The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet #4011

My note: Where did these nations come from? Genesis 10:5

The Gentiles already existed before Noah's time!

Where did they come from?

Genesis 10:5  By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Have you noticed that there was no mention in chapter one of Genesis, whatsoever, of a farmer, a man to till the ground and plant seeds?

The races of sixth day man, "adham", (chapter one) was given dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea. There were only hunters and fishers.

And so here (chapter two) on the eighth day, following God's day of rest (Sabbath), God says that He has "no man to till the ground". It is significant that eight, in Biblical numerics, means "new beginnings", because God is about to form a new man for a very, very special purpose.

These men from the eighth day formation are Noah's ancestors.

Noah was not related to any person from the sixth day creation.
Because it would be through this eighth man, 'eth ha adham, and his soon to be formed wife, Eve, that the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would be born, not from sixth day man, adham.
That is the whole reason for an eighth day formation of this individual man 'eth ha adham,.

The Hebrew word for "formed" in chapter two is yatsar, meaning to "mold" or "form" as a potter. It is not the same word as "created" in Gen. 1:26, which is bara.

(This is crucial to our understanding), the word "man" used here in chapter 2 is " 'eth-ha adham", with the article and particle, and means "this same man Adam". It means a specific man, not mankind in general as in chapter 1.

For your information: The Hebrew word translated man in Genesis chapter one, verse 26 is  "adham" and it means mankind in general including the races. The Hebrew word translated man in Genesis chapter two, verse 7 is "eth-ha adham" and it means this one man in particular.

God "breathed" into Adam's nostrils the "breath of life" in chapter two. The word translated "breathed" is naphach, which means to "inflate", as in He inflated Adam's lungs. But the word translated "breath" is neshamah, which means "divine inspiration", "intellect", "soul" or "spirit". So God not only inflated Adam's lungs with "air", but placed in him his "breath of life body", i.e. his spiritual body. The apostle Paul makes it very clear in 1 Cor. 15 that we will have both a flesh body and a spiritual body, and so did Adam when God was finished forming him.

In chapter two God did not tell this man," 'eth-ha adham" to go forth and replenish the earth as he did in chapter one. Instead, He prepared a special garden and in it placed this "same man Adam", whom He had formed.

In chapter two God has formed (not created as in chapter one) a special man to "till the ground" and has placed him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it. Why this special creation? Because it would be through this man, 'eth ha Adam, and his soon to be formed wife, Eve, that the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would be born. It was God's plan from the beginning. And so, we better be prepared to expect that Satan will try his best to thwart this plan of God and to destroy this woman and her offspring! If we keep this objective (to destroy the seed line of Christ) in mind throughout the Old Testament, as we read it, we will better understand the events that took place, like when king Abimelech took Sarah, after Abraham told him that she was his sister, and when Judah took "foreign" wives, and produced "non-qualified" offspring, etc.

In chapter two God creates the domestic animals, or better said, the "farm animals" that  compliment the "man to till the ground" whom our Father had just formed, i.e.

You will find, if you care to check it out, that in chapter 1 verse 24, God brought forth the beasts of the "earth", erets in Hebrew, meaning the "earth at large" or "wilderness", i.e. the wild animals. But here in chapter 2 verse 19 he formed every beast of the "field", sadeh in Hebrew, meaning "country" or "field", i.e. field animals or farm animals.

Once again, notice that these animals were formed AFTER the man was created whereas in chapter one the wild animals were created BEFORE mankind. These were separate creations.

Cain knew there were other people on earth. In fact we will discover that he goes into the land of Nod and takes a wife. Where in the world did she come from? Answer! She was from the sixth day creation.

#7001 Let's take a fresh look at Genesis Chapters 1 & 2

#7002The Eighth Day of Creation #7003 The Differences between Genesis Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 creation.

This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet


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