against these projects other congressmen must also vote against the vital portion of the bill.

A Kansas Congressman knows that if he can get the government to pass a bill providing funds to study butterfly mating habits in Kansas he will be assured of a lot of votes from his district at next election.
He also knows such a bill will not pass on its own value;
after all,
who would vote to fund butterfly mating habit research in another person's district?
If he can attach his butterfly bill as an amendment to some very important legislation it will surely pass.

He waits - finally we have a hurricane in Florida, with a lot of damage.
Disaster relief is called for.


The Kansas Congressman attaches butterfly mating habit research to the Florida Disaster relief bill.

To vote for Disaster Relief for the hurricane in Florida all congressmen are also voting
for Federal funding to research butterfly mating habits in Kansas

They could vote no but,
can you imagine the outcry over how uncaring they are of disaster victims?

Every congressman has a project like this; to be pushed through on an important bill.
Now, they can't all ride on the same train; they must take turns.

Today it is butterfly mating habit research in Kansas.
a library to be built in Maine
or a new sports facility at a high school in Arkansas.

Are you getting the picture?

No matter how many goodies your town receives on another tax payer's nickel;
every town in America is receiving goodies on your nickels.

We'll never stop this
as long as the Federal Government has unlimited taxing power
and is allowed to fund projects that are outside of their Constitutional Authority.

Especially as riders on other non-related legislation.

The fact that congress can't get the job done is hardly the fault of the constitution.

It is the fault of the two major parties who have allowed our Constitution to be ignored on their watch!

What should we do?

Our federal government is involved in things that our country is too large and diverse to do efficiently,
or at all,
with a one shoe fits all solution.

Local government could solve their own problems
if the federal government wasn't taking and wasting
the money local government needs to operate.

Local projects should be funded locally.
Local government must have funds to do this.

We need to repeal the 16th amendment!
(Take away the federal government's ability to tax us at will)

If Kansas wants butterfly mating habit research
and the Federal government wasn't confiscating the income of their residents,
Kansas or better yet the local where the research is to be done could afford to foot the bill.

If Maine wants that library
they would have the resources at their disposal to build it.

Same with the sports facility in Arkansas.

Until the 16th Amendment is repealed

We need to stop allowing irrelevant riders to travel along on spending bills.

Whose Fault is it?

Many millions in the populace believe
there are significant differences between Republicans and Democrats
and vote and register accordingly.

Republicans and Democrats
got us into this mess
and they will keep us there.

As long as they are taking turns in power it is in their own personal best interest to stay the course.

Being political whores,
The Republicans & Democrats
sell the favors of the government to the highest bidder
and weasel around their duty to govern constitutionally.

We are being systematically bilked
by the Republicans and Democrats.

It's our fault for not paying attention
and allowing it to happen in the first place but,
now that we realize our error we had better do something about it.

What will our descendants think?

Unless we reverse this abuse of our Constitution,
we are sentencing our children and grandchildren
to lives of servitude to a tyrannical government.

If we continue to support the two major parties

who have taken us to where we are,

I fear for our future.

I call on good Citizens

the rich and the poor,

the strong and the weak,

from our smallest towns,

to our largest cities,

all of us living in Pennsylvania

and out of Pennsylvania

to change your party affiliation;

become a member of the Constitution Party;

become a principled candidate

for Local office,

for County office,

for State office,

for National office;

You don't want to become a candidate?

You can still help!

work to help elect

principled Constitution Party candidates;

help us pass out literature

help us man polling places on election day

help us by making phone calls

vote for

Principled Constitution Party candidates.

Contact us at the address below

The Constitution Committee of Dauphin County

PO Box 429
Middletown, PA 17057

Phone 717-944-5806


Click Here to Visit The Dauphin County Constitution Committee Web Site

Constitutional Party Statement of Principles

We recognize and affirm the God-given dignity of the individual and believe that the Declaration of Independence,
the Constitution of the United States of America,
and the Pennsylvania Declaration of Rights
most clearly articulate this basic principle.

To restore and preserve
that fundamental human dignity,
we proclaim:

That every individual has a paramount right to life from conception until natural death and the government shall not infringe upon that right.

That the right of citizens to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and others shall not be questioned.

That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of property and other assets is an inseparable extension of the individual's inalienable rights.

That the primary unit of society is the family (persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption) and it must be accorded all rights and responsibilities to direct care of its members, particularly in the areas of education, health care, discipline, and the upbringing of children without government interference.

That the United States of America is a sovereign nation and therefore must maintain control over its own affairs.

That guided by Divine Providence, our Founding Fathers established this nation on Judeo-Christian principles and therefore the right to the free exercise of religious beliefs is inviolate.

That our government is one of limited, delegated powers operating as a republic within the confines of the Constitution of the United States of America. The federal government derives its authority from its sovereign citizens and it is to be their servant, not their master.

...Preserve, Protect, and Defend our Constitution

The Constitution Committee of Dauphin County

Rebuilding Dauphin County From The Family Up

Rhine Publishing Co.
PO Box 455
Bainbridge, PA 17502

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