The American Wisdom Series

Pamphlet 350

 You Might Be A Constitutionalist If.
 By Chuck Baldwin
 January 28, 2005

 More than thirty years as a student of American history,
 constitutional government, and the Holy Bible leads me to the
 conviction that the two major political parties in this country are
 equally culpable in stripping America of its founding principles. In
 my opinion, both the Democrat and Republican parties in
 Washington, D.C., have zero fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and
 zero respect for America's foundational precepts.

 In my studied opinion, neither the Democrat nor Republican Party
 has any intention of slowing the out-of-control expansion of
 government. Neither party has demonstrated any loyalty to
 preserving and protecting our constitutional form of government or
 shows any real resolve to saving the lives of innocent unborn

 Like National Socialists and Soviet Socialists of old, the only thing
 that concerns Democrats and Republicans today is who is in
 power. Both are equally willing to destroy the freedoms and
 liberties of people without conscience or regret as long as their
 party remains in control.

 For this reason, I have abandoned the two major parties and am
 proudly affiliated with an independent party that truly represents
 America's founding principles and my convictions. That party is
 the Constitution Party.

 Furthermore, knowing that there are countless other patriotic, God-
 fearing Americans across this nation who realize that both major
 parties have become impotent and irrelevant when it comes to
 representing constitutional principles, I offer the following test.
 Read it and see if you, too, are a Constitutionalist. (Yes, Martha,
 this is another Jeff Foxworthy spin-off.)

 1. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that elected
 leaders should really obey the U.S. Constitution.

 2. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that before
 the United States invades and occupies another country,
 Congress must first declare war.

 3. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe the federal
 government should live within its means, like everyone else
 is forced to do.

 4. You might be a Constitutionalist if you think that taking
 away people's liberties in the name of security is neither
 patriotic nor does it make the country more secure.

 5. You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to see
 politicians be forced to abide by the same laws they make
 everyone else submit to.

 6. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that we
 have three coequal branches of government that are
 supposed to hold each other in check and balance.

 7. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the
 federal government has no authority to be involved in
 education or law enforcement.

 8. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that gun
 control laws do nothing but aid and abet criminals while
 trampling the rights and freedoms of law abiding citizens.

 9. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the
 income tax is both unconstitutional and immoral and, along
 with the I.R.S., should be abolished.

 10. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe the federal
 government had no authority to tell Alabama Chief Justice
 Roy Moore that he could not display a monument
 containing the Ten Commandments in the Alabama
 Judicial Building in Montgomery.

 11. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that neither
 Congress nor the White House nor any sovereign state is
 required to submit to unconstitutional Supreme Court
 rulings such as the Roe v Wade decision.

 12. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that
 freedom has nothing in common with illegal immigration.

 13. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that
 outsourcing American jobs overseas is not good for

 14. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the
 United States should get out of the United Nations and get
 the United Nations out of the United States.

 15. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that it is not
 unconstitutional for children in public schools to pray or
 read the Bible.

 16. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the Boy
 Scouts are not a threat to America.

 17. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the
 federal government should honor its commitments to
 America's veterans.

 18. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that U.S.
 troops should never serve under foreign commanders or
 wear the uniform or insignia of the United Nations.

 19. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that the
 federal government has no business bribing churches and
 faith-based organizations with federal tax dollars.

 20. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that federal
 agents who murder American citizens should be held to the
 same laws and punishments that any other citizen would be
 held to.

 21. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that
 NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and the FTAA are disastrous
 compromises of America's national sovereignty and

 22. You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to see
 Congressmen and Senators be required to actually read a
 bill before passing it into law.

 23. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that it is
 the job of government to protect and secure God-given
 rights not use its power to take those rights away.

 24. You might be a Constitutionalist if you understand that
 there is nothing unconstitutional with the public
 acknowledgement of God and our Christian heritage.

 25. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that in the
 beginning God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

 26. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that airport
 screeners have no business touching women's breasts and
 confiscating fingernail clippers.

 27. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that many
 public schools' "zero-tolerance" policies are just plain

 28. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that parents
 have a right to home school their children.

 29. You might be a Constitutionalist if you believe that
 governmental seizure of private property is plain, old
 fashioned thievery.

 30. You might be a Constitutionalist if you would like to meet
 one single Congressman or Senator beside Ron Paul who
 acts as if he or she has ever read the U.S. Constitution.

 Well, how did you fare? Are you a Constitutionalist? If you are,
 why not consider joining the Constitution Party? Check out their
 website at:

 © Chuck Baldwin

 This"American Wisdom Series" reprint


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